
Social Networking Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Our minds meet through interactions and these don't have to be through physical meetings. They can be through emails, through, you know, social networking sites, through telephone, and so forth."
"Reach out to people, pay attention...find people who are speaking out against this, follow them, pay attention to who interacts with them, reach out to those people, and start making your own social network."
"Peace, love, and I'm going to be name-dropping everyone in this video for a long, long time."
"Here's a secret: If you want to be rich, go hang out with rich people."
"It is best to meet high status women through networking, social events, private parties."
"Had I not started YouTube, I wouldn't have met some of the most amazing people that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."
"There are some super awesome people that are on the discord that are really just there to help."
"People are losing trust with each other so communities and networking is falling apart."
"Colleges are for two things in reality: credentialing and social group."
"If you want to play at a higher level, hang out with people at that level."
"She introduces him to all kinds of people in high society."
"Epstein knew how to schmooze his way into some of the most powerful people."
"Listening is just staggeringly useful if you want to widen your social network and also learn."
"What can I do to help? I actually have a number of friends and relationships in Georgia."
"As soon as I clear my friends list, I'll be able to add you."
"Facebook, always something going on to get caught up with friends."
"Expand your social circle with diverse and unconventional connections."
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people then you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
"The internet, it's such a horrifying and at the same time wonderful place because you can find some incredible people."
"I make a conscious effort to learn something new every day."
"Share it around with any friends, family, your teammates, anyone that could benefit from the optimizations within this video."
"Support the people that support us." - Encouraging reciprocity and support within a community.
"Google persisted and in June 2011 launched yet the most powerful ambition and well-thought social platform that it had been cooking: Google+."
"Money is like leprosy. If you hang around people who have it for long enough, you'll get it eventually."
"Hater: Bringing people together through mutual dislikes."
"Really just to continue to be myself you know do what I've been doing continue to eat the girls up put myself out there more hang out with more creators since I've done it now." - Ace B King
"All I have to do is speak it into existence and align myself with people who see me."
"Unity, social networking, social advancement...socializing with your goals in mind."
"What I'm trying to do is learn something new, meet cool people, and if I can get up more than nine videos this year, well, that would be pretty great too."
"When you give the mind a direction, it will go and find the right people, the right situations, the right events for you to get to where it is that you want to go."
"Join my community where there will be much more continued connecting and sharing."
"Your social adventure awaits with your own custom applications!"
"Having those in-person experiences will provide the opportunity to meet people that don't hang out with you and people that do want to hang out with you."
"It's very tough to follow up with stuff like this especially when I don't know how to contact people."
"Organizing or even classes like these... phenomenal way to make friends and be social with others."
"If you want to do well in the world, go and make as many friends as you can."
"Surround yourself with people who are either at where you want to be or are on their way to get there."
"Word of mouth, you can really make things happen."
"It's allowed me to meet and interact with a lot of people so I can learn from their experiences."
"Surround yourself with the right people, or it won't happen." - Stuart from Barrow-in-Furness
"Bam, guys, we got the baddest Telegram group on the planet. We're like five members away from four thousand people."
"Reject the slave mind. Think for yourself. Get a strong network of brothers."
"I'm still in contact with a Redditor that let me stay with her and I'll forever be grateful."
"MMOs can teach you a lot about real life and I've met tons of extremely successful people who grew up playing games like RuneScape wow Ultima Online EverQuest"
"Wikipedia's co-founder takes on Facebook with an ad-free social network."
"You're a product of your environment, hang around with the right people."
"Some of you will be feeling out somebody you're going to meet, and I feel that this is through a social connection."
"You're attracting the right connections and the right networks, meeting the right people that's going to bring more luck and prosperity into your life."
"It's not about individual people. There's one individual involved in your success navigating social network business, and that's you."
"You can just walk into the club and make friends with people and then you will gradually be allowed inside of the club."
"Please do not invite them without their permission and letting them know that you're going to be inviting them into the group."
"If you haven't joined the site, go ahead and join. Sign up, you can access our social network, talk to other users, so you can create your own tech website."
"Consider using apps like Bumble BFF or leveraging social media to meet new people."
"It's important to associate with people that are better than yourself."
"Sometimes it's not about what you know in the wasteland, it's who you know."
"If you're looking for people to connect with that are on your level... you're still going to have to make that decision because you're the magic."
"Getting in with someone's friends can help them ship you."
"Third places are also the first spots that new residents in a city might make friends or social connections."
"You make friends, you build a social network, and that's how you fight against the left."
"I met so many other people through streaming."
"You're brilliantly talented but more importantly an amazing human. If I can ever help you or your family in any way just let me know. My best to you and yours. Please, who am I talking to?"
"Retail is here, ready to go, and I've been seeing it guys all kinds of people family friends people I barely even know are hitting me up asking me about getting into crypto."
"I want people to hit me up for this alliance, I want to create Baron's brigade."
"Willingness to give and receive assistance and support is also required. Ask friends for help and suggestions, listen with respect and accept the gifts willingly offered."
"Maggie made sure my children had shoes and Roger Greenaway would invite me for lunch on Sundays."
"I wanted to create a community where everyone could not only connect with me at a deeper level but they could also make bookish friends."
"The best way to meet somebody is through mutual friends in social situations."
"Post out on social media that you're looking for a vehicle and ask your friends."
"You're going to make new connections, new friendships, people who really resonate with you."
"Global chat 6666 to join the minion sharing Community."
"Connection is very important, so you can be broke with a connection."
"The possibility of your achieving the best life for you will be determined by the number of people who know you and like you and who are willing to help you."
"There's a higher order bit to social networking besides hooking up and finding out somebody's relationship status."
"Social networking, although I feel like a granddad just saying that phrase, social networking."
"Tinder for golfers. Why don't they have tinder for golf partners?"
"People should do that, hit their social networking, whatever the heck they like to do, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TMP Nation."
"Make friends, be proactive. I recommend you to join specific Facebook groups in your area, if you want to learn about React or Python, join Facebook groups for that."
"The sense of decisiveness when it comes to your social connections, your bonds with others, the business contacts that you have."
"The beauty of online is that you know you get people following you from octo Mongolia you got friends everywhere."
"I'm here to make amazing friends and make amazing connections."
"Social connection is a very beautiful thing; we've always wanted to connect with more people."
"It's a great way for people to review you and it's also a good way for you to engage with people."
"Build those social ties, make those friendships."
"Increase your social interactions and network."
"Facebook, an app where people can make friends and find out almost everything they wanted to know about someone else, all with a simple friend request."
"The new social network is one of connected brains directly interacting over the internet."
"If you use Strava, you are not alone. There are more than 50 million athletes on the app with over 3 billion activities shared."
"Social DAOs are platforms for social networking, uniting groups with shared interests."
"Your time on them is not wasted; you're telling them is actually like a form of work where you're actually remunerated for it."
"We need face-to-face contact to form meaningful connections with others."
"What sets you apart is how you make people want to share on your network versus every other network in the world."
"Behance is Adobe's online portfolio with sort of social elements."
"You want to get to know the people behind the desk by name so that they recognize you, you recognize them."
"The measurement used to find out the people you may be interested to get connecting with is called the clustering coefficient."
"I need to make more friends in the YouTuber space."
"Public gives you a sense of community, by being able to follow and share trades with your friends."
"The main draw seems to be investing, and you also get points by forming groups in the app."
"You can direct message other members, you can create groups, you can even have forums."
"I've been using an app called Peanut which is like a way to meet other moms in the area."
"They are the native of the 11th house, which is really the hopes and wishes in networking connection."
"We got a nice little community in the Discord."
"Facebook is a pure utility social network for its users. What's not to like."
"The videography and social media that we've been using has been working really really well."
"You get likes and other things similar to likes, that number goes up, you feel better."
"But what really sets Strava apart is its social aspect."
"Facebook groups... this is hands down 100% the best way besides texting to get clients."
"You've spent some time building your human capital, now you have to build your social capital."
"Mastodon is part of what we call the fediverse, which is a giant social network regrouping many different services that can talk to each other."
"Ever since I was a little kid, I loved games, especially social networking games."
"The social aspects of amateur radio are incredible."
"We're special, the first social network of brains."
"They've been figuring out a way to create like a social network of minds."
"Sending messages and chatting with other users is free."
"One of the utilities of graph data structure is Facebook's friend suggestion."
"Any tree guys watching this, you got to get on Instagram, man. It's such a cool community."
"It takes a friend to get a friend, you know what I mean."
"I recommend it for the social reasons more than the educational reasons."
"Social media requires two aspects: users can create and share content and participate in social networking."
"We're gonna build the basic layout and the basic functionality of being able to create a profile, post statuses, like statuses, direct message those type of things."
"It's ultimately about getting as much information about an individual user as possible to build an interest profile and a social graph."
"It was great getting to meet up with some of the other YouTubers."
"Twitter is like a bunch of things you already know... but it has a number of characteristics that are pretty unique."
"That's the good part of media and a little bit of social and Twitter and all that, the engagement."