
Religious Philosophy Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Moses's world conception was based on a power higher than any force, abandonment of purpose, or compromise; it was based on peace achieved through the omnipotence of the law."
"Predestination or free will in the Quran? Both."
"The fear of God is positioned as a foundational aspect of wisdom, underscoring the importance of reverence and respect in moral conduct."
"Jesus says, 'I and the Father are one,' his classic line of unitive consciousness with God."
"The great religious myths state that continued pursuit of meaning, adopted voluntarily and without self-deception, will lead the individual to discover his identity with God."
"Moksha, mukti, salvation, liberation, Nirvana...this most auspicious of things is Moksha, freedom from samsara, freedom from bondage."
"You can make your religion truth or you can make truth your religion. Choose one."
"Reason poses no threat to religion when both are authentically understood."
"Thomas Quain is really more than anybody else in the tradition."
"Thomas Aquinas is best characterized as someone deeply in love with Jesus Christ."
"To all appearances he is absent, so Faith must Supply what is lacking to our feeble senses."
"The grandest part of religion is the most simple."
"Where's the freedom you know where's the walking in the light as he is in the light."
"The kingdom of God is within you... it really is within."
"...the foolishness of God is stronger than the wisdom of humans and Christ is the foolishness of God..."
"Being at peace with God does not imply the absence of suffering."
"God is a mirror and when his glory shows up it's a mirror because there's so many things that try to convince us against who we truly are it's all about identity."
"God is not a God of the gaps, he's a God of the whole show."
"God's law has always been as long as God is because it's a reflection of his very character."
"Christianity is the only philosophy or theology where I can say that makes the most sense."
"The kingdom of God is a beautiful thing. Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of a culture that's killing us."
"The possibility that the highest form of Eros is directed towards God himself."
"The purpose of religious ideas is to wake us up, to remind us who we are, imbued with a spirit that can be best described as immortal."
"God needs dependent people not just powerful people."
"Every god, every mythology, every religion is true... it is true as metaphorical of the human and cosmic mystery."
"The Kingdom of God, Paul said, is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."
"Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already within us."
"All religions fundamentally are concerned with regenerating man and laying the foundations for the regenerative process to proceed."
"Direct communication, mouth to mouth, unfiltered by ego."
"The aggregate value of all those human beings combined doesn't even amount to a drop in the ocean compared to the value of God."
"But the foundational ideas that govern Christian attitudes towards sex and towards gender are kind of rooted in the idea that men and women are created equally in the image of God."
"Just knowing that you are a living vessel here for the experience and knowing has authority over you and that you are man, God created man and gave you dominion over the earth, just knowing that fact is power."
"Any kind of religion that I think is worthwhile is to do with trying to break down the power of our egos."
"The Quran talks about the commonality of the universe."
"Zen Buddhism is a totally independent outgrowth of Mahayana Buddhism that's very different from how Buddha probably imagined it, but Zen is one of the most beautiful things ever made."
"I have everything I need from the Lord; I don't need a table. I'm good."
"God is not in need of no one ever was in need of him."
"That is at the heart, really, of sin, it's self-determination, and rejecting the notion that anyone, even God, should tell me how to live my life."
"To be truly religious, what you need to do is to experience all the different religions."
"Without God, there is no basis for moral accountability."
"Why would being a religious believer be a struggle with the logic of the universe?"
"Hinduism isn't just a religion, it's a way of life."
"If it's by grace, it's no longer of works; otherwise, grace is no longer grace."
"The focus in Hinduism is on developing your own thinking power, your own number of exploration."
"The reformed would respond by saying okay, yes, we need God. God doesn't need us. But why were we created in the first place? The entire reason we were created is to worship God."
"Allah tests the rich people with the poor people, the healthy people with the unhealthy people, the strong people with the poor people."
"Islam is not here to command you to believe XYZ, it's here to tell you what the truth is."
"Atheism is the most illogical and stupid philosophy."
"Good is God; we wouldn't have good without God."
"There's some continuity between Buddhism and Taoism."
"Sin always tends to devolve to a point, but there's a foliation and a branching out when it comes to the Saints."
"God and all those religions is love. Love is love is the universal truth."
"If you fight for your rights, you lose them; if you lay them down, God will restore."
"If God exists and God is good and powerful, he will not punish someone for using the brain that he gave them."
"Catholic Christianity is not a religion of the book but it is a religion of a word but the word is a person a divine person the Word made flesh."
"The truth of incarnation seems simple enough, but particularly profound."
"When you worship a part, you're actually worshiping the whole."
"The God of classical theism by the way is not merely an object of worship, it is a God with characteristics."
"Faith is something fundamentally different than law, and the law is defined by love."
"The kingdom of God is completely opposite to what you've been trained to think."
"Faith worketh by love. What's love got to do, got to do with God? Absolutely everything."
"Reflections on the existence of god is a collection of short essays that tackles the biggest question of all does god exist the book is well researched easy to read and is now a bestseller on amazon."
"The catholic mathematician and apologist pascal here's one of my favorite books blaise pascal just means reflections or meditations and pascal talks about the hiddenness of god."
"Every human is stamped with an argument for the existence of God."
"God had every right to make people like me and like you and then not give us a mortality and so if he chooses that you know he's not gonna punish them in hell forever but he's also not gonna give him the heaven."
"Without God, there's no basis for logic, science, or truth."
"There are actual truth propositions that exist at the absolute bedrock of Christianity which I think is extremely important to highlight."
"God says this very foolishness is wiser than this world... the weakness of God is stronger than men."
"Can we actually be a place where the charge stops, like where it hits a wall called the gospel and it dissipates?"
"The renewed mind brokers the unseen realities of God into this world."
"God's greatest goal for your life is not fish. It's faith."
"God doesn't make us do what he wants us to do. He gave us an amazing Free Will."
"God judges your behavior, not your theology."
"Allah allowing something to happen is not the same as Allah desiring something to happen."
"And god has made you to freely choose to love him but you can't do that unless you can freely choose to not love him and when you freely choose to not love him you commit evil deeds."
"How can Allah be infinitely just and infinitely merciful at the same time?"
"The greatest thing you can do is love God and do as you please."
"God conceived as traditional theists do provides the best overall evidence."
"Once you extract any specific scenario and remove it from the umbrella of God's creation, you create your own independent cause."
"What religions are known for is their attempt to make something straight of the crooked nature of human beings."
"What Genesis 1 is telling us is not that there are some human beings in God's image, but that every one of us is. That was the revolutionary statement, the most revolutionary statement ever uttered in human history."
"Even more superior knower of Brahman... the absorption is much deeper."
"Life is fundamentally suffering, but the Bible also shows us a way to heal and overcome it."
"People become divine and create gods. Are you surprised, Asclepias? Are you an unbeliever like so many?"
"The kingdom of God advances in the world against the world one soul at a time."
"Our day to day lives do matter which Protestantism by and large rejects."
"God isn't so interested in making you happy as he is in making you holy."
"An idol is a good thing that we turn into an ultimate thing."
"An idol is a good thing that we've turned into an ultimate thing."
"The biggest sin is missing the mark. God, okay, all have sinned and fallen short."
"Islam doesn't care about what nationality you are, what race you are, what gender you are, what age you are. It's a way of life for the whole world universally."
"Reason is useful only insofar as it finds use in the larger service of faith."
"God is defined by a lack of limitation. He can do anything, he's all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise."
"Can you accept the notion that it might be true that our deity asks nothing and needs nothing and requires nothing of us?"
"God exalts humility and changes the world from it."
"There's one body, one spirit, even as you're called into one hope of your calling."
"One Lord of all, Father of all, through all, one God, one God and Father of all."
"Allah gave us a decision, a choice, we are delegates."
"Allah is not subject to our dimension of time and space."
"The friendship of the world is enmity with God." - James 4:4
"The only religion that is ultimately religion is oneness." - Swami Vivekananda
"Understanding the Trinity: You are a Trinity, three-in-one."
"Validity is not enough. We love a lot more than validity. If we love God, we cannot be satisfied with validity, although we will be horrified not to have that, right? It's certainly not enough."
"Islam is trying to free man and woman... from this slavery and servitude."
"You don't have to keep yourself busy, you have to keep yourself employed."
"The kingdom of God comes within, instead of looking without."
"There's no longer a division between Heaven and Earth when almighty God pays our debt."
"Nothing can be except through the will of God."
"The worst creatures in the sight of God are those who do not reason."
"Scientology presents itself as a religious philosophy where the basic core belief is that you, me, everybody are spiritual beings, spiritual entities that are called Thetans."
"Serotonin itself wasn't officially discovered until 1935."
"If your religion can't find the people, it's no good, amen. Obedience is holiness."
"The greatest lie the devil ever told was that he didn't exist."
"Faith is the acceptance as true of what cannot be known to be true."
"Modern Satanism is an atheistic religion. There's no sort of belief in supernatural deities at the core."
"Excellence is spiritual; the spirit filled are people of excellence."
"The attributes of God are ontologically separate from the essence of God."
"God has multiple attributes, all of which are separate and distinct."
"Spiritual blindness is a progressive deviation from truth, and Truth is a person - Truth is Jesus."
"Christianity was never designed to be a religion. It's supposed to be a relationship."
"God is mystery, and every woman that a man encounters, he at his core desires an encounter with mystery."
"We don't get to vote on that, we just have faith that the system we're in is a good system because God is a good God."
"The idea of worshipping the god man who sacrificed himself for us and worshipping the god of infinite love that is the source of reality is there to moderate the dangerous effects of these patterns of participation."
"A more overtly miraculous Revelation would plausibly not be good for us. A partially veiled and partially unveiled revelation of God creates the best conditions for genuine relationship with God in the long run."
"When Jesus expresses anger the way that it's described and treated in that gospel is exactly what you find in stoic philosophy."
"Jesus did not operate that way, saying if you don't agree with me or you don't follow me, I'm going to torture you."
"For you to hear God speak in the Bible and then you now say you rationalize and say it's Old Testament, that's the cheapest way for you to live as a slave even within the context of the New Covenant."
"We all live on Calvary in a very, very deep sense."
"Jesus was Christ, Buddha was Christ, Muhammad was Christ. Christ is a word for the universe seeing itself."
"When it comes to knowing God, we can't simply say that Christian philosophy... are the foundations for how we come to know God."
"Love was intended to be given back to God because that's where it comes from."
"...it's really in a way the opposite of the tree of good and evil if you understand the tree of good and evil as the tree of life and death separated."
"Man was not created for the Sabbath; the Sabbath was created for man."
"The best way of knowing God is to love many things."
"Unlike our counterparts, the idea of death in Judaism is not one that we take lightly."
"Religion should be principles, not rules."
"True Christianity is not a religion, it's actuality. It is life, it's a set of facts."
"The whole purpose underlying this religious philosophy was not the unfoldment of the individual primarily, it was obedience to the law, the glorification of truth by keeping its rules and principles."
"God is the ontic referent; he's the thing by which everything else has meaning."
"The unity of the mystical body triumphs over all human divisions."
"Only the concept of the Universal Father, one God in the place of many gods, enabled mortal man to comprehend the Father as divine creator and infinite controller."
"The soul-theory of man gives us much to build on in our further thinking on religious problems."
"The mystery and preciousness of the human being, the essential and unerasable dignity and equality of all human beings, is the product of divine revelation."
"Krishna is the final conclusion of the Vedanta."
"This verse explores how we move from simply understanding the Divine to creating an unbreakable Union with it."
"The Dharma of early Buddhism was really relentlessly pacifist."
"The Upanishads are quite ecumenical."
"The significant thing is not the word 'Trinity'; the significant thing will be the concepts that the Trinity embodies."
"God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful."
"God isn't like us, so how is he going to do what we do?"
"Presuppositional apologetics is a fundamentally theological form of apologetics."