
Sacrifices Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"You make sacrifices in the present towards something you hope will be good in the future, and you hope that pleases the reality, and it smiles on you."
"Everything comes at a cost. There's nothing for free, whether it comes at the cost of money, personal life, time, or energy."
"Should you give up your dreams for the love of your life? Never. Give up their dreams for the sake of a relationship."
"The British people have made heroic sacrifices... to drive down the number of infections."
"The fear of disappointing your audience convinces you to make sacrifices most people shouldn't."
"Their bond is unbreakable, and the sacrifices they make for each other are astounding."
"Sacrifices do not have to feel bad. They can feel really good if you just focus on what you're gaining."
"The sacrifices you have been making to change your life are going to pay off."
"Congratulations to him and his family, all the sacrifices they've made down the years to get this far."
"We doubt Red Skull's relationship with the Infinity stones is over or that the stones are done demanding sacrifices."
"Anything in life worth having there are going to be sacrifices."
"People say, 'Wow, you're living the life,' but it's tiring and comes with sacrifices."
"The Third Temple is also associated with reinstating sacrifices according to ancient Jewish rituals described in the Torah."
"So if you want to achieve a goal, you have to figure out what sacrifices you're willing to make, absolutely."
"There must come a time when you as a believer must decide: I will stand strong and follow the word of God regardless of what I will have to give up and who I will have to let go of."
"Don't pass up on the opportunities that you know could change your life just because it requires you to make a sacrifice."
"Success is like the tip of the iceberg... everything under: hard work, time, sacrifices, blood sweat tears..."
"I would take option A: ultimate financial freedom, even if it meant my life ends at 70."
"It's too easy to look at where we're at now and totally ignore the amount of sacrifices it took to get here."
"Most people are unwilling to make any sacrifices, and that unwillingness keeps them from ultimately enjoying their dream life."
"Reaching financial independence isn't easy, but it's worth the temporary sacrifices for a brighter future."
"I came back just hearing loss, a lot of people did not come back."
"Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the sake of the future."
"Systemic racism inflicts real harm, mitigating it outweighs small sacrifices."
"There is an opportunity cost to every decision that you make it's every purchase that you make no matter what you do you're sacrificing something else."
"Love in itself is not just this pretty picture... there's sacrifices."
"It costs a lot. You're going to trade a whole lot of your life to have that [__] life."
"Effort has to be made, sacrifices and trade-offs have to be made for every decision that you make."
"Ansel Adams taught me that there were sacrifices I wasn't willing to make."
"You can't have no kind of loving relationship without reciprocity."
"The life that we have led over the last 7 years has been fantastic, but nothing in life comes without sacrifices."
"...he's her Godfather so she probably knows about these stories well yeah and she should know from the notes I guess about all the things he's done in relation to like the sacrifices he's made I guess"
"...the full extent of the sacrifices you've made... the personal mountains climbed in silence which shape the core of the chosen one's spirit."
"...the significance of their sacrifices is not diminished by a lack of outward acknowledgement, but is instead deepened by their personal relationship with the Divine or their inner sense of purpose."
"...in the silence of unshared sacrifices, the chosen one finds a powerful space for reflection and communion with their higher self or Divine will."
"The hard work brought me to the top? No. It was discipline, guys. The moment when you have to say no to your friends going for pizza or beer. When there are doubts, people say you won't make it. Yes, you do."
"There are sacrifices in everything you do, whether good or bad, there is a sacrifice that you are willing to take in order to prosper in the things that you want to prosper with."
"That's where you work, that's why you make the sacrifices, to have moments like that. I just got chills thinking about it, but I think you can't be successful without failing."
"All the sacrifices that you had to do, not only to yourself but the family you knew that your family was going through sacrifices."
"In the moments that I've had to approach the idea of making a choice or sacrifice, the choice I make is to sacrifice other things around me so that I can still fully be available to these two passions because they're both still in a beta stage."
"They're gonna teach you a lot...like the sacrifices that happened in life, they were not for nothing."
"That's what life's all about man it's family Familia you know you just have to make sacrifices."
"Sometimes your decisions become sacrifices a lot of collateral damage that's a fact."
"It all ties back to the sacrifices and shady dealings that Jason Lee exposed."
"What sacrifices have you made for the greater vision of what is to be?"
"It's not just about the wins, it's about the journey and the sacrifices."
"In the basement it had been used as a place for what look like sacrifices of some sort."
"They're here to find out what sacrifices, what compromises, and what work they're willing to put in to have what they want."
"I'm where I'm at today because of the sacrifices that I made."
"There's a price to pay for Success."
"You could devote your entire life to curing cancer, you could work yourself to the bone, tear your life to shreds and sacrifice everything just to cure the disease. However, in spite of it all, the best solution will sometimes be to just cut the tumor out."
"It is the sacrifices you make and the actions you take which make you a philosopher."
"They see you planning for something, fighting for something that you want as well, you could have had a child fairly early which could have put certain things on hold."
"All the sacrifices that my parents made for me, I returned a dog. You could get the world from me, stay the same, make it big. Can you still love me? Or you still want me?"
"We have to make some sacrifices for great art."
"Nobody knows the type of sacrifices or changes you're making behind the scenes."
"Life is about choices, life is about sacrifices, so sometimes you gotta sacrifice your choices and do what you gotta do."
"Do the rewards of chasing your dreams truly outweigh the risks and sacrifices?"
"It's either not have pizza anymore but continue getting to live a life where you do eat other delicious healthy things and enjoy a life with your alleged husband."
"This feels like you have some sacrifices to get all that extra power"
"I don't regret the sacrifices that I did make, but it's okay to have some balance sometimes."
"They don't seamlessly just fit into your life. You have to make compromises and sacrifices, give certain things up when kids are added to the picture."
"We just made the choices, but there are a lot of people who make massive sacrifices."
"This is where we're potentially borrowing from those other categories, but we need to understand that we might be making sacrifices in order to make that happen."
"It's always all worth it. That's just the sacrifices you gotta take with a lot of it, bro."
"Learn to live with a basic lifestyle... you need to make smart choices and you need to make sacrifices."
"If you want to make a lot of money later on and you're willing to make some sacrifices at the start, then just go for it and just do it."
"He said that he lived in a peaceful era brought about by the selfless sacrifices of his predecessors."
"Romans celebrated by offering great sacrifices to Janus, the Roman god of beginnings."
"It's captivating, these trials, these sacrifices."
"We are all New Testament priests according to an eternal order, and we're living stones being brought together to offer spiritual sacrifices."