
Dangers Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Many might romanticize train hopping, but in reality, it's a dirty, rugged way to travel and is incredibly dangerous, no matter how careful you are."
"The man widely seen as the Godfather of artificial intelligence...warned of the dangers of AI."
"It's okay to want to be liked by people. What's dangerous is when you need to be liked."
"A mind in which something has the power to regulate what can be considered by whom and in what way, that mind is much more dangerous."
"It's easy to pretend dangerous catfishes joining online communities will never go away."
"It is indisputably dangerous to validate and promote anti-Semitic theories."
"Many of the over 200 deaths on Mount Everest have been attributed to SCP-1529."
"What would happen if all those weapons fell into the wrong hands?"
"This is leading to some scary places, so just like we need to be wary of cults trying to brainwash us, we need to be wary of our ability to brainwash ourselves."
"This idea that you can look at yourself and just see everything you're hoping that you would see as you see on social media is so dangerous."
"That's quite the story and just goes to show how the pursuit of perfection can be very treacherous."
"Our Narcissistic Obsession With Taking Selfies Now Causes More Deaths A Year Than Shark Attacks."
"Peer pressure is the most dangerous thing in the world, bro."
"Petty use of cognitive science can lead to death."
"Women forced into their traditional roles are ill-equipped to deal with the dangers and brutality of men."
"Poorly known but when they do emerge from their hiding places they can cause enormous problems."
"We let something loose in this world, something that could very well be our undoing."
"Just saying anti-zionism is never anti-Semitism is incorrect and dangerous misinformation."
"Pray, pray, pray... if you do this you are messing with demons."
"The seemingly harmless and even kindness culture they're promoting is actually what is so dangerous about it."
"Can curiosity be dangerous? Can we stumble upon something we shouldn't have in our Explorations into the unknown?"
"Conversion therapy is dangerous with no scientific credibility."
"The dangers of keeping exotic animals in captivity can be deadly."
"Yosemite's wilderness: countless dangers from environmental disasters to wildlife attacks."
"Bad people sometimes are really charismatic and really interesting and fun."
"Understanding and addressing dangers in the form of a god: Sobek was a way of coping with the dangers of living in ancient Egypt."
"There are bigger threats out there than just the Sinners."
"If you accommodate a demagogue, it can grow into something way beyond what you ever fathomed."
"You can poop during sedation and then get it in your lungs and die from that."
"The outdoors can be very dangerous. It's not a playground. You can disappear just as easily in the wilderness as you can in a big city."
"Dark magic is dangerous. There's more to dark magic than people realize."
"Life's drugs are bad. They're dangerous. They're evil. They ruin lives, they ruin minds, and they ruin families."
"If people can make you believe absurdities, then they can make you commit atrocities."
"Things can be very, very bad for you. Things can just be terrible. It can break up relationships, families. They are not anything to mess with."
"The most dangerous unregulated drug that no one warns young people about is called social media."
"...the extreme dangers of cult indoctrination and white supremacy then I really can't recommend them enough."
"AI is being used in many ways today that are quite dangerous already."
"Share the misery, share the dangers, share the camaraderie."
"People even in our nation are starting to wake up to the fact that drinking is very dangerous."
"I think it's dangerous because it, in a sense, helps to fuel the populism and polarization of politics that we see today, and it tends to encourage the thinking that there are easy answers to what are often very complex problems."
"Delve into the potential dangers, exploring what could go awry if magic is misused or falls into the wrong hands."
"And yet we aren't told from the chemical companies the dangers that you're actually dealing with with any of these toxic chemicals."
"An AI that was trained to discover less toxic drugs. Just add one character and it generated 40,000 toxic molecules, including VX nerve gas."
"...one of the most dangerous of all the archons is one that is created by our own thoughts..."
"It showcases one of the dangers of online tabletop role-playing and online activity in general."
"Neutral doesn't mean peaceful. The Hub is a rough place full of Smugglers, Merks, and spies."
"Sometimes docking can be just as dangerous as launching."
"The challenges and dangers that AI poses vary by time scale."
"The moral of the story is how dangerous gambling is."
"One is the rising danger of nuclear war, which is quite serious. The other is environmental catastrophe."
"The internet brings so many positives to our lives and to the lives of children, but it also brings lots of dangers with it."