
Artistic Creation Quotes

There are 282 quotes

"The great masterpieces of all ages come from the path that leads through consciousness."
"The sole purpose of us being smart is to be smart enough to promote ourselves, to make our own movies, to write our own books, to make our own albums."
"If we want to make more documentaries, we need money."
"Shakespeare reproduced himself through his plays... yet we know about Shakespeare today, not through his children."
"Real artists ship. Find what it takes to get your thing off the launch pad."
"I've finished shaping the lapis lazuli handle and it is looking absolutely amazing."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed Generation Loss. I'm so incredibly happy with it."
"It's such an honor for me to get the opportunity to create this film."
"Just start creating just start making things you need a portfolio of great things."
"I love bringing things to life that didn't previously exist."
"It resonates with me... capturing reality in a box, tweaking it, and then throwing it back out there."
"Let's draw the head of the snake and the body."
"I want the characters to be somebody. I don't want them just to be a drawing."
"Start small. I want you to do it, your stories want you to do it too. You're gonna make something that you love that the world loves that the world needs and that you need it as well."
"Keep creating, that is the best advice I got and I pass it along in every video I do."
"Nanite and Lumen working in tandem mean the artist creates while the engine does the work."
"We want to generate an image that looks like the content of the content image, but painted by the painter of the style image."
"Ignorance is bliss sort of moment for an artist I feel is [__] beautiful just because like you're not thinking about anything you're just creating and whatever you want to have come out comes out."
"Games like Elden Ring can call us as players into the creation of art."
"We really tried to make a body of work that would sound great listening at home from start to finish."
"I've made every piece of art that I make from the lens of being dead."
"That's the magic of music. You make music for whatever reason, you throw it out, and the public has it. Then it takes on a life of its own."
"Creation is between you, whatever you're creating, and the divine."
"Masterfully created statues and structures often carved straight out of stone bedrock with such vision and artistic prowess."
"The left understands diversity when it comes to race or sex, but they don't seem to understand it when it comes to thought."
"He understands the language, the format, he's creating, it's ridiculous."
"Forged by the best writers, directors, cinematographers, set designers, hair and makeup artists, and on and on."
"I'm not putting any limits or anything on myself this time, um, no expectations."
"The artist realizes that they are the reason why this canvas is so beautiful."
"When a filmmaker makes something, they still care about how their thing is received."
"Write more poetry and turn inspiration into tangible pieces of art."
"However, if part of the hobby is to create something artistic that you're going to enjoy for many years, this is definitely the project."
"Art is built off of those that came before us."
"These are the building blocks to making environments that have their own kind of worlds to them."
"That feeling I've had of making people wait and feeling bad about it is going to be gone and they're gonna be happy and they're going to have their art and that's going to be freaking an amazing feeling, right?"
"21 savage has developed a style of rapping and curated a style of production completely unique to him."
"Society interested in building masterpieces, but not with an ego trip."
"Everything just sort of fell into place, the sound, the lyric, and the visual."
"Writing what you would want to hear on the radio or on streaming platforms is what you should be writing."
"We create the world all the time; it's part of creation."
"Pressure sensitivity with a number of tools like the clone stamp tool, the healing brush tool, basically anything that you can paint with in Photoshop."
"Every song has a message it wants to transmit... and whatever you can do in the visuals to emphasize that is super important."
"If you simply take the time to start a playlist of whatever it is you like that act in and of itself might be all it takes to encourage an artist out there to make something that is truly meaningful to them."
"You don't make movies, Buster. You make movies about people."
"Everything you make is going to be different than what you thought you were going to make."
"Making something out of nothing is what I love."
"I couldn't see how I could write good music without needing praise from other people."
"It's like living art, it's like making cool paint jobs."
"I really hope you like it, I really did and I had a lot of fun painting."
"As long as people like what I make or respect what I make, it's alright."
"There's a part of this whole discussion that really sticks in my craw... these are labors of love worked on by hundreds of people who put forward a real effort to create art."
"Meanwhile, user shig created the background MV for dwell in the devil."
"When you love each other, you write songs you're proud of."
"Kanye puts together these musical body of works."
"Now this piece, I'm quite pleased about that."
"The main way I like to use semi-solids are for backgrounds and rooms or some kind of support."
"I'm trying to find the balance between creating what I want to create and also deeply connecting to my community."
"If you're wanting to create something that is more painterly and looks like the random effects of a brush, then using the randomized shape properties would be really quite useful."
"It's got to be about something... something that means something to me."
"A little sense of handmade becomes fresh and new."
"It's one thing to have an understanding of where the anatomy goes, it's a whole other thing to be able to actually use that anatomy in a dynamic way in a drawing."
"Marowak: Bone collectors creating bizarre skeletons for expos."
"One of the things that you do as a writer and as a filmmaker is grasp for resonant symbols and imagery without necessarily fully understanding it yourself."
"So let's try some things here. I'm going to grab some textures."
"One Piece itself, it has a soul because Oda is pouring his into it with every page."
"Trust me, I'm always looking at those top songs and I'm like okay, how do I make a better version?"
"It's kind of an indescribable feeling when it all locks together."
"I just want to create that moment for the listener, like those collaborations did for me."
"Real Evergreen classic songs are never written set down as writing hits. You write songs and you write beautiful songs and great songs."
"We keep pushing on, we keep creating in the hope that one day we will be successful and make our living from our music and our creation."
"As an artist, there's nothing that means more than bringing an idea to life."
"That's my magnum opus that I'm doing right now."
"The power is entirely in your hands as a creator."
"Music is different now, the way we consume music is different, the way we listen to music is different, the way artists create is different."
"Completing the scene is just a matter of patience; the more effort you put in, the better it looks."
"I believe the way Scott has created the fanatic universe holds a message that we have not yet discovered."
"For me, it's the best piece I've ever got to create up to date."
"Some of the greatest work comes from pain, or some great word comes from love from loss."
"Art, you need to keep in mind why you're doing this if you're creating art, if you want to create interesting art, for people to vibe with it."
"I'm ready to get in the studio, nothing's holding me back."
"Think of a Potter at the wheel each hand movement deliberate turning a simple lump of clay into a vessel of purpose and beauty."
"These rules probably lie at the heart of most of the music you actually listen to and want to make."
"They're making money and these artists are just trying to make something good along the way."
"You don't think what will other people like, it should be about your own emotional reaction."
"That's how Pink Floyd made the Dark Side of the Moon a remarkable record that just seemed to come to them effortlessly as if all the work they did was leading them to this very album."
"There's something about its small scale that feels personal, like you can tell it was made by a team of passionate artists."
"Movies are so hard to make, especially fantasy films."
"The skill set involved to create a film is way beyond just the equipment being used."
"When do we decide when a painting is done? It depends..."
"Sometimes the simple fast quick little things you draw can turn out so much better than things you spend a long time on."
"A great camera can make capturing great images easier."
"I'm going to fix groups of figures to a piece of wood..."
"Music is chaos until you order it. It becomes beautiful."
"Making music under circumstances that many of us take for granted."
"Every great work of art started with a single paint stroke."
"And if you give it a chance and still don’t like it, by all means, criticize it, but do it sanely- with the knowledge that it was made by human beings who worked themselves half to death to give you the best story they could."
"The main thing that we want that I think that we need is just emotion."
"Once you stop trying to use these sorts of technologies to accurately replicate something they never could, and instead embrace their particular advantages, limitations, and invocations, you can use them to make unique and groundbreaking art."
"How do you take a blank canvas and create this or this one here or no better yet, this one right here with the mist through the trees? I mean like how do you do that?"
"The greatest art is made through collision, through pain, through hurt, through turbulent times."
"I just want people to like the stuff that I'm making."
"The tale of Michael Jackson is one about creating Beauty from a difficult situation."
"Create something beautiful that will stand the test of time."
"I created a lot of things over my career because you have to be creative."
"Maybe you create artwork instead, creating illustrations and drawings that mimic life."
"You have to be creating something. Create something."
"What will you create with the pieces presented to you?"
"I just love how this scene turned out and there's always so much more that could be added to make it pop even more."
"I think the minifigure turned out really awesome. I wasn't expecting at first, like I said, to make it an entirely custom figure, but I'm really glad I did."
"When you are on these younger stages it's about leveling yourself up... helping others level up as well through creating art or books or videos or music."
"I sculpted out the first Walter in my apartment one night with a knife and a lump of clay and a mirror."
"It's about creating something that we can all escape in."
"Just create after that, whatever the number is, the number."
"When love and skill are combined expect a masterpiece!"
"Remember spacing is important, but more important is being patient and being happy with every piece you install."
"That's why I'm covered in stars, drawing a map with my scars."
"And this is how our modern metallic trees turned out."
"Culture is the essence which actually creates the art form."
"When you finish a sketchbook, it feels like you accomplished something."
"I really want to create stories, personalities, pictures."
"You kind of want the paint to just go away, and then that's when the design actually begins."
"This shit I'm making, this is as much yours as it is mine."
"I'm not making an NFT if you're happy to hear it, but I did finish the painting."
"It's just a very effective, beautiful doll, really nicely made, clearly paying tribute to themes and location and time period from the film."
"Was it perfect? No, very far from it, but I can say that I randomly got this beat and in an hour, I wrote a verse and kinda mastered it."
"In the journey of creation, even the smallest details matter."
"Just start by making art which you probably are already doing and then you'll decide on the platform that you want to sell your art on."
"Every piece of Hellblade is created with passion, confidence, and love for the experience it delivers."
"When a mandala was finished it would sing wow I mean it would make this glorious sound."
"Every time we make a record, it's not that there's less to draw from, it's just the stuff that you get to draw from is more fundamental."
"If there's a certain style that you're going for, you can upload a whole bunch of images in that style, train a model on it, and then generate more images in the style that you trained."
"I think it's really dope ur seeing another artist putting together such a big piece of work."
"It's about creating something that didn't exist before."
"Their job is to manage once there is a product and once there is a career. Right, their job is not to create or else they'd be artists."
"It's like being an artist, you know? I mean you just start from nothing and create something. So I think that's why I love being a chef."
"It's about creating moments, it's about creating an art, like a masterpiece, a moment in there."
"We make classics over here, we make artistic masterpieces."
"Whenever you're creating beauty around you, you're restoring your own soul." - George Orwell
"Confidence is super-important... have confidence in what you put down."
"I really wanted to make the painting really special this year... and I think it came out as something really special."
"I love creating beautiful things and sharing them with others."
"You know it really comes to feel you got to feel the emotion when you're animating it when you're drawing it in order for it to come be conveyed and and be honest on the screen."
"I think Sean like if he's if he's making feel-good music and having fun and for the type of Records he makes it'd be the perfect time for him to drop some music..."
"My first epic polymer clay sculpture: a testament to time."
"Literally carving a piece of wood and making art out of it."
"The movie has really good design, character design, ship design, universe design, and even reverse design. It's great."
"Now I can just make this painting that I love and there's an audience that really wants to collect and own that painting."
"Live happily for your wife and complete the unborn music of you both."
"Each home should be built as a piece of art."
"It's your baby, these characters are your creation."
"The general idea behind this character is that she is obsidian incarnate, like actively being made."
"You should be more concerned with creating art that is emotionally resonant than something that is like intellectually satisfying."
"I just want to be respected, I want to be accepted, and I want to make something beautiful for the world, whether it be clothing or just me being myself."
"Every water feature is a unique work of art, one-of-a-kind Custom Creation as artists we can't wait to see what it turns out like."
"Music's always been the most important part of it to me, the songs are what make the artist and make the music."
"One of the most special times in my entire life was creating this record."
"New mobility will continue to evolve, with technology lowering barriers for creators and audiences."
"Even if your stuff isn't great, just put it out there for people to see."
"These are tools essentially, and I've always had the opinion that when you have beautiful tools that work in a handmade process, the end products those help you create become even more meaningful."
"Setting intentions to create something beautiful."
"I've got a whole album, it's just like, it comes out of me, I don't know what it is, I don't even know if I'm ever going to publish any of the songs."
"It's about painting to the strengths of the medium."
"Recognizing that there is an identity, an artist, a creator, and that creator made these things."
"I dreamt I painted a large American flag and the next morning I bought the materials to begin it wow."
"I hope you create some types of simulations or paintings or algorithmic."
"Creating is like solving a puzzle, piece by piece."
"The blocking stage is probably the most important stage of the sculpting process."
"We are too much inclined to think of the products of these arts as being created out of sheer artistic sense, artistic taste, or artistic insight."
"I'm gonna bring my piece that I had for Golden Demon."
"So basically copyright is dead and do we see a reduction in the supply of artistic creations today? We probably have more books being printed and published every year than in the history of mankind."
"You are never without what you need to create something."
"He told me a funny story once where he said people who are trying to duplicate Peanuts for merchandising purposes would look at his strips when his hands started to shudder."
"He makes a masterpiece whenever he's got nothing left to lose."
"We're actors, we're creators, we're trying to make the world a little bit of a better place one piece at a time, one moment of truth at a time."
"Being a Chandler was like being a god. You were the master of the wax or tallow, molding it to your will, crafting it in a manner that pleased you."
"...an artist creates... from an idea, from nothing."
"I'm working on a brand new series of portraits and it's going to be my best work yet."
"...we had great moments of joy um certainly when things started to work out and um there were moments when the pictures that we were trying to paint actually fooled us as well."
"I can confidently say that I could live six lifetimes and never make that last Gets album which means that quality you have puts you in front of so much people you can't focus on what you don't have."
"...tragic times push an artist to create amazing albums."
"Do you want to see your character brought to life by a crazy talented artist?"
"Jimmy Page is one I think one of these rare breeds of artists who is able to not only create as an artist but make damn sure that his business interests are on on a level playing field."
"I better do something well with this because I might be a one-hit wonder."
"It's fun to start to see the yellow of her hat and all that feather business."
"Creating a project like this would solidify a love of filmmaking and creating art in Makoto Shinkai."
"I want Bob Ross to draw a mountainous landscape; I'll do that."
"Completing my unfinished symphony, a Sasquatch rhapsody in fur minor."
"Instead of showing your guys' art, we thought that we would make some art for you."
"The world was a block of marble, and like Michelangelo, I chiseled it into my David."
"These are some of the best waves I have ever created."
"And he has given us a sincere and deep meditation on the nature of artistic creation."
"As the artist emerges from their studio, masterpiece in hand, ready to share their creation with the world, so too does the chosen one step out of their isolation."
"We create the art and we start the trends."
"Artists are creating at their best when they're the most balanced in their life."
"It's interesting how technology forms the age of technology, how that forms how you create art."
"That feeling of having an original painting in front of you that you created on a surface, there's nothing like that."
"Crafting and journaling, a way to pass time and create beauty."
"As imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name."
"You want a tropical twilight? There, you have tropical twilight."
"You're gonna write the songs that the whole world will sing."