
Divine Communication Quotes

There are 951 quotes

"All of us, from time to time, hear the voice of God. It asks, 'Where art thou, Adam?' And this voice is our salvation."
"The Bible is God's word; that means it's God talking."
"The true creator speaks to us through nature."
"Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard."
"Once he speaks with Allah Subhana WA Ta'ala, then he may go and do other things."
"God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds."
"When God speaks, it wasn't loud, it wasn't boisterous...He whispered."
"He's gonna speak to us in our language and according to our level of understanding."
"There's no greater advantage in this life than knowing the voice of God."
"God is talking to all of us all the time. It's not a question of to whom is God talking, it's a question of who's listening."
"When you're given a vision or a dream, it's a sign of what God is trying to communicate to you."
"God spoke to her by saying, 'Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus.'"
"Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright; for unto thee am I now sent."
"Healing on the streets, I saw God spoke to me... it's like his words were coming inside me."
"It does not matter who God uses; it matters that God speaks."
"Do you know how many people go to church for years and don't hear God speak?"
"If you want to hear God speak, read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak audibly, read your Bible out loud." - John Piper
"What did the Holy Ghost say here? For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world...God been good to you."
"Dear Lord Jesus, master, we desire to hear your voice. Speak a word into our hearts today."
"Don't miss it. Just because God doesn't send you a star or an angel, doesn't mean He isn't talking to you."
"God might speak to human beings not as the external force of natural power... but as the voice of conscience itself."
"If you're born again, God is speaking to you every minute of every day."
"God speaks and when He speaks, it could be through His Word, it could be through His Holy Spirit."
"Jeremiah 33 verse 3 says, 'Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'"
"If you pray the will of god then god hears you and if he hears you then he answers you."
"The primary way of God speaking is in dreams."
"Dreams are laden with messages, insights, and guidance from God, just like Joseph the dreamer in Genesis."
"Dreams serve as a bridge between our mortal understanding and divine wisdom, offering glimpses into the vast potential of our lives."
"God chooses to impart his wisdom and direction through dreams and visions, emphasizing the importance of being attentive to these divine communications."
"Pay attention to the signs, Divine communication."
"Receiving from the Lord through our dreams at night is one of the primary ways that God communicates to His people."
"Father, we want to experience your love more in our lives. Help us, Father God, wake us up to know that you truly do speak to people on earth today during the night when they're asleep."
"God consistently has spoken to his people through dreams."
"Dreams are not just for the people that wrote the Bible, but he is still speaking to his people today."
"The reason God gives us dreams is to communicate with us, and he wants to communicate with all his beloved sons and daughters."
"Honoring and obeying God's word is the key to hearing God's voice."
"Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you and show you Great and Mighty things which you do not know."
"One of the most important lessons I ever learned in life is to listen to God."
"The god of the Bible speaks... if today you have a god that is not speaking I suggest you get a new god."
"God audibly spoke to me and said, 'Isaiah, I don't want 99.9% of you.'"
"The Lord has this thing whereby he will simply download prophecy at such a speed it will either be all at once."
"In the Enuma Elish, Marduk conceives the idea to create mankind and he announces it to the other gods. In Genesis 1, God conceives the idea and he announces it to the other gods of his divine assembly."
"God speaks. He downloads. He talks. He conveys. He conversates. He articulates."
"When someone comes who's not around here and tells me things because he comes from heaven, Jesus himself who ascended and descended and he comes and tells me that this is my body, I'm going to have to take that pretty seriously."
"He wants a relational communication as a father."
"He communicates simply, quietly, and with such stunning plainness that we cannot misunderstand Him."
"God gets down on his hands and knees and speaks to us in tiny little syllables that we can understand because he loves us."
"And most importantly, take time every day to be quiet and listen to what the Creator is saying to us."
"Judgment begins in our house, says the Lord."
"And I will be your mouthpiece, yes I ask God."
"When God gives you a word, it's not a robotic command; it's an invitation to search His word and seek His revelation."
"There are times when I hear God speak everyone around me knows. The voice of God comes with the spirit of faith."
"Happy 50th Walt Disney World! It's the golden celebration and we are going."
"Prayer is so important to knowing the will of God."
"Garrow finally, next to terror and the sign of the aquila, and speaks to the Emperor, imploring him for new orders."
"When you're experiencing the voice of God in His spirit, that's scripture, that's revelation."
"What kind of God would he be if he only said things to you that you liked?"
"Your angels will tell on you and they will tell of what you've done. They will tell God and God will reward you."
"There's not enough education around why fiber is so important."
"The Bible says we have not because we ask not. Do you want Him to come and speak to you in a dream?"
"When you talk to God about what the Holy Spirit has put in your brain, the reason God has to answer it is He told you to think it in the first place."
"If God can talk to the preacher through this book, why can't he talk to me?"
"How good of a communicator is God? So good that when he spoke, worlds came into existence."
"Remember when you're talking to the man upstairs just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care."
"There is nothing anyone can do to stop [the Most High] from communicating with us."
"The Lord revealed Himself to Samuel by the word of the Lord."
"Speak, Lord, for your children are listening."
"God always wants us not only to listen but to believe when he's speaking to us."
"I think I'm getting a zoom call from God's machine."
"Prayer is that choice tool that God has given us."
"Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains."
"It was the Holy Spirit speaking to me directly through a prophet."
"God is very direct. He says what he means and he means what he says."
"Everything happens for a reason. God is speaking."
"God speaks in the past tense because it's already happening."
"Dreams are weighty because dreams carry the voice of God."
"God would do nothing except he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets."
"God is saying you don't have to go alone, I'll speak to you."
"Dreams are like pictures, images that God captures in a moment, a second, or even a few weeks of your life."
"Jesus Christ is a spirit and a word given to Mary from Almighty God."
"When you pray, you become very sensitive to what God tells us."
"I see people around me who are claiming that God speaks to them but most of them don't claim to be hearing an audible voice."
"Conviction causes God to show you things and tell you things that other people won't get to because you passed the test. Amen."
"Divine encryption: God's way of communicating beyond what we can understand."
"True prophecy is God's heart, mind, will, and intent spoken."
"When the word of God is rightly preached, the voice of God is truly heard because in his word he meets with his people."
"God is going to release visions and dreams in these last days to a lot of people."
"The Lord always holds himself responsible to give a revelation or interpretation of the meaning thereof."
"Trust now that your vision, that your invocation has been received, has been heard."
"We didn't come here tonight just to hear a great sermon or somebody preach... we're here to hear what God is saying and do it."
"God is always speaking, the question is, 'Am I listening?'"
"God will do whatever it takes to get our attention."
"If the Lord speaks to us and we just kind of throw it over our shoulder... He'll stop speaking until you make it right."
"God is listening to your thoughts and they matter to God."
"If God can speak through Balaam's ass, my God, he can speak through the guy who owns the coffee shop."
"You're never too poor for God to not speak to you."
"Ancient people thought that the gods talked to us through the weather."
"Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard."
"If you're watching this and you are a Christian and you're praying for healing, I believe God is going to speak to you through this video."
"It will never be the same as you begin to understand the language of Heaven."
"When you're talking, He's talking back. He's not gonna stonewall you."
"Your heart is the instrument of love and God communicates through love."
"It's an amazing thing to get up in the morning time and before you can open your mouth and say good morning Holy Spirit, he's already talking to you. It's a real relationship."
"Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and wisdom to understand what your Spirit is saying."
"If God were to speak to you and say to you that you had 12 months to live and you knew that it was the Lord, how would you change what you do right now?"
"He's good, and that he speaks, that he loves you, and that the conversation is not over."
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets."
"God's voice will always align with His word."
"It's still in operation today, God did not go mute."
"Never lose hope that God doesn't use the voice of truth in any community to change people and save lives, He does."
"The man God is talking about the word he said he's dealing with him right now."
"If there is an all-powerful creator of the universe and he wanted to make it known what was on his mind there wouldn't be a debate end of story."
"Upgrade your prayers... pray like the one who spoke and everything came to be... is on the other end of your intercession."
"God speaks to us through peace, the fruit of the Holy Spirit."
"Jesus Christ is the word that God speaks in Genesis 1 and that's why he says let us create humans in our own image."
"When God is going to use you greatly, he'll put you through a season of loneliness where his voice is the voice that you learn to hear more than any other voice."
"If you want to hear God speak to you audibly, read it out loud... 100% guaranteed you will hear God speak."
"Is not my word like as a fire, says the Lord God, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"
"When God tells you to do something, he shows you the end by telling you to begin."
"You can hear the Holy Spirit when you're sober minded."
"Letting us go here so that we can serve the Living God in our temples because the most high lies right here in our minds and he's communicating with our people and there's nothing you can do."
"Christ speaks with personal words in the heart... like a loving father, a best friend."
"Obedience to His voice increases the volume of His voice."
"Obedience increases the volume of His voice."
"Who's grateful for the voice of God? Who's grateful for dreams?"
"If I surround myself with the right people, God can speak to me through them."
"But it was to us that God revealed these things. How? By his Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 2:10
"When the Holy Spirit talks to you, you just know it. It won't come and go like a mere thought. Deep within you, you'll just know."
"Let the messages that the Most High give us resound and permeate through our souls and consciousness."
"I'm nothing more than an instrument used for a period of time to arouse the awareness of the human family that God may open my mouth to call your attention to the principles of God."
"For from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words." - Daniel 10:12
"It's the light that is communicating the divine."
"God speaks to you in a way that you can understand, just like you talk to your children."
"Trust your dreams, God speaks to us in different ways."
"God speaks to us in different ways that we can comprehend."
"If God has an important message that he wants us to receive, he's going to make sure that we receive that message. He's God, he can do anything."
"God reveals himself to those who have space to hear him."
"God has good things to say to you. Don't be afraid."
"Everyone has a sliver of God within them, a direct line to have a conversation."
"Spending time with God and hearing his voice they go together at the end of the day if you want to be able to hear God's voice you have to spend time with him."
"God wants to talk to you. You're His sheep. He wants to lead you and to guide you. He is a game-changer in your life."
"God Himself starts to speak to them in dreams."
"Learn to love the scriptures... it is how God speaks to us."
"Why do you believe it's important for people to understand the seer anointing today? So many people have, and it's been such a great message, hearing God's voice."
"Sometimes the version of you that God is speaking to... is a you that you have not yet become."
"Call to me and I will answer you and show you Great and Mighty things which you do not know."
"You're not getting any interviews if he's not involved you know that it's a dominoes thing once it's like Jordans in he's producing it with us."
"God speaks clearly and individually to us about every single concern that we have."
"I have no power to say whatever I want. I can speak only the message that the Lord puts in my mouth."
"Maybe today you need to respond to something that the Holy Spirit is saying to you."
"God does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets."
"You're worthy of hearing a word from God. God speaks to people who he's perfecting, not who are perfect."
"The reason praying to God is powerful is because there's actually a father in heaven who responds to his children's prayers."
"The Lord would speak to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend."
"God doesn't waste words, so really value what he gives you today. He might say one thing that changes everything."
"Having that access to God, to be able to hear him constantly, is a blessing. It wasn't like that for me in the past. I trained my way to this level."
"Trust me, God will speak into your life if you honor him, give him the space and the time to talk to you, he will, he will do so, beautiful, beautiful, yes."
"This is the word of the Lord from the Potter's house to your house."
"God is talking to us but we either can't hear them or we're not listening."
"Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them. In other words, it is not God's original strategy to bring people back from the world of the dead to come and bring revelation to inhabitants of the earth."
"Prayer has the ability to connect your heart to God."
"Prayer is the key to unlocking divine blessings."
"Miracles aren't just miracles, they're messages."
"God's got this, but let's get so close to God that you could start to hear what He wants you to do."
"Doesn't that speak to God's failure as a communicator?"
"God speaks to us in human words, and that's just so powerful and real to realize."
"Every time we read the Bible, the word of God comes to us and meets us where we're at, as a father speaks to his children."
"The communication of the will or the mind of God is called the Word of God."
"You could tell if God is alive by how well he answers your prayer."
"Every person who has placed their faith in Jesus and received him into their lives has the ability to hear God speak to them."
"God does not only speak when he needs you to do something."
"If God wants you to know something, He can make it clear to you."
"God can speak through your children, your spouse, your friends, a memory, a moment of gratitude."
"You have a right to go before God and lay your case out."
"The greatest means of communication that God has with us is through His word; every other form of communication is secondary to His word."
"In order to hear him clearly and receive his divine intervention, the believer must learn to adore, love more dearly, respect, and diligently serve the Holy Spirit."
"If you want to learn to recognize and hear the voice of the Lord, read the Doctrine and Covenants."
"Allah said, 'Call upon Me, make dua to Me, and I will answer you.'"
"Pain removes the veil. In times of suffering, God's voice becomes clearer. Seek Him while He may be found."
"You may be in the choir, or you may just be somebody that wandered in, but God is speaking to you."
"When we come from a perspective of humility, God can speak through us clearly."
"Appreciate you so much Shari spending the time with this dream and being a colleague with me in this regards for the time you spent praying for the interpretation and hearing God's voice about it and helping me to share the dream with the world."
"Prophecy is speaking words from God, even simple words can be prophetic."
"If you want to hear God speak, read your Bible... it is God's word to us."
"If God is telling you something and it's inconsistent with the Bible, that would not be from the spirit of God."
"James, my son, this is not yet your time. Go back and tell your brothers and sisters of the wonders we have shown you."
"It doesn't matter what's said, the mara from the podium situation, rumor, whatever, it doesn't matter. When God speaks, everyone will know it."
"The voice of God is expensive because when he does speak, no matter what stands before you, it must give way."
"God communicates with all of us in our own ways."
"The Holy Spirit will never speak to you contrary to what is written in the scriptures. Therefore, the word of God becomes the judge of whatever voice you hear."
"God is waiting to hear from you: Where are you?"
"When you receive a profit at the end of a prophet, you get a Prophet's reward, which is future vision, which is hearing from God."
"God is not silent. He has made his will known and he will continue to make it known. The question we have to answer is, are we listening?"
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing but reveal his secrets."
"God doesn't check the latest posts, God doesn't have a Facebook, God doesn't tweet, God gave us his word."
"Graduation in the spiritual realm, divine messages received."
"God speaks specifically, clearly, and precisely."
"God heard your prayer from day one... but I was challenged by this particular high-ranking spirit."
"God's word is alive and active. He is always speaking."
"Hearing God should be normal. It should be abnormal to not hear him."