
Religious Debate Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"You can't say God is the best answer without demonstrating that a God is even possible or real."
"Challenge the opposition. You see religion on a hundred fronts losing the argument."
"The idea that Jesus could have survived his scourging and crucifixion I think is just highly highly improbable."
"Either Jesus is right in his way of Salvation or you're right."
"Why is it so unreasonable to ask for verifiable proof of your god's existence?"
"Every testable claim the Bible made has been disproved."
"So, the first floor is theistic apologetics, the second floor is Christian apologetics, and the third floor is Catholic apologetics."
"The real issue in the Roman Catholic controversy is the gospel."
"Platonus aims a substantial portion of his famed any ads at precisely combating the gnostics."
"You didn't make it this your argument religious but I know that it's really religious so I'm going to argue against it as if it is."
"It's a heart problem, you guys. The more militant these atheists are, we know they're just running scared from the God they know."
"If everybody on the planet right now was convinced that they had experienced God, does that mean they're right and I'm wrong?"
"I don't doubt it, and I made it private because it was crazy, okay, um, but I, I realized something, I said, these people, these people who believe that you can lose salvation, they're not as biblically as dumb as I thought they were."
"This is a war between spiritual orientations and religions."
"It isn't incumbent upon us to prove your God, your religion, or your faith as false. It is incumbent upon you to prove that it's true."
"Any worldview that denies Jesus' death by crucifixion is simply out of touch with reality."
"Intellectual narcissism empowers religious people to dismiss opposing viewpoints."
"We on the non-religious side of the argument are going to win because we have history on our side."
"Debating with religious people may not change their minds, but it might help those who are uncertain or reflecting."
"These new findings have the potential to shake up our understanding of the personality of Jesus, the religion of Christianity, and the world as a whole."
"When he introduced Markov chains, it was actually to help settle a religious debate over the existence of free will."
"We're a former Christian take a look at the claims of Christians."
"We are happy, we are delighted, we are elated if an atheist is to join, especially if it's a new atheist who wants to have a discussion."
"So, if I stack that against all of the other claims that are made on the god side, I would say that I have a whole lot less to prove with mine than yours. So how can we discount mine and still have yours?"
"I believe atheism is false, but if we're talking about things we're worried about in the world, I'm much more worried about the spread of Islam than the spread of atheism."
"You can't say the Liturgy is bad. Well, Trent's only talking about what liturgies exist. The Novus Ordo did not exist in 1570 or whatever the time was. It was against Protestantism, it was against liturgies that looked like the Novus Ordo."
"Not only does the Bible not teach Peter was the Pope, he wasn't even a leader in Rome."
"Is there sufficient warrant for a Christian to believe in the doctrine of sola scriptura?"
"Those who are in the chat, when they want to ask a question, think: 'If we can disprove Catholicism, sola scriptura wins by default.' That's not the case."
"Is God's presence not strong enough to produce this effect? Can't God move in this way? Is it unlike God to move in this way? Can you prove biblically that being slain in the spirit is not of God? How do you know it's not truly the Holy Spirit?"
"The pharisees were genuine torah-believing god followers, and jesus was saying things that were pretty radical."
"One of the benefits of the questions or the attacks of you know the Orientalist may make regarding the coherence of the really brought prominent brought prominence to the miraculous nature of the structure and the coherence of the."
"Could it be that there was a movement made up of Jews who saw Jesus as their Messiah, not their God?"
"You would have to take 1 Thessalonians 4, rip it out of the Bible, and throw it away if that were the case."
"When we elevate experience to that level and say that there are things about spirituality that I can learn that are right and true apart from scripture, we've now taken a stance on the Bible. We've said it's not sufficient."
"To reject Jesus's death by crucifixion is to truly be straining at gnats."
"If you think that evolution has to be wrong in order for your God to be right... you have to buy into a fallacy first of all."
"Faith is belief without evidence then you have unintentionally agreed with skeptics that there is no reason to believe in Christ."
"If Christianity is true why misrepresent the position and fail to address the main objections?"
"He titled it the eye-opening reason people are deconstructing, but I think Todd is keeping his eyes purposely closed."
"Religious moderates can't stand for this discourse."
"Now that no longer can you say that the Quran has been preserved."
"Instead, they're gonna defend the historicity of these cosmic miracles one by one."
"How can you criticize that by saying, 'Yeah, but God said? How do you know?'"
"We're watching Ben Shapiro provide a number of reasonable arguments that God exists and that atheism is false."
"I think there's more of a case that can be made for views other than young Earth Creationism than what I thought in the past."
"He's one of those delightful atheists who knows more about the Bible than many of the Christians that he engages."
"It's not about looking smart, it's about defending biblical authority."
"How do you know that these religious system is true and you appeal to a consensus and I'm saying that is a fallacy."
"Courage is a virtue, my friends, and what could be more courageous than challenging to show why Muhammad most certainly is not the noble pattern of conduct the Quran says he is?" - David Wood
"Jesus was just a messenger, any person who is dependent on food and water and oxygen that person cannot be god."
"A lot of religious family members that are really just on me all the time and now I know what to say back and you know that just helps so much."
"The real problem here is that there are countless people running around saying 'hey, we've got evidence for God'... when they present the evidence it's not."
"We are smarter than your God... I'm smarter than that motherfucker guaranteed."
"All this polemical time being wasted on people trying to make the Quran say what they want it to say, just to score points, to me, I find it utterly pointless."
"No one's going to hell because of something they haven't heard."
"Some people believe that celebrating Christmas on December 25th inadvertently celebrates pagan gods and traditions."
"Please Muslims for heaven's sakes you can't expect us to believe something that's redacted back 240 years later we're not going to accept that anymore."
"Islamic scholars and apologists must recognize that merely asserting the perfection of the Uthmanic tradition proves nothing."
"If you freely came to be an atheist and hold religious people accountable, then something like a soul must exist."
"This is complex enough and if God is the end all and be all, the salvation, what difference is his color?"
"That's false. Prosperity Gospel has no interest in the biblical gospel. It only offers financial prosperity."
"It's absurd that when it comes to the biggest question out there about whether or not there's a god, one of the things that would be one of the most important things to know were to be true."
"One of the things that Progressive Christianity is leaving is almost like people humble themselves or pride themselves on the fact that we can't really know."
"The most offensive claim of Christians is that Jesus is the only way of salvation."
"There's absolutely no reason that saying, 'Oh, you believe in a god, yeah I don't,' should be the reason for dividing families, should be the reason for wars and battles and fights and wasting time."
"Wasn't Father Abraham justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar?"
"If I say Jesus Christ is the only way to God not Mohammed is it they're slandering or is a hate crime."
"I'm an atheist because the god claims have not met their burden of proof."
"Religion is treated the exact same way: burden of proof is on them."
"Paul's main contribution was his argument that Gentiles don't have to become Jewish to be followers of Jesus."
"That's what I'm talking about. Consistency and the work and the originality. That's what we do."
"Unfortunately, many Bishops who restricted traditional Latin Mass are on the losing side of history."
"The arguments for God's existence are much stronger than the arguments against."
"If we actually take seriously what serious theologians and mystics within the world's religious traditions think about God then it's nothing like what atheists portray them as thinking about God."
"The default position has to be atheism if you are not convinced by either side in the debate."
"When we stop debating over gods and what they want us to do, we can begin to do a much better job of debating the real issues."
"He wouldn't dispute a priori the idea that Muhammad was a true prophet but I don't understand what that means."
"Two of the most controversial spiritual gifts in the New Testament are speaking in tongues and prophecy."
"I have every reason to believe that Islam is one of the main points that were argued today."
"There's a difference between calling somebody a heretic and saying somebody's false and damned... and saying somebody's in serious error."
"Lucas calling the view of hell that's been taught by the vast majority of Christian churches for almost 2,000 years a straw man indicates that it is you that hasn't done your research, not me."
"God's people we love to talk about this politically, socially, but we never understand the religiosity behind this."
"My thought was if my faith can't stand the scrutiny of any given person on the planet then what does my faith matter?"
"Faith and the Lord Jesus Christ is controversial because it's extreme, narrow, demanding, and very intolerant of other religious attempts."
"A bishop is entitled to his opinion... it is not undermining the pope by trying to direct him, to bring to his attention errors. In fact, it is an act of charity."
"If Prophet Muhammad was a false prophet, why would he introduce so many of those laws?"
"There's one verse that kills cessationist theology better than any other and with apologies to uh jonth John MacArthur uh no apologies neither."
"Think about this: if you're an atheist and now all of a sudden we have evidence that everything it says in the Gospels that was done to Jesus is now supported forensically by the Shroud of Turin, well, that can be very challenging..."
"The Bible is a series of myths and fables or it's truths and realities."
"It's really battling for the soul of the church."
"The slavery issue is the most frustrating, just obviously just the worst hill for a Christian to want to die on." - Matt
"Muhammad Hijab's response to Ehrman's claims."
"He just started asking him questions about like the sacraments, like, so you believe in seven sacraments as an Anglican, he's like, well, yeah, but like, there's two of the gospel and there's five of the church."
"A god who would subject his own son to a horrendous suffering death on a cross is not only a god that you never want to worship, such a god is a cosmic abuser."
"Why would you ignore scholars and stick to the word Jehovah?"
"Progressive Christianity tends to be so open-minded that their brain is fell out, their spiritual brain, their logical brain, they've completely checked out and everything is up for discussion."
"One of the best things I ever read was to argue there isn't a God is as ridiculous to argue there is one."
"Don't ever say because I don't understand something therefore God did it."
"Once you realize... biblical contradictions exist at all..."
"Are you sure the Christians the Christians didn't later on corrupt the Hebrew we have no evidence that any Christian ever in the first century or or before corrupted the text no evidence whatsoever."
"I think if the Bible could be used to Advocate against the institution of slavery..."
"Arguments appear and disappear about God's existence, but almost all philosophers believe that the most serious argument against God's existence is the problem of evil."
"All of these arguments that Steve has raised to try to show scripture contradicts the Marian dogmas... does no such thing."
"New Atheism is based on this total nonsensical idea that there's no God."
"Eventually I think they will find what it is that dark matter is but uh until then all we can do for now is just uh sort of work with the effects of it that they can measure."
"Do you still believe that Jesus has his mother and his people were white like Europeans or are these untampered and centuries old paintings Real showing Jesus as black?"
"Is God dead," as Nietzsche once declared? Or is there space for a renaissance of religious belief in the modern world?
"Q's theology is similar to Thomas, and both Q and Thomas disagree with Paul."
"Religious privilege shouldn't be allowed, particularly when governments exempt churches and not other organizations."
"The conclusion across the board is that the Jewish calendar is a lie."
"Was Christ crucified? I have shown from the Quran that he was."
"So many apologists and Christian fundamentalists are against dancing because they do it so well."
"No Christian can ignore the Bible, and because the Bible is so problematic... they're going to have to deal with someone like me."
"If what Galatians 1 says is true...then I would say to anyone who says you're overreacting give me some explanation."
"There are people who will watch that who will sit and watch all of the scriptures and evidence and still side with that right because they have an inability of objectivity."
"We must never allow doctrinal error or theological compromise to go unchallenged because of our affection or respect for the person who is in error."
"Homosexuality has become a plague in the clergy."
"Before Jesus was crucified, God could forgive sins. So what's the point of Jesus being crucified?"
"My solution to defeating Abrahamism is telling them there's a better version here."
"Now, let me say that the argument from religious experience doesn't prove that God exists... But does demonstrate that believers in God can rationally hold onto belief in God in the absence of defeaters."
"Alas, such is the ridiculous nature of the corners you paint yourself into when you decide to take the Bible literally."
"The Prosperity Gospel offers the world the same thing the devil offered Jesus in Matthew chapter four."
"You'll make more atheists that way than if you're honestly engaging in the conversation."
"Rights come from God, sir. No, they don't, sir."
"I do not believe that the Roman Catholic Church, I do not believe that the Vatican, I do not believe that the United States of America is the mystery Babylon found in the Book of Revelation."
"You don't have to prove the Bible wasn't written by a bunch of random dudes. Nobody believes that."
"It's such a weird argument when the church kind of makes the argument that Joseph Smith didn't know what he was doing."
"Did he create trans people or do trans people choose to be trans?"
"If I'm wrong, oh well. If you're wrong, oh hell."
"If God is good why can't he destroy all evil well he eventually will why can't he do it now because he'd have to destroy you."
"We've come to say: Are the Gospels like the informal uncontrolled stories or are they more like rabbinical teaching?"
"Jesus Christ is either a legend, a liar, a lunatic, or a lord."
"Jesus can be your savior, but is he God? No, he's not. Of course, he's not God."
"The subject of this show is why do we keep arguing with Christians? Oh, well, you know, here we go."
"If your objection is based on what the Quran teaches, you've got a problem because the Quran teaches my scripture is reliable."
"All you gotta do to one of these feminists say well show me the one verse that says she in the whole Bible the one she give me the one sheet and they can't do it because God has preferred pronouns."
"You're saying theism versus atheism... monotheist... Christian... don't believe everything in the Bible."
"Does it matter whether or not the Bible thinks it's immoral? No, I don't think so."
"Not only do you have to prove that Jesus actually existed, but you have to prove that the Bible accurately records the events of his life, including the resurrection."
"I think a lot of time is wasted in this argument by atheists blaming Christians for all the horrors and depressions that are taking place in history."
"How many of you know that the Thessalonians 4 is a lie that there is no Rapture?"
"But this isn't the only one, this isn't… this isn't like trads are just saying 'hey this is the issue we have, the issue with Pachamama, here now, we need to, you know, really rope you into traditional circles,' uh there's been a lot more, right?"
"That's the most perverted verse I've ever heard in the Bible."
"Christians that believe Christians can't have demons, you are deceived."
"So here's my challenge: quote to me in the Quran and quote to me in the Old Testament where someone other than God not only gives physical life but spiritual life."
"I've been combating atheism for over 20 years now."
"It's dishonest disingenuous of people to try to argue God as something else."
"Matthew finishes that story with an admission that it's essentially just him coming up with an apologetic response to the accusation that Jesus' body was stolen."
"Either this man was it is the son of God or else a madman and something worse you can shut him up for a fool you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God."
"You get the Virgin birth in Luke as well, the stories are completely different. It's almost impossible to reconcile Matthew's account with Luke's account."
"It's why I imagine City fans have felt for the last five six years like going to games controlling you know the opposition feeling confident in their team believing in their team." - James
"I don't get upset at atheists who dismiss mine."
"They're saying the disciples stole the body, which admits that there was really an empty tomb."
"But would he support socialism? Jesus confronted the money changers and challenged believers to give to the needy."
"When you come right at me trying to tell me there's more than one god, you've knocked over a whole bucket of milk."
"The reason why Mormons love to say to ex-Mormons 'why can't you just leave the church alone' is because that is the go-to for abusers."
"They can't let you go, you're constantly in their energy and on their mind."
"Can the atheists, the modern atheists, pull off the feats necessary? Probably not."
"The only question to be answered is whether or not Muhammad was inspired by God."
"Doesn't it sound suspicious to you that whenever they go, they can always find an atheist?"
"...the Bible that we have today is not necessarily that which was with Christ. There's a couple of major debates here in Muslim circles, mind you."
"I haven't seen them in a minute. They had a freaking blast. But having the religious debates with them was really, really good."
"The ultimate root issue... between us as Catholics and Protestant Christians... the issue of the papacy because that gets at the issues of authority."
"...one of the strongest or most commonly cited proof texts against this is Deuteronomy 18:10-12."
"So, quit telling people people want to say, 'Well, you could still be saved.' No, I can't. Your whole argument is wasted."
"Because if your Torah didn't tell you Muhammad is a prophet, you wouldn't be wasting your common sense and intellect to try to prove he is."
"Leave them alone. They teach a Doctrine contrary to scriptures."
"If the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father and the son, then there are two Gods."
"'So when he's telling this guy, keep the Commandments, do works, that's not for us today...'"
"Brilliant, godly, spirit-filled Christians have disagreed on this issue for the entire history of the church pretty much."
"I'm bringing the heat. The gloves come off. I'm bringing the fight to the atheist."
"...the council of Nicaea simply wound up codifying the position of one side of the argument."
"Many people say, 'Oh, The Da Vinci Code is fiction.' But they tend to think that the idea that the divinity of Jesus was a later teaching, suppressing the earlier teaching of Jesus' humanity, they think that that was historically the case. It's just not true at all."
"How can the Prophet, peace be upon him, be a prophet when he goes against Isaiah? Is that my clear?"
"The Lausanne Disputation, one of the more important encounters... John Calvin is publicly debating, speaking, arguing at these ideas in Protestant theology."
"The cults that hold onto the Bible, they say, 'No, no, the Bible is true.' Even Catholicism, they say, 'We are the only ones that can interpret it.' That's when they actually put themselves up to be a higher authority than Scripture."
"How well do you think we as Christians handle disagreements on important but secondary issues to salvation?"
"If they're wrong about Jesus, then actually the Jews have the truth."
"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday."
"Whenever religion picks a fight with science, science wins."
"Jesus is Jehovah, and that's the most important argument you can give to a Jehovah's Witness."
"Do you want to have a discussion about the attributes of Allah, the attributes of the god of Christianity?"
"Every non-Christian cultic system denies that Jesus Christ is God in human form."
"I really love to debate theists about theism, hear why or just hear why you believe in God and sort of run through that kind of thing."
"Doesn't the religious world all agree when it comes to this idea of a rapture? Well in fact it doesn't. Even ministers disagree."
"In this debate, I will prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Paul of Tarsus and his teachings were hostile in ethos to the true Apostles in Jerusalem."