
Sequel Comparison Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Snowpiercer is all factory with no Wonka and no Oompa Loompas, and you know what, everyone would agree it's a better sequel than Charlie in the Great Glass Elevator."
"They just tried to be a sequel to Dark Souls."
"It's Spider-Man more than it's a comedy, and then I remember feeling that about halfway through. It's not as funny as the first one, but it's not the same movie as the first."
"The final fight itself is way better than the first game's."
"We're missing the inspired enemies the first two games had."
"Movie sequels generally tend to never match their originals."
"The music in Batman Beyond Season 2 is just as good as Season 1. Let's listen to this track."
"There aren't difficulty options it's just standard but oh boy is the game a lot harder than the first."
"For the longest time, I always wondered why I ever thought the sequels had way worse quality than the originals."
"Borderlands 3 is like taking the exact style of jokes from Borderlands 2 and just pouring them on."
"This game supersedes the first one and I would definitely recommend this game over that game."
"I think my hesitancy with picking up this book in the first place was because I had enjoyed the kiss quotient so much I was scared the bride test wouldn't live up to my expectations."
"The story in Destiny 2 is a massive step forward."
"I honestly really, really like Destiny 2, just not as much as I liked Destiny 1."
"What's also kind of crazy too is when you consider that the first game and this one were both only 10 years apart."
"Super Mario Sunshine is a sizable improvement over 64."
"The only real negative is it's not as scary as the first one, but in every other way, it's a big improvement."
"That was sick, easily better than the first two."
"A game that makes me, of all people, happy? Yes, you can still do most of the things you could do in Splatoon one."
"Come on it's officially a franchise now though which is cool officially franchise yes one more game and that'll be the same number of bicha kazooie's right no this is it banjo kazooie has two games no nuts-and-bolts."
"This movie was leaps and bounds better than first class, not even close."
"That's the perfect example though is that Ant Man and the Wasp and Deadpool both had predecessors that were good."
"A lot of the supporting cast felt a little bit BL, like in the previous movie."
"Empire Strikes Back is not a truly terrible movie... it's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty but it is nice and inoffensive."
"The best thing about watching a bad sequel is how it demands that you consider what made the original so good by comparison."
"Resident Evil 3 visits some of the same places as Resident Evil 2."
"Very funny and entertaining at times, it just is not a sequel that lives up to the original."
"Mario Odyssey is an evolution, not a replacement, reminiscent of Breath of the Wild's expansion."
"Glass Onion rocks so hard it's not quite as good as the first Knives Out for me but it's still another funny subversive clever as all hell hybrid between a classic murder mystery and a deconstruction of just how dumb rich people can be."
"Castlevania Bloodlines should be in that five-star rating because it plays more like a Castlevania sequel than Castlevania 4 did."
"Fear 2 has a much more solid pace than its predecessor."
"Ghostbusters 2016 tries way too hard to be liked."
"I am really enjoying Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer despite some of the drawbacks... this is pretty much what I wanted out of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer last year."
"At least it's not Ice Age 3 dawn of the Dinosaurs or Ice Age 4 continental Drift or ice age five."
"Robocop 2 may not be as good as the original, but it's still a pretty good fun film regardless."
"In conclusion, I think Home Alone 2 was a worthy follow-up. It doesn't have quite the impact of the first one, but it deals with what we expected extremely well and stands as a nice companion piece to the first film."
"This game is still really good even if it doesn't live up to the first two."
"It's like the first one, it's dumb and it's fine."
"I think it's just as good, if not better, than the first Black Panther."
"But it's not as good as the original... it does expand it enough to where I want to see more."
"It really is, it's a marked improvement over Battlefield One and for that I'm happy."
"The graphics feel on par with the first game."
"This movie was great, maybe even better than the first one."
"Overall, a massive improvement on the first game."
"The quality of Last of Us 2 speaks volumes when even a die-hard fan like James prefers it over the first game."
"It wasn't just GTA 5 from GTA 4, it wasn't just another main wasn't GTA 4 - exactly."
"Unlike the previous game, there's actually a notable difference between characters."
"I actually really liked that when I watch it last night and I thought the second one was just better."
"This game is slowly becoming Destiny one again, which they took away a lot of great content."
"This game is absolutely 100 percent darker than the original, which I loved for all of its bright sometimes even pristine white paneling."
"Everything points back to the Half-life 2 beta, and it's almost kind of depressing to look at. Half-life 2 beta looked more like a real sequel to Half-life 1."
"Ultimately, it was a 2-hour and 40-minute movie, it didn't feel like that to me personally. It definitely was paced better in my opinion than the first movie."
"These movies though, all right, y'all, so that was VHS too. I will say this, I will say this, it did not destroy me in the same way that the first movie did, but that does not mean that it did not [__] me up."
"I feel like Michael Keaton didn't do as much as he did in this movie as he did in the last movie, I feel like he kind of almost took a backseat."
"How could I not mention this one I think dream warriors is what every sequel should strive to be it's like what Terminator 2 is to terminate it's so big it's one of the few slices that really just ups the ante on every single level."
"Which is a better sequel: Evil Dead 2 or Hellraiser 2?"
"It's a very loaded movie, but then Howling Four is just Howling One again."
"I like the movie, I thought it's fun, I actually thought the tone was even sometimes more consistent than the first one was."
"The movie's got a good amount of action compared to the first one."
"It's like Back to the Future II, much better than the first."
"I like this film a lot better than the original Rescuers."
"When you look at Breath of the Wild directly after playing Skyward Sword, you realize that a lot of the issues were molded into beloved and praised features for the new game."
"Jaws of course is my favorite movie, Jaws the Revenge is not my favorite movie."