
Ethical Responsibility Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"It would be morally wrong of me to not take care of myself."
"The ethical requirement isn't to be guilty about having money but to think, 'How can I use this money in the most responsible manner possible?'"
"Every witness has to tell the truth under oath, and if they don't, that constitutes a violation of their ethical responsibilities."
"I do believe that we have a certain responsibility to not take advantage of our audiences."
"It confers upon us an enormous responsibility that is not just the responsibility of the scientists... it is a responsibility of everybody."
"If we cover this up or even allow Ravi's reputation to stand... we continue the lie."
"We don't just do it for lip service; we do that because it's a moral responsibility."
"We believe we have a moral duty to make this right, and we will do so."
"The function of law enforcement is the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals, not the manufacturing of crime."
"A journalist with a pen in his hand is like a warrior with an AK-47; he can use it to protect or to destroy."
"It's a very serious matter when these substances have the potential to kill people it transcends your pride it transcends your personal ego when the goal is the greater well-being the greater good of your fellow human."
"If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought morally to do it."
"Doesn't that result in a moral obligation to deliver the possibility of having such a life to as many human beings as we can possibly arrange?"
"It does not behoove any evangelical... to cover for bad acts by a politician."
"I was just doing my job has never been a good excuse."
"If I'm with you and you kill somebody and you're a cop, and I see you kill this young man or this young woman, it's my job to be like, 'Yo man, I love you but you [expletive] up.'"
"I fully respect her freedom of speech as Dr. Fauci respects Tucker Carlson's, but I think yes, it's incumbent upon all of us to be transparent, to be ethical, to give information."
"If violence maybe is threatened and I know somebody who can do something to prevent people being killed and so on, I think I'm entitled to go to that person and say please, we don't want violence."
"It's important that people be held accountable."
"Humans have a responsibility to be wise in our use of technology."
"Just stop hurting people. What should happen to Greg? Truthfully, I feel like they should both be held accountable for the things that they have done."
"We need to hold people accountable for this."
"You have an obligation to treat yourself as if you're a creature of value."
"We need to be aware that making use of nature should not be synonymous with destroying it or using it up."
"I certainly do not want to be playing a hand in anything that could potentially be harmful to humanity."
"You're ruining people's lives when you do something like this."
"If you recognize a problem and choose not to do anything about it, then you become complicit."
"I do think we can do, certainly, a lot better, and, at the very least, when we hear what we know to be a lie, we must confront it."
"We cannot be held responsible for slavery in China, but we do have some responsibility for our own actions."
"The winners of our age must be challenged to do more good but never ever tell them to do less harm."
"I strongly believe that it is not my place to hide information from you."
"Any happenstances of that nature absolutely need to be called out and taken seriously."
"You're holding innocent people responsible for the actions of the guilty."
"You can't tell the Lord, 'Well, he made me do it, she made me do it, they made me do it.' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're going to give an account to God for the deeds that's done in your body, that's right."
"If you believe that reality is best constituted as a consequence of truth, then you have a responsibility to speak the truth."
"Trying to tell the full truth is a professional Duty."
"By not actively making things better, you are making things worse."
"Truthfulness is not just a professional obligation but a moral duty."
"If you're gonna be an influencer, influence for good."
"We all as human beings have a moral obligation to seek the truth."
"We have an egregious situation that calls on people of concern to straighten it out." - Lawrence Wilkerson
"The more you know, the more you're responsible for."
"Someone has to pay for this and if nobody pays for this in the U.S then people are going to continue to pay for it in other countries and that's not fair just so that you can have the newest iPhone."
"I think these platforms have a moral responsibility to filter out content like that... without fearing increased legal liability."
"Your silence is reprehensible. We beg you to do the right thing and help us bring Gabby home."
"This is probably some of the most important work we're doing... morally exposing this and hopefully, in the end, stopping it."
"If you have a mission and you're working towards your mission, your mission is legit, it's ethical, you're doing the right thing then it's your duty it's actually your duty to draw attention to your mission."
"It's about any little thing that you can do to contribute to positive change and limit active harm."
"If you're open carrying a gun... you have a moral obligation to not let people disarm you."
"What kind of person would I be if I saw a medical atrocity unfolding in front of me and I didn't say so at a medical conference?"
"He's always trying to do right by all stakeholders."
"Because with knowledge comes responsibility."
"We must be accountable to those people that we are allowing to die on our hands just for our luxuries."
"The oppressor still has obligations to the oppressed."
"If you have the ability, you have the responsibility; if you can, then you must."
"If you challenge their power you can get results if you don't you're not going to get results."
"One of the biggest things that I look to is him who knows to do right and doesn't. It's sin."
"When our heroes promote bullshit for money, we need to hold them accountable for that."
"With great power, there must also always be great responsibility."
"Once you know better, you can't get away with not doing better."
"You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know of its existence."
"I do not believe that as a people we can justify or afford to remove species of wildlife from the landscape."
"The big lie revolves around what... practically and morally responsible."
"When you have a system that is so fundamentally unjust where people's literal lives are at stake we can't sit here playing games."
"When you deprive somebody of something, you make it right by paying what you owe."
"How many of you have potential greater than the potential you're using? Good. It is your ethical obligation, it is your duty, and your responsibility to fulfill your potential. That's your obligation."
"Our future depends on producing and encouraging highly competent, ethically responsible young scientists."
"Everything is legal, but it's wrong. Every reporter should be on fire to get the truth."
"It is an ethical imperative for every doctor and patient to understand the difference between absolute and relative risks."
"Responsible each life we create, even if it began millions of years ago, is precious and valuable, truly valuable."
"It's all right to come forward. Actually, it's our duty to come forward."
"Animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny, and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children."
"Suffering should be relieved in a kind and humane way."
"We must do the right thing...in whatever power that we have."
"I feel a duty to black-footed ferrets because as humans, we were one of the causes of their near extinction, and I think we owe it to the species to try and recover them if we can."
"These people are literally putting their entire reputations on the line... they need to be commended."
"Great power means great responsibility, guys."
"Respecting the position God gave man is not an excuse to do dirt behind the shade of the pulpit."
"Whether or not you're applying that and yeah, and also if you know someone's about to kill several people, you do what you can to stop that person."
"Self-awareness does not absolve us of anything."
"It can't be understated how abhorrent inaction would have been."
"Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior." - Michelle Obama.
"If they were knowingly responsible, then there should be consequences."
"You are responsible for the people around you."
"We all have compassion and love in us... we have an obligation to aspire to the better parts of our nature."
"Just because you feel diminished, it doesn't give you the right to reinvade those territories."
"I think what I am describing right now is a pro-Freedom stance because by allowing people today to recklessly abuse a tiny sliver of their right to free speech, they're trading away the lives of the human species a few generations down the line."
"I think they have to act both morally and for the sake of our Constitution."
"I guarantee you I swear on my parents grave I will not forsake these lost souls or the animals in our community we will no longer kill them in our shelters."
"Information is power, and with power comes great responsibility."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil. Not to act, not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. Thank you for speaking, thank you for acting. You are an inspiration, sir."
"Frankenstein can create whatever monster he wants to in his basement. You're free to do that. But when the monster gets out, you gotta hold Frankenstein accountable."
"Shame on you for doing it so cut it out and you know that applies to everybody big channel or little doesn't make any difference."
"Silence really is compliance, and it is scary."
"If you have two shirts in your closet, one belongs to you, the other belongs to the man who has no shirt."
"For the good of the future of gaming, we must be better."
"Pollution is a different kind of murder if you do nothing about it; humans may be destroyed."
"We all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't suffer the consequences for your mistakes."
"It's our responsibility and dare I say it's our privilege."
"Your responsible, ethical choice is to vaccinate yourself so that you don't cause harm for others."
"You know, if you can save a life, you should do everything you can."
"If you're the True Church, isn't there a moral obligation?"
"Everything that can be saved should be saved."
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"We each have a responsibility and the capacity to be a light into the world."
"Russia needs to go the [__] home and we have the capability to provide that Aid so we should do it with that capability comes a responsibility in my mind."
"Shouldn't we have it in us to want to protect that vulnerable woman?"
"It's a moral obligation for us all to be able to do something."
"We truly would not leave a stumbling block before you."
"So either you genuinely just see human beings as stepping stones for your own personal gain or if you are a human yourself, you have to recognize that you have a responsibility to those behind you."
"You can't violate people's rights just because you have a badge and a gun."
"Any individual who was part of that research, any individual who had a part to play in that has blood on their hands."
"Let's just hope that we use our newfound powers for good rather than evil."
"Defending the weak is always a duty that you should do."
"Every opportunity we have to rescue horses out of the slaughter pipeline, we want to take it."
"A person who has learned the ability to kill with their bare hands has also learned the discipline to not do it indiscriminately."
"All it takes is for good men to be neutral in times of evil."
"All this needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing."
"We are bound to do no harm to our fellow creatures."
"If someone's going to kill themselves, I feel obligated by Christian ethics to tell him, 'Don't do that, your life is worth more than that.'"
"The whole point of having power is to use it to do what you think is right."
"You're allowed to blow the whistle on corruption when you see it."
"If you have a genuine belief that there's even a 1% chance that what you're doing right now will wipe out Humanity you should stop doing it right now."
"You have a moral obligation to avoid the rights violations of animals."
"If you have the ability, you have some responsibility."
"If I'm doing anything else then I am ethically like... I'm depriving the world another thing that he's world-class at."
"If you know who killed Alex... if you haven't spoken up, you are as much a monster as the killer."
"Working within an unfair or exploitative system does not give you license to exploit others especially if you chose to enter that system in the first place."
"Scientists bear the responsibility to guard against potential dangers to society."
"My job is to be there and to support people and to make sure that we're doing the right thing."
"You shouldn't let these evil corporations get away with murder."
"I have an ethical duty to protect the citizens of this country."
"If somebody asks you to do something that's illegal immoral or unethical it's actually your duty to the American people and to the Constitution to just say no and then just see where you land."
"You have a moral obligation to report things that you think are wrong."
"I feel like we have an ethical responsibility to ensure that the world knows that this species exists."
"Eckman is keenly aware that the knowledge contained in that research will be very useful to someone like a torturer or something like that, so he is like staunch, 'I refuse to allow that material to fall into the hands of people in countries where that's commonplace.'"
"Do Amazon have a moral responsibility to remove unscientifically backed theories and ideas?"
"God is looking down on us; we are not going to the good place if we don't fix this situation."
"Every decent person should be concerned at the level of death that we're witnessing."
"Social workers should take reasonable precautions to protect client confidentiality in the event of the social worker's termination of practice, incapacitation, or death."
"There's also a responsibility to just be a good human."
"We have to be able to build complex systems that are safe, reproducible, and that I'm willing to use in my mom or my daughter or my son."
"It's not so much finding out the cigarettes cause cancer; it's that once you found out, you hid it. That's the issue."
"We all have a responsibility to ensure that the exploitation of natural resources in Africa is done sustainably, ethically, and in a way that promotes the well-being of present and future generations."
"We have moral commitments that an AI does not."
"I take very seriously my responsibilities to register and declare all of my relevant interests."
"We have an obligation to harness the power of artificial intelligence for good while protecting people from its profound risks."
"You are ethically tied to doing what's best for the public."
"The very nature of matter entails an exposure to the other; responsibility is not an obligation that the subject chooses, but rather an incarnate relation that precedes the intentionality of consciousness."
"You have an ethical obligation to be involved in the communities that you work in."