
Service Quality Quotes

There are 519 quotes

"We are dedicated to creating a quality experience."
"The service - best jacket potato in the world."
"Lower prices, better service, and better efficiency benefit the customer."
"Be excellent at your service, whatever product or service you provide. Try to make it the best and be super ethical."
"A study back in 2021 showed that both the speed and accuracy of drive-thru service have decreased largely thanks to less experience in the workplace and increasingly complex menus."
"The NHS does some things well, some things badly. It's a service, not a deity."
"We all expect nothing but the best from them, and that's because of the reputation they've built."
"The more integrity, honesty you bring to your services, the more feedback you'll receive."
"You can give someone the greatest haircut in the world, but if you don't give them a really beautiful blowout that they feel they can duplicate at home, then what is it worth?"
"You pay for your internet; you should get your internet. If you pay for 50 megabit, you should get 50 megabit."
"The only way that you can make the most money is to provide an exceptional valued service and charge a ton of money for it."
"The guests deserve a better quality of service."
"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem."
"People will pay for good service and good results. It's not about the time spent; it's all about the results."
"Continually improve and develop; you cannot provide the best service possible without it."
"Piracy is very much a service problem and they believe that providing a good service to the consumer is the way to go."
"Of course, people should get refunds if they are not getting what they were promised."
"There's a general incompetence problem just everywhere. Have you tried to get customer service help since the pandemic? Something changed."
"Whether you want a dehumanized railway that's just there to clinically deliver that service at a profit or whether you want a human railway that looks out for its passengers."
"You have to be Chick-fil-A in your life, give great customer service."
"They have already shown that if you provide a super high-quality service and experience, that the people will show up by the millions."
"Deliver great work... and creating a great client experience."
"Service quality determines a hotel's reputation—reputation is as precious as one's life."
"Reputation is as precious as one's life—service quality is inseparable from reputation."
"In a competitive retail space, there will always be alternative providers cropping up with the express goal of providing better services."
"You demand Perfection and that's where my bookie delivers."
"Piracy is a service problem. The way to defeat piracy is to provide a better service than the pirates."
"Under-promise and over-deliver. It's one of the biggest problems in this field."
"I'm putting them inside of what I will provide, five-star service."
"We want it to feel amazing when you spend the money to get your car graded we want it to be delivered back to you with first and foremost the utmost professionalism and care yes but also we want it to feel good when you open that box."
"Losing a loved one is difficult at the best of times but a bad experience with a funeral director can make it so much worse."
"They really make it an above and beyond excellent dining experience."
"What an amazing meal, a beautiful meal, wonderful service."
"Piracy is a service issue, it's a train you can't stop so you may as well build it a proper railway."
"Progression towards optimization: you're going up the stairs not down when you come and see us."
"If suddenly your customer relationship is much tighter, if the proximity between you and a customer is better, then you're gonna serve them a lot better across your platforms."
"Just let your server or a cast member know that you do have a certain allergy that needs to be accommodated."
"It's not about how you go, it's not about food. But it's always been about our customers, isn't it?"
"Customers are thrilled with what they are receiving."
"Real success lies in getting them to come back."
"My goal... is that everybody feels like they had a good experience, everybody feels like they were heard."
"The Tesla Supercharger network is named as the UK's best chargepoint provider."
"The level of care in compassion and service that you're going to get from our coaches is second to none."
"Authorized dealers offer better customer service."
"Our goal is to give the best possible experience."
"I miss good service, nice friendly... it just be hard nowadays to find people who just like what they do."
"I would be surprised to see anyone doing the job better than Sylvia you can't have better servants when you have employees who care as much as she does."
"We hear you. We know those seeking our services need and deserve this commitment."
"It's also very serious and a little bit scary, especially as we head into another election."
"The service has been degrading over time, there have been outages, it breaks down."
"ExpressVPN is the best VPN service because they invest only in premium servers, making them constantly faster than any other VPN provider."
"Happy customers are the foundation of our good business."
"Thank you for staying connected, I really appreciate your time and patience."
"NordVPN is honestly such a great service and it's super fast and it's totally risk-free because of their 30-day money-back guarantee."
"The best reason to use us is that we really, really care about our customers."
"Our customers are really demanding because they have a very high expectation level towards comfort and well-being."
"This is by far the best beauty re-touch that we've seen so far today."
"For a live service game, this is just unacceptable."
"If you want great service, you have to pay premium to get great service."
"Deep Rock Galactic feels like a live service game if the developer actually delivered all of the promised content on day one."
"Give credit where credit is due, this is an awesome service."
"Piracy is a service problem; emulation is a service problem."
"Giving good service is not good enough; people expect personalized service."
"Why would you settle for such lazy mediocrity when you're paying Disney prices and expecting much more?"
"Starlink's service is meeting and exceeding speeds of 100 megabits per second for downloads."
"They can't offer you services you don't need and we can look into that if they feel like some of their rights were violated."
"When a veteran walks into a VA clinic or a VA hospital, you've got somebody there saying, 'How can we serve you? How can we help you?'"
"Having the quality of service optimization on this actually works really well."
"Your branding has to match your prices, your service has to match your prices, your experience has to match your prices."
"If Robinhood can do all of these things well, I would start taking them a lot more seriously."
"It's not rocket science, he's not getting the service he should be getting at the top club."
"Y'all better not be slow, don't y'all hate them slow ass pumps?"
"Every business is going to have to do a really excellent job on value and convenience."
"Get your rent when you fix the damn cinematic."
"If you really want the best deal or the best service it's always going to be done with a real handshake in person."
"Just remember one thing it's not about you it's about the experience."
"Only sell products or services that you can deliver an end result."
"Piracy is a service issue 100. If I can just have the product as is in the right format and way and I just pay for the convenience then I'm gonna do it."
"Search, selection, and delivery... If you can help people find it and you can get it to them fast, the quality's in the middle, you're going to get loyalty."
"Bartenders can't pour, they can't make a cocktail."
"You guys know I love Airbnb and lately I've seen a lot of people hating on it... but there are also hosts creating amazing experiences you would just never get at a hotel."
"One of the best things about coming to this place is their team is very, very educated."
"Definitely a step up from the Japanese client."
"I really want Tesla to look at how we can revolutionize service and I don't know make it 10 times better than the rest of the industry."
"You are the cheapest but you are also the quickest."
"Incredible service... deserves to be applauded... world-changing."
"The more information I can collect up front, the better it better ensures that my client is happy with the end product."
"They want to make sure you leave with satisfaction."
"Their awful handling of communication was rather egregious."
"Clients can tell when it's 'Wow' and when it's mediocre."
"Service center Apple is one of the best examples for me."
"Piracy is not a pricing issue. It's a service issue."
"You know you're in very safe and capable hands when you're purchasing your emergency mobile telephone communication device."
"There is also a claim of racial disparity in wait times."
"It's just so much better, you're not paying these [ __ ] fees, you're not dealing with [ __ ] waiting in line."
"The main thing is, I tell my customers to come back and tell me if it's bad or good. So then I start looking for ways to change."
"Wow, did a freaking bikini model just deliver this car for me? That's a service with a smile, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's a win-win for both of us. But if you don't like our service, we can stop immediately."
"They make it very easy for you, I was very pleased with the experience."
"Nobody's like 'Great gym!' It's all 'They scammed me out of my money!'"
"We have milk that is substantially thicker, it is substantially warmer, that's what we asked for and that's what we got."
"Love your clients, charge them as much money as possible, and deliver the very best service on the quality product you can."
"Nobody has actually done it better than Artbar."
"That's so crazy. You're a pizza place. I should be able to get a full pizza from you."
"And so I don't think you were ready to open because I should be able to, as an individual, as a group, be able to buy a full pizza."
"Thoughtful shoppers, convenient service, peace of mind. That's the difference Shipt makes."
"Best service, five-star. They need to make a six-star because I give such good service."
"It's not the cheapest solution but I think it's a very reasonable price to pay to restore public trust and confidence in a service that has been rocked the last several months."
"Don't tell people to give you perfect service scores. It's a really good way not to get them."
"The way this business works, you do a good job and they're always gonna tell someone else."
"Serving restaurant quality food is an idea that harks back to the pioneering days of aviation."
"I've never given someone an infection, but I have given them shitty work."
"Why is it that your food is any better? Your service is any better?"
"They really went the extra mile at this property."
"The quickest way to ruin your business is bad customer service."
"What put it over the top, what made it so special, were of course the people working on board."
"I was just here 15 minutes ago, and they're fast, they're on point. Shout-out to you, my dentist people and dentist office, thank you."
"Focus on being good, provide a good service."
"It's very much like, like does anyone work here aside from these college students who don't really care about this place because it looks like it, it smells like it, and there's a line out the door but gosh darn it."
"Under promise, over deliver, that's the way to go."
"Arrives within a week so you get the convenience without skimping on the quality."
"Because they've done it, they understand that extra care that needs to be spent. The end customer being happy is what makes us happy."
"No one likes to tip unless it's just utterly outstanding."
"We put so much attention and detail in making sure they have the best experience."
"Stop expecting me to work with this connection the way it is because the way it is is on some bull****."
"It's okay to want a great service that saves you money."
"There is no service like my service. It helps people break through their hard times."
"They have good customer service and a good warranty; this is a two-year warranty."
"Airbnb is just flat out a far superior product in almost every way conceivable."
"Club 33 service has always been about what you'd expect from a high-priced VIP lounge expensive food first-class cast members and a relaxed atmosphere."
"Disney Cruise Line is a cut above for a reason."
"Quick clean fast professional result that'll last a long time."
"This is one of the best things ever because they have the best Washi Washi station."
"Customer service has nothing to do with necessarily the information that you know, it's about how you make people feel."
"So for me, I want to give them so much value where they can't come back to me and say this wasn't worth the money that they spent."
"It just goes to show, yeah, we're always listening."
"Ensure that everyone is having the best experience possible."
"If your charging experience is poor, your ownership experience is going to be poor."
"It really showed that they did actually care and they were receptive to feedback, which is such a rare thing these days."
"There's nowhere else I want to be. Atmosphere waiting, homie service, friendly, helpful, food outstanding."
"Not only because they sponsor this channel... they're also very good to work with, they give fair prices and solid delivery."
"I'm looking for the best restaurant, great food, great service, great atmosphere, friendly approach."
"The service is incredible but I also kind of feel like it's a double-edged sword."
"A massive thank you to Lamborghini Tunbridge Wells. Very kind people and did an amazing job."
"That's called service. It comes from the heart."
"Customer service is just absolutely top-notch."
"They do it right, all the service here is incredible."
"You don't necessarily have to pay premium prices to get premium treatment."
"They ship you stuff super fast, I cannot recommend them highly enough."
"You won't find better service, you won't find faster shipping either."
"Profit incentive drives better services in privatized sectors."
"We have to deliver value to people in a way that they'll appreciate."
"We're committed to making sure that you guys have a great experience."
"If somebody doesn't leave your presence thinking, 'Wow, I feel 10 out of 10 glam,' it's awful to watch, isn't it?"
"We absolutely care, we want everyone to have the best experience they can."
"They deliver the pizza to you in pristine condition."
"ExpressVPN has the fastest speeds and 24/7 customer support."
"Customer service can make a big difference for you."
"You want to be able to have a good customer service experience."
"Service improvement is driven by competition."
"My work speaks for itself, my clients' hair speaks for itself."
"The granary is graced by the locals. Finally, service, lovely warm, friendly service. I'm very happy overall."
"Channel Fireball's setting it up so that they're only working with professionals, and that means that you're gonna get a professional level of service."
"It doesn't matter how good your services, it doesn't matter if you have a message that can change the world, but if you don't know how to sell it, then you can't serve anybody."
"We're in a customer service crisis right now."
"We felt like we weren't doing service to what fans of this franchise really liked."
"The food there is really tasty, the waitstaff is so pleasant, and it has such a fun festive atmosphere."
"Movie theaters need to focus more on customer experience."
"Good customer service is entertaining the customer, listening to the customer."
"We're not getting bad service, we're not in their reality."
"You've got to deliver more than what's expected."
"They offer some of the most comprehensive checks out there."
"Soft Services has impressed me so much."
"I genuinely couldn't be happier and I've always heard about the difference of the topaz experience."
"Service is the differentiating factor to not only getting a customer through the door but keeping a customer through the door."
"You're able to provide a more stable environment and you're able to scale that environment to the demands of the number of customers that are using your services."
"Tipping is supposed to incentivize good service, not service itself."
"Passengers clearly loved access to senior crew."
"If my employees are happy, they work better and provide better services."
"An airline that doesn't even deliver the basics and seems to struggle to check in passengers should seriously question itself."
"When they come in and rent, they can expect a great time on the lake, great friendly service, professional tour guide, business, and just an overall good time."
"The main dining room was decent. The wait staff was everything though."
"The service and personalization is unmatched."
"The number one feature is, do you have a great Pro available for me when I want it?"
"You need to make sure that you have a service that's worthy of being referred to."
"What have we learned here today? When Amazon gets it right, they get it right."
"Passenger Focus, the rail user Watchdog, said that Rex Shire would be missed by many passengers, stating 'It's a shame that Rex Sher clearly a passenger favorite will no longer be part of the choice available to passengers.'"
"The customer service is impeccable."
"Nothing annoys me more than poor service."
"The service was top-notch, the food was incredible."
"The service level on this particular cruise I felt was very consistent."
"...can certainly help set you apart from your peers and raise the quality of services you're providing to your clients."
"When it comes to customer satisfaction, it's okay to do whatever it takes."
"Quality, service, and cleanliness are what keep our customers satisfied and keep them coming back again and again."
"They only wanted the shampoo, but then they see how amazing job we did."
"Under promising and over delivering is always better."
"The better able rate we are to do that what they ask for, what they value the better successful as an organization will likely to be. It's hard to think of too many organizations that are successful when they fail to do that."
"I have never once had a bad experience."
"Making sure that the users of the service receive high-quality service and the taxpayer who pays for the service gets value for money."
"Excellent service isn't hard, but you must always be aware of how you treat customers."