
Audience Impact Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"The goal for people should be like, 'Whoa, that was so cool, that was crazy,' versus 'Oh my gosh, I can't believe I was humiliated.'"
"You have a high level of responsibility for the impact you have on your audience."
"Ultimately, you're responsible for the actions that stem from the beliefs you encourage in your audience."
"Connecting with an audience's heartstrings is the best way to leave a lasting impression."
"At its core, it's a message that I think could really benefit her audience, you know, learning that you're your own person outside of romantic connections and that it's okay to love yourself."
"I just want to make stuff that people care about."
"The more complex the character in a story is, the more satisfying and impactful it will be to an audience or reader."
"I don't care about proving to people that I can act well, but I do want to create a character that makes people want to talk about it later."
"I want to do something that people will watch and be shocked."
"Our intent has always been to make people laugh, period."
"That has got to be the greatest catch in front of 18 [__] people I've ever seen in my life."
"It's so damn funny with or without the bells and whistles."
"I don't want to let people down especially because I know there's a lot of people in my audience that look up to me."
"Honestly, I wanted every single word to be heard and felt by everybody."
"Patrick Stewart's passion for acting has stood strong he continues to work in film television and theater captivating audiences with his powerful performances."
"I think it speaks to the chemistry on screen and I think it's cool for people to say that kinds of stuff because it means something's working."
"Make something that people would fall in love with even if they were watching it on a crappy old tape."
"If you don't watch a movie in a cinema, you're not giving it a chance."
"A big part of my content is to make someone's day."
"I mean, everybody says, 'Oh, laugh tracks, you know, are dumb and stupid but when you're watching a show I think they honestly do in a way kind of condition you to laugh.'"
"...but to his enormous credit, director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo went out of his way to prove his doubters wrong with one of the most queasily anxiety-inducing opening scenes in movie history."
"If you want to emotionally destroy your audience with a robot, that robot can have as much or as little personality as you want it to have."
"Happy ending. Hollywood heard you. Let's hope they stick the landing."
"The first frame of this movie is an intense action sequence."
"Despite a PG-13 rating giving audiences the okay to bring their kids in with them..."
"It is the movie this franchise and its audience needed."
"Its bleak honesty shook audiences up and injected a dose of grit into a film world filled with wish fulfillment and leftover propaganda braggadocio."
"The anointing upon you can be multi-faceted - it's going to determine your audience, who likes you and who hates you."
"Eventually, time and tide strips away the authorial intent behind almost any piece of art and gradually supplants it with the ax meaning conferred by the audience."
"Almost on principle, I think it might turn some people off, which is unfortunate because it's a really entertaining movie."
"Not having an audience hurts trump quite a bit too because I think when trump lands some of those quote unquote zingers but there's not a whole laugh track to back him up."
"Our approach to journalism is different because of you."
"That's high praise... my wife don't go for any superhero movies. This one she went for in a big bad way. So you'll love it, go see it man."
"At the end, really send them away with food for thought, inspired."
"That was the sickest thing I've ever Catholic. If anybody's going to remember something, it's a lot of moments, but that's going to be my number one."
"I am what I am independent of 500 of you sitting here."
"Overall, it could be a breath of fresh air for a lot of the audience."
"Who knew this ridiculous premise could be so beautifully crafted, immaculately paced and genuinely shocking?"
"People get very personally attached to television. It means something to them."
"It really got you to be in tune with those emotions."
"At the end of the day, as a YouTuber, an entertainer, you know, people that don't care aren't paying the bills. The people that hate you or the people that love you are, you know."
"When you find unique inspiration and you express it other people feel that because all the work that you do whether it's a song whether it's a solo whether it's whatever it is it carries with it the fragrance of your inner intention."
"It’s a crushing character moment that matches a similarly crushing moment for the audience: It’s over."
"Why was this movie so powerful? Why did you have such a great theatrical experience?"
"It's weird to me. Like, I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's just my content. I don't know what it is. But like, we got 5,700 people. Think about that for a minute. We got 5,700 people watching right now, which is a lot of people."
"When a filmmaker makes something, they still care about how their thing is received."
"I hope people walk away from it just first of all having enjoyed it and had fun."
"More importantly to be inspired and to walk away with a sense of hope."
"I want people to cry during scenes. I don't want it to just be a bunch of dick jokes."
"It was jaw-dropping, unbelievable. People had tears in their eyes."
"It's emotionally true, it has never bothered me once to see Samuel L. Jackson appear on screen."
"They're straight up tired of waiting on you."
"The biggest award a performer can do is getting to entertain."
"I always would always say the fans and that moment that they're going to leave with so I appreciate your work man thank you that's what I thought that's what I strive for."
"Creators, they would have no content, they would not know what to do; therefore, their views would go down, besides being an absolute annoyance in society."
"The game objectifies her to titillate the audience."
"Review bombing is always going to be an issue as long as there's audience participation in that process."
"I just want to connect and make people feel something."
"The crowd reaction is important because it can make and break you."
"John Ritter's Legacy endures through his contributions to entertainment and the impact he had on audiences worldwide."
"We wouldn't do this without you, we couldn't do this without you, and you make what we do incredibly fulfilling."
"I want you to leave feeling better, happier, more purpose-filled for having tuned in."
"I just want to have fun... I try to make people leave happier than when they came."
"Killing off your headline star can have a lot of benefits provided you avoid enraging everyone who bought a ticket on the basis of a favorite character whose sole role turns out to be no more than victim number one."
"Those are the best ones though, it's like just open your heart up and just tell the truth, and then someone hopefully relates to that and gets the joy that we're getting out of it."
"If it makes you, the viewers, smile then hopefully, um, it's kind of a lasting response."
"It isn't always the live crowd as a whole that can ruin a perfectly good match, sometimes it can be just one particularly obnoxious person."
"With the power to still capture audiences decades after the original release, it just goes to show that McCartney crafted one hell of a song."
"The Dead Man: striking fear into fans' hearts every time he came through the curtain."
"The audience is left just as impressed with the sniper as the soldiers are." - Clear and Present Danger
"Ultimately, all the character stuff, all the promo stuff is another extra. If you are good in the ring, people will care."
"If someone advocated that should have happened at the end, people would love that so much."
"That's what makes it the best part of the movie."
"If you treat a movie like it's something special, people will react to it like it's something special."
"It's like I'm seeing a painting or something incredible before me. The music once again does its job perfectly and has a very homely feel to it which brings excitement to audience members."
"I always get lost on how amazing it is not just to make a living as an actor but to work and make a thing that someone from Indiana who has nothing to do with that world can enjoy."
"Disclosure is only going to happen because of you and your audience."
"It's more important for this show to impact its characters rather than its audience."
"When I saw Gravity in theater, everybody was just so physically moved by this kind of visceral experience."
"You've got to have a movie that comes out and just slays."
"If your content is bumming people out, you're messing up."
"Sergeant Slaughter's reign as U.S. champion infuriated audiences but solidified his heel persona."
"It's not about winning or losing, it's about leaving the people with a product."
"If there's a mic in front of me, my goal is for you to be sitting in your office and at some point try to hold laughter back."
"The movie successfully integrates elements into a narrative that keeps audiences thinking long after it ends."
"That place is going to be very loud and difficult to play in."
"Different kinds of people out there are going to get different things out of stories."
"They were like, 'You and Missy hit home with me and my wife.' It helped a lot of people."
"The value that you give a creator by being in the chat and showing them that somebody is listening to them, somebody cares about what they're saying, it means the world."
"There is a shot in this film that is so beautiful and immaculate it made everybody in my audience including myself gasp at its wonderment."
"He got so many tricks in and had like the wow factor."
"You're an artist because what you love, what matters to you, is something that you have a desperate desire to express to your audience."
"Bad sound in your film is the first thing your audience will notice."
"I think people are gonna be surprised moved and very engaged."
"But the man on the casual fan if you like the ones that are going to generate the numbers."
"Soul did something incredible... it's clearly struck a chord with all sorts of new audiences and if it works with children too then that's a big thumbs up."
"The audience in this arena tonight gave me massive energy."
"People like you are the reason I do YouTube."
"I'm so happy and grateful that I'm making millions of people laugh on a consistent basis."
"Being an expert and delivering expertise to a large audience is way more valuable."
"You don't need to contrive a drastic surprise out of nowhere just to shock your audience."
"What she is really doing by performing for johnny (on and off stage) is teaching him and the viewer a lesson–that his (and our) relationship with her should not be one of subject versus object."
"The Last of Us Part Two: A misunderstood masterpiece."
"I ain't seen the original, I'm pulled in by this, and I'm buying it."
"The fact is, putting a white lead in a movie does not guarantee profit. Whitewashing turns the audience off."
"As soon as Tony snapped his fingers, the theater was just silence and you just hear people crying."
"When an entire auditorium goes dead silent for the duration of an entire movie, that's special."
"Don't let the low box office numbers diminish your love of the film."
"Richard Thomas's heartfelt performance as John Boy Walton endeared him to audiences worldwide."
"We come now to the granddaddy of them all the massive horror hit that sent audiences screaming and into a panic back in 1973."
"It just will make me feel good and it really matters, people watching this show."
"Mash creates a full tornado with how cool his moves were and the crowd can't believe what they are witnessing."
"If a song is good and it connects the people and necks and that's just what it is."
"I just hope that you're entertained and that my stuff makes you happy."
"Every time I saw the movie... you could hear sobbing from many members of the audience."
"This guy needs to be stopped. This guy needs to be stopped."
"I'm all for freedom of content, but if kids are watching this, that's a mistake."
"You're nothing without the fans, we can end you tomorrow."
"The new monster... was easily one of the scariest and grossest that we've seen so far."
"Logic is dull... Instead focus on moving an audience, making them feel or care."
"The atmosphere inside that stadium was something like I've never experienced."
"If it tickles the fanny of just one person out there it was worth it in my mind."
"Imagine the idea of these creators thinking that what they do doesn't have an impact on their audience, right?"
"Crypto scammed his audience for two thousand dollars."
"I'd Like to Be Remembered as Somebody Who Entertained, Who Took One Out of Oneself for a Few Minutes, a Few Hours, Transported You into a Different Venue, Gave You Relief, Gave You Entertainment, and Gave You Joy and Laughter and Tears."
"Breaking Bad gave audiences something they'd never seen."
"EG's comeback against impossible odds wasn't pretty but for the North American Home crowd DOTA fans everywhere it was beautiful."
"Thank you so much for creating such an honest and brilliant experience to watch."
"I felt all of her emotions throughout every bit of her singing." - Cory
"Guys, I want to give a big shout out to you because if you guys weren't watching my videos, I would not be in this position."
"Every message that you get it's like another energy boost."
"The film expertly uses its violent scenes to make a commentary on the audience's tolerance for brutality."
"I think the sound design was really effective at leaving me feel so captivated but also so wrecked and empty as an audience member."
"The bottom line is, I think artists, which these artists already do, is just put your best music out, put your best content out, and you know, just let the numbers fall. They're gonna fall."
"It really just goes to show you how stunning this story has been to really reach that level of popularity."
"I'm getting like emotional dude, I didn't think people actually watch my videos."
"Sometimes hearing stuff like this from you guys really helps us. You have no idea how much you guys mean to us YouTubers."
"Movies are meant to be communal experiences. You can only get the full real impact of a film when you're watching it with other people."
"Seeing that the things that we hope this show would turn into it actually is and that it's affecting you guys in the same way it's affecting us, it's become this really great relationship."
"That they should be punished for all the vicarious fun we had at their expense is David's way of saying we never should have made these cruel losers must-see-worthy."
"Maybe because Pedro Pascal and the creative team had this falling out halfway through filming, they needed new exciting characters that would make up for the loss of a fan favorite."
"The crew seriously knows how to make you feel any emotion whenever they want."
"Copperbox Arena: Modest size, surprisingly loud."
"I've seen many of your videos and I have to really, really applaud your efforts and the way you're changing people's minds."
"For most of them, it's their first ever fight and it's going to be in front of a massive audience. Most people's first ever fight, it's in front of like a handful of people."
"But wherever it comes from, I highly recommend drinking your water. You don't want kidney stones."
"The visualization should leave the audience with hope for the future if your solution is enacted."
"It fit her and the like everything about her persona and her personality on stage like I just feel like it just connected with people so so well."
"Kind of like after seeing Infinity War, which ended pretty ballsy, that Ant-Man and the Wasp was such a palette cleanser."
"Your videos are like a breath of fresh air, so genuine and uplifting. Keep up the amazing work!"
"Everything about this show slapped: the music, the animation, the characters, the message."
"Thanos never persuaded a hero but he sure convinced a lot of audience members."
"It simply means the film means so much to the audience it's catering to that they're willing to support something they believe in."
"If it's really good, people will come watch it."
"There is just a different feeling when Punk is on television."
"Big Daddy Kane did his thing... he brought grown man to the stage 30 years later."
"All it takes is the right audience to turn something around."
"When you do stand up you actually look at people that make fun of everyone everyone kind of leaves like a pressure release and they feel better."
"I really liked his arc in the show he was the character I hated the most and then he went through his character arc and I loved him most because he became a legitimately good person and a hero."
"Everybody's talking about how much they're going to miss the show, how much they've loved it, what it's meant to them, was-- yeah-- really meaningful, and like really means a lot."
"Copyright is a key issue not just for filmmakers and content creators - but for the viewing audience as well."
"Through challenging what's ordinary you want to inspire a shitload of people."
"People just thank me for giving them some kind of comfort. The show feels like there's warmth to it. I think people have needed it right now."
"Critics do not set the tenor and the tone for what an audience does any except for awards pictures."
"The Quatermass Experiment shocked audiences with its unsettling blend of science and terror."
"Every magician risks the trick being displayed, being figured out or discovered, but if you don't risk that moment, then you also don't get the awe and the shock and all of that other stuff."
"As an audience member you do have a stake in how well these movies perform."
"We want to give them moments that they go home and they're like talking about it."
"Once we get the best crowd in the world into those seats it will. This Ti is gonna go bananas with that crowd."
"This was the song and people responded that way and you found yourself."
"A company should be more scared of its audience than of journalists."
"But yeah, it was really, really good. I hope it got you all in the Christmas spirit, the giving spirit."
"Impressed by Be More Chill's financial performance and the enthusiasm of its younger fans, Robert Wankl offered them a theater on Broadway."
"Ludacris came out, Ludacris the shot, I thought that was really very good."
"Connie Celica was Pam - a character who was only supposed to be a one-off but became a regular due to her portrayal."
"Cultural advancements in making these films are giving something different to people."
"The most important thing to me is what you guys take away from this show."
"The Fourth Kind: intended to terrify audiences."
"If you've made a connection to another person through your work or even several, that is a success no matter how many people it is."
"Jersey would not survive if they fired Teresa. It's just the truth. It's true. Jersey would collapse."
"Dennis made it clear to me that if everybody doesn't walk out of this room burning to get a copy of that book I will have failed, correct?"
"My only goal is that people get something out of it, some type of inspiration, some type of feeling."
"Wow, they left them speechless. Absolutely stunning." - Mike
"Anywhere across the sphere, say where you want to go, and when my rhymes they hear, they say I'm phenomenal."
"Your song is your weapon, now get one shot to blow that audience away."
"The upside to it is that we get to make you guys laugh. That right there pays for everything."
"We get a lot of beautiful responses of people feeling like these humans feel so lived in and that they feel so sort of emotionally free with each other."
"Underrated found footage... one of the scariest movies I've ever seen."
"Every dollar at the box office is not monetary, it's an audience member."
"My true audience, I have lifted the spirits of so many people."
"We bout to make some magic right now, we bout to put some smiles on some faces."
"I want the audience to be like, man, that was just whoa, the great experience."
"I think it's worse singing in front of a small group than a large group because, you know, all the eyes are on you."
"With the way the story was handled in seasons 2 and onward, the show just started to slowly decline in quality."
"I played the guy that was free from concerns so that people who watched me would be free from concern."
"I'm burdened about that because all those souls sitting in that audience and all the souls sitting in that choir they need Christ they need to see him."
"The truth of the matter is, Audible only sponsors me as much as they do because of you guys."
"It's one of the I don't want to say one of the only times but probably the most significant time when I've watched my own work and felt myself going on the journey with Molly with the rest of the audience when that Applause erupted it felt like it was really for her."
"Creating makes you happy. When you see that connection that you make with an audience, for all of the evils that social media is responsible for, when you read something online and somebody's been affected in a certain way by a story that you've told, that makes you feel good."
"The final battle in that church is really effecting to the audience."