
Business Values Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"We are dedicated to creating a quality experience."
"Most important thing in business is honesty, integrity, hard work, family."
"Innovation, risk-taking, striving for perfection—these values were fundamental."
"You have to articulate the core values of your business."
"Lead with value and everything that you guys do at Uprising is you lead with value there's a lot of interesting information you can read there's a lot of stuff and they're all about just providing value to the body."
"I completely agree, value is where I really want to see things shine."
"We're very much a mission-driven company ahead of anything else."
"Pride of ownership is something to look for."
"Every business is going to have to do a really excellent job on value and convenience."
"It never cared about being cool or maximizing profits."
"Understanding that your customers are [important] nothing more than that."
"It's not just about the money. I'm far more interested in the relationships with the customer and the staff and the product."
"A company should be valued more on the merit of what they do, and not solely by what they have."
"Kindness and empathy are actually becoming the core things you're gonna need in your business to succeed."
"Fit and Fine Gym is based on professionalism, affordability, customer service, and tailor-made programs."
"It's not all about are you doing well in business, are you not? There's other values in life."
"Treat our people right, even in business - we value our people."
"Trust has been our number one value since the beginning. If you trust the vendor, you might have a better chance of being successful with that vendor."
"It's all about speed, selection, savings, convenience."
"We pride ourselves on taking good care of folks providing a high quality customer experience."
"Trust is the most important thing in business."
"Customer collaboration is more important than contract negotiation."
"I've always, always, always put the customer first. It's the most important thing in when you're in business."
"Building trust is more important than building an advertising portfolio."
"We need to define our core values and our mission."
"The biggest thing with us is just transparency."
"You're buying into a company that takes care of their customers, the customer service is kind of huge."
"Making it about profits and values is not enough, we should make businesses sustainable."
"Our number one value is to be customer obsessed."
"For 46 years, the men and women of Mesa Verde Bank and Trust prided ourselves on personal service and attention to detail."
"If you don't realize that kindness and empathy and compassion... are actually becoming the core things you're going to need in your business to succeed."
"Businesses are about the weapons of the spirit."
"...we wanted it to be more rooted than that and based in expertise."
"We are about our products, we are about our customers, and we are about simplifying everything that we do."
"You can't sacrifice quality for the purpose of cutting costs."
"Don't count the success of your business upon the amount of money that you have made, but count the success of your business and yourself on the number of lives that you have improved."
"That's the true currency of business."
"It's not always just a monetary transaction, there's more to business than just money."
"To me, it was very important to have respect for the customer."
"I believe corporate loyalty is a good thing."
"We have built a team on the business side that have family as a core value, where we treat each other as though we actually have each other's backs."
"Mom always prioritized seeing the smiles of her customers over profit."
"Diversity, equity, and inclusion is fundamental to our business."
"Our quality of product and our customer service, that's what carries us."
"It's never really about the money, it was all about the relationships."
"Better is quality... Value is unique... Sooner is time to learning... Safer is continuous compliance... Happier colleagues and customers."
"Businesses need a lot of soul today in order to survive."
"We are transparent and customer-centric."
"Lead with value first, and then follow with sales."
"Trust, professionalism, and innovation."
"It's authentic, and that's my biggest thing with our brand too."
"For us, it was all about quality."
"We value each and every partnership along with each and every relationship we build along the way."
"Heartland isn't just a business, it's my home."
"If the owner of the business is to be successful, he could not fool himself about values."
"Business isn't about money to me."
"It's all about trust, honesty, transparency."
"We treat our customers like our relatives."
"What they care about is just a few things: Do we make them feel comfortable with us? Do they feel like we're going to work hard to get the job done? Do they feel like that we have their best interest in mind?"
"It's not about the bottom line, it's about the employees."
"We actually go out of our way when it comes to customer service."
"Our secret sauce is treating customers right and treating our employees right."
"One of the cornerstones my father built this company upon was quality and craftsmanship."