
Technology Trends Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"In the age of AI, the best jobs are not only recession-proof and AI-proof but actually take advantage of AI and other fundamental technologies."
"I think this will be one of the most copied features in the smartphone world in like 18 months."
"AI is expected to fuel enormous growth in various different kind of sub-categories."
"We're starting to see a lot of these technologies coming together. In the next five or ten years, a lot of this is going to be mainstream."
"Short term today I would go with automation or cloud. These are the things that will be probably in greatest demand in the next three to five years. Long-term, learn the fundamentals."
"Cloud is still growing, and it's still gonna keep growing. I don't see it going away."
"A major study by Oxford University estimates that nearly half of current US jobs are likely to be automated or computerized with our current technological trends."
"Automation and Python is gonna be huge. And I'll detail more on that later. So keep watching."
"We're going into a different age right, a lot of gaming's done on smartphones now. Impress me, that's what I want these companies to do now."
"The three frontiers of information technology for the future—quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain—especially the possible symbiosis among these three major trends."
"My basic model of the next decade is that the marginal cost of intelligence and the marginal cost of energy are going to trend rapidly towards zero."
"It's going to be a really interesting couple of years in the tech industry."
"Everybody's been saying that AI is the future of education because kids are starting to use AI tools like ChatGPT to write their essays or study for exams."
"Every big company will be in the NFT space and in the metaverse because that's where the future is headed."
"The next investment is obviously going to be in AI technology. We're going to have to utilize it."
"It's a really exciting time to especially be a PC gamer."
"The asynchronous pattern that seems to have won the most mindshare is something like deferreds or promises."
"It might not be crypto boom time or anything like that, but I would say that before everyone and their dog figures out they need a power supply upgrade might be a great time."
"Everything is getting faster, smaller, more powerful, more available, and cheaper."
"These facial recognition filters are evolving so fast, it's wild. At some point, the CIA is going to get involved when they need to catch someone catfishing as another race."
"I do believe that NFTs with utility are going to be the big next wave here."
"The metaverse is just the beginning and it's probably here to stay."
"Quantum computing is going to be used to accelerate the kinds of things that are really hard for classical machines."
"I'm just happy to see NFTs being phased out completely"
"A design that never shies away from new technology trends or different approaches to age-old problems."
"This is where the boys separate from the Ducks."
"The future of graphics technology is being architected before our eyes."
"Crypto plus AI is going to be the biggest narrative you've ever seen."
"I see a future where we no longer need to own the expensive hardware ourselves."
"It's a pretty good time to get into 4k gaming."
"Prompt engineering is going to be like another big thing."
"It's getting increasingly more difficult to find some of those most critical types of security vulnerabilities."
"I think a lot of people are gonna work from home. I believe tech for work from home Tech is probably the next big boom."
"You have to be on the cutting edge of this stuff if you want to succeed."
"Electric cars are becoming the future due to customer demand, so Tesla's inspiration comes in different ways."
"We believe these two Trends will drive a doubling of the world's data center infrastructure installed base in the next 5 years."
"I don't wake up anyway and say oh my god the new smartphone is is totally revolutionary you'd saw coming a little bit."
"These virtual worlds are the future... similar to things we were seeing in the early 90s with the internet."
"But for the foreseeable future, I think most people should still play on hard consoles."
"Windows itself I think will continue the way many corporations do because there's no real Trailblazer there's no leader in in the Microsoft space that is improving."
"Predicting GameFi play-to-earn being one of the main vehicles for mass conversion."
"Latency is extremely important; it's probably going to be the next big Battleground."
"Arc Invest believes gas-powered vehicles will be obsolete in the next five to ten years."
"I just feel like this week has been the most insane week in technology for like five years at least."
"Crypto gaming is going to be the narrative that gets the most users into crypto."
"Flatback is winning... for the general public and the distros that aim for that general public."
"New technology gets cheaper if you wait long enough. If you wait long enough, it's not new technology anymore. That's the whole point of waiting and it not being new."
"Intel missing a node... indicative of where the technology industry is going."
"I really like Ethereum moving into the future."
"The web has never been this centralized before this is as centralized as the web has ever ever been."
"I cannot think of the network as the security perimeter anymore."
"Pinterest saw a record high number of daily downloads on September 21st."
"I think we're going to have a no passwords future because it just gets rid of a lot of problems."
"16 gigs is moving more and more frequently into just kind of what would be expected for about two years if in terms of these big AAA games."
"PC gaming has exploded, there's way more people in PC gaming now than there was before."
"Do you think we'll have a foldable category in the smartphone Awards this year?"
"If there's ever a year to do it, it's this year."
"These handheld gaming PCs are gonna become popular."
"Coding is not going away, it's just going to change."
"You know, the names... Smart technology... It's gotta be smart. That's why they call it smart."
"The future for 3D content is bright, and Nintendo was leading the charge."
"Video marketing is trending up—it's increasing a hundred percent per year on mobile devices."
"I predict a child born today will probably drive in a gasoline-powered car about as often as you would drive in a car with a stick shift now." - Elon
"2021 is truly the year of the EV or Bitcoin, one or the other."
"You know these young hipsters, they don't know what they're talking about. This technology comes and goes but you know what doesn't come and go? Me."
"It kind of shook out it kind of did it this time it looks like 2023 is going to be the big year for the PlayStation 5."
"Apple wants average consumers to start thinking about all-in-one computers again."
"We've seen these things come and go, just because the technology is new, it doesn't mean the dynamic isn't old."
"What will decide the next generation of consoles is games and software."
"The era of binge-watching mobile shows is here."
"Crypto is here to stay. It's going to be a bumpy road but adoption is essentially guaranteed at this point."
"4k support yearly subscriptions are finally coming."
"The desire for iPhones by global consumers likely isn’t going anywhere any time soon."
"I would love to see more vertical GPU mounts... Vertical GPU mounts for 2017, they're coming."
"We're still not quite there to a point where we can say CRT is dead."
"We are seeing alternative platforms blow up."
"The new money, the new currency of the world is data."
"I think AI has become this buzzword that people use to justify pretty much anything they want."
"I don't think USB-C is ever coming to the iPhone."
"By 2027 Arc invest expect the average price of an electric vehicle to be under 20,000 US Dollars Which is less than half of the average new vehicle price today half not 10 not half."
"Within five years nobody is going to learn how to program by reading a book."
"AI has been one of the hottest narratives of the year."
"It shows no signs of slowing, which means everyone has to be constantly vigilant."
"It's so mainstream that we're mad when a game launches without cross-platform play."
"Walmart's plan to move everything to the metaverse."
"Twitter's finally catching up to streaming culture circa 2017."
"Proof of work won't go out of fashion, beards are god's makeup for men."
"Mobile is now bigger than PC and console combined."
"These mini consoles inspired dozens of companies to jump into the retro gaming scene themselves."
"Stay on the cutting edge of technology and you can see crypto is where it's going."
"Zoom out, always zoom out. If we're looking at this as a 10 or 20 year trend of an emerging technology that's being adopted at record rates."
"Every time a new technology becomes popular, the people that are at the Forefront of that technology when it does gain popularity make the most money."
"People try and focus on Ready Player One and think of it as that but it's not, it's everything is being digitized and it's happening in an accelerating pace."
"Is this the end of x86 CPUs? Probably not, let's see."
"There's going to be another platform after that."
"I think it'll be fascinating to see where this AI stuff goes."
"So, we'll still be seeing the little flash drive devices on the shelves, but the question is, for how long?"
"Smartphones were cool back in the day especially when they were more of a luxury rather than a necessity."
"It's been a very exciting year for PC hardware in my opinion but I think 2020 will be even better."
"AR is going to be the next frontier in personal expression simply because of the flexibility that it allows for."
"It suggests to me that at the very least, the way in which software and compute Hardware is designed and works is going to change."
"The 5700 XT is now the new go-to option at least until the 2080 Super arrives later this month."
"Even with absurd adoption rates, tech can very much die."
"2019 will actually be the year that DSLR like starts to die."
"2024 is going to be the year of the AI agent."
"The over marketing and the additional cost associated with like most things having RGB now have just made people completely utterly sick of it."
"One of the really cool things that the very first osmo action introduced was custom presets and gopro copied it with their next gopro gopro has custom presets now."
"Future of monitors: HDR, brightness, and more."
"Nvidia, with each generation, basically defined the feature set of the future. So, I want to see AMD come up with something that I maybe don't expect at all, and it makes me think their GPUs are something that I would really want."
"Crypto is here to stay, I hate to tell you guys, but I think crypto is here to stay."
"Mushy Monsters just isn't really relevant anymore because of the changing internet and the fading relevancy of kids virtual worlds."
"I hope that as the like mainstream regular ass person video calling thing it just completely destroys Skype."
"Everyone's switching to Zoom, I mean everyone's on Zoom, Zoom's the hot thing right now."
"I think when we talk about Imaging in general there's still very much a future there."
"According to Stack Overflow, React.js is now officially the most popular web framework/library surpassing jQuery."
"Gamification of crypto is the next hyperwave and blockchain games are the first real mega wave."
"The fad of now is the folding phone, the fad of the future is the phone that you don't charge for a month."
"It's never been a better time to be in the high-performance computing world."
"Electric cars are the future... everything should be running on electricity."
"Physical media is essentially in a death spiral."
"Let me know in the comments what you want to see from Tech Rebirth house at university."
"We're going to see major implementation of NFTs especially on e-commerce we need to be able to take advantage of that move."
"The era of the giant social network... that's kind of over and we're starting to be hungry for the next thing."
"The haters will continue to hate, the fud will continue to be spread, but I believe in the second half of this decade we're going to see the tide massively turn."
"I don't think it's going to be one of those techs that go away... they have too much skin in the game and they have too many connected devices."
"It feels inevitable that the decentralized web will happen."
"Zoom isn't going away, it's only getting started."
"Whether you like it or not, I think that game streaming services are going to be in our future."
"Teachable AI is gonna get bigger and bigger...especially in the AI assistant space."
"You just got to look at it as a technology trend and then obviously invest money that you can hold for the long term."
"I think it's a good thing that kids are getting stupider with technology."
"Crypto is not going to go away anytime soon. I don't think it ever will."
"AI will be the buzziest buzzword of the year."
"Nvidia wins for the worst trend of pointless product segmentation."
"The next big thing is going to be interoperable decentralized applications."
"What if Apple was to sort of adopt this strategy with the iPhone 14 and some other future Apple products we could see very soon launching in 2022."
"Neither matter. The real threat to tanks in modern warfare are weapons that can strike from above, such as attack drones and man-portable missiles such as the Javelin."
"X Cloud is a new way to play and potentially an exciting one."
"Camera equipment... the future is going to be very video and audio heavy at home."
"The 12600k continues that trend. In fact, it does even better relative to its nearest competitor, the 5600x."
"Crypto's as big as the internet... maybe not every project will succeed, but it will be the biggest thing for this generation for the next decade."
"Electric vehicles, that's where you gotta be."
"It's kind of crazy that everything is going digital."
"The world is trending towards a more open decentralized web 3 environment."
"We've seen a huge uptick in lots of cyber hacking."
"It's important to remember that CES announcements are typically skewed towards high-end products."
"Watch your Quibi shows the old-fashioned way, in widescreen format with longer run times and ads."
"This might be the Hail Mary that Tick Tock needs to stay relevant over the long term."
"The vast majority of AI systems will be built on top of Open Source platforms."
"The audio jack will eventually become obsolete, but Apple will try way too hard to make it obsolete way too quick."
"No notch, no hole punch... if unless you're willing to go for something motorized you're stuck with this situation."
"Scanners for smartphones are making their way to an iPhone near you."
"Gaming's only ever been on a growth trajectory."
"Expectations for more frequent mid-scopes in the future."
"Now AR or augmented reality was rumored years ago to be a focus of Apple's and 2020 and it appears that the AR push is going to ramp up once again with iOS 14."
"The concept of a personal AI that is always on, always available, always listening, always predicting, that's where we're headed."
"I think we are to a point where the idea of paying for online on these consoles is kind of archaic now."
"Gaming is leading this charge in the market right now."
"I think gaming is just where it becomes very interesting."
"People buying new cars in 2024 and beyond are going to start to care about the software."
"Google and Apple will prevail because they're going to see more companies going towards their own software."
"Swift UI is where things are going. By the time you finish learning, Swift UI will be the dominant UI framework."
"These next set of computers will follow the current trend and should release at roughly the same price."
"If you want to learn about all the cool AI tools that are popping up on a daily basis, make sure you check out futuretools.io."
"Crypto being a fad? Paypal allowing people to buy cryptocurrency on their platform but not allowing them to withdraw it."
"Mobile-first design and responsive design changed the game."
"Linux will outlast centralized systems like Microsoft and Apple."
"EV is the future and just let everything else die."
"Electric vehicles, solar panels...things are gonna start kicking off now."
"The beginning of the end of the Java programming language."
"We're acting like this thing is over. This isn't even the second wave; this is just equilibrium."
"You really have to believe the Internet's going to be mainstream, a lot of people are going to get out there and use it, and that they're going to be willing to pay for some content."
"Tricky technology moves fast, it does, it really does."
"The thing driving Epic to make their move was the hot buzzword of 2021. The metaverse. What is it? Even the people writing an unhealthy amount of articles about it don't know, but Tim Sweeney does."
"Nevertheless, IR blaster, thought protection, these are two features that should be on all modern flagship phones."
"They destroy equipment, they're just punishing and really tough, and that's the reason why I love it so much." - Dr. Oliver Bridgewood
"The headphone jack is over, let's move on with our lives."
"Even in 2020, we have new devices coming out that still have micro USB. Can we please leave Micro USB behind in the last decade?"
"We might be entering a new era for Android smartphones."
"Game Pass growth on Console has slowed some... PC growth is incredible."
"I feel like things would be so different if TikTok came before Instagram."
"We are heading towards the death of physical media. It'll always be around in some shape or form, but as a popular format, it is going away."
"The next few years will be fascinating with Bergamo, Raptor Lake, Zen 4D, Zen 5, and Apple entering the server market."
"Consoles are getting more complicated now they're becoming more expensive."
"The reason why we're not seeing 4K over the air and we're not going to see it for a while is a combination of a few factors."
"I don't care that they're basically copying Spotify and catching up to Spotify - that's fine with me."
"Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are getting more popular now. Luxury brands are joining the party too."
"The tokenization and digitalization of everything is happening right now."
"NFTs do you agree with me... it's probably one of the biggest explosions in any industry ever."
"We're on the precipice; those thinking about the metaverse today will probably win in five years."
"People bought Coffee Lake, people bought Comet Lake, people aren't buying Rocket Lake as much but a lot of people don't care."
"I'm beginning to think that in the next two years JavaScript is going to be so good that it's not going to change then for 5 to 10 more years."
"Seriously, there's going to be a lot of interesting tech coming on."
"Every startup I'm talking to is thinking about how they can get into NFTs."
"We're already starting to see a form of mass migration from their platforms to new platforms."
"Battery electric vehicles are just going to take longer to become mainstream than the media would like us to believe."
"Mobile games are the future, you know, boomer?"
"When it comes to gaming, all of a sudden I feel like you have a real proposition for why phones should be huge."
"Smart watches: insanely popular but still under hyped."
"I cannot wait for 3d to die myself personally."