
Risk And Reward Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"There's real consequence to trying something and real reward if you succeed."
"With high risk comes high reward, as Covington not only managed to keep himself employed but then became a fan favorite."
"Uncertainty scares people...but the more uncomfortable you feel valuing a company, the greater the payoff to doing evaluation."
"But also, greed needs to be tempered by fear. Both of those emotions need to be there."
"NFTs are one of the funniest easiest ways to make money but also one of the biggest most deadly traps in all of crypto."
"Startup failures: a high-risk, high-reward industry."
"Marriage is like the lottery, you're probably not gonna win but if you win what you win is so good that it's worth buying a ticket."
"The BORG is the best, worst decision that you can possibly have."
"Skin in the game is about symmetry. Reaping the benefits of a positive outcome must also be associated with paying a penalty for the negative ones."
"Anything with massive benefits entails massive risk."
"We knew it was going to happen. It was worth it to get the chest of ancient tablets."
"In reality, Market Garden was a high risk but high reward operation."
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained in other idioms such as those."
"By adding a sense of risk and reward, we not only go some way towards fixing the exploit, but we add extra decision making."
"Risk is what gets the higher returns. If you sit on the sidelines and just do nothing, you'll regret it."
"Volatility is not always horrible because it also works on the upside."
"Depending on what scientists find, there's a whole lot to be gained, or lost."
"Sure, Pokemon Colosseum is a bit unpolished, but if you can get past the small inconveniences, Pokemon Colosseum is a gem."
"And let's just go ahead and say like the style of graphics that they chose to implement after a very long time between games in some ways was a little bit of a risk and I think it really paid off."
"Remember, if there is no risk, there is no reward."
"You want stuff that has a serious drawback and a serious bonus that way there's actual impact to your decision in using it."
"The opportunity for money is here, but the risk is high, the reward is higher."
"Not only are you cutting a massive chunk of the track but it's really risky to go for, making this a perfect risk and reward balance."
"Crypto is in full panic mode all the monkeys are flinging poo at each other etc etc but there's never been a greater risk reward."
"There's a lot of interesting risk and reward dynamic."
"Investing in startup companies... Higher risk comes with higher potential return."
"Bold bets are experiments. Experiments are, by their very nature, prone to failure. But big successes, a few big successes, compensate for dozens and dozens of things that didn't work."
"There can absolutely be a lot of reward for people that are potentially early in a liquidity pool."
"Dark zones provide exactly what I want: high-risk, high-reward PvE PvP, and it is absolutely thrilling."
"Michael Myers has always been among the scariest forces in cinematic history, but his own legacy earned another feather in its cap with the rebootquel."
"It's always a risk to go back to the well, but here it earned more buckets of H2O. But its age 40 takes the round for its first win today."
"Gold smuggling is lucrative. You invest one crore in the morning and you get 1.2 crores in the evening."
"You do not get to have one without the other. And I think that's actually a really important piece of investing that people lose sight of, that if you want to achieve more returns, then you're going to have to take a little bit more risk."
"Death is permanent, adding tension and fear."
"Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but when it works it's awesome."
"The bigger the dream, the bigger the risk, the bigger the payoff."
"Your gamble will pay off, being very successful."
"But for those who are willing to make that risk, treasure awaits."
"Paul Rudd as a superhero was not only a great idea a fantastic gamble but it paid off it worked I'm so happy about that."
"Fortunes are won and lost through games of chance, but some try to beat the odds with violence."
"There's something special about the feeling of hardcore and being able to lose everything."
"Easy come, easy go... Can we roll another three?"
"The best rewards is going to come to the people who take the biggest risks."
"The stakes are high, but so are the rewards."
"It's dangerous, it's so funny come with a fat pocketbook."
"They're taking all the risks; you're doing all the work."
"This duo Lane is high risk but very high reward... Tristana is one of the best late-game carries in the whole game so you already know that this duo is going to have great late-game Assurance."
"If they blow up, that little amount turns into a big amount."
"But the rewards were spectacular guys, but the rewards were terrible."
"Bartering with piglins: a risky yet rewarding endeavor in the Nether."
"I think we saw a good mix in this video of being rewarded for curiosity and being horribly horribly punished."
"War, business, love, and life are all the same thing to me if you don't risk anything you will not gain anything no risk no reward."
"If you want the big upside, you have to be willing to feel and experience the big downside."
"For the lions, hunting down large prey like buffalo is a dangerous strategy, but high risk brings high reward."
"If they get caught, they'll lose the money and go home, but make it through to the bank and they could share in a great team cash prize."
"You got risky to get the biscuit."
"In order to be great, in order to become the elite fighter, you have to take the risks to get the reward."
"If you don't take a risk, it's always going to not happen. Opportunities like these rarely happen, but they took the risk and they got it."
"To those fleeing violence or persecution, the risk is worth the reward."