
Workplace Issues Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"I am saying that sometimes it is hard to work with white people because they think that something may okay but it was really a microaggression, and no one wants to deal with that."
"At the end of the day, toxic workplace cultures exist in nearly every field, and that's not an okay statement."
"We all have implicit biases. And unfortunately, sometimes those implicit biases cause issues in the work that we have been charged with doing."
"Inequality: Women are paid 23% less than men for the exact same work."
"Social movements such as the #MeToo and the Time's Up are igniting change and bringing women together, yet it still remains taboo for women to speak out about woman-on-woman bullying at work."
"Female bullying can be unbelievably vicious and usually takes the shape of reputation destruction, innuendo, and gossip."
"The rope ladder effect: A woman will climb the ladder to the top, then pull it up after her so no more women can follow."
"There are just more drawbacks to returning to the office, like lower morale."
"If you speak out on social media, you'll be silenced. If you say anything at your place of work, you could be fired."
"He proved how little he cared about sexual assault and harassment, both in his workplace and in his friend group."
"Overwhelmingly developers are plainly not happy about any of this."
"Any woman who's ever stepped foot in an office probably has encountered some men like this."
"To claim that this is a truly meritless and irresponsible lawsuit while seeing so many current and former employees speak out about their own experiences regarding harassment and abuse is simply unacceptable."
"The more we understand why people tend to not like their jobs, the more we can steel ourselves against falling into a lot of the same traps."
"The joke's on you you know they're never going to come out and speak out for you because it's boys club."
"It's amazing to me how many people listen to us and they get in trouble for listening to us at their [__] job, right? So yo, wear headphones guys, I'm not kidding around."
"It felt like a personal call out for anyone who's ever worked a dead-end job."
"Activision Blizzard is of course not the only toxic workplace out there."
"I could say that I would trade that money back for the time that I lost commuting to that miserable store four hours every shift, but all that pressure motivated me to making the best career move of my life."
"Apparently no one at her work is taking it [ __ ] seriously and they're all just being a bunch of [ __ ] dip shits."
"No, definitely just, I think this one took me as like she's angry you're allowed to be angry and frankly if you're in a situation where you're pissed off with your boss you're gonna get angry that's normal."
"This goes to show a pattern of harassment... it's not about this one instance."
"I feel betrayed, and I felt that some people don't want me here."
"Passion has become a [ __ ] word used in place of compensation or fair treatment."
"They often feel alone in their workplace environment, which can be frustrating."
"I finally got in touch with his previous job that said he was fired for getting drunk and attempting to get inappropriate with some of the female staff."
"I left because I was really depressed and I felt like I was working at a company that didn't really value me..."
"The world needs overwatch now more than ever. Are you with me?"
"There is one complaint that has been made that bothered me most, that was a complaint made by a young woman, Charlotte Bennett, who worked in my office."
"Prime Kai was inappropriate and did sexually harass Cat."
"If you're being harassed by your employer, you let them know."
"The mismatch problem is when the criteria we use to assess someone's ability to do a job is radically out of step with the actual demands of the job itself."
"It's not just a pay cut, it's a broken promise."
"You can be retaliated against for complaining to HR about workplace issues."
"That's what the average American worker has to deal with. That's what these scummy politicians should have to deal with."
"Overtime culture has long been a problem in Japan."
"I think if 99 of the people that are complaining about Hassan saying this had themselves rated out of by a coworker at their office, they'd be talking to HR and they'd be pissed off about it."
"The co-worker who feels that it's okay to go around you and directly to your boss for every little issue is a sign of a toxic work environment."
"If you're being made to feel like a failure in a job you've otherwise been very effective in, you probably need to think about an exit strategy."
"I appreciate exploring the dangers of sexism in the workplace... what they can add to the team is simply not appreciated or even acknowledged."
"The managers have passed him over three times already."
"Crunch is the result of bad management masquerading as normal and acceptable business practices."
"It is absolutely insane and hallucinatory that someone who lives in Australia with whom I'm engaging in a spicy exchange can decide that they don't like the way the exchange has gone and therefore files a complaint against me with my employer."
"Almost no work is being done on World of Warcraft right now."
"Sexual harassment at the workplace applies to any and every woman."
"The office is like a money-grabbing circus every day."
"Thank god my manager came because these people already didn't like me."
"We encourage anyone with an experience you believe violates our policies or in any way made you uncomfortable in the workplace to use any of our many existing channels for reporting."
"I didn't stay my full final two weeks. John continued to harass me anonymously for months after this."
"Former Blizzard employee speaks out: HR did nothing to stop racist bullying."
"The whole issue of Rex Hman tracking down one of his employees just to show her that he has the power to know where she is at all times speaks volumes about his psychology."
"Women often get passed over for promotions because a lot of bosses look for confidence in order to approve ideas or to give the go-ahead."
"Money is not going to get rid of all the problems associated... with the workplace."
"The effects of crunch culture are far-reaching and extremely damaging to employees."
"There's bullying too, people with low skills and knowledge have been in positions for many years."
"I might not be able to end racism but at least I can get my manager fired."
"The point isn't that they broke contract, it's that people were taken advantage of."
"The mistreatment of employees: a big one right here."
"Clarity about expectations helps avoid surprises, which often lead to complaints."
"Two things can be true at once, and the comparison was only being made to highlight the fact that she is underpaid."
"He's Charles Manson reincarnated and you're like, 'Well, I mean, he's got a wife and two kids and lives a pretty mild, like, dad bod life.'"
"There's very little accountability for some of these people, and because there's no accountability, that means that people who are not good stay in their jobs."
"They really just do what they want to you, they work you all hours and they don't pay you a ton of money especially in the testing Department Fallout and."
"A toxic work environment is one where the company will tell you 'use your leave' but then when you actually go to request those days off you're denied."
"The final red flag is the presence of gossipy behavior and clicks."
"You're not being too sensitive, your feelings are valid and they're important and you did go through some shitty stuff in regards to your company."
"Nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"The most troublesome thing about the research is that nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"This is a killer way to play the re-1 remaster."
"To say this was a toxic work environment would be an understatement."
"No one there watches wrestling. No one has any idea about WWE... They said, 'Sounds like they should have a union.'"
"A full-blown mutiny on their hands with legitimate concerns."
"Bad people doing mediocre jobs—it is killing creativity, productivity, you name it."
"It's blatant honesty about corporate greed and workplace discrimination sticks out like a sore thumb but not in a bad way."
"I have to know the irony: the only person that could get pushed out by Fox News for sexual harassment was a woman."
"I stayed loyal to an entity that was continuing to take advantage of me."
"Terrible working conditions, unlawful hours, and shockingly low pay were the realities."
"I've had appalling experiences with hr and i think that's something that when you're a freelancer you're so free to walk away from that kind of behavior in the workplace."
"You can't just disappear and tell people don't tell people why you're not here."
"This is not about a chef and the owner's daughter falling out; this is toxic."
"People derive pleasure at being the cause, that is, having an effect on the world even in a small way. Pointless jobs rob us of that pleasure."
"People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses, it's an abusive environment."
"You do all the work they get all the credit you feel invisible."
"Let's start from the top and go to the bottom. Her firm that she works at, her workplace, she accused them of entrapment. Okay, how many of us can get away with accusing our workplace of entrapment?"
"Japanese marketing firm Piano Inc. received a complaint from non-smoking staff..."
"They do not fit one particular profile. If you're in corporate America right now, I guarantee you're going to get corporate gang stalkers."
"I've become a visible wrong thinker at a place I love... it's uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking."
"Activision is in trouble in their offices for sexual harassment... California is suing them."
"Enabled abuse, misconduct, discrimination, harassment."
"Men get paid more for whatever they do and women get less for doing the same amount. Totally agree with that."
"We were told things would be good but there were snakes in the dressing room overpaid ego maniacs that are unable to change."
"Management is extracting Free Labor from these folks for nothing."
"Multiple Studios have been surrounded by controversy due to forced crunch."
"It's not worth this abuse. It's not. Baby girl, if anything is broken, it's coming out of your paycheck. Understood?"
"Crunch culture is bad for actual people who work in the industry."
"It was important to show solidarity to another trans woman in her effort to call out a hostile workplace."
"Mobbing is emotional abuse practiced by a group of people, usually peers, over a period of time through methods such as gaslighting, rumor mongering, and ostracism."
"Exposed a culture of harassment, abuse, discrimination, misconduct - you name it."
"You create a stressful environment to where no one is safe."
"Starting out a conversation where we have to defend ourselves for doing what we think is right is a sore spot for any employee or anyone."
"The longer that cultural divide exists, the more we will lose extremely top-tier talent."
"I predict my finger on the sudden but my hands are shaking. Uh, I'd like to keep them steady."
"The workplace is already such a disaster of culture and class, and introducing gambling to that equation only makes it worse."
"You're ultimately taking money away from them and they need to be compensated."
"Can we talk about the raise that we were supposed to get?"
"Alcoholism is a disease she would go to HR like that if you made fun of anything involving alcohol when she actually has well she made fun of Jelle's Mental Health."
"But it is annoying and it must feel so demoralizing to feel underappreciated by your peers."
"This is a guy who goes on on Sundays um and go to our members you know I'd urge any anyone independent who investigates these sort of things to look at what he's actually doing."
"The sad reality is that these documented cases represent merely a fraction of the frankly innumerable instances in this country where workers face retaliation."
"Work conditions cause high turnover, which means a new set of unknowing workers, whereas higher retention means seasoned workers can gather their thoughts on the matter."
"Corporate is the most clueless... they don't know anything... they always think that they know how to do everything the best."
"Any time we did bring up an issue to him, he basically just sends out threats."
"Employees losing quality of life over bonuses."
"Corporate gaslighting is real. It caused me mental breakdown and a lot of money."
"The conversation about the bonus to me is just insulting."
"Why is there blatant favoritism? I have the emails, I have all the proof to back it up."
"Activision exploiting pregnancies for business benefits."
"They're trying to get protections in place to stop them from getting [ __ ] fired because their quality of work is absolutely abysmal."
"Policies need to be implemented that everyone follows and I listed about eight or nine things that currently are issues and how to deal with them."
"You're not the [ __ ] the managers are allowing this untolerable environment to continue."
"...after dealing with this for months, me and the rest of my co-workers file over 200 complaints... and as a result, this entitled Karen got fired."
"I left because of the toxic work environment."
"Are you firing me for bringing up safety complaints?" "Yes, in fact, say no more."
"The owner has asked us to come investigate because the construction team is starting to be negatively affected by whatever is inside the building."
"If an employee complains about an issue such as not being paid overtime or working too many days in a row, that is a legitimate complaint that an employee should feel free to bring to management."
"Retaliation is the most common type of claim alleged in an EEOC charge."
"If customer service employees are rude or checked out, that's often a sign that they're underpaid, overworked, and have managers that throw them under the bus."