
Professional Life Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"You can screw up for the next five years and do nothing, and you'll still have your entire life ahead of you professionally."
"We need healthy relationships. We need a healthy professional life. We need a healthy spiritual life."
"We're not gonna have full equality until women are treated equally in their professional lives, their personal lives, and their online lives."
"Who has the time? Makeup Ariel has the time."
"You don't give up your right to privacy when you become a teacher or a lawyer."
"Our business is our socials. It is our actual job."
"So much of our professional lives is totally out of our control."
"Intelligence is often linked to whiteness so black people are often encouraged in professional settings to use a quote-unquote white voice."
"Music is my job, that's why I'm putting out the album."
"It's not as risky like if you think about any profession which is going into a state where it will become stable."
"I was mortified and I'm like, I am at this point, I am not even 30 years old yet so I am a young professional."
"Now you can see why people like me do this for a living. It's extremely exciting."
"I remember when I decided I was going to become a professional fighter."
"I've had an absolutely wonderful career for sure."
"Something's going on here where you are killing it in the career."
"Your work is greatly appreciated. Take a moment and think about the lives you affect daily through your profession." - Miss Terry Toursinsky
"I'm infinitely happier with my professional life doing what I'm doing now."
"We'll see what the next ten years have in store as a teacher."
"I'm so glad I'm here today, I'm going to take my professional hat off for just a minute."
"That's not how the world works, man. It ain't show friends, it's show business."
"In your professional life it is good to, you know, have that urge to prove people wrong."
"Relationships need a huge upgrade to really get to where you want to go in your professional life."
"Chloe works as a vice president at a large Bank in Southern California and Banks as a psychologist by training but also considers himself a real estate developer investor."
"I do this for a living, that's a compliment."
"There are three levels to one's professional life: job, career, or mission."
"Wow, come on, professional has been showing signs of pregnancy."
"Corporate just means you're doing it for a big company."
"Barry's job as a hitman is less exhilarating, more soul-sucking corporate gig."
"Then on Sunday, we've got a day in the life of a pro cyclist at training camp."
"I haven't been this excited over PR in a minute."
"Chandler's career in the statistical analysis and data reconfiguration business has still made for a great running gag."
"Wow, I'm a pro. I feel good, I feel real good actually."
"Every change that is happening in your career right now is fated. This is what's meant to be happening."
"My mom's a doctor and my dad was a househusband."
"If I'm gonna spend that type of time with that many people, there's gotta be more in it than just the money or the prestige for me."
"I love doing it and I think one of the things that I love about it is that you have these incredible encounters with people."
"Max Payne and I only care about four things: my wife, my kids, my dogs, and my job."
"I can see the stress of all this drama ending their relationship because they're both anchors, they're both news people, this is all they know."
"Some people live for the day or for the weekend, other people think long term - 20 years ahead, 30 years ahead, 50 years ahead. #neurosurgeons"
"Reigning in life covers all areas from personal life to profession."
"I've made mistakes obviously, you know both personally and professionally through my 50-year career."
"I don't care what it is you do, whatever job you have, you're basically selling your services to the world."
"I could do this job 24 hours a day and it wouldn't be enough."
"To get to where I'm at, right, I probably work anywhere between 12 to 15 hours."
"It's not getting in, it's like staying in, that's the hardest part."
"About to secure the greatest contract in the history of the profession."
"It's been amazing, and so far, it's like doing Clinic book with all my mates, right?"
"Half of this job is just bullshitting your way through life."
"Another day at the office for you at this stage"
"I wouldn't be a judge for anything. I like what I'm doing."
"I think I've told this story on one of the pods but I literally had a sleeping west in my arms and interviewed someone for Second Try with him asleep in my arms."
"At this point in his career, it's just kind of like blah."
"I have done the least editing in the last three months of my entire career."
"Here I am working and like not just working and fulfilling my relationships with brands or my contracts with brands but like working organically as well."
"I get paid to be silly, like I get paid to do the things that people are encouraged to stop doing."
"Part of the reason The Office is so popular is because it reflects on the prevalence of complete and utter BS that has oozed its way into every single crevice of our professional lives and the economy as a whole."
"I believe that I'm at the peak of my career and the best years are ahead of me."
"I love what I do and I'm so grateful to all of you that I get to do this for a living."
"The full life cycle of a day in the life of a Palantir analyst."
"That's one of the most wonderful experiences of this whole ride."
"I believe the next several months will be the busiest, craziest of my career."
"Thank you guys for giving me the best job in the world."
"The past year has probably been one of the most stressful Worst Years of my career."
"The average professional footballer, if they spend about 15 years in the game, will make somewhere in the region of 500 senior appearances. Some will play a lot more."
"Engineering is tough, and even the best engineers have their successes and failures."
"This is what I do: I film, I film, I know, but you got a boss that you call a daddy."
"I feel privileged to be able to do what I'm doing."
"It means the world to me to be able to do this full-time, do this professionally, you know I'm living my dream right now."
"Just because you choose to be a wife and a mother does not mean you cannot still be the same professional kind of woman you thought you would be."
"I miss parts of it... I just get to show up and do my thing and leave when I'm done."
"Women like Judge Barrett recognize that you can live out your professional and personal life without facing political smears or character attacks."
"We are back, we were working the NBA Finals, which took the majority of our time 'cause we do have real jobs outside of just making these videos."
"It's each you know I just want to take a second here this morning this Monday morning to appreciate what we do each and every day."
"Most people are really nice and just like I'm appreciative of them, like without them like I don't I don't have a job."
"Congrats on uh Bosch Legacy your entire career."
"That doesn't make her a bad athlete or a bad businesswoman, that makes her human."
"These seven years have been the greatest privilege of my professional life."
"Wow, this has been the most crazy few weeks of my journalism life. Day in and day out, it's just been immense."
"It's okay to acknowledge that you're not a perfect human being. You try to be professional but it's okay to slip up every once in a while. You're not perfect, you know. Just don't try to be. Doesn't matter."
"Life as a footballer is busy to say the least."
"When I was young, I used to play Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. But when I went to Napoli, it started a little bit more. Midweek, then when I was at Chelsea, I was like, 'This is the high level. This is what they said. It's game, game, game, game, game.'"
"This is just your reminder that you deserve that as well. You deserve to take care of yourself too, whether that be going to a spa, taking a bubble bath, watching the sunset, painting—do what you gotta do for your mental sanity, especially when you're in this profession."
"Attractive people have it easier in their professional lives."
"I believe there's a distinct connection between your personal and professional life."
"Perfection is something to strive for, especially in one's professional life, although there should be more room for mistakes in one's personal life."
"You get into you have an office can you tell us a little bit about how you do this thing that you do you have an office outside of the house yeah."
"Alright, well thank you all for joining me this evening. I'm really excited to chat with you guys about some of the work that I do here at MGH."
"Our life, professional life, will never be the same."
"You kind of turn into a zombie and you're going through everything and making your towns you're going to the gym, you know, you, you trained do all your stuff you show up at the building you work your ass off and it's off to the next gig and that's, that's just life."
"When I ended up mid-year between contracts."
"We really do see the most beautiful things in our job."
"Melissa's she's got a degree she went to San Diego State got a degree in journalism so you know she's super smart and she's a great writer and she ran the media for the pro surfing tour for seven years."
"A new beginning professionally, but also a new beginning in terms of how you contribute to society."
"Creating our professional life is really important, so to be able to do it with a friend, there's something so special about it."
"I feel that I'd be a brilliant candidate for this role since I own already appreciate and demonstrate these characteristics in both my personal and professional life."
"I've never had more fun in my entire life when we do a show together. It's the most fun I've ever had as a professional comedian."
"I think workflow is very important to all of us."
"I've had nothing but some of the best times I've had in any sphere professional or personal."
"We're seeing these black professionals, these black doctors, and their families and the ups and downs of their relationships."
"I am responsible for making smart decisions to drive success in my personal and professional life."
"I've been in Ireland since I'm 14, my entire professional career has been in Ireland."
"Dentistry is great, it's a great profession. I'm enjoying it so far, a lot of ups and downs."
"Being flexible is always good because you're going to have to be professionally."
"I'm a young professional... I don't really have a whole lot of time to game... but when I do, I want to be able to jump into my game super quick."
"This is the world of project management."
"2024 feels different, so I'm making a lot of new changes professionally."
"Approaching girls during the daytime, like you do realize this is what I do for work, right?"
"Interpersonal skills are important to succeed not just in relationships but in their professional life."
"I never would have imagined that I'd really like my career as much as I do."
"Without personal life, we cannot achieve our professional things. We are doing a professional life because to support our family. They are both important for me."
"Being a professional chess player has a lot of upsides and downsides."
"I'm professionally and personally fulfilled."
"What is the best thing about being a professional poker player?"
"It's just going to make the job a whole lot more enjoyable."
"I've been doing this for a while, I do a lot of big projects."
"I'm so nervous, I'm meeting my manager today."
"I'd love to have her as my manager for like the rest of my time as a CNA."
"If you find something that you're really talented at and you really enjoy, that's got to be a major part of your professional life."
"It's that freedom, you know, and that's what our career is able to do."
"Being the original bassist in Poco and the Eagles, he was an enormously large and important person in my life, musically, professionally."
"He's an innocent guy who's never really been in love; he's been about his job his whole life."
"Football can kind of turn into a job for a lot of guys, groundhog day."
"It must be a lot of fun to be a professional athlete."
"I'm Australian, but I went to University here, and now I work here too."
"I'm absolutely enjoying it because it is nice to be back to work."
"I'll never forget the image of him in a suit, confidently leaving for his first day at work."
"My career looks really good on paper."
"Being a pro is more enjoyable than the road to being a pro."
"I've been driven for most of my professional life by the same mission-ready in the same set of interests and values."
"One day you feel like you're going to conquer the world, and the next day you're like, 'Am I even a pro? What the... is it? Where am I?'"
"That's the life of a professional triathlete, you know. It's not all going up; you have these ebbs and flows."
"There could be a pleasant surprise when it comes to your career, your professional life around Halloween."
"This man's life will never be the same again as a professional."
"Have excellent communication with your patient, staff, and colleagues; that's going to make your life easier."
"It's a love story to black professional life and I love it for that."
"I love what I do and I love the clients I have that respect me and respect my time."
"I'm Jim Walmsley, I'm a professional runner for Hoka One One, so I run for a living."
"As soon as I passed the bar, I was supposed to become an associate at the firm I clerk for—a real job, a real life."
"I enjoy being a variety-style content creator here on YouTube, I want nothing to do with the professional grind."
"I'm a licensed therapist; I work from home, I'm self-employed."
"I can focus on my work with peace of mind."
"I think that I am definitely starting to like law and I think that I'm gonna stay in big law."
"Having this space has been the best part of my professional life this year because it's provided me with the mental clarity and strength to do everything else."
"I love seeing another professional with ADHD breaking down stereotypes about neurodiversity."
"It's always something different every time you go to work."
"I've walked for about half of my professional life with one foot in each way of viewing the world at the same time."
"Being a professional wrestler is such a privilege."
"I have to put on makeup because I have too many powerful meetings where I need to be a powerful goddess."
"This is a very interesting business with a lot of interesting people."
"I've really enjoyed traveling into London and feeling really professional."
"Here I am having the most incredible moment of my professional career."
"I feel like I can choose now. My youngest has graduated from high school, and I now have an exciting professional life."
"The one thing people don't know about the transition from college to pro is the amount of downtime that you have."
"I'm doing fabulous, I need to get to work super early this morning because I got me some meetings that I have to attend at 9 AM."
"I did have a full career all on its own before I started my YouTube channel."