
Work Efficiency Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Executives can increase their productivity by up to 500% when in a flow state at work."
"It's all possible with ClickUp, the productivity platform that'll save you one day a week on work."
"If you can master how to use templates in your own work, you'll save a ton of time and be a lot more productive."
"You'll accomplish things better, faster, and you'll have more fun doing it."
"The objective is to work smarter, not harder."
"You can't work on a house without the tools."
"And since we're talking about things that maybe aren't as exciting but are super handy, we gotta talk about clamps."
"Understanding the difference between working based on your time versus working based on your results."
"Work expands to fill the time that we allocate to it."
"Efficiency in how you're working, but also expansion and productivity."
"Twice the money that you're making now with half the effort."
"I think one of the big use cases that's going to emerge over the next several years for VR is just going to be doing more work in it."
"If the work from home model is truly more efficient, then there's also fewer reason for businesses to buy large properties."
"Elevate everything. Elevate the amount of work that we can do. That's what AI is going to allow us to do."
"It's natural to think that working harder yields better results but sometimes that's not the case. I personally like doing less work. I am lazy as [ __ ]."
"It's not working harder, it's simply working smarter."
"I want you guys to have everything you need to get work done without spending Snap-on prices."
"Chad TPT will not at all replace software Engineers but instead it will be a huge quality of life Improvement for software Engineers."
"If I am just handed a project and I try to go build it, then I'm going to procrastinate on it and I'm not going to be very efficient."
"That's a lot of money for just under two hours' work."
"If you can make your job easier, you make it easier. That's just the way it is."
"Focus on the fundamentals; that makes your job the easiest."
"She saves her work tasks and organizes what she needs to get done so that before lunch she accomplishes the most difficult work tasks of the day."
"Leverage is basically where you put in the same amount of work as someone else but if you have more leverage that means that your input of work gets more output than the other person's input of work."
"Think about where could you use a team of agents that work 24 hours a day tirelessly on your behalf."
"We always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"How do I work as little as possible for the most amount of money?"
"When it comes to your workflow, time is of the essence."
"When you're thinking about working smarter and not harder towards your passions, think about also what platforms and tools you can use to make your job, make your life a little bit more efficient."
"Your productivity level is going to be quite high."
"Generative AI tools will permanently influence the way we approach tasks."
"Speed is essential, but accuracy is primary."
"This is something you can literally get paid for in less than one single hour of work."
"The message here is to not work harder but to work smarter."
"Develop techniques for efficiency but also break this big task down into smaller tasks."
"Just like any job out there, guys, you gotta have the right tools for the job. What I'm getting at is, the first one then go well because we didn't use the right tool for the job, guys."
"Robots are always polite, they never take a vacation, they never show up late."
"Productivity is not about doing more work. It's about creating more impacts with less work."
"Reducing working hours could have the opposite effect to the one expected: working less can mean producing more."
"Prepare your work area...getting your work area set up and organized will immensely benefit you."
"You get better at working when you work less."
"As long as you can grab them on a weekend when maybe you should only have maybe 18 or 15, then at the end of the day, you've done a better job than the rest."
"We're talking about things that people are doing to empower themselves to do their work better."
"Passive income is when you can do a little work today and it makes you money for days and days and days to come."
"The ability to change your mind without destroying all your work is important."
"A path of enlightened laziness: identify the quickest and most efficient method of doing a job right the first time."
"Sometimes like we said before, doing more work equals less work."
"The value of working efficiently is important."
"Reducing the friction between me as an analyst and the information."
"May the truth come out, may light shine on the darkness that's been dark for so long."
"What am I living in the future? Money for 100 just got that used to take 50 weeks and a day's worth of chores."
"Multitasking increases errors, takes more time, and raises stress levels."
"The more comfortable a knife is, the longer I think you're gonna be able to work with it before your hand gets tired."
"Automating income: Work done once, paid multiple times."
"Efficiency is one of the most important things when you work for a client."
"Let them do the work, bro. Just ignore them, you don't need to do it. Let them."
"Parkinson's law: work expands to fill the time available."
"Work smarter, not harder—be willing to delegate, push back, say no."
"Work smarter, delegate. You're doing too much."
"It's the very definition of work smarter not harder."
"Identify where is your zone of productivity."
"This computer has been a joy to work on and it really saved my ass during that film."
"Animal agriculture. Studies show climate change and water shortages are directly linked."
"Having an angle grinder that comes to a stop quickly is a pretty good safety feature and it can actually speed up work at times."
"Battery life? Incredible. Close to two full work days."
"Focusing on one task at a time improves concentration and productivity."
"This is just what I've done, and it's worked, so fine. It's really clean, it's really precise."
"Work as fast as possible, stay in the music."
"Work smarter, not harder, ladies and gentlemen."
"Productivity is everything. We need productivity to increase."
"You're more than likely just going to do an extra couple of things anyway."
"I just honestly don't know how we could do what we do now without it."
"If you have a really good test analyst, they will save time for your senior developers to the point where they will be more than paying their wage back. That's something that's insane, it's like... it's math."
"How many 40-hour work weeks? Nine. Two months of productivity we get back."
"My duties will be completed quickly and diligently, I will bring fresh ideas to the company, and always seek ways to take advantage of the opportunities present in this industry."
"Don't play with your food or you don't get paid for overtime."
"I like a minimalist approach to everything when it comes to work."
"Learning these commands are essential because it just speeds up productivity and you get a lot more work done."
"Efficiency game: trying to do as little as possible."
"At the end of the day, you still have to be effective. You still have to be official. I don't care about the system."
"Let's just get right into it here are some of my absolute best tips to stay extremely productive."
"Sharing your work makes things much easier," Thomas acknowledged.
"Work smarter not harder, clutch, work smarter not harder."
"Give 100% attention to making your 10% most efficient."
"I think it's so important that we work smarter instead of just harder."
"A lot of workload will be taken away from them and will give them a lot more space to decide what they want to do with their time."
"...the rest of the press work should go nice and smooth."
"For the people who were managing it, Smartsheet is owning so much of that work for them."
"AI is going to work with us so that we can be even more efficient."
"So whoever uses technology to do their work, They will go far beyond technology and humans."
"Workflow is such an important part of our work lives. Much of workflow is still not inside the tent of statistical theory."
"Do what's comfortable for you that will help you get the job done and have the most successful body of work."
"Systems under which people work account for 90% of the failure, therefore the key to success in any endeavor is to perfect the system."
"It's really important to learn your tools so you can work more efficiently."
"It's really a foundational tool for work in all these areas."
"Having this work table has increased my quality of life probably an equivalent amount to when I went from corded drill to cordless Makita drill and driver."
"You can actually implement the four-hour workweek and get to live that ultimate lifestyle way faster than you think."
"Our goal has always been to help people get work done faster, make them more productive."
"We should be taking more breaks and we should be taking certain kinds of breaks."
"This means you can work longer but with a reduced risk of conditions like hand arm vibration syndrome or white finger."
"The amount of monitors within a setup directly correlates to the type of work you are trying to accomplish."
"Automation can help remove all the noise from your work life, be the personal assistant that you always wanted, and help deliver your work where you want it and how you want it."
"A light that doesn't shine in your eyes but actually on the work."
"You've never been more productive because of the AI."
"Yeah, simple machines make it easier to do work."
"This is a lifesaver and will make your work so much easier."
"The productivity that you gain for like all your other work right it just really stacks up."
"Automation is the answer to getting monotonous work done with increased accuracy and also ease."
"Promotions abound absolutely here and you're going to find that it's also easier for you to drum up more cash without a whole lot of more work."
"My biggest regret is that I didn't do it sooner because this workbench has revolutionized the way I work."
"Harry drove us home from the desert so that I could work on the laptop on the way home, that was really helpful."
"Working from home was just so darn efficient."
"Parkinson's Law and the Pareto Principle."
"With reduced work time, each hour typically becomes more productive."
"No one wants to work more... People want to work less. How do we work smarter?"
"This is honestly a tool and a program that I discovered recently that has absolutely changed the game in regards to how I work, how I study, and how I learn new things in medical school."
"In engineering management systems class, you learn about work procedures and recommend changes that could save millions of dollars."
"The ability to customize that fancy zones and have it set up for max productivity for the way that I work is just great."
"Efficiency minimizes the boring parts of your job, spend more time doing engineering insights."
"Master performance video and photo editing which is the bulk of my work is really smooth on here."
"Everything you buy is stuff to make it easier to do the job."
"You can't do the job without them, you just can't."
"Looking at cute animals actually improves productivity."
"We are constantly challenging existing solutions and looking for new ways to make work easier, faster, and more enjoyable."
"For Studios or Advanced users, a great render engine is often the difference between working late into the night with stressful overtime or having a normal work week."
"We really are keen on doing is automating all these processes so we can free up some man hours for really creative work."
"I wanted to create something that I could use to get my work out to clients as fast as possible."
"Effectiveness and efficiency... doing the minimum amount of work required so that customers are happy."
"By focusing on one thing, it was tremendously much easier, and I was able to double down into one thing at work."
"One of the things that agile is really trying to do is focus on making sure that you're not doing extra work."
"Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot, your copilot for work."
"Whatever the job, our new 95F will work smarter and harder and longer."
"Now the amount of work that you have to do is less, and this is where you can sort of emulate that process to create a tonal character."
"The advantages of using this Riser set include increased working height, reduced back strain and fatigue, improved ergonomics, enhanced accessibility to tools and materials."
"I'm going to give you some practical methods and ideas that you can use in your work."
"It's going to change your finish completely; it's going to make your life a lot easier."
"Whoever does the HVAC system design is really in need of software like this for their day-to-day work."
"Work smarter, not harder. There is always an easier way to make money."
"This is supposed to give you an idea of how quickly we can work."
"If you make a mistake, it's easy to recover the work that otherwise we might have lost."
"This is the way you want to work; it keeps users engaged and it helps you speed things up."
"Power is how fast you can transfer energy by doing work or how fast you can get the job done."
"This became my favorite add-on ever and it saves years of work."
"It's supposed to be like a mobile workstation."
"There are many aspects of the work which are similar here, but I feel that there are areas where the Korean method is more efficient."
"The wrong tools just bog us down in busy work; the right tools empower us."
"You're able to work smarter, not harder, you're able to enjoy your success along the way."
"It's important to have a clean space because then it makes it easier to work."
"Sometimes saving a little bit of work by not pulling something out that you know you should makes it a lot more difficult and dangerous."
"This is a passive income method where you actually can do the work once and have the money rolling in."
"Everybody knows that you cannot do the job without the right tools."