
Expulsion Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"God tells Michael the leader of heaven's army to go and remove them from the garden but to make sure they have hope as he does so."
"Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate." - Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate.
"You crazy idiot, you traitor... get the hell out of here."
"It's horrible. It's horrible. And so I was in total denial that they would ever actually kick me out."
"Consequently on the 4th of August 1972 he announced that those of Asian descent within Uganda who did not have full Ugandan citizenship would have to leave the country within ninety days."
"I call you by your name and I banish you from my life, banish you from my family, banish you from my business."
"Get the hell out, get your stinking filthy degenerate disgusting asses the hell out that god damn door right now."
"I was like, yo, get the [__] out the spot bro."
"I can't allow this and he was basically destroyed he's pretty much been kicked out of the labor party it's true of other organizers recently."
"There's clearly a coordinated effort among Republicans to get him out."
"It is long past time for Ambassador Philatov to be expelled from Ireland."
"And that makes him just the sixth member to be expelled from the US House in US history."
"We are casting out demons, expelling darkness."
"Several plaintiffs informed the court that they were expelled from their previous schools due to their juvenile records."
"David was expelled from the show after having problems coping."
"Clapton attended the Kingston College of Art but was expelled after his first year."
"You're exiling them, you're pushing their energy out of your fields, you're protecting yourself."
"Lloyd sighed heavily and said that he was also kicked out because he was weak."
"Sounds to me like the expulsion was completely deserved."
"...the counselor offers them a chance to redeem themselves. He proposes that they take on the holy knights in a sporting event at the school Festival if they win they will not be expelled and the holy Knights will lose their authority."
"We got kicked out from somewhere."
"Once you see it, the cycle is complete and they will be released and expelled, never to return."
"I got kicked out of everything for not having no sense."
"You'll have to leave now. Mister Covet has ordered that you'll be gone from Ironville by sunset."
"And then Rose gets hauled away and thrown out of the party."
"The story of the fall of Adam and Eve is a metaphor for when we were expelled from the web of instinct."
"I've been expelled from Hogwarts."
"Come on, the soccer player gets red carded, he's out of here in sixth place."
"I got kicked out, yeah, I was drinking a 32 ounce Bud Ice on stage."
"Demons can invade our space and they need to be driven out."
"I was expelled from the university at a younger age than most people are allowed in."
"Honestly, when I got the news, I was kind of shocked that he got expelled for that."
"Expelled from their state, not as punishment but as a consequence."
"UA had been expelled from Sing B University because of Ching's fake allegations against him."
"The expulsion of evil is subtly nonviolent."
"Anna treats the girl in a humiliating Manner and kicks her out of the Villa."
"It was like an exorcism, expelling him."
"If I get expelled, my parents are going to disown me."
"Talk to my staff like this, get the [__] out of my restaurant!"
"Survivor 42's biggest downside is Jackson's ejection."
"He said you're a demon in Jesus name get out of my house."
"If these things are proven in the case of Som, then there's no place for Som in the Australian Labor Party. None whatsoever. He should be booted out. Very simple."
"The Earth vomited me forth like a squelch as if expelling something indigestible."
"The three days of darkness: God saying to the evil one, 'Take what's yours and get out of here.'"
"God did not kick us out of the garden because he was angry. He pushed them out because of his love."
"The Germans expelled all the Polish Jews who lived in Germany."
"Call it fate, call it karma, but I believe we were destined to be kicked out of this college."
"I don't like you, Mr. Blake, and I'll ask you to leave for the last time."
"The so-called great ejection followed the act of uniformity of 1662."
"No reputable academy on the continent would consider expelling a student without affording them the opportunity to present their case."
"Moving into the Chamber of Judgment, Barriss is expelled from the Jedi Order."
"Nobody wants to be thrown out of Eden."
"Lucifer led a rebellion; the angels who joined him were thrown out of heaven."
"As a consequence of the rise of self-consciousness we were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, out of paradise."
"This being the academy that expelled the most students."