
Dinosaurs Quotes

There are 1411 quotes

"The dino lover in me is absolutely biased but come on, it's a transforming robot stegosaurus, one of the most iconic dinosaurs."
"They're actually arguing that the dinosaurs may not be 65 million years old."
"I think if there's a message to all of these big foam suits, it's probably that humans ought to try to be a little more like the dinosaurs at their best, and less like the dinosaurs at their worst."
"Humans have only been around for like, technically speaking, like what, thousands of years, but the dinosaurs were here for like millions."
"Everyone knows sex sells, but big, fire-breathing dinosaurs also sell."
"If the dinosaurs had a space program, they would have knocked that asteroid out of the way."
"The accepted belief within the scientific community is that dinosaurs dominated the planet until a catastrophic event wiped them out."
"The dinosaur disappeared; it's something which is still an open question to which science has no answers so far."
"Without asteroids, those same dinosaurs wouldn't even have existed in the first place, and neither would you."
"Birds are literally living dinosaurs. The dinosaurs did not go extinct; birds are still with us."
"It's reasonable to infer then that dinosaurs probably did the same, and actually, we have supporting evidence for that as well."
"Most modern predators target juveniles; it's likely then that many of the groups we find of juvenile dinosaurs were a response to a predation threat."
"Juvenile dinosaurs likely aggregated at least in part as a response to predation."
"Dyna Brothers 2 is a strategy game with dinosaurs. I repeat, Dyna Brothers 2 is a strategy game with dinosaurs."
"As the saying goes, the dinosaurs didn't have a space agency. Fortunately, we do."
"Humans and dinosaurs are now going to be forced to coexist."
"These creatures were here before us and if we're not careful, they're going to be here after."
"Is it really possible that dinosaurs have remained hidden for millennia deep in the African jungles?"
"All birds evolved from a single species of dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs are still the textbook definition of awesome."
"The origin of the Chicxulub impactor which killed the dinosaur 66 million years ago is an unsolved puzzle and it's mystified astronomers for decades."
"Over that two and a half million years, which is 127,000 generations, that means about 2.5 billion T-Rex walked on this earth."
"Wonderland Eurasia boasted a remarkable collection of dinosaur attractions, featuring lifelike replicas and immersive exhibitions that transported guests back to a time where dinosaurs ruled the Earth."
"The world I get excited about is the one where it's possible that a dinosaur might run out in front of your car on a foggy back road, or invade your campground looking for food."
"Your mission: find the eggs of seven species of dinosaurs and kill them. Take the eggs to The Visitor Center, put them in the incubator. There, they will be hardboiled for consumption later. Some will be softboiled, depending on who orders. Work fast, you only have 12 hours."
"Did you know these dinosaurs enjoyed family life? Rare T-rex trackways found in Canada and New Mexico show that these dinosaurs sometimes stuck together in small groups."
"As impressive as they were in adulthood, these sky-high behemoths like all dinosaurs came from humble beginnings."
"Birds are the direct descendants of a group of dinosaurs called theropods that survived mass extinction."
"Using fossil evidence, paleontologists have managed to identify more than 500 distinctive genera and over 1,000 different species of non-avian dinosaurs."
"These photographs are like we're not just capturing the dinosaurs but the moment in time."
"The current situation, where dinosaurs are running wild, is untenable to those in charge."
"Dinosaurs were doing well when the asteroid hit, but there's a little bit of a twist in that during the last few million years before the asteroid hit, just a few million years, a few groups of dinosaurs were kind of waning a little bit in their diversity."
"Scientists now believe that a lot of dinosaurs were covered in feathers, including the Velociraptor."
"LEGO Jurassic World: Solid roster with a highlight on dinosaurs."
"Something caused the extinction of the dinosaurs."
"The birds are clearly linked to the dinosaurs."
"This crater is indeed the missing smoking gun."
"I'm working on a graphic novel that's post-apocalyptic, a world retaken by dinosaurs."
"In dinosaur Britain only the strongest survived."
"This is a completely new species of dinosaur."
"They're as persistent as dinosaurs in a Jurassic Park."
"Creature identified: Tyrannosaurus Rex. Name comes from the Greek word meaning tyrant lizard. Weight of this T-Rex is seventeen thousand five hundred pounds."
"Dinosaurs did have plenty of time to evolve."
"Raptors are king or queen because technically they're all female."
"My favorite dinosaur, it's gotta be the Allosaurus, the apex predator of the Jurassic."
"Hybrids are coming to Jurassic World Evolution too."
"A just world is nothing without the dinosaurs."
"The only dinosaurs left are birds, which are essentially theropods."
"Jurassic World Evolution: still the best park management game with Dinosaurs."
"To us, the Jurassic World franchise is about capturing that sense of awe and wonder when you see a dinosaur for the first time."
"We've brought so many dinosaurs back from the brink, but she's special."
"That island belongs to the dinosaurs now. It's their world."
"Welcome to Paleo Pines, a cozy farming game. However, this game has dinosaurs."
"These dinosaurs are capable of helping you farm, explore the world, and just being cute companions."
"T-Rex, yo, that's crazy, we just found the T-Rex!"
"There's something about dinosaurs that captures the imagination, giant mysterious animals that roam the Earth for millions of years now gone forever."
"The triceratops is one of the most recognizable herbivores to ever have existed."
"Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs. It's true, and they're a living link to a planet that died 65 million years ago..."
"Humans and dinosaurs are not going to be forced to coexist. These creatures were here before us, and if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after."
"An exercise in subversion of expectations on how the dinosaurs and company lived and looked."
"Pyro raptor, yes, exactly. Before we can proceed any further."
"Flight has evolved in dinosaurs three times at least."
"The brachiosaurus reveal will forever remain a classic piece of movie history."
"Give up their lives for it and bring back dinosaurs. It brought back possibilities, hope."
"You gotta capture that! Let's take a Stegosaurus lease back."
"Imagine a Jurassic Park game like 'Friday the 13th' where one person plays as a raptor and seven others play as survivors."
"The original T-Rex from Jurassic Park and both Jurassic World movies has only killed two people in the entire franchise."
"Tech trees offer pathways to dinosaur mastery, a tantalizing prospect for aspiring park managers."
"From conventions to speculation, the journey of Jurassic World Evolution unfolds, inviting us to dream of prehistoric wonders."
"Let's release our very first dinosaur that we incubated. Boom!"
"Parasaurolophus, a familiar face in every Jurassic Park adventure, reminding us they do move in herds."
"Brachiosaurus, the majestic giant of prehistoric times, captured our awe once again."
"T-rex was likely covered in scales, not feathers."
"So beautiful! Wow, it's hard to imagine that 240 million years ago dinosaurs were running all over here."
"I just want to get as many dinosaurs as quickly as possible to check them out and see how they react with each other because that's the coolest thing about this game in my opinion."
"No one was dumb enough to ever bother the dinosaurs... until now."
"Allosaurus was the Tyrannosaurus Rex before there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"There is no other animal that fits all the descriptions given here other than a dinosaur like the Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus."
"One of the most common dinosaurs that we find evidence for in our time is the plesiosaur or elasmosaurus."
"The dinosaurs behaviors have completely changed... they're more real and breathing rather than just a walking stat bar."
"Scientists have made one of the most shocking dinosaur discoveries of recent memory."
"What a fantastic time we live in with these dinosaurs."
"Raptors have been our greatest challenge to bring back from extinction, ferocious and intelligent, they are a marvel of Cretaceous evolution."
"I'm Claire Dearing and I've been on these islands before on Isla Nublar I made some mistakes and I've tried to set them right I believe in what we're doing and I believe in these dinosaurs"
"Finally finally we have a friggin Brachiosaurus"
"Sue the T-rex: one of the largest, most complete, and best-preserved specimens ever discovered."
"That's what why we're gonna put my finger on like why I think the first movie is so I love it and then why I think the movies were diminishing returns is like the antagonists in this movie or the dinosaurs."
"I believe in what we're doing, and I believe in these dinosaurs."
"I'm basically just a guy trying to rebuild my own Jurassic Park."
"Some of these dinosaurs look really cool. Look at this thing, that's awesome!"
"A lost world, the first novel about dinosaurs, it inspired King Kong and Jurassic Park."
"What would it really be like to meet a dinosaur in the flesh how terrifying how strange how magnificent an experience would that be."
"Troodon dinosaurs were quite smart by dinosaur standards famously having the largest brains in comparison to their body size of any non-avian dinosaur."
"He's just absolutely majestic... makes him really fast and easily one of the fastest dinos in the game when it comes to flying."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex had the most powerful bite attack in the history of the game."
"Dinosaurs were some of the most powerful builds to ever be introduced to the game."
"There is no right way to draw dinosaurs, no one thing that is done incorrectly."
"Better than the chicken packing, huh? Take this, Triceratops."
"The dinosaurs were wiped out by a 10 kilometer size asteroid, that hit about 65 million years ago."
"This is about as much fun as you can have in a dinosaur movie."
"The first ever fossilized evidence of a dinosaur sitting on its nest of unborn babies."
"Their venom is the same type that was used to kill dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park movies."
"If I got a T-Rex right here, I'd be so happy."
"Poor dinosaurs, they can't catch a friggin' break!"
"T-Rex is the largest land living meat-eating dinosaur we've ever discovered."
"Velociraptor: A small-bodied, fast-moving theropod carnivore, inherently cooler than its counterparts."
"Nature's finest creation, the Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"There are plenty of people to be mad about dinosaur media that don't include you, but then we get and I already showed you guys that Stanley, these missionary lizards..."
"The Mesozoic era produced some of the weirdest and most fascinating animals of all time, including the dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs are pretty cool, but finally, it's our time to shine."
"Learning about dinosaurs can also be terrific fun."
"Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, actual actually phenomenal."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is one of the main attractions of both the book and the film."
"The main survival aspect of this series is hunting down the dinosaurs."
"Monsters and bizarre creatures, that's not real dinosaurs."
"Enormous size Liv in the cre was so outsized."
"Birds are the direct descendants of the dinosaurs so birds are very literally living dinosaurs and that is stinking rad."
"The closest living relative to the T. rex is the humble chicken."
"I just want to get the t-rex, dude. He's gonna be so sick."
"Absolutely love the dinosaur walkthroughs here."
"That boys and girls is the Indo Raptor, it's the final unlock in Jurassic World Evolution and it is an absolute badass of a dinosaur."
"Modern birds are the descendants of the T-rex."
"He's so cool, oh it's awesome, yes I think the Triceratops and the Brachiosaurus were things I knew I liked."
"I think a T-Rex Pokemon was always going to be popular choice."
"Pirates vs. dinosaurs, the island is filled with dinos, pirates trying to dig up some treasure."
"I want to tame a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I want to tame one. It's the OG, it's the classic dinosaur that everyone knows."
"It kind of feels like Jurassic Park, like a T-Rex stomping on the ground."
"Dinosaurs are dragons: '...when dinosaur bones would be discovered some people immediately assumed for them to be dragons or other mythical creatures mentioned in the bible...'"
"Each new sauropod dinosaur discovered helps to understand the group as a whole."
"We all work together and now we have a happy Dino."
"I hope this video has achieved its aim to give an effective overview of the Triassic dinosaurs and sparked interest in learning even more."
"Millions of years before humankind, the planet was ruled by massive creatures."
"The findings of Megalosaurus and Coelophysis footprints prove that dinosaurs lived in Scotland 165 million years ago."
"Why can't you hear the pterodactyl when he goes to the bathroom? Because the 'P' is silent."
"Mine's always going to be the Segnosaurus, though I do love the Velociraptor, the T-Rex, and of course the Microraptor."
"The most notorious one, the one that everybody knows of: Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"Bumpy is confirmed in the second trailer for Chaos Theory."
"You don't need story or character development when you have dinosaurs."
"Technically speaking, pterodactyls are flying reptiles."
"I'm assuming the dinosaurs are coming back because of the Meltdown."
"Jurassic Park brought dinosaurs to life in a way that had never been dreamed before."
"...dinosaurs have been on this Earth for 150 million years, and it's not like we're going to just disappear."
"After leaving Earth, they come face to face with a giant flying Pteranodon."
"The planet is inhabited by dinosaurs and other prehistoric life like plesiosaurs and pteranodons, not only that but cavemen as well."
"Wonder Woman decides to help the cavemen and builds a giant wall to keep the dinosaurs out of their territory."
"Paw Patrol, let's save those dinosaurs!"
"Dinosaurs used to rule Hollywood, now Spielberg won't return its calls."
"It's amazing how much our understanding of this pretty significant lineage of dinosaurs has changed over the last decade or so."
"To think of these dinosaurs as another branch of tyrannosauroids is honestly pretty exciting."
"I really cannot wait to see what other discoveries are made about the megaraptorans."
"Dinosaurs are probably the coolest things that have ever lived on this planet."
"Dinosaurs were competing with one another and with a diverse and very capable array of non-dinosaurs."
"These were agile, athletic bipeds, the first large-bodied bipedal carnivores to be really successful in the dinosaur clade."
"Much like the dinosaurs, the pseudosuchians once occupied a variety of ecological roles."
"This terrifying creature was the apex predator for 30 million years before the Tyrannosaurus arrived and took over," describing the newly discovered giant predatory dinosaur in Utah.
"Animal fact number 69,420: Most people think T-rexes can't clap because of their short arms, when the real reason is because they are dead."
"At least the first movie was good, but yeah, you know, I hope that, you know, I think the one thing that they can always do is like add more dinosaurs, you know, like different types of dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs because dinosaurs are freaking cool, yeah, exactly."
"Even your big CG, yeah, I don't know if a lot of people are talking about this, I'm gonna tell you something. I can't take a dinosaur movie. I can watch the dinosaurs run, fight, eat each other, eat people, you know, have sex."
"...the dinos instead get taken off the island by the rich villains for personal gain."
"Anyone who has ever loved dinosaurs certainly remembers the first time they watched Jurassic Park."
"From its bone-crushing jaws to its long, muscular tail, when you witness a prehistoric-looking creature like this in action, it's not hard to recognize the similarities it shares with something like Tyrannosaurus rex."
"As soon as the dinosaurs turned up, he started farting."
"Consider this: its head and elongated neck could reach 16.5 to 18 meters, which is equivalent to a six-story building, making it one of the tallest known dinosaurs, perhaps even the tallest."
"I was more convinced by the dinosaurs in this movie than I'm convinced by other creatures or animals created by CGI in more recent films, even in the last decade. That was just, I was totally immersed in some of it."
"We thought we'd take a look back at some of our very favorite dinosaur scenes."
"Mr. Dinosaur George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur."
"What do you want from an escapist blockbuster? Jurassic Park is about as good as it can get where you have intelligence you have great characters and then you just have like a uh a wow inducing concept of seeing dinosaurs brought back to life."
"This creature flying dinosaurs that lived 86 million years ago had a wingspan the size of a school bus."
"A dinosaur has been discovered in Australia that was roughly two stories tall and the full length of a basketball court."
"Dinosaurs wagged their tails side to side as they walked."
"Dinosaurs were individual beings just like how every dog is an individual animal with its own life, its own motives, and its own personality."
"The Carnotaurus had a tail vertebrae pointed sideways in bony projections that grew out and upward in sharp sickle-shaped designs."
"Because of their strong neck muscles, it's believed they used their horns to deliver fast and powerful blows in combat between other carnivores or possibly to show their dominance over their territory or to garner breeding rights with the female species."
"The dinosaur Dimension with the Talking Dinosaurs, I'm sure that has something to do with Planet of the Apes."
"Megalosaurus was generally a robust and heavily muscled animal."
"Buckle up for a virtual time travel experience to encounter colossal Diplodocus, the armored Stegosaurus, the iconic Dilophosaurus, and the fascinating Archaeopteryx, a crucial link bridging the worlds of dinosaurs and modern birds."
"Paleontologists discovered scrap marks left behind by dinosaurs in Colorado, resembling patterns left by birds looking for a partner."
"In broad daylight, the dinosaur somehow sneaks up on them without making any noise whatsoever."
"Nobody even suspected the Dilophosaurs were poisonous until they were observed hunting indigenous rats on the island."
"Feathers evolved in therapod dinosaurs before the origin of birds and before the origin of flight."
"Feathers are no longer unique to birds; they were found in therapod dinosaurs."
"The smallest dinosaurs were no bigger than a house cat."
"Now that we've had a look at these fascinating herbivores we will go on to some dinosaurs that are a little larger."
"Dinosaurs are not the only ancient reptiles. They're not the oldest but they are the biggest. Not only reptiles, but creatures that have ever walked the planet."
"As a kid I personally hated the depiction of dinosaurs such as Diplodocus and Argentinosaurus find it goofy looking so on a purely selfish level this is a huge W."
"Who could have imagined that this monument is a river into the sky, that it was once a source of life and danger for dinosaurs living in lush forests along its banks?"
"The dinosaurs themselves are the first thing that makes Dinosaur an ultimate attraction. They are far and away the best dinosaurs out there to be seen."
"To make life-size dinosaurs, Disney had to create the largest audio animatronics they had ever constructed."
"Dinosaurs have been genetically cloned and laboratory hatched."
"There's not a lot of love for these tiny bipedal herbivores. Maybe because at first glance, it just looks like a dinosaur, nothing in particular, just your dollar store variety pack dinosaur."
"This right here is a very nice miniature golf course that is located right off the main strip, but the best thing about this place is that it's themed to dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs were the prominent, successful group of animals on Earth for 170 million years. That's so many."
"I care about dinosaurs but not penguins."
"Dinosaurs are some of the most utterly amazing animals that have ever walked this earth."
"In the case of the dinosaurs, the never-ending story of evolution was actually put to a very distinct end."
"What do you do when you're a kid and you're four years old and you see a hallucination of a dinosaur? I tried telling my mom, but she..."
"Stay vigilant, people. It is a dangerous dinosaur world out there."
"The age of extinction looked like dinosaurs."
"in this video we're gonna be focusing on the t-rex 2 because it's pretty interesting"