
Resource Scarcity Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Our children are going to be living in an increasingly diverse world, with increasingly limited resources."
"The problem is that we only have access to a finite amount of resources, but the potential for human consumption of goods and services is pretty much limitless."
"Cuba on the verge of collapse as country hit by blackouts and runs out of food."
"The next war will be over water because if we cannot make food to sustain ourselves, we're going to start fighting for survival."
"The great houses of the Imperium crave many things, but perhaps nothing so much as the precious spice melange, a resource found on only one planet in the known universe, Dune."
"Most people mistakenly believe that money is the most scarce resource that we have... No, it is time."
"Time is our most scarce resource. And that's because once you spend it, it is gone forever."
"We're still reusing masks, shields. We've been short on gloves, short on gowns. We feel disposable."
"This results in a truly global multi-resource crisis with widespread socio-economic impacts...including famine and water scarcity."
"When shortages hit, nothing will be more valuable than food."
"We are fighting a war here without enough ammunition."
"By the fourth, they were once again completely out of food."
"Good news everyone, the shortage hell hole that we've been living through may finally be coming to a close."
"If we don't have food and water, our population will totally crash."
"Suffice to say, Democrats are drawing near the bottom of the well at this point."
"Abundance of money means scarcity everywhere."
"So there's a time limit ticking down because if things start getting literally scarce... it's going to be cataclysmic."
"To me, it's no longer a question of if but how large of a food shortage crisis it's going to be."
"When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death. It is better to let half the people die so that the other half can eat their fill."
"People will not just roll over for the most part and die if they can't get food they will go and take it."
"Only when all of the rivers are dried and the sky air is polluted and the fields are barren will people realize that you can't eat money."
"Gas rationing, oil rationing, or petroleum just not even being in supply because they can't get it to us."
"My other big concern is personal protective equipment even before the most significant battles lie ahead our supplies are low."
"Everyone needs water to live, and on this planet there’s barely any of it."
"Shortages are coming and you're going to feel it."
"There's no solution, there's no alternative, there is no money and there is no reserve goalkeeper to come in. He is the goalkeeper you're destructing our season by doing what you're doing."
"This has led to water shortages in Crimea, especially for the agricultural sector."
"You take away people's food, you take away people's fuel, and this is exactly what happens."
"What matters is that people who need this stuff don't have it and they can't get it."
"There would be a lack of military, political, and economic resources, but what is more important is that the very model isn't workable because..."
"Silver is used throughout the whole high-tech world, and there are no stockpiles of this stuff."
"The government was forced to ration supplies, leaving the city's poorest residents struggling for access to drinking water."
"Many great ideas never come to life due to a lack of funds, knowledge, or people."
"I literally can't even get the wood I wanted to write him a sign."
"You're right, Thanos! Resources are limited! If only you weren't a genocidal asshole."
"The Russians are running out of equipment, they're running out of men, they're running out of ammunition."
"Serious talk right now about real supply chain shortages."
"The influx of patients is growing by the day and the lack of treatment and resources affecting American families."
"Russia is running low on ammo Russia is experiencing significant shortage of artillery that are impacting its fire focused military to carry on the fight in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine."
"There's not enough ventilators, we need thousands." - Governor Gretchen Whitmer
"Water bottle shortages are being reported with some stores placing purchase limits."
"Olive oil is facing extensive shortages after major producers in Spain and Italy went through one of the most brutal droughts."
"Carbon dioxide shortage is also impacting the production of frozen pizza."
"Expect supply shocks, expect shortages, expect massive volatility to happen."
"Whatever they do, it'd better be quick, because food and water are extremely limited, and they’re not the only ones out here."
"These children are being slaughtered and now you want to take away the last bit of food and water and supplies any medicine do you want to take the last bit they have."
"Every single cent that somebody is hoarding that means that somebody else now has less money because we like I said in the beginning of this video we don't live in a world with infinite resources."
"No oil means no heat, no light, and no food for my people."
"Food shortage is not going to last forever..."
"Viper is confidently building docks. He doesn't have as much wood. He doesn't have everything engaging."
"Defense blueprint laid out, materials scarce."
"Running out of a commodity doesn't matter until it matters and then it matters a lot."
"Absent a global recession or depression, we were going to arrive at shortages of various natural resource commodities."
"The world has been picked over over the centuries... it's just gotten harder to find large gold deposits worldwide."
"You don't have a police officer that's going to come in just a couple minutes to your house to help you with something or a fire department or an ambulance."
"If you do what everybody else does, you're fighting for a small pie."
"What you saw in Emerald Vale is happening all across the colony. Food shortages, lack of supplies, and basic necessities. We are dying."
"There is no substitute for Russian gas, there is no alternative."
"I walked to a convenience store because I was running out of food and I waited in line to buy a can of green beans that was five years expired."
"What happens when a country goes bankrupt? You get shortages of all the essential items that people need to live."
"The leverage point in the Russia-Ukraine war is the scarcity of supply."
"The most important scarce resource is legitimacy."
"Balance our production right now... artillery is severely lacking."
"Water we depend on it. Water is precious and you don't realize it until you don't have it."
"The problem in survival is that you have to sacrifice a lot of livestock to get enough animal thyroid."
"Making the most of our limited resources at scale."
"The problem of not having enough natural resources."
"This ammo shortage is going to keep going it's going to last a long time don't get your hopes up and stop listening to people saying it's going to just last till January or it's going to end in the summer."
"It's not just potassium, we're running low on easily obtained phosphate reserves in the world."
"The ironic thing is there will be gas shortages. You will be waiting in your car in a gasoline shortage."
"It's better than nothing, especially cuz a lot of these kids don't even have teachers to access."
"Water specifically out here in southern Arizona is so scarce..."
"Finding a piece of habitable land is no easy task at the end of the world."
"Primarily designed to combat water scarcity and to make an impact on the lives of people with no access to clean water."
"Future Wars will be fought over water, which is going to become one of the most precious resources out there."
"The death rate in Bolivia could be up to 10 times higher if healthcare infrastructure was available."
"In the apocalypse even a bowl of instant noodles can cost a life, it won't be easy to eat your fill."
"No one's ever flown and said they don't have gas available in Canada until now."
"Teal doesn't really have the food, and monks are just... Look at the KD to tell you how monks will do in this situation."
"How long till the food shelves empty out? Far sooner than almost any dare to imagine."
"160,000 people in Jackson, Mississippi still without drinkable water, lining up for hours for cases of bottled water."
"Where are you going to burn if there ain't no gas and there ain't no oil?"
"Attention is the new oil because it's progressively getting more expensive."
"The lack of staff, the lack of space, the lack of equipment, the lack of foresight, and the lack of action all contributed to a breeding ground for disaster."
"This scenery has come about by accident as people have struggled to get what they needed to survive."
"I've noticed no change in price or availability because if either or occurs, that's the sheer definition of a shortage."
"Problems are coming here, there's been a massive shortage in fertilizer."
"Stock up on canned goods and pasta folks, it's not gonna get any better."
"The less firepower you have, the more casualties you have, the more lives are lost."
"What happens when you get rid of the circus and there ain't enough bread?"
"Pooling all of their resources, they managed to scrape by and still enjoyed working at the org. But isn't it crazy to think of?"
"One of the biggest impediments to rolling out EVs is the availability of the materials."
"The scarcity of just simple clean water in some regions is already frightening."
"At the end of the day, we have to worry about the limited resources that we have."
"Could Europe really run out of natural gas this winter?"
"Taco Bell currently dealing with shortages of ingredients, hot sauce even napkins."
"We may not have enough gas to do it, but at least it's a plan."
"We run out of stuff here and there but we don't have to face famine."
"The next war will be fought for water which is drinkable water not your oh you know the water in the ocean because those are salty."
"Food shortages are now common knowledge and that's dangerous because when the masses realize holy crap and they flood to those stores it's kind of game over for people."
"We are heading toward the most acute shortages of energy since World War II."
"I am so angry because now I only have four buffalo meat and three chicken and that is all that I have on me for food."
"The main reason people die in an outdoor survival situation usually is lack of resources."
"Oh, run, run, run, we need to get out of this place now! The house had no loot in it."
"I think there is such a thing as an economy, that there is such a thing as scarcity."
"Lithium looks increasingly tight beyond 2025."
"The global shortage of platinum is set to worsen in the coming quarters, resulting in one of the most significant deficits in half a century."
"This is actually the worst UHD. I have no book, you serious? I see a village but I know it's a hundred and ten percent looted like nine minutes into PvP."
"The Chinese coal shortage are being felt worldwide right now."
"You probably don't have a lot of Susan eidolons but that's okay."
"Why should the nations of Europe, who do not have a tradition of immigration like we do, who do not have our space and natural resources, be expected to engage with the world in the same way?"
"The shortage of everything... our children, our future."
"It's impressive to see what was asked of the young men of that era and the tools they had."
"On the rare resources, I had no idea. That's crazy."
"While the Battle of Montgisard had ended in victory, it had also cost the Crusaders men and, in a region where reinforcements nearly always had to arrive from the faraway Latin West, this backup was slow in coming."
"Lithium prices have gone to insane levels, dubbing it the new oil."
"Examples of market failure causes, from pollution to resource depletion."
"With the food piles shrinking, it all came back to that great gift we have as humans: problem-solving."
"Food is always a scarce resource in Pathologic 2."
"There's a big gold shortage, and still, there's not enough gold."
"If we cannot even get tractor tires, how vulnerable are we as a country?"
"They want to create a scarcity of products, a scarcity of food."
"But there's also one more reason why I think it's a great investment: Helium is having their halving in August which will cut down the supply to half."
"The main cause of illiteracy was actually the lack of paper within many of these territories."
"I think Cape Town is like the wake-up call for the world."
"God bless you and remember never hold your peace."
"Moving forward, there won't be enough food for all of us."
"But the tactics are evolving, noting Ukraine's desperate shortage of artillery ammo."
"The shortage is not just about gaming, it's about industries like automotive too."
"You just don't know the amount of water you need when you haven't got it."
"We're sitting down to discuss center-back targets in the middle of May. It's like being at a buffet with nothing left."
"Israel is a small state; it doesn't have a lot of natural resources. Rather we have our best resources, and that is the human mind."
"Goldman Sachs warns of imminent oil supply shortage."
"Water wars may end up being on the horizon because that is a necessity that we all need as human beings."
"We entered a new era in which we'll see increasing shortages and production deficits for many metals."
"The collapse of the Roman Empire wasn't the debasement of the denarius, they ran out of wood."
"This is absolutely shocking... less than 24 hours of oxygen left."
"Food was started to become scarce and Kim Jong Il launched a campaign called let's eat two meals a day instead of three because eating three meals a day is unhealthy so it's good for you that you don't have food."
"Ammunition is finite therefore possibly the supply is exhausted and there are no more bullets for the deep state to fire."
"The world is running out of resources and things are getting harder."
"Wow, I'm awakened, trapped inside an asteroid with a crew of three duplicates. Research resources are scarce, I can't remember how we got here."
"I severely lack the iron to make an anvil, but at least we have the trade now."
"There's going to be a toilet paper shortage this winter."
"Wow guys, let's be honest when we look in the freezer, no curly fries, yeah we don't even put on strong enough to just go straight out and get them broccoli..."
"We're seeing food shortages... all of this stuff's still going on."
"It's like somebody tried to make key lime pie, but it was in the apocalypse and they didn't have all the ingredients available."
"Sieges are also going to be stopping the caravans and villages from coming in, meaning that the city is not gonna be replenishing its food stocks or its goods."
"You can't run the world on nuclear energy because you're going to run out of uranium."
"It's like going into Pac-Man and there was nothing for Pac-Man to eat."
"I ain't got [ __ ] for her to drink dude, tamika, oh [ __ ] I got no drink for you tamika, I'm sorry."
"The idea of Bitcoin is that it's finite on purpose, is that there is enough for everyone who's actually on the planet."
"Every second is precious to a crew whose air supply is fading."
"The loss of raw materials and petroleum significantly reduced Japan's ability to maintain effective military strength."
"There's only so much around and and there these are the characteristics of money since the beginning of time everybody has gold in their correct value."
"Zimbabwe sky shortages have reached alarming levels."
"We're just one crisis away from the next major shortage."
"A few weeks after a grid down scenario, there will be hundreds of millions of starving people wandering around the country desperately fighting over every last scrap of food."
"It meant fewer submarines, fewer tanks, fewer trucks, fewer Luftwaffe coming up and trying to shoot us down."
"Couldn't have enough blanket, sir."
"...it's absolutely genius to Keep Us Alive in a world where scarce where resources are incredibly scarce and where we have to constantly be on alert in order to survive."
"You can build new buildings and change rent, but there's not enough lumber for a new planet."
"I can relate, the last time I was on Rikers Island I had to eat with my bare hands because the city ran out of forks."
"Water is not a human right. Water was going to be like the new oil."
"Every drop counts and every gallon is fought over tooth and nail."
"My bunny population may grow exponentially until they run out of resources or run out of food or until wolves or foxes come into the neighborhood and there's some non-linear effect."
"There's not a lot of resources for PMs, and so the fact that this channel exists, like, it goes a long way."
"When this supply of fuel CS is gone, the settlements will not be able to power the heat as they need to survive."
"...climate change is deflationary because one it increases say lack of water, desertification increases food prices and two also increases energy prices."
"There's no groundwater left out there, they're fighting over the water that comes out of the rivers."
"We still foresee significant shortages in 2022 and beyond unless we also take action ourselves."
"Major businesses will have to look at themselves and go... big parts of their businesses will fail because they can't get the batteries, because they can't get the raw materials."
"The world has near to no base metal inventory levels to meet increasing supply demand ahead."
"We are all equal; we've got just no room, no beds, no space, everything is stretched, we haven't got a lot to give, and something needs to change."
"Energy shortages are going to be one of the keys if we have a really tough decade ahead."
"How to use open data, a lot of us work in areas that are data poor."
"Fridges, fridges, fridges everywhere, not a drop to drink."
"We're suffering from a hydrocarbon deficiency."
"Water is becoming an increasingly sparse resource as the 21st century approaches."
"We are going to face a challenge with access to food, access to water, access to energy resources."
"Natural resources often become scarce if the environment is damaged as a result of human activity."
"The sheer volume of copper that's needed today is increasing rapidly."
"Resource depletion... things like gold, copper, lithium, they're used in very small amounts but collectively in huge amounts overall."
"Distress of nations with perplexity... to be without resources, a financial crisis."
"We're going to be in a world that's more real resource constrained."