
Insights Quotes

There are 450 quotes

"Hopefully you guys got some great insight into Warhammer 40k ninth edition."
"Sleep can inspire almost a three-fold increase in creative insights."
"Perspective on some things that I don't think we've really heard before this time, giving us some insights on the inner workings of the development team."
"I'm going to give you the no BS insider information about what women really want."
"Data science is a field that attempts to find patterns and draw insights from data."
"We can use this chart to help us really understand our data and give key insights."
"Clever insights into how different relationships of power worked."
"It's not merely a means of calming down or becoming more productive, but rather it's a practice that can open doors to truly life-changing insights."
"Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights."
"I swear I do my smartest thinking once it reaches like 4 a.m."
"The amount of insights you'll get are extraordinary, and that to me is the power."
"You can tap into the facet of alien entities, other entities which are non-human, and you can commune with them, interact with them, and gain insights from them."
"It feels like a year really has gone by rather than just a month. And so much stuff happened, so many amazing insights."
"If you listen to people, they will tell you amazing things."
"If you're losing all your friends, that might say something about your relationship being toxic."
"First impressions are usually wrong, especially in islands."
"It's a fascinating way to see what went into making something that you loved."
"The transformation trope offers insight into the human experience both on a micro and macro level."
"There's so much more that as a fan if you watch long enough you're going to pick up on."
"I think he made a really excellent point with what parents have to deal with when their kids come home from school."
"I loved every second of it, and I'm curious what is the biggest insight that you're taking away from today's conversation."
"The dream is now revealing the root causes of the things happening in your life."
"Survival mode taught me a lot about Fallout 4, and I think it's a DLC in itself, albeit a free one that does nothing but recontextualize existing mechanics."
"Making this video helped me have a ton of breakthroughs."
"Your experience in fighting and going to other places could be very enlightening."
"Dreams, when properly understood and heeded, can offer profound insights and guidance."
"Power BI helps you get insights from your data."
"This brings your monthly reading to a close but I hope it gave you all of the insights you need to work through the blessings and the perceived blocks that are ahead for you"
"One of the attractions of being on the inside of this is that you don't have to take responsibility."
"With all these things in place, Peridot became a significant new addition to the team, serving as insight into modern-day Homeworld."
"Utilize debug tools to gain insights into game mechanics and interactions."
"The fruits of archaeological digs provide a glimpse into civilizations and offer insight into our own."
"AI provides the foundation for insights to emerge, like a gardener cultivating seeds."
"Pay attention. Your readers are going to be a hell of a lot more insightful."
"At some point y'all non-athletes going to realize that friends compete harder against one another."
"This is just an incredibly interesting trend that I see forming a pattern that is sort of unraveling right before our eyes and could very well help us understand how the Future story may progress in various ways."
"Entertainment doesn't have to be serious to be insightful; it doesn't have to be smart to be funny."
"This work should be less about me and more about the insights, the truths themselves."
"A profound insight regarding the nature of the Ascians."
"In this moment of rest and replenishment, you're gonna receive a ton of answers."
"When everything is connected, all of a sudden we have data that allows us to really understand the world."
"The biggest clues often hide in plain sight, and what seems trivial to some is, in reality, critical evidence."
"Your dreams give you like these insights into what your potential could take you from both sides."
"Through these insights, you can improve the customer experience."
"You have to understand what market price action is telling you."
"Great insight was that the best propaganda is disguised as something else."
"Seeing that the animals could trust Mark was a real eyeopener for me."
"I hope someone's writing all this down because this is gold."
"It actually gave me a real insight into how movies and how creativity is found."
"Once you start making the connections between what is what... the game gets a whole lot more smooth."
"I think you can learn from people's reactions on everything."
"The data is only valuable if we can extract useful insights."
"Twitter is not real life, but it can be useful, it can provide you with certain insights about what things are really touching a nerve."
"Sometimes if you just stop fixating so hard, the answer just comes."
"Economics gives us a lot of insights as to how we should expect foreign policy to work or in a lot of cases to not work in the way that it's intended."
"Something made them see the potential of the two of you."
"Family hustle... putting light on things you might have never seen."
"Don't judge people, or in this case, fish, on appearance alone."
"Every problem has a solution and once the puzzle pieces click together you'll reach that epiphany."
"I publish a Weekly Newsletter... I share my biggest takeaways and action items."
"There's something really fascinating about seeing how the sausage is made so to speak."
"Here's a cheers to what I reckon has been the biggest eye opening trip I've done since we started off."
"Without any real conclusion to that but some interesting insights."
"It doesn't really take a genius to figure out that there's something like this going on behind the scenes."
"Overcoming the epidemic requires collective action and personal sacrifice like not panic buying and staying at home when you're told to."
"This is not speculation. These are the secrets of the algorithm delivered by the people who made it themselves."
"Being able to see the sequential steps of Tulip’s growth and being able to understand why she’s having the little epiphanies that she does is just so awesome."
"You really just connected the dots that opened my eyes."
"I've had a stream of insights which has made what is happening and where it's coming from how and why more and more simple and crystal clear in my mind."
"Hopefully you guys got some insight from this video... how an online Creator or YouTuber actually makes money."
"You've gotta find that balance because you find insights in things outside of martial arts."
"It just plants seeds on where we're at in society."
"By studying these abnormal cases, we get some insight into regular life."
"A little light can reveal some remarkable clues."
"Once you start to earn the trust from people, you begin to notice there's always more to the story."
"They're giving us a lot of insight on what is being thought about on the inside."
"She is the single most interesting female character in the Bible."
"Dots are connecting that wouldn't be connecting otherwise."
"Do me a favor like this gives me a lot of insight but what initially made you guys come across the channel."
"New insights and inspiration leading to sudden trips or unexpected encounters."
"Lessons learned are the most important and rewarding takeaways."
"The Macabre findings in the Royal Cemetery of UR provide a unique insight into the beliefs and customs of the ancient Sumerians."
"It's a light bulb for me. I never thought about this but this is dealing a lot with teamwork."
"Thank you Gil for joining us this Wednesday on Night Cap, the special edition basketball. It's only you can do, preach at your insight, the lessons, the stories. Night Cap, we're back again tomorrow. Thank you for joining us."
"To share some of the insights which I've gained from doing that has been really, really cool."
"Your individual scoop after we talk about the collective - personalized insights."
"Back testing is where you'll have most of your aha moments. It's where you will learn."
"It's always been really fun hearing what sakurai has to say in those columns."
"Enhance reports to derive useful insights and make your reports interactive."
"Unlock valuable insights into your website traffic with Squarespace's powerful analytics tools."
"You might actually get really important insights and downloads this week."
"Jupiter in the 12th house gives incredible insights from the second part of the Year from June onwards, almost like intuition becomes so powerful."
"It's like Liverpool, what are you doing right now? I mean, I get that, and it's nice to get little insights like this behind the scenes."
"They have gone further and seen more than any other spacecraft, delivering unparalleled insights into even the most basic of astronomical phenomena."
"Is it dumb? Is it complicated? Oh yeah, absolutely. But is it giving us insight into the rules that Scott and everyone who touches this universe operate by? Yes, it undeniably is."
"I hope you gained the insight and clarity that you seek by watching this video in regards to your love life."
"What I'm hoping is that somebody sees this and gets whole new insights and whole new breakthroughs."
"Logistic regression provides insights about the variables."
"Recognizing patterns from a higher altitude is more useful."
"We may suddenly and unexpectedly receive some very positive insights wisdom and solution... about how to overcome this... to put us on a much better trajectory here."
"Charlie Oppenheim, chief of the Visa Control and Reporting Division from the U.S. Department of State, provided some insight and predictions."
"Data is not just beautiful, but properly used and coaxed into something, it's actually potentially insightful."
"He's just dropping gem after gem, not even basketball stuff."
"Operation Suite ingests this data and generates insights using dashboards, charts, and alerts."
"Daily scrum meetings give quick insights."
"Real traveler reviews, you get insider information from people who have already been on the experiences you're considering."
"User stories help one understand the perspective of the users and provide those insights towards what user would expect."
"Insights is all about providing a curated set of workbooks, ways to interact and query the data."
"And the more dots you collect, the more dots you're able to connect, the more creative insights you can have, the more problems you can solve."
"Unique insights are the most intellectually interesting part of a pitch."
"Sometimes the weirdest conversations would just happen and you would get such an important golden nugget."
"According to police officers, they worked with Rosemary regularly on especially tricky cases. She received calls from detectives regularly and shared her insights whenever she could."
"Imprint app pulls insights from popular thinkers and authors and distills them into fun interactive courses"
"When you're an expert in something, that usually means you have unique and interesting insights to share."
"After talking to over a hundred near-death experiencers, it's always about love."
"It's kind
"Observability is a way for us to gain insights into our applications based on the outputs."
"All the great breakthroughs are made as intuitive insights."
"Because it doesn't matter what language we're talking about, the insights shared here are invaluable."
"The fact that in studying it, one has uncovered so many surprises both where one gets a better understanding of existing physical theories and sometimes new insights in pure mathematics."
"Epiphanies and aha moments are gifted to you right now."
"This is an overview of GA4 reports, and I hope now you can play with the data, explore, and answer your questions with the data."
"And it's so hard to like find kindred spirits that are not only into this stuff but they have like genuine insights to share, you know."
"He had some really good insights into the Bible."
"Pay attention to your dreams. They are providing rich insights into the issues that are playing on your mind."
"Your insights were invaluable today, Jake," Thalia admitted, her earlier skepticism replaced with respect. "You've shown us all how powerful different perspectives can be when embraced and applied correctly."
"Fitbit is finally trying to make some sense of your data and provide some really interesting insights as opposed to just listing a bunch of stats about your health."
"Reading the auction can provide valuable insights."
"Despite skepticism, astrology endures, offering insights into our past, present, and future."
"There is a special power in learning to read for yourself because sometimes there's insights that only you can give yourself."
"Nobody likes to own up to their mistakes, but I think by talking about our mistakes we can provide a lot of insights."
"Put simply, shutting down the claustrum might explain why psychedelics help with re-setting rigid though patterns, as well as unveil new psychological insights through an effective."
"YouTube has been around for over a decade, so there are creators who have been through the same things you are just entering into. They can offer valuable insights and guidance."
"In this extraordinary documentary, 'How Yahweh Became God,' we delve deep into the groundbreaking research and profound insights of Dr. Francesca Stavrocopolu."
"This is a treasure trove of data analysis."
"Data visualization is a powerful tool for exploring and communicating insights from your data effectively."
"As I was writing the book, every time I would do a reading, the person would say something that they thought was true to know that's not how it works. That would become a Sutra."
"One of the advantages of numerology is that within moments of meeting someone, you can learn their name, and instantly gain many powerful insights about who they are."
"According to numerology, a person's name contains within it powerful vibrations that reveal all kinds of insights about their personal potential, inner motivations, and deepest talents."
"You're here because you love learning about new insights, ideas, principles that can transform your life."
"Vivid dreams and visions that occur in this state can be Laden with symbols emotions and insights that transcend our everyday experiences these are not random images rather they are carefully orchestrated messages Laden with meaning and purpose."
"Data analysts transform data into insights that lead to action, helping businesses reach another level."
"The biggest news I received in my life were always from the small people not from the super big names."
"I hope this video gave you some insights. I absolutely love YouTube. It is like the heartbeat of my business."
"Strong companies live for insights."
"The challenge is that if we don't work through the process and in its entirety, if we try to skip steps, we're not going to be able to elicit the insights that we're looking for."
"In strong companies insights are everything."
"He's got really really great insights not just about typology but just about life in general."
"Very many insights, very many interesting people come into your life and you gain a lot from these experiences."
"The INFP, with developed Introverted Intuition, has an enormous capacity for original insights and aligning personal values with the values of the world."
"Lang chain can enhance data analytics by allowing large language models to access and analyze vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, enabling more comprehensive insights and predictions."
"Delving into the enigmatic world of particle physics might soon offer us unprecedented insights into the very origins of the universe."
"Invaluable insights into the processes of galaxy formation and the evolution of structures in the early Universe."
"Women have an edge up in relationships."
"There's something to be learned from the exceptions."
"The data will tell you the story, and sometimes the story you don't want to admit or see."
"So, that is the cute and the ugly of duck keeping in my experience anyway."
"Trust their insights. It's evidence 101. It's super powerful because it's not just you retelling secondhand dependence. It's quite vague. It could be anything, but it's basically everything that doesn't fit but should be concerned and you find interesting."
"This documentary could potentially shed more light on the intricate and often hidden dynamics of celebrity relationships."
"You can obtain really general insights about what happens when the size of the matrix is called Infinity in such a program."
"Perry presents often untaught insights using his 46 years of in-depth biblical research."
"You create reports but for every one report creator we can have dozens of consumers. They also want to get some insight."
"Subscribe for more vehicle insights."
"Parker's books offer readers a unique perspective on the gold mining industry and provide valuable insights and wisdom."
"Even though I've spent tens of thousands of hours of meditation and I think I've all these insights, it's quite possible that I'm still at square zero."
"The footprint chart...lets you look inside the bar."
"The aim of this show is to provide insights for everyone as they navigate this transitional moment in how we organize ourselves in the business world."
"The insight and knowledge that you gain from those experiments are really, really worth it."
"There are, this is not commonly known, but in the course of mine doing research for a book that I was writing at one point in time, I did have access to several interviews with many people who had had near-death experiences."
"'First, Break All the Rules' by Marcus Buckingham uncovers what the best managers have in common."
"Thank you so much for braving the blizzard, and coming here and sharing your incredible insights with us, your warmth, and participating all day in the life of the Law School."
"So some really good insights into all of our tests and how successful they were."
"The narrator acts as a storyteller providing viewers with insights and reflections on the lives of the Walton family."
"I think there's a lot of insights that people can take away from this."
"My hope is that by sharing my process... you'll gain some insights."
"Pivot tables help you analyze data, perform calculations, make comparisons, observe trends, patterns, and all of this without modifying the original data itself."
"But this is just quick insights that we can get about the data."
"Insights are where the magic happens in product strategy. These insights can come from our customers, our data, the technology, or the market. They are what really help us see the levers that we can pull to make a difference."
"Computers can give insights into patterns not easily detectable by humans."
"Data modeling allows you to do actual insightful analytics and effective use of data in your applications."
"What instead you're going to find is particular insights that you can pick up and put into your bag of tricks and move on with."
"These discussions are always great, you have some wonderful insights, it's very enriching."
"He knew how important it is to have insights into God’s hidden purposes for the trials that we face."
"These DAX functions that you can write can be very simple and lead to really good insights that you can use for the visualizations later on."
"This is a unique app that takes the most important insights, new developments, and know-how from thousands of nonfiction books."
"The wisdom, the insights, the statements, the truths that are offered in all nine of the 'Conversations with God' dialogue books are not mine and did not come from me. I simply took dictation."
"Chat GPT can help you to identify the relevant keywords and key phrases that are commonly used in your industry or required for your topic."
"Chat GPT: Your ideal companion for valuable insights and engaging conversations."
"These observations are keys to living a better life."
"May the insights and practices shared serve as tools and companions."
"You've been absolutely brilliant so gracious with your time and full of insights and really interesting stuff I loved it."
"It gives you really valuable insights on what's currently trending, what's currently working for online sellers, and gets you up to speed on everything retail pros need to know."
"So if you are getting thousands of people and getting their data, the insights that are possible from them are just tantalizing."
"This conversation has been filled with so many nuggets a lot of things that I'm going to continue to think on."
"Digital advertising is dynamic. It allows you to get into a dynamic conversation with your customers and gives you fantastic insights to engage effectively."
"I hope you guys have gained some insights and knowledge on the process to buy a car."
"This question was answered beautifully by a study by Harvard researchers."
"Insights from customer research are very useful."
"These accounts coming from varied cultural and religious backgrounds offer insights that contribute significantly to the discussion of Jesus's historical existence."
"Our mission as ever is to help people see data in new ways, discover insights, unlock endless possibilities."
"Models provide valuable insights into the evolution of ice sheets and ocean temperatures, helping us understand climate change."