
Ethical Stance Quotes

There are 342 quotes

"I am never going to be that person ever again that when I see something that is wrong, even if it's just me, I'm gonna stand up and I'm gonna do what's right."
"My country right or wrong? That would be an abuse of patriotism. Saying it's wrong is patriotic."
"I think it's a legitimate position for you to say that you're not going to take money from dictators."
"No one has a right to choose this; that's a baby. You don't get to kill it just because it's convenient to you."
"The exploitation of children is wrong, and if you have an argument for why it's okay to exploit children online, I'm happy to hear it."
"I just don't want to give the state that power."
"Anyone with basic morals and conscience would not get wrapped up in something like this at all."
"You can't sacrifice human life to get the stock market up. That is a repugnant concept."
"The opportunity for crime doesn't justify the act of committing it."
"Taking a stand for conscience, even long after one should have, is always the right thing to do."
"I never ever agree with a man raising his hands to a woman."
"The worst possible thing you could ever do is physical violence is always the worst thing."
"Racism and bigotry towards any race or ethnic group is wrong and cannot be tolerated."
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
"Your default position should be to choose life."
"I don't feel guilt over exploiting anybody because no matter what you're doing, you're gonna end up pissing off somebody."
"Ultimately, there is going to be more accountability."
"Animal abuse and animal, you know any of that stuff is just not okay and it's something that I've actively campaigned against on this website."
"That's not surprising given Lori's stance on consent."
"The Confederacy was on the wrong side of history and humanity."
"War bad, but turning a blind eye to Russia's actions in Ukraine isn't the answer."
"The ends don't justify the means because both the means and ends are garbage."
"Never ever ever do anything you don't believe in."
"Veganism is like a philosophy you take on and you're like it's a stance against abusing animals in whatever way."
"Veganism is a movement and it is to say that we stand against the oppression of animals."
"Any patriotic Indian will never ever work for a deep state, whatever the price or whatever the reward may be."
"My job wasn't to win, like I'm not coming in to win. I'm coming in to find justice and sometimes justice as a DA means that you lose. And that's okay."
"I really can't stand people who take advantage of other people... Because you know it's just wrong... Why do you need to negatively affect somebody else?"
"Do not engage in violence. It's wrong, it's always been wrong."
"I couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton anymore because I couldn't be complicit in that kind of genocide and those kind of war crimes."
"Imagine being in the time of slavery and being like trying to be a Centrist where you're like well, you know, I personally think it's wrong but I'm not gonna abolish it."
"We save everyone, even if they don't deserve it. Especially if they don't deserve it."
"It's better to actually stand with integrity and make a difference."
"I'm better than that. I wouldn't do something like that."
"Pulling guns on unarmed civilians is bad 100% of the time."
"Abortion is so sacred to them it is such a sacrosanct issue to them that they are literally willing to say that it is better for a baby to be killed in the womb than to be given up to a happy family for adoption."
"I think there's so much good you can do with this kind of position. Of course, I'll never swear on a video, nothing like that."
"The direct attack on innocent life is intrinsically evil and can never be justified."
"If you are not angry when it's morally just to be angry, you are immoral."
"Violence against women is wrong. It's really, really wrong."
"When somebody is wrong, like you said Mo, if somebody's wrong, we have to be man or woman enough to say they're wrong, regardless of what comes along with that."
"I think compassion is on the side of truth and falsehood is not."
"Right is right and wrong is wrong and totally ignoring this man's rights is not just wrong but it's outright diabolical."
"I have never once on my channel or any of my channels or social media platforms I've ever created promoted the use of steroids or anabolics."
"I believe that killing any innocent human is wrong."
"By speaking out, Jenny wants Crown to be held accountable for its actions."
"We do not, in any way, shape, or form, condone anything this man says in this video at all."
"I would not follow orders if I was in Nazi Germany."
"If you don't stand for human rights, we won't align."
"I oppose eating babies to stop climate change."
"Encouraging behavior and not condemning it strongly enough are very, very different things."
"I never permit declawing. It's a horrible, cruel procedure that should not be done by anyone with even a smidgen of personal ethics."
"Declawing is awful, painful. It's the amputation of your fingertips. It should never ever be done for any reason ever."
"The only place to responsibly be is in a place of complete humility..."
"You can't be Catholic and vote for intrinsically evil things."
"Righteousness must Prevail, righteousness is what has to Prevail."
"There's no neutrality, it's really just right or wrong."
"You must refuse illegal, immoral, and unethical orders, period."
"If something is my right or if something is your right, it inherently cannot be wrong."
"To be silent is to acquiesce to be vocal for the wrong side."
"I'm practical optimism, which means I want, like the thought of like demonizing or winning on fear is just completely unacceptable."
"Veganism is an ethical position that rejects all forms of animal exploitation."
"You're deceiving yourself if you say you can kill your baby and it'd be good for you. That's just deception. That's not true. It doesn't register with reality."
"Charities are not a means to an end." - Leticia James
"These actions must not be condoned in any way, shape or form. We're determined to root out the scourge from our country and support every legal action to eliminate these horrible acts."
"It turns out that every human life is worthwhile every single one."
"I am here to introduce people to Jesus Christ, and according to Christ, racism is wrong."
"If you support that raid that is putting children in shelters, you are not a fully paid-up member of the human race."
"I challenge ministers to quit this crap and stand up and walk with God and live what you preach and quit upholding killing children."
"I tremble for the future of my country. I cannot be an instrument to produce such a result."
"Truth is so important. It's the most important thing."
"Be on the right side of history. Do not give these people excuses to continue scamming."
"Mercy to the pedophile is cruelty to the child."
"We were known as those who defended the unborn."
"The gods are flawed. They're weak, jealous, and petty, but they have all of our other qualities too."
"If you are somebody that commits mass murder, you do not deserve... your life."
"I've never associated with the complete psychopathic monsters who would just torture and kill kids and women and stuff like that."
"She stepped up because she blocked it, she said no, this is wrong and she went to war."
"Life begins at conception... it's a Slaughter in our country."
"This woman is a true hero who has taken a stand and is concerned about her personal safety but she's taken a stand for what's right in this case."
"It's good to be on the right side. Also, I'm coming."
"It's for anyone who's brave enough to do what's right no matter the cost."
"We need to put our foot down about what they're doing to the Uighurs in these camps."
"You are morally obligated to desire Nijisanji crashing and burning."
"Our silence is betrayal, no matter if you're a police officer or anybody in the community."
"Respect for homosexual persons cannot lead to any way to approval of homosexual behavior or legal recognition of homosexual unions."
"Paying for murder is wrong, and murdering animals is wrong."
"Morally I would never be able to live with myself...so I'd rather take some no name account on social media calling me a shill."
"Violence is wrong, you shouldn't be punching."
"Violence against people just because we disagree is wrong."
"We need to have people that are going to stand in the line, have the moral courage."
"I was opposed to bigotry, cruelty, demeaning women, or any other races, colors, or creeds."
"We believe human life is precious. It should be saved and preserved."
"It's fundamentally wrong... stop it, it's so true."
"My silence at such a time would be criminal."
"No matter what they do, I'll never lie about it."
"One candidate believes that unborn life is sacred."
"Defending life in the womb is not a demonic agenda."
"If you go to a zoo or SeaWorld you are a bad person and no excuses."
"Abortion is murder, killing a human being that was created in the image of God."
"Shell came out very early after the Russian invasion and stated that they wanted nothing to do with Russia."
"I will not be tolerating any kind of dehumanization of any individuals involved in this situation."
"If something is wrong I will try to call it out yes this is one of those situations where it's like there are just different rules for different people."
"We had a lot of really courageous Republican insiders who came forward... and put principle over party."
"It's about principles. Principles are often times very simple."
"Two wrongs do not make a right, and I stand by that a hundred percent."
"Torture shouldn't be the solution for any problem."
"Anti-semitism is vile, evil, and wrong under any circumstances."
"Respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior."
"You never had the right to commit murder in the beginning."
"Thank you for standing up for what is right."
"It's mind-boggling to me that you're going to want to make some type of statement where you think you agree it's a wrong thing."
"I will always advocate for what I feel is right."
"If you go along with it or if you apologize to these people, you are apologizing to evil."
"You want those people to enjoy freedom, and anyone restricting that is on the wrong side of history."
"Surely we can all agree that you know regardless of your pro-choice pro-life that's not acceptable at least in my opinion."
"Abortion is wrong, abortion is murder, abortion stops a beating human heart."
"A fertilized egg is human life, it's living and it's human."
"This is infanticide. There's no other way to put it. That is infanticide."
"We can no longer accept it because we know that it costs lives."
"I will not sacrifice my integrity I just want to make that clear right off the bat."
"There's never a justification to destroy innocent human life."
"The Smothers Brothers sacrificed their show because they wouldn't sacrifice their principles."
"Human life begins at conception and to terminate that would be murder."
"If you stand for the right things... you are going to have a lot of blowback."
"Companies like Apple, Netflix, and H&M all taking a stand."
"The solution can never be to kill somebody who's innocent."
"People are waking up and saying this is a child."
"We can no longer murder people anymore for any reason especially the government."
"Don't let them murder anymore, don't let them kill because it's just really evil."
"I decided that I had to put my foot down that I could no longer look the other way for the sake of the win."
"Nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian."
"Maybe it's because you actually do indeed believe that there is an objective value to human life."
"It's barbaric to think that a child that is being born is not a human being."
"Abortion kills babies and that is the truth."
"The only difference between me and them is that I actually think it's a bad thing."
"I do not condone violence, but I do condone self-defense."
"War is a messy, dirty, miserable business, and we should never, ever allow ourselves to go to war."
"We have a right to our own bodies and even if you personally disagree with what someone does with it."
"I don't believe in the federal death penalty. I don't think that we should give the government the power to be killing people."
"I feel an obligation to make a comment about something that speaks to my values."
"I know that he wasn't happy about my testimony, but I wasn't gonna lie."
"On moral grounds here, no excuse, no excuse for that."
"I stand against all forms of domestic violence and any other type of behavior that creates fear or feelings of helplessness in others."
"By supporting Ukraine, ethically, morally, we're supporting someone who is fighting for their territorial integrity."
"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception."
"The reason to advocate for fighter pay is because it's the right thing to do."
"Weak minds have no moral standing of their own."
"Aborting a baby up to the point of birth is monstrous."
"You shouldn't be picking and choosing what violence you are against, you should just be against violence."
"Pets are friends not food. True, true."
"I think it hurts the credibility of my testimony for me to be a vocal supporter of a demonstrably evil man whose campaign platform consists mainly of his evilness."
"At the end of the day, I feel like we must always fight for what is right and true and just."
"I'm anti-murder, unpopular opinion but I think murder is bad."
"My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about January 6th. I will not do that. This is the moment to speak the truth and to bury the lies."
"Nobody deserves threats, nobody deserves to have their livelihoods threatened."
"I'd rather no one murdered anyone. It's bad."
"The wall is immoral, so that means it's a non-starter."
"I support freedom of speech, but I do not support anybody being hurt."
"We're in the wrong profession if we're too cowardly to say that."
"No man should ever put his hands on a woman."
"When you violate a child bro and you trying to bring a child along... I don't give a [ __ ] you're a piece of [ __ ] absolutely"
"The lone voices in the wilderness condemn these actions unequivocally, but silence implies consent."
"Integrity matters, like the willingness to... and don't tell me that a plea of guilt is not a plea of guilt."
"Truth again matters for its own sake and must be asserted and asserted again and reasserted in the face of lies and false narratives."
"We need to stand on the right side of History."
"This is evil, okay? This is not just a person who's wayward, it's not just a sex addict, this is a bad, evil person."
"I will never sell my soul, I will never be controlled, and I will never lie."
"Onward accountability over entertainment. Ray Fisher, you reach a point in life where you simply must take a stand."
"We strongly condemn any acts of violence or discrimination."
"It's not radical to rein in this irresponsibility. It's radical to let it continue."
"Firing squad is quick and it doesn't hide from what it is."
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"I thought it was great. It's not even bravery, it's just that I cannot live with this. It doesn't matter what happens to me at this moment."
"If people don't align with your values, you're going to say something."
"If we said you aren't allowed to kill, we're not forcing something on your lifestyle."
"Tony is wrong for doing this point blank period end of discussion and the young girls who are defending him are even more likely to be exploited by him because he has now fostered a community where this is normal."
"If you say life begins at conception, it's a moral wrong at any point... moral relativism, yeah, that's the linchpin of their whole ideology."
"I believe in conserving righteousness truth balance and Order."
"Life is precious and it should be protected."
"I just can't bring myself to do anything that would maybe put a good light on them at this point. They need change."
"What kind of precedent exactly is Mr. Corrado afraid of setting? A precedent that says it's wrong to tell other people to kill themselves? To him, that's a dangerous message to send. I disagree."
"Is it worth standing up and saying what you believe and saying what you believe to be true?"
"Silence really is compliance, and it is scary."
"An honest man can't be scammed like that because he does not want to buy stolen property. That's the mindset."
"We cannot let Activision Blizzard slide on this one."
"You should never compromise even in the face of Armageddon; you should do what's right and let the consequences follow."
"Yes, I am pro-life with the exception of rape and incest."
"Nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend him."
"You're able to ride that line of truth right but compassion."
"It's not the amount of fat, it's the source of fat."
"We do not condone bullying or harassment of any kind."
"I'm following my conscience on these things."
"Shame on you for standing out here thinking you know what's right for other people's bodies."
"We shouldn't hate anyone, no matter what they do."
"Standing up for what you think is right is the only way out of all of this."
"I disavow the use of violence to go in pursuit of political aims."
"I became the first and I'm still the only athlete in the world to say no to Nike because of the sweatshop issue." - Jim Cady
"You can't go vegan for 30 days, veganism is a philosophy, it's about freeing animals."