
Community Spirit Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"New Yorkers are tough, smart, united, disciplined, and loving."
"Liverpool is a city, whether that's football-wise or politically, it's a case of us against the world at times."
"When this is over, and it will be over, we want to look back on this moment and remember the many small acts of kindness done by us and to us."
"At one point, the queue stretched back for nearly five miles, a pilgrimage sustained by flasks of tea, sausage rolls, and warm words with new friends."
"Everybody on that property was there because they love racing in that event, not because somebody told them to be there, not because they were getting paid to be there, not because they had a contract. Like, that, like everybody was there for the same reason. It was awesome."
"We'll get through it just like we always do."
"Vermont has certain parts of it have really fought that... everybody comes together."
"That was the most amazing part of the '60s for me. I mean, we have pretty much been pulling apart from that ever since. Get together, people, everybody get together, try to love one another."
"This is not a dead cat, guys. I tell you what, when this goes to the moon, when both AMC and GameStop rocket, and AMC is, we're all living on Mars."
"Apes together man... positivity in the community."
"The opportunity that we have because the American people are stepping up so strongly and putting others ahead of themselves, there in most cases they're there they're acting in a way that puts the health of others first."
"We've done it right. I can't believe how incredible the American people have been."
"The fact that we had people fight this attacker and prevent him from doing further harm really, I think, speaks to the true spirit of Tallahassee."
"The more people that participate, the bigger the spirit. Spirit is a collective."
"I love seeing the good spirited people that are there."
"Did we enjoy the Calgary Stampede parade? Yahoo for 2022!"
"It's a powerful reminder of what the game is and always will be for the fans. 100."
"We're just saying, today's the day for number ones, number ones all around, then number 69's after that."
"The Grand Magic Games is the uplifting heart and soul of Fairy Tail."
"And these homeowners wanted to bring some Joy to the delivery drivers."
"It's an amazing country... so many good people in this country."
"It's like being in the blitz, tremendous spirit of the people here."
"Every American should be proud of the incredible spirit our country has brought to this effort."
"I think we're going to beat Becka but let's see only time will tell uh I mean we're both with Becka so I guess it's it's all it's all in Friendly competition we just want everyone to be rich and everyone to make money."
"It's amazing what a community can do when they pull together."
"let everyone know that you appreciate them and that you're excited for the folk of buffalo"
"We're all in this together. That's the reason we do what we do."
"The grannies dancing their way down the street, perfect step every one of them. Catholic community there as Father Matt said, spreading the light of Christ in the weeks before Christmas, he snuffed it out."
"We're making progress in the state, you have made progress in this state, but there was a spirit that defined that progress, and that was community."
"The spirit of selflessness shown by so many is an inspiration."
"So I don't want to be overly, embarrassingly Kumbaya, but I kind of think we need that spirit right now a little bit."
"Community spirit is at the heart of so many of our stories. Whether it's in times of drought or despair, or just a town doing something fun."
"The island was almost wiped off the map... but what happened the people stood up."
"With the faith of our families, the spirit of our people, and the grace of our God, we will endure, overcome, and prevail."
"We cannot let the pundits tell us who we are because if they see this room, they see the resilience and the spirit that the people of Flint have."
"Seeing the car community come together for a great purpose just makes it feel so great."
"Keep in the community spirit and give credit where credit's due."
"Waukesha is a community that helps their neighbors. Waukesha enjoys its celebrations and the entire community joins in those celebrations."
"The individual is like one strand of a much larger web of relationship, and that community sense, that community spirit, certainly was responsible for what would be today called magnificent feats of architecture and planning."
"This is so positive and wholesome. Leave it to the 2k community guys."
"The people as well are extremely underrated, super helpful and really just grateful that we're here in the city."
"That's the feeling. That is [__] fighting game community. It is because you're all surrounding around the game you love to play, sharing information about that game, the reasons why you love it, and you're celebrating that constantly."
"Teamwork makes the dream work, you guys. This is awesome, I love this."
"I want to lift up everyone's spirits and remind us of the good times we had together during that crazy period where it seemed like you could just throw a dart at the board and make money."
"You want everybody in MMA to be rooting for the MMA guy because you have to tap into like a stream that's bigger than you."
"Americans should take tremendous satisfaction in all that we have achieved together."
"We beat the Nazis with our values: British values of collectivism, community, and public service."
"It is very humbling how much of a community this actually is."
"Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And we have the toughest people in the world right here in Ontario."
"As long as there's a real spirit of generosity amongst us then I think the community can continue to succeed."
"Sleep tight, Night City. The grass ain't greener anywhere else."
"A happy ending though, the spirit of Christmas prevailed when the two sides reached an agreement, and his $100,000 display can light up the holidays till January 1st."
"The community as a whole will never die until the song is fully found." - soda pop yarn
"Our community came together in a collective consciousness and wanted to unify. I'm so proud of us because our... they're my heroes, you know?"
"I'm glad these Tampa fans got to witness it."
"We are New York tough, which is New York tough and smart and united and disciplined and tough enough to love."
"We're just happy to be with you guys this way no matter what we're all winners"
"Our movements pretty incredible and and you know they're they're just beautiful people and if you tell them you're pissed off they'll they'll have your back."
"Street Fighter 6 has a real sense of community, welcoming all players old and new."
"A new spirit of optimism is sweeping our country."
"We need some apes with diamond hands now. We don't need no more zombie apes, family."
"There's signs of hope even in this room full of proud Manhattan Democrats."
"Community, I think FPV has one of the best communities... If you know someone at FPV, you're automatically friends with them."
"It's a transitioning year... if we hold this with pride and we say, 'Fine, like, great, this is what it is, we're gonna move forward,' people are gonna look at our sport like, 'Wow, that's a really freaking cool community.'"
"Families down here are close-knit, and neighbors work together. You'll often see smiles on the faces of people in this part of the country, no matter how empty their bank accounts are."
"NASCAR's not racist, man. These people actually root for this guy, and like, this is a beautiful moment."
"Positivity should be running through this fan base."
"People of Kiev won't be cowed into being affected by Vladimir Putin."
"They weren't booing, they were chanting 'be you' for Boston University."
"It offers community like I've never seen in any other game."
"There's definitely more heart in the country where your community comes together."
"All of us have these different things but when we come together like it just feels like we're something that can't be messed with."
"The energy in the city... it's ten times that... the love for the team."
"Let Freedom Ring! Cheering from Hawaii, everybody!"
"The chat managed to get through the Rock Tunnel in an impressive three hours, lifting the community's spirits after the prior day's tragic events."
"A great demonstration of how our little Community here really comes together."
"There's love in that, there was love and unity. I have never seen such spirit and such passion and such love."
"We did enough good deeds that we were able to overflow Santa's Christmas bag."
"There's an opportunity here for this to bring out the best in all of us."
"Santa Tower, it is our mission to go out into the city and spread cheer to each and every person for Christmas. Are you guys ready to spread Christmas cheer? Let's do this!"
"Christmas is for everyone, telescope, a deck of cards, a packet for my buddy, a soccer ball and dinosaur, lots of toys is what you like, but what about giving, what about caring?"
"It just shows the commitment that the fans have to it. This is ridiculous and they still came up. Yeah, this is crazy. I love Cleveland even more now."
"Our militia are those good neighbors, those good neighbor people."
"With the faith of our families and the spirit of our people, we will endure, we will overcome, we will prevail."
"What sets the Moon Gang apart is actually caring about the market, truly fighting market manipulation."
"It's almost as if the people of Mexico kind of laugh at the face of destruction."
"You have the benefits of a big con with the heart of a small one."
"Keep playing, keep high-fiving each other, be nice to each other."
"Cape Town is a remarkable place. We have a truly diverse culture here, but above and beyond everything else, we have a generosity of spirit, which I don't think you find in many places."
"Let's show them they can't take away our dignity."
"One day we're gonna cover dark cat on the channel here guys one day dark cats unite but today is not that day."
"I'm so glad that Hasbro is still making them, I feel like it really brought some spirit up in the community."
"I hope everybody is healthy, happy, thriving, and doing good."
"The goal is just to show that the past couple years in Pokemon have been very crazy with its ups and downs and just to show the world that you know Pokemon is an amazing brand and that the community itself is full of such incredibly amazing people."
"It's all about community and love for each other, and also the [ __ ] great music, right?"
"We're the best team in the land and all the world."
"Nebraska fans always show out and support and pack the house so whenever the team starts winning again that place will be rocking and they deserve it."
"Terry was kind, he was the kind of guy that would see me struggling with the baby stroller and MJ and rush over and carry it down my stairs for me."
"You gotta give the people what they want. It's Christmas. Christmas is here."
"You're awesome man, you're freaking awesome. Keep on being awesome, alright? Do it for me, do it for you, the world's more awesome because of you guys."
"Make us of those who don't have hesitation in spending on others and make us of those who keep away from using their money for purposeless things."
"I lost it somewhere like across town and they ended up bringing the wallet to my work."
"I think it's just showing that people can thrive in a place that's been hit by de-industrialization, job loss, economic breakdown, then austerity, and that's true working-class spirit in a way."
"This is a turnaround after a very difficult year for everyone."
"Stay safe, stay well, we're in it to win it."
"Positivity is everything. Football is back, it means we're winning. This water's mint."
"Mirrorless cameras give you a WYSIWYG EVF that's what you see is what you get, and that's so nice when you're learning photography."
"We are all film fans together...let's make sure we remember that as we move forward."
"It's not about the competition, it is about solidarity."
"Let's just be one big happy family and wish everything goes up."
"Nearly all the time, fight gyms are the most down-to-earth places you can meet."
"The pandemic has brought us together, and we must embrace and build on the spirit of collaboration for the future."
"Sending Good Vibes out to you and all America First Patriots."
"Galactic Jedis, thank you so much for being here. May the god force be with you guys."
"CU fans are already having the time of their lives."
"I think the most important part to continue to focus on at the end of the day is we're all in it together and we are a community."
"It's about community, it's about sharing, it's about people helping people."
"We're all just normal people who love Minecraft."
"There's a real sense of celebration in series four."
"We have to have more energy, we have to have more spirit, we have to have more sacrifice."
"Marching on together, do you Lu Han? See you when Showed it. Allow. We love you Leeds. Beats, hey, hello boys."
"There's nothing here that we've lost that can't be replaced, and you've given us something far more valuable in return: a reason to believe again in our village, in ourselves."
"Merry Christmas! It's a fabulous time of year, and I have to say I am so proud of all of you for having made it through one of the most difficult years."
"We are all part of this. This is a community. This is us doing this."
"The flame of CIS in their hearts, built from the ashes of a ruined scene."
"To those critics, the people in Dayton, let me just explain. People in Dayton, people of El Paso, these are incredible people."
"I hope we can be a better Community than this. I would love to see the vtubers content as we have many similar interests."
"Let's remember and take inspiration from the kindness and camaraderie displayed before us."
"Skating is really rad because no one's there's not really like too many like enemies you know everyone's kind of tied and everyone likes each other."
"With all these examples of the spirit of Club Penguin being continued it can hardly be said that the game truly died."
"It's a testament to the community, every single person wants to invite everyone in."
"It's refreshing to see everybody here just having a good old time."
"Corona case tally rises, but so does our resolve."
"It's so great to have such a positive event to rally around." - Fuya
"We may be small but we've got moves to make the biggest party ever."
"It's about community here, right? We all want to level up and win."
"Just the thought that a family would leave their home and the bitter cold on Christmas day, leave their families, pack up Christmas dinner and bring it down here just speaks to the magnitude of the togetherness here."
"We're all doing it together, we're all in this together."
"Football came together last week in a way I was really proud of."
"Let's pump out that positivity into our community. Speak about the greatness that we are and the greatness that we're doing."
"This your year. This your season. This our season."
"It's a site to behold in northern Oklahoma, a Christmas tree that stands 140 feet tall. It's so big, it's beautiful."
"It isn't any one person, it is Community that's streets ahead."
"The vibes are back, the smiles are back, and just for this slight little moment as Arsenal fans can believe again for the future."
"The community is a positive and encouraging group of crypto enthusiasts."
"Anytime somebody asks you to help them just do it and just keep doing it and see where it leads and don't think of it as one thing."
"Houston is a true American city, people really care about each other there, there's a strong sense of community, camaraderie, and the want to help one another for purposes that are bigger than just themselves."
"This is a fun league guys, it is not meant to be as competitive as some of the other leagues."
"When you have more, you don't build a higher fence to protect it, you build a longer table to share it."
"I think one of the great things that's happening in this country now is that I think COVID brought that out in a lot of people."
"Shout out to every single good, clean-hearted person who wishes good for others as much as they want good for themselves."
"If you see a car stopped in a snow bank, you hop out and help. Any doubt, you're pursuing the same goal. You have a mutual understanding as to the what and the how. It's the same with an attack on the Capitol."
"Everybody's spirit is gonna be rising up... it's actually a really beautiful joyous experience."
"Happy Halloween everyone! I hope it's a good one!"
"Let's stay unified with as much love as we can and keep on being an awesome [ __ ] community."
"This is the largest group of people with the best vibes, the most positive attitude, creating Community." - Swim Club participant
"Community energy has a really nice vibe about it. Power to the people."
"We have an amazing community of the prepared, and we will remain that way."
"Doge coin to the moon! Dogecoin to the moon!"
"The fact that you all came on a Friday night... really shows that there is goodness in every single one of your hearts."
"Sharing and helping each other, encouraging each other, lifting each other up."
"We're in this together always have been always will."
"Happy Halloween, everybody! Happy Halloween, guys!"
"The world is shifting...let us spread joy and a spirit of community and purpose."
"They want to tear us apart, they want to burn everything that we've built to the ground. They don't choose to see the good in this city, but I do. Batman does, and we will fight to protect that goodness."
"Let me tell you something, the country is only as strong as the people. Don't get it twisted, a country is only as strong as the spirit of the people."
"Bitcoin's the way forward and guess what, you're all freaking legends."
"Good things happen to good people, that the sense of community this world still has is very special, very, very special."
"The same vibrations as the trucker Convoy, it has the same positive spirit."
"It's a great day to be a South Dakota resident."
"There is hope there is hope in every one of us here tonight that this can happen"
"The truth is, Latinos, rich or poor, are the most loving, kind, and selfless people that I've ever met."
"This is a team worth getting excited about cleveland."
"Let's spread barbecue love... and enjoy using equipment."
"There's a spirit of support, a spirit of competition, a spirit of mutual admiration, a spirit of holding each other accountable, a spirit of keeping people out that aren't up to our standards, and they succeeded."
"Divine protection and the villager's mood drastically improves as hope is rekindled."
"His whole life was... why on the 25 years since he and Uncle Billy started this thing he never once thought of himself."
"The whole town is out. They don't have much going on in old Wisconsin, so this football is like their Scientology. They're all in."
"Everyone knows everybody and we truly are a community here."
"What is needed, the ecologist suggests, is the rebirth of community spirit not only among men but among all of major importance."
"Natural disasters bring out the best in human beings."
"It was amazing. We got the best fans in the nation by far."
"Hurricane Sandy broke a lot of homes and buildings, but it didn't seem to break the spirit of the folks down here."
"Doing a game at Buford is like stepping on the movie set of Friday Night Lights. It is truly a football power."
"...we just want to say cheese kingdom is one of a kind so give a round of applause for everybody that's standing here today."
"Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own, is never truer than in these small towns and townships and villages in our counties."
"We are not a people of going down. We're ones who are rising up."
"Nowhere is that spirit more alive than the Westside of Santa Cruz neighborhood."
"Nobody understands the Newcastle spirits more."
"We've got incredible neighbors here, they're amazing."
"How good do you feel if you're a member of the New Orleans Saints, if you're a fan of the New Orleans Saints, if you have plugged into this story, obviously, about Katrina and said to yourself, 'They could use a little bit of good luck'? How good do you feel right now?"
"Once you start the ball rolling in a new way of doing things... everybody wants to do it in the same spirit."
"You can still be an Alice by loving others, we all can, by celebrating and lifting each other up."
"That's really like the block party feel, that's what it brings."
"New Orleans is big on community; you don't have much, so when you give, it's something you could use."
"It nurtured the small-town comradery that only blooms after decades of waiting together in the same lines, singing the same hymns, and drinking the same draft beers."
"People are crazy for hockey here."
"You can't beat the great British public to come out and do their stuff."
"It's a great community, you get all of the big city amenities but you get that really good small town feel."