
Success Journey Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Being rejected does not mean that you are not smart enough or talented enough. Rejection is a part of your journey to success."
"Achieving success is a journey, not a destination, and every small step counts."
"Success often does not happen overnight and you have to work at it."
"Success is more about the growth you have, the journey, and the adventures that you build along the way."
"You're ascending to success, slow and steady wins the race."
"I just decided that I didn't want to be struggling anymore. I decided that I was going to find a way, and I was going to keep trying until I made it."
"The fun was always the climb to the top, let's climb that mountain."
"You will fail your way to success. Fall down, get back up again."
"Most people had a graveyard of failures before they had their actual first success."
"Success is such a long journey, no one can walk it alone. You need to build your team."
"There is no such thing as an overnight success. When God came in to anoint David, he was the nobody that nobody noticed."
"Success is climbing up the mountain and looking for other mountains to climb."
"Unlocking fortune: it's a journey of self-improvement, not a quick fix."
"You hit the block you hit the road and now you came up now [] who sat up here who didn't want to take that journey with you they want to reap the benefits of that that's where we get these little dusty hater [] from."
"Success doesn't always happen overnight... it takes time... enjoy the journey and all of the things that you're doing along the way."
"Every overnight success takes about 10 years."
"Failure is a necessary part of the journey towards success."
"Success requires enduring humble beginnings to create mighty empires."
"Not everything happens overnight, but keep going because every good thing takes time."
"It started from the bottom but we made the top."
"You're headed towards success; congratulations!"
"I was a failed YouTuber for five years. I didn't succeed in the area I wanted to succeed, but in reality, I was slowly learning how to become successful."
"Success is a lonely road, only a few dare to take it."
"From chaos to victory: the journey of Twitch Plays Pokemon."
"Success is not linear. The path to success is normally thought to be three things."
"Success is the pursuit... you never land on betterment."
"We went from being broke to being Bruce Wayne with every single rhyme coming straight from the brain."
"Know that you are going through what every successful person has gone through."
"Escaping from what controlled you, the Breakthrough to success."
"See my diamonds, they shining, AP is blinding, came up from grinding from the sea my environment exterminated all the berman."
"The pathway to success is never a straight line."
"The road to success or financial freedom is not an easy one... there are no shortcuts."
"You're on a path to success, on a path of goal attainment."
"From rags to real riches, we're making it happen."
"Success often comes after multiple failures."
"Failure... it's not failure if you learn from it... then nine times out of ten that's where their success."
"It's more important of who you become in the process. There is no get rich quick."
"Success isn't going to come overnight. If you keep showing up day after day, you will get there."
"Resilience and mental toughness are crucial on the journey to success."
"If you don't like the process, you're not in love with the process, champion."
"Don't think everybody's rich; success is a journey."
"Success is on the other side of the right experience."
"Y'all might be on a road to success right now, you don't even know it. Like in life, you're either headed to a storm, you're already in a storm, or you're coming out."
"The ladder of success is never crowded at the top."
"You're gonna have to fail before you succeed."
"You can't take the elevator to success, man. You gotta take the stairway."
"There's no elevator to success, gotta take the stairs step by step."
"I can't bring you to where I'm at, I had to climb, I had to grind."
"Put things in perspective. No matter what you're facing right now, anything that you might consider a failure is really just a necessary step on your journey to success."
"You have to fail into success. Absolutely, you have to. I like that, failure success."
"Internally you have to know the journey and the process and the habits that you have daily that determine those outcomes."
"Lean into the failure, push through to success."
"You are right on track, you're on the road to success. Turtle wins the race!"
"Success takes time, even if it's not easy, even if it's hard."
"Failure wasn't the end, it was just a step towards success."
"Don't compare yourself to others, success takes time."
"Success is not a freaking sprint, it's a marathon."
"Never the hustle and the grind and the grit and the pain, the sacrifice that it takes to get there."
"When you first walk through the door to see this one, it's quite large, impactful."
"The road to success is paved with hard work and determination."
"Success is not overnight... it does take time."
"Success is not just about what we achieve; it's about who we become in the process."
"Failure is just speed bumps on the roadway to success."
"We're on our way to success, victory, and good things."
"This is my dream desk. This is a reminder of how far I've come, how success can really come from the most unexpected places."
"Do what y'all want to do, be your own person, take your time, be patient, and wait your turn."
"He rises to the top as a son. Then he's going to rise to the top as a slave or a servant. Then he's going to rise to the top of the ranks as a prisoner thrown in jail. And then he's going to rise to the top as royalty."
"Sometimes becoming a millionaire, it's not about the million, it's about who you become in the process."
"I was always thinking longer term. If I can build a legacy via documentation, if I can show my kids one day that I've documented my journey to success from Ground Zero, I think that's such a big thing."
"Standing up to naysayers, haters, and trolls is part of the journey to success."
"The gleaming mountain of success is really a pile of failures. It's all the dumb stuff you did and you're standing on it instead of laying under it. That's the only difference."
"Started from the bottom now my whole team here."
"People only see the glow up, not the struggle."
"On your way to the top of the mountain, there's going to be a lot of skeptics."
"We've seen the bottom, now we're at the top; the real formula is to play hard."
"From broke to cake, we eating good."
"You're no one ever succeeded without failure prior to their successes."
"His remarkable journey reminds us that success knows no boundaries when determination, intelligence, and compassion converge."
"Difficulties don't necessarily mean that you're not moving in the right direction; it just means that it's just a journey of success."
"You're going to have to fail your way to success."
"It's giving very much so Drake Started From The Bottom."
"People don't understand, it's like nobody sees the hard work of how [__] got to where they got to get to."
"His journey to success hasn't always been smooth; he's met quite a few challenges and obstacles along the way."
"On the road to success, there's no doubt."
"You're on this fantastic rollercoaster ride of applause, and it really is a great ride."
"The hunger for more is created, the lessons for success are taught."
"You're not going to grow overnight and have a success, you got to keep pushing."
"Cousin, you must be prepared for things like in your journey to success, people will slander and hate you and will do everything in their power to frustrate you."
"There are far faster ways to get rich; a few years from now, the real story of how they got started and what they were doing, the hours they poured into it, the research that they did, and the experimentation that they did, that's so much more compelling."
"Step by step, you'll ascend the staircase to success."
"Success is a long-term game, it's a marathon to see who can last the longest."
"Every single YouTuber that you watch that you admire, everybody that you hate that's super successful all started from the same place and that is zero subscribers."
"Success is really messy, it's noisy, there's lots of bumps, lots of failures and challenges."
"It's always evolving, it's very hard because a lot of people want like here's the one two three steps to achieve what you're gonna get and you're guaranteed success. You're never gonna get that."
"No star or success is born overnight."
"You never know if you're gonna succeed and you never know how long things are gonna take."
"Success is not something we reach as a final destination."
"Brings a great feeling going from the bottom to the top. We did it, so we're here, we ain't going nowhere."
"All of my heroes are self-made; they all started out with nothing and built their way to perfection."
"Success is a process and reaching your full potential is a process."
"The greatest people in this world were not born great, they grew great."
"The journey to success is not about avoiding failure but about embracing it, learning from it, and using it as a stepping stone."
"The road to success has many tempting parking places."
"You start from the bottom and you go to the top."
"Celebrate your wins, can't skip the steps bro, you can't skip the steps."
"Winning followed him wherever he went."
"Motivation is only going to get your foot out of the door, but self-discipline is going to take you to your destination."
"It's a process, nothing is an overnight success."
"It's not about where you start... It's about where you finish, and this race isn't over."
"This channel is all about my new strategies, all about everything I learned, and about my journey about becoming a seven-figure Amazon FBA seller."
"I've been an entrepreneur my entire life... it took me about five, six years to actually become a successful entrepreneur."
"Everyone always looks for this sort of hack to why you've been successful in whatever it is you do, but sometimes it's not like that; you just enjoy what you're doing and it just takes you somewhere."
"Failures come with lessons. People don't become great because they were great right away, they become great because they failed so many times."
"The road to success in anything comes with a few bumps and bruises."
"An overnight success is 10 years."
"Success could be a journey for the lonely, only success for me is living holy."
"You have to be humble the whole way through from the bottom to the top."
"The struggle led to you being this Queen of Pentacles."
"Failures are a must on the path of success."
"The path to success is full of obstacles and sacrifices!"
"Greatness is in the process, you have to know how to stay in the process."
"You never give up because who's to say that you're not meant to fail 50 times before something actually takes off for you."
"Success is not an accident. It is a journey."
"You've got to be joyful and grateful throughout the whole entire process of going after success."
"Success is a journey, but we mistake this because we have a wrong definition of success."
"Greatness doesn't just come like that."
"You're kind of working your way towards growth, expansion, success in your life here, Pisces."
"It's not about money, people are not playing this game for money. They're playing it just so they can get from the bottom to the top."