
Legal Ethics Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Prosecutors are held to a unique and exacting professional standard in light of their public responsibility and their power."
"Prosecutors are expected to assume a role beyond a mere advocate for one side and must make decisions in the public's interest, not their own personal or political interest."
"If he goes with appearance of impropriety, they're done."
"Prosecutors have an obligation to disclose to the defense not only information that inculpates the defendant but also information that exculpates the defendant."
"Criminals should be caught and convicted by any means necessary? Strongly disagree. I am very sympathetic to the idea of false convictions."
"Being a fair and good prosecutor is a very important thing."
"Justice Department lawyers are not the President's personal lawyers. We count on them to be on the side of the law and to defend the best interests of the United States."
"To speak the language of the law is not enough; you have to actually speak the language of justice."
"The rule of law is undermined by the toxic combination of political fundraising with legal fees paid by political action committees, reckless and factually untrue statements by lawyers at rallies and in the media, and efforts to advance a political narrative through lawsuits without a factual basis or any cognizable legal theory."
"I think it would be more suited for the end of the interview, but is this just political prosecution? Because if it is, this sets a precedent and tone that's very scary for everyone."
"The prosecution's focus should be to find the truth, not to win a case."
"Packing the courts is wrong, regardless of political stance."
"The Attorney General of Canada must be nonpartisan."
"We cannot let our desire to get bad people turn into the functional equivalent of the mad emperor Caligula."
"Their obligation is to do justice inheres in everything that they do."
"I agree, she should not be discussing evidence."
"I have a real trouble with the idea that there is ever legitimate to seize people's property without their consent."
"An Taylor had actually said in her motion asking judge judge to rescind the order that Thompson and judge judge we're having conversations basically behind her back and that's a big no no when it comes to court."
"Simply crossing a border illegally should not equate to a death sentence."
"Just because something can be legal doesn't make it ethical."
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice."
"It should be illegal to blatantly lie on television and social media."
"If you're lying in child custody, you think that's evil that should be punished if you're doing something to destroy families."
"But man, when it came to his personal legacy, the way he wanted to be remembered, to make sure that he was a big deal in plain English, in the future, he was willingly and knowingly breaking the law."
"The caution against taking prosecutorial action for the purpose of affecting an election... oh my gosh what a joke."
"What is right is not always legal and what is wrong is not always illegal."
"Any prosecutor can convict a guilty man, it takes an exceptional prosecutor to convict an innocent one."
"To be a responsible prosecutor you must look at all of those things in investigation to be fair to everyone involved." - Fannie Willis
"Let the world know that attorneys in this country are not free to use our courts to spread lies and undermine our democracy."
"There's no loophole that says it's okay to murder people."
"If the facts say that a prosecution is correct, not prosecuting is a cop-out and it's cowardly."
"Legal doesn't make right. There's God's law, the law of nature, and then there's laws of man."
"The way that the criminal viewer is dealt with in this futuristic world may raise questions about how far the power of the law should extend."
"You probably shouldn't kill someone to defend your record store."
"You let 10 guilty people go rather than let one innocent person be caged."
"Why can you not just prove your innocence without having to silence somebody?"
"Better that a hundred people go free who are guilty than one innocent person go to prison."
"The law is the law, a rapist is a rapist and we prosecute them."
"Fanny Willis hired her lover, her paramor, to be the lead prosecutor in this case and then paid him 650 Grand to do it."
"If lawyers fail to adhere to their ethical duties, she will have to either find them in contempt of her order and/or report their actions to the Idaho State Bar."
"The FBI basically broke the law in order to preserve it."
"I should not be approaching minors under any circumstances. And that's my fault. That's why I said, 'You know what? No, this is not okay.'"
"If somebody, certainly of sound mind, decides that's what they want to do, then yeah, I don't get how that's illegal."
"The controversy surrounding Willis' actions extends beyond procedural missteps, it's about the very ethics that govern our legal system."
"This isn't just a legal issue, it's a question of ethics and the integrity of our legal system."
"You don't have the right to lie and defame someone."
"This cannot be attributed to incompetent lawyering. It was a deliberate use of the judicial system to pursue a political agenda."
"Legal filings like those at issue here should be sanctioned under Rule 11 both to penalize this conduct and deter similar conduct by these lawyers and others."
"Competent representation requires legal skill, knowledge, thoroughness, and preparation reasonably necessary for representation."
"I want people to know that's not normal when a lawyer doesn't turn over the settlement money."
"Disqualification might be appropriate if a prosecutor's participation could even cast doubt on the fairness of the trial," emphasizing the importance of fairness in legal proceedings.
"A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no political party, litigant, or policy."
"It's critical to the Integrity of our criminal process... prosecutors must refrain from making extrajudicial comments."
"Fees spent trying to defend the reputation of the departing conservator do not benefit the conservatee, Britney, and must not be charged or collected from the conservatee's assets."
"A lawyer shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal."
"Prosecutors are meant to do justice, not just what they can get away with in court." - Hermit Dylan
"The law should never be used as a means to discourage filing a complaint against a member of law enforcement."
"Rioting is not justified even if there's a bad shooting."
"When you're fighting for the life of The Unborn, you're on the right side of History, you're on the right side of law."
"We need to respect our courts and we can't be threatening participants."
"This has nothing to do with free speech, this has everything to do with harassment and abuse and conduct."
"My whole thing about jury nullification is that you shouldn't have to check your conscience at the door."
"Equal treatment under the law requires the ethics board to investigate these charges."
"The Attorney General must be willing to resist political pressure."
"Strong defense keeps everybody, especially the government, honest." - Sharon Quinney
"Why are we following the law when we know it's not righteous?"
"It's the attempt to draw lines at all. Now, like, I think it's fine for the law to say in general, you know, late-term abortions should be in relatively rare circumstances."
"A judge shall perform judicial duties without bias or prejudice."
"Attorneys have a duty to their client, and part of helping their client can be in some sense helping the other side."
"Criminal conduct is not part of the necessary functions performed by public officials. By definition, the President's duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed does not grant special latitude to violate them." - Judge Chin
"We can't just extrajudicially assassinate people."
"You could be better than me at so many things but you're not better than me at being me."
"Prosecutors are supposed to be careful in bringing cases that may look political... nobody's above the law."
"The moment after the child is outside of the birth canal, they are now endowed with human rights."
"He asked FBI Director James Comey to 'drop the Flynn thing, drop the Russia thing,' and continually asked Comey to just kind of let this go."
"Misusing DMCA claims to suppress criticism is dishonest and indefensible."
"What is technically legal does not mean it is morally correct."
"It felt underhanded because the judge said pretrial I'm predisposed not to allow this."
"You're learning how to speak up, however this resonates for you, and do it unapologetically."
"Their job is to divert your attention from the actual case, you know, and the evidence. Just answered my question: could you have arrested him? Yes or no, yes. I chose not to arrest him."
"Threatening a witness, that's the game, guys. Nothing doesn't say that you can't let people know that there's consequences if they don't cooperate."
"To have a fixed age of consent I think is a is wrong."
"Be careful to not simply believe what's legal is always what's right."
"The Tories are openly willing to break international law."
"Our decades-long commitment to the constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do."
"If there is even the tiniest little doubt that someone could be innocent, then they shouldn't be on death row. Death row should be kept for people who 100% did what they are accused of."
"If we choose to criminalize homosexuality we have thrown a huge portion of our constitution in the garbage."
"I haven't seen case law to support the claim that ethical violations warrant removal."
"Somewhere along the way our justice system dropped the word justice and substituted it for cruelty."
"Those who initiate unjust force or violence on you when you have done no wrong are committing a crime even if the aggressor is an agent of government."
"You don't need to make something illegal to still violate someone's rights."
"Justice is more important than public curiosity."
"Clearly they feel that way. I mean obviously Judge Thomas and these others feel like they're above the law."
"The law is not a game for politicians to play, justices are not in place for rich politicians to refer poorer ones to."
"One thing that shakes you up once you start deep diving into law is how comfortable some lawyers and clients are at lying under penalty of perjury."
"Ultimately, all that really matters is what is the legality of it, not what is the morality of it."
"They're not supposed to be seeking every possible unfair tactical Advantage they're supposed to be doing justice."
"Just because something is legal or illegal doesn't mean it's morally right or wrong."
"I believe it is overt corruption even if she's legally paying this guy it's still overt nepotism."
"It's not ethical when have your laws ever been concerned with ethics."
"Prosecutorial abuse doesn't have an ideology. It is a grave danger to basic issues of fairness and the justice system."
"Prosecutors are willing to bend the rules... they're not looking for the truth and the justice, they're looking for a win."
"Power can corrupt, especially in the legal community."
"It is illegal and obviously unethical for a lawyer to advise or encourage a client to lie in court in most jurisdictions."
"It is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery."
"Just because it's legal does not make it right."
"He's willing to break the law despite the fact that he doesn't need that money. $143 million is less for him than five cents is for me, but he cares so little about the law that he'll break it anyway just on lack of principle."
"There is no other area of American legal jurisprudence where you could say I want a person of this specific race and this specific sex to fill this particular role and that not be a violation of the equal protection clause."
"As prosecutors, we have ethical parameters which oblige us to assess the case to see whether there was a reasonable prospect of conviction."
"The defendant seeks to use the discovery material to litigate this case in the media, but that is contrary to the purposes of criminal discovery."
"Trial is not supposed to be by ambush in the State of Florida."
"The prosecutor may strike hard blows, but he is not at liberty to strike foul ones."
"The way my brother treats the law breaks my heart."
"That's pretty much prosecutorial misconduct there."
"Treating him unfavorably and hoping for a confession is illegal."
"The scandal is not how they're breaking the law; the scandal is that they don't need to."
"The best prosecutors don't worry about wins and losses, they worry about justice."
"There should be laws against profiting off of the crimes that you commit."
"Such state conduct risks undermining the integrity of the judicial process."
"The point is, do you... is it legal and or moral to take people against their will and confine them for medical reasons that are made up on the spot?"
"If you give them unlimited money that's unaccountable... it eliminates the incentive to show restraint in the exercise of prosecutorial power." - Eric Holder on prosecutorial overreach.
"The law is good when it is used right; there should never be racial profiling or manipulation for personal gain."
"You cannot coerce speech under the guise of protecting certain groups from discrimination."
"It would be unconscionable for any right-minded Tory, Labour Party member, from any political stripe, that you would legislate to break the law."
"I'm ashamed to be a lawyer. I'm ashamed that this is the state of our country."
"Trying to deceive the courts and only giving in at a point in time when the court basically busts them."
"Trusting your client is the most noble thing a defense attorney can do."
"It's immoral for them to say, 'Hey, you're doing something that we don't like, so we're going to arrest you.'"
"The official misuse of legal process to pursue private vendettas and stamp out dissent is incompatible with the free Democratic Society."
"Our rule of law is if I think you're a bad guy I'm supposed to take you to trial and prove that you are a bad guy. That is our rule of law in the United States of America."
"Lawyers have a responsibility to do what's right for their clients, they're called a fiduciary duty."
"The state as all Council has a duty of candor and when Miss cross knew she was going to have to cross Mr Bradley she knew he lied and she had a duty of candor to the court."
"A world that relies solely on the good faith of the prosecutor in this realm is a dangerous world."
"It's not supposed to be trial by ambush, you're supposed to share an exchange."
"What's more important, my financial security as an individual person or the legal principle at stake?"
"This teaches us first that we shall not dispossess our neighbor of his goods under pretense of legal claims."
"The post office was manipulating its prosecutorial function in order to embark on debt recovery."
"The oath is to do right to all manner of people after the law and it's within those words to do right to all manner of people that I think the judicial discretion lies."
"If the assigned prosecutor has acquired a personal interest or stake in the conviction, the trial court abuses its discretion in denying a motion to disqualify him."
"Is the legal profession better with Jimmy McGill in it? I believe the answer is a resounding yes."
"Arbitrators are required to be independent and impartial of the parties."
"A lawyer's ethical obligation is to zealously represent your client, zealously not half-heartedly."
"A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding or assert or controvert an issue therein unless there is a basis for doing so that is not frivolous."
"Lawyers are actually held to a very high bar of ethics, and attorneys do not advise their clients to break the law."
"We conduct investigations, we presume people innocent, and we don't disparage them unless and until we have evidence that warrants prosecution."
"At common law, and in the basic fundamental precepts of this country, you can't punish someone for another person's crime."