
Life Complexity Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Believing in God or not isn't about certainty but about what framework allows us to interpret and navigate the complexities of life and existence."
"I think that life is complicated enough that people have to be expected to make their own choices."
"Life is probably getting more complicated, but it's also a time to have some celebrations."
"Life is not one thing; it's an emergent property that is a product of many different things."
"Life isn't black and white, there's a gray area. There's a nuance."
"I think when you're older you see how complicated and tough life is and nostalgia is a sweet sweet medicine."
"The universe is actually very simple. It certainly started out in a very simple state whereas life is incredibly complex."
"It took 82 percent of Earth's history, geological history, to go from very simple life, microbial life, to complexity."
"Life wants to get the most information possible around its surroundings and complexity is in fact the ability to gather and exchange and preserve the most information possible."
"Life is not black and white, Ian, you know that."
"Life is layered and complex, and you have different aspects of your life and the values in those different aspects will be different."
"Life is not as simple as just find good land, hunt, eat, sleep, repeat. The world has become very complex and survival is based upon economics and not simply by farming and hunting."
"Why does it seem like there's always something?"
"Life is crazy sometimes and sometimes you do not know what to do but to do it."
"A very premature end to a career full of promise and a life full of joy and loss."
"A messy life full of disappointments and dilemmas can be a beautiful and fulfilling life."
"Life is complicated... you can't just take a machete to it."
"No matter how simple you try to make your life, complexity will hunt you down."
"Things were simpler when I had less to think about. It's easier when you know less about the world, less about hurts."
"Life is complicated, relationships are complicated."
"Life is complicated, people are complicated, and no one narrative captures what happened to me and that community..."
"Life is an incredibly out-of-equilibrium system everywhere in our bodies."
"A whole lot, a lot of going on, a whole lot, a lot of to come."
"The product of the only game in town is the immense diversity of life, the complexity of life, the elegance of it, the profoundly convincing illusion of design, the sheer beauty of it."
"Life is so complex... sometimes it's just everything."
"Like these Vigeland statues, Oslo itself can inspire us to celebrate life in all its complexity, and to embrace it."
"Life will be as complicated as you decide that it will be."
"Life is just hard and unfair for a lot of people and turbulent and crazy and happy and sad."
"Life can be messy, busy, hectic, and non-stop filled with drama and tinged with tragedy over the course of even the best of our years."
"You're looking at life and thinking, why is it so complicated?"
"Life is so messy that I can't give that to you and the best I can offer you is that you've got to craft your own strategy."
"Things are not a storyline. Things will always remain gray."
"Jesus reaches out his hand as to a drowning child."
"Life simply isn't a matter of following certain rules and that the more you know the more you understand you don't know."
"Not all love stories are cinematic. Audrey is over romance while dealing with her parents' continuous divorce, a breakup of her own, and shifting friendship dynamics. Love and life isn't what it's like in the movies, right?"
"Life isn't black and white, there is so much gray."
"Life is not really either or, both can coexist and coexist beautifully."
"Life is not just black and white; there are nuances."
"Life's too messy to chart universal laws for success."
"You can't view everything as black and white. There's a gray area."
"I've been cleaning out the barn, just a reminder of what a crazy life I have."
"If the world were merely challenging it would be easy. If the world were merely beautiful it would be fine."
"At that moment, you break through the thin ice that everyone walks on and see what's underneath, the ineradicable complexity of life."
"Real life isn't exactly the same as Twitter, you know?"
"The world is allowed to be complicated and problematic and wonderful and sad and comforting and troubling all at the same time."
"Life is complex no matter the illusion, no one is exempt from the trials and tribulations of this great journey."
"The fact that I could spread myself out that way, it's the messiness and the reality of living in life and death."
"To defeat Amore is to do the impossible because life isn't that simple. There's no easy way to get rid of your demons, no matter what they are."
"Truth is not always pretty. Truth is not always peaches and cream."
"Life gets in the way, and everyone has different situations."
"This [bleep] just gets overwhelming sometimes, man, you know? I thought getting sober would solve most of my problems, but I guess life's a little bit more complicated than that."
"I have this weird feeling there's something else, some bigger picture I might be missing."
"Finding your purpose can be like extremely difficult so I don't want to like oversimplify that by any means."
"Can we just embrace the cool messy interesting sometimes awful story that is reality?"
"Life is not that linear. The point is, are they ready?"
"Life is always messier than any grid or paradigm we put on it."
"Everything clicks into place perfectly, and you know, there's so many different aspects to being a human being."
"I think everything in life is nuanced. Nothing goes up or down in a straight line. It's a wave."
"The more we know, the more we realize the complexity of life."
"Minimizing the consumption of foods processed at high temperatures and switching to healthier cooking methods is important to reduce the risk of acrylamide intake and protect overall health."
"You cannot fully understand the present situation using the logic of your finite mind, just know that a bigger picture exists even though it is not possible for you to see it at this time."
"The answer is, as always in life, it depends."
"Life's a coat of many colors, it is never black and white."
"Life is much more complicated than the black and white, my friend. There's a whole lot of gray in between all those lines."
"I love the idea of nothing is black and white... having loved someone and then circumstances changing."
"Most of our lives are lived in the gray area."
"Life is crazy and we're all just doing the best that we can."
"Happiness is not easy and that is why we all chase it."
"Life's complexities can lead us down unexpected paths."
"Life shouldn't be this complicated, I mean holy moly."
"We are all discussing the bizarre nature of this fucking strange thing we call life."
"Life has a lot of pain but also a lot of joy."
"Life is not a balance scale between good and evil. It's a chaos mess filled with random events."
"This audio book delves into the universal human desire to grow, expand understanding, and engage profoundly with life's complexities."
"It's a poignant reminder of the complex tapestry that defines each of our lives."
"I'm just big on the either or with gear people are so stuck in that thing and the forums feed it and it happens with everything you don't have to be so linear so A or B like life is too nuanced to live like that and it just it's frustrating to me."
"Life is so much more complicated."
"I used to think all that mattered was getting through school and, like, that. But life is so much more complicated."
"People don't have easy straightforward lives."
"Unfortunately, life doesn't come with a user manual. Wouldn't that be nice?"
"Things are about to get even more complicated, but what's life without a little complication?"
"Life can be both good and bad at the same time."
"Life is complicated, and you don't always know what other people are going to do."
"Life is nuanced, so what's the next step? What does it look like on a day-to-day basis when we're practicing these techniques and developing these skills?"
"Life is messy, right? And we mess up and we cannot change one minute of the past."
"I was born in the city, I was raised on its edges. My pop work is life when it's complex."
"Life is really complex, full of twists and turns; things can feel right as rain on Tuesday, collapse on Thursday, only to have something unexpectedly awesome happen on Sunday."
"I have secrets I don't want anyone to know, secrets that could make my life a whole lot harder."
"I hope that today's video will remind people that there's so much more going on in people's lives than what you see on YouTube."
"Life ain't black and white, they got a big ass gray area."
"To glory in the mystery and paradoxes of life... to appreciate that life is complex."
"You're actually so much bigger than you could possibly even contain with words, an inseparable part of all of the intricate and harmonious web of life on Earth."
"There's so much more going on than my insignificant little problems."
"You can't know it all, life is way too complex; you can't have it all, there's way too much; and you can't do it all, because there's limits of time."
"Life is too complicated to live it according to all the rules."
"Life is nuanced, a lot of life is a grey area."
"Life is far trickier than just engaging in good behaviors."
"Life is a wild, weird, wacky thing; we put a lot of order and structure in place to try and make all of that make some sense, but it still really doesn't."
"Life is the opposite of a video game, there is no clear objectives."
"Life is just too complex to not have any deeper meaning."
"Life is always... it's never black and white."
"Acting is... I don't prefer comedy or drama. I just prefer messy things that are a combination of everything because life is funny and tragic all at once."
"What is the king of knowledge? The most important secret of all secrets? It is knowledge of the eternal soul and how to live in this world in such a way that we do not become further entangled in its complexities."
"Well, I'm figuring out you don't always have to figure it out."
"Life is very complicated, and anything may happen."
"What happens when someone is allergic to water? Well, their life becomes about a hundred times more complicated."
"Nothing's ever linear, is it really?"
"The more successful I become, the more I'm making my life difficult."
"Great fleas have little fleas upon their back to bite 'em, and little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum."
"You never really know what's going on in someone else's life."
"Life is complicated, life is mysterious."
"Life doesn't exist in absolutes, and it certainly doesn't exist on like the extremes of each spectrum."
"Life got too complicated somehow."
"Everything is not as complicated as it seems; we just complicate life in so many ways."
"Life is an incredibly complex set of things happening in a living cell."
"The romance in a relationship is like a tiny beautiful plate of food, but the reality of life is all of the chaos of the restaurant."
"It was a life differentiated and subtle, abundant and complex."
"When we start to believe that those categories are real and that we serve those categories rather than those categories serving us, we really need to step back and reconsider the vastness, complexity, and sometimes discord of the rhythm of life."
"Life isn't as crisp as that and you're not always sure of where you belong or you don't always have all you need at the same time as everyone else."
"Life is not so cut and dry anymore; it's super chaotic, and that's the beauty of it."
"Life can feel a lot like that puzzle sometimes."