
Scientific Advancement Quotes

There are 387 quotes

"Look at the scientific breakthroughs, the breathtaking technologies in medicine, in every other field and area."
"The detection of the cosmic microwave background radiation in the 1960s, I think, kind of transformed the field from being one that was full of speculation."
"AlphaFold's success is indicative of a machine learning system that is truly better than the more conventional biophysics-based methods."
"It confers upon us an enormous responsibility that is not just the responsibility of the scientists... it is a responsibility of everybody."
"But the history books have overlooked a magnificent period of invention when some of the greatest minds of antiquity would revolutionize scientific and technological knowledge."
"The study of exoplanets challenges and expands our understanding of planetary systems."
"With the CRISPR Cas9 system, a tool can effectively be used to edit DNA... heralded as the key to mastering humanity's genetic destiny."
"We've discovered all the new genes that we didn't know existed even 20 years ago and we've discovered all these planets, exoplanets, that we didn't even know 25 years ago."
"The idea of reversing aging through epigenetic reprogramming is a powerful scientific advancement."
"In the next few years, we'll discover so much that we'll finally be able to understand how all this actually affects life here on Earth as well."
"It's going to be an arms race between the ability of our scientific capacity to respond and the ability of the bug, whether it's a virus, bacterium, or fungus, to mutate."
"SpaceX, I would argue, launching a new era of space exploration."
"Our knowledge in just about every topic has exploded. We know more about physics, astronomy, chemistry, history, engineering, biology, medicine, you name it."
"I've been lucky enough to live and work through 50 years of change in immunology."
"DNA. We can now see that all life does look the same at the molecular level."
"Scientific debate is good; more science gets us incrementally closer to the truth."
"We've been stuck in this paradigm and now we've started to shift into a whole new paradigm of cancer."
"The launch of the James Webb Space Telescope will change everything, providing us with a far better understanding of these planets than we have now."
"The scientific community is gonna be reaping the benefits of Test for a long time to come."
"Great news for science, not-so-great news for mice."
"It's a feast of particles today, we're ready to go much further."
"Evidence shows that single cell, one single cell, is more complicated than a space shuttle. Darwin thought a cell was a glob of jelly. Not much to it. Now we know it's one cell, more complicated than the most complex machine ever built by man."
"Life was nasty and brutish and short and untraveled and ignorant... and what the Enlightenment did by unleashing the scientific potential, brought humanity forward in a way that had never been experienced at any other time."
"We're on the brink of developing any number of potential propulsion systems which would take us out of the solar system."
"Life is changing as a result of the field's influence."
"The Nazis reached unprecedented heights of scientific advancement."
"Free speech is for the furthering of political and scientific ideas."
"I'm afraid that if we don't give science some time to catch up to fiction, Mjolnir will be tearing up its wearers."
"Perhaps this new space telescope will be looked back upon as a turning point in humanity's understanding of the universe."
"We need more research to prevent and understand what the next pandemic is going to be."
"The discovery could lead scientists to redefining what their understanding is of how all galaxies formed."
"With just 300 qubits, you could code for more information than atoms in the universe."
"The search for habitable exoplanets could benefit greatly."
"Big populous countries with heavy knowledge investment are the real factories of education of scientific output."
"They can literally weather modify a hurricane or a tornado out of existence."
"Humans can do really good science a hundred times billion times faster than a robot."
"Scientists transferred human genes for breast milk enzymes and proteins into goat embryos."
"The James Webb Space Telescope revolutionized our understanding of Galaxy formation."
"The James Webb Space Telescope Deep Field is kind of inevitable."
"What was once considered science fiction is now science fact."
"China is preparing to construct a super collider twice the size of the one at CERN."
"Life is precious and the opportunity to bring forth the new tools of science, particularly consciousness development, is such an exciting part of our work."
"Einstein expands what Newton knew, he takes what Newton ooh and then makes that region much greater and it continues to endless Road."
"Humans will study the history of the red planet and take that next giant leap in uncovering the mysteries of the universe and our place within it."
"Science for the most part has done tremendous things for us we live in a fantastic world."
"I do actually think one of the greatest contributors to the fact that we had this incredible vaccine ready in less than a year is investments in basic science and research."
"Researchers are pushing the boundaries about what they understand about animal intelligence."
"Science also took us farther than we'd ever been before and gave us brand-new answers to the oldest questions."
"It's extremely important I think, developments of an application of nanotechnology."
"NASA is really stepping up their resources in the search for extraterrestrial life."
"I think there's a very good chance that we'll wake up one morning to the news that somebody's cloned a mammoth."
"Scientists in China have created the world's first human monkey hybrid."
"Over long periods of time history turns into legend and legend turns into myth, but at their root myths and legends have some sort of truth within them, whatever that may be."
"Science and technology are propelling us forward at accelerating rates."
"He didn't invent fractals but he took a very crude fractal science and advanced it radically."
"Mapping the brain is going to transform our understanding of the brain and what happens from medicine to knowledge."
"Imagine the blessings of finally cracking the genetic code extending human life by decades and dramatically reducing the ravages of old age."
"What the teleportation physics study that was released this year confirms is that it is possible for this kind of stargate technology to exist and to actually be put into practice."
"Einstein's cosmological constant, an invisible energy suffusing space, roared back into the mainstream of cosmological research in the form of dark energy."
"Humanity's first step in going back to the moon."
"Teleportation technology may seem light years away from actual realization, but Chinese scientists in 2017 were actually able to successfully teleport photons to a satellite 300 miles away."
"We can now assemble at the same level of quality, assembling a genome built from really accurate long read data, you can potentially assemble it in 10 minutes on a MacBook."
"It's going to be an exciting time in neutrino physics."
"The next generation of researchers and scientists are going to be flying with their payloads and I'm so excited for what's to come."
"If science takes on political dimensions I know because if we could come up forget the controversies over the vaccines mandatory and not if we could come up with a cure imagine how wonderful that would be."
"We want to take those protons and push them together to make them combine and release energy."
"I think we're at the dawn of a new era of space exploration."
"I think the best example that we were talking about it earlier is this new RNA targeting CRISPR so instead of cutting DNA it targets RNA."
"Things are changing in the known science right now."
"Sequencing is the platform upon which everything sits."
"It's extremely hard to anticipate how much will research change when we finally crack open the truth."
"It's a very exciting time, a very important time for science in terms of looking at the links between how the ocean is influencing the rest of our planet."
"Space is an open domain. We can share opportunities, advance in science, and share the risk."
"One of the greatest opportunities we have now that we can detect gravitational waves will be the ability to observe events that happened before light was traveling across the cosmos."
"As our scientific and biological knowledge grows, we can alter our understanding of the world and change our behavior accordingly."
"A tiny star has been lit and energy from fusion reactions released."
"Our Rovers on Mars are paving the way today for human exploration and Mars sample return."
"Perseverance and collaboration make groundbreaking science and history possible."
"The Webb telescope is ready to change our perception of exoplanets from mysterious cosmic objects to very real places with alien sky."
"The birth of radio astronomy changed the way we look at the universe."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has brought a clarity to the universe that we've never had before."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is poised to become the most productive scientific instrument in the history of humanity."
"These astonishingly complex biological nanomachines outstrip the best technology our best minds on planet earth can produce."
"We're ready to turn this telescope up to 11. It really is time. It's fantastic."
"Webb represents the best of NASA. It maintains our ability to propel us forward for science, for risk-taking, for inspiration."
"We are in a position now where we... can really begin to understand the larger cosmic environment that we're a part of."
"The James Webb telescope is a giant Observatory floating in space an all round telescope which can peer much deeper into space than even the Hubble telescope."
"The only percent-based modifier in the game, giving you 20% extra Science in the city."
"Scientists have opened the door to a better life for her and her family."
"We're very close to the first cell completely designed in the computer."
"Scientists in Germany have developed the first diagnostic test to identify the new virus."
"This isn't science fiction, it's science fact."
"Kernus also pulled off the most hardcore version of the uh will you elaborate on that no meme ever by dropping his heliocentric theory in 1543 and then dying of a stroke the same year."
"If we change the nuclear structure of the atom, we can get a million times more energy out of it."
"Islam started a great scientific revolution."
"I knew science could develop something where I could keep my memory and physical ability to the day I died, I'd be happy with that."
"Science is a very rare idea that can be done by a single individual. Almost everything that is going to change the world requires a team working together."
"Never before have we been able to break down the sequence of a virus."
"Humanity is just not as old as we think it is and the advancements that have happened have actually happened in an alarmingly short period."
"AI is going to be able to maximize resolutions, neural link properly, it's going to Brute Force the science needed to accurately plug a brain into a computer."
"Fusion reactors could get you to alpha centauri within a lifetime."
"We may be able to find cures to certain genetic disorders. Yes, science!"
"In the near future, scientists may be able to improve Fusion or ionic engines."
"The combining of gravitational wave detection and electromagnetic detection gives us a whole new avenue of astronomical study."
"Before V1, distances to stars were measured in thousands of light years. After V1, the universe became a much bigger place."
"New research is done. We can now get our frontier outposts."
"As our ability to model the climate has improved over time, we've learned a lot about how our planet works and what we're doing to it."
"The gene-editing revolution has arrived... promising cures for terminal disease."
"Using quantum properties like superposition and entanglement for new applications."
"Alexandria would transform itself into the intellectual and scientific capital of the Greek world."
"Growth is the certainty...allowing ourselves to propel towards new scientific developments, new perspectives, new ideas, new inventions, new innovations."
"We live in an age of deep understanding about our universe."
"Scientists believe that as cloning progresses, certain extinct creatures, such as the Irish elk immortalized in a poem by Seamus Heaney, may be resurrected."
"With the power of very advanced genetics... we're now in a position to start to see things that have evolved humanity over not just a blink of an eye but an absolute nanosecond of evolutionary time just in the last few thousand years."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will change everything in space research."
"Science can enable us to see beyond the human eye. Isn't that incredible?"
"The big thing that's happened in the past 15 years is basically the acceptance that this is a promising way to go."
"Synthetic evolution is probably more powerful than combining both of these."
"Induced pluripotent stem cells reset the epigenome."
"Researchers have grown human embryos from skin cells."
"We don't know all that we should know about the volcanoes and so we need new techniques."
"Thankfully, we know a lot more than we used to about tornadoes and are safer than ever."
"We're getting one hell of an upgrade, a superhuman upgrade. Our DNA is going to change."
"What's the next big breakthrough? Probably a theory of everything."
"The closest we've probably ever gotten to discovering."
"Such incredibly fast Journeys will open up to us when we approach the speed of light."
"Galileo's championing of the heliocentric model and discoveries about planetary orbits."
"The curiosity of humanity is alive and well and needs to now move into space."
"It's an extraordinary moment in science... turning into a technology that can be used widely for treating diseases."
"I think that, you know, disregarding all the advances that science is proposing to us and not utilizing these advances for our benefit would probably make us miss a lot of the good that science has to offer."
"They made Alexandria the cultural center of the ancient world, and a stronghold of knowledge and the sciences."
"These kinds of stories are red meat for alternative history proponents because they like to believe that good science very often can't move forward because of interference by the powers that be who don't want history to be changed."
"If for example, we were to ignore the public engagement with the projects at hand, the actual amount of scientific data and the technological evolution that we'd get from sending robots to Mars instead of humans would be greater."
"There's so much more and that you know like you were saying earlier the scalar and the longitudinal that's you know where he was going with his transformation of energy over long distances."
"By donating your body to science you could be helping a doctor discover the cure for cancer."
"Hydrophobia: researchers at the University of Rochester have made a breakthrough using lasers."
"The directive I'm signing today will refocus America's Space Program on human exploration and Discovery."
"It's a trajectory... you develop in the direction of what you are."
"We're working towards a unifying model of type 2 diabetes."
"The science is overwhelming at how much more effective it is."
"Quantum entanglement allows us to carry out teleportation."
"Imagine having a vaccine that protected you from all coronaviruses I literally cannot think of a better bang for the buck but that's where they're going to chop because of course this is what it looks like when you get down to the details."
"From horseback to hwn collider is only 200 years."
"They were able to reverse the signs of aging."
"I think any race sufficiently advanced enough to travel the massive size of the universe would have little need for the primitive elements on our planet."
"What were the effective treatments around these days that address the biology of what we just learned about?"
"We're entering the first truly major travail of the birth of a new age, a 20th-century period where science will slowly eclipse blind belief, blind faith."
"Primitive intelligence crafted by millions of years of evolution may become a powerful tool in our toolbox."
"If you want to resolve the black hole you have to go to higher resolution and you need telescope larger than the earth and that you can only do from space."
"The structure prediction problem had essentially been solved."
"We're at this point in science where it's like the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey."
"Skepticism is very healthy, and it is through skepticism that wrongs are righted, cover-ups are exposed, and great scientific discoveries can be made."
"Now we've gone from counting on our fingers how many sheep we have to being able to predict what the universe around us is going to do."
"Scientists firmly believe that a larger Hadron Collider will enable them to push the boundaries of Science."
"Doubling all the science budgets would get us pretty far pretty quickly."
"We were talking earlier about, you know, that it's very plausible that within the next decade or so, that biologists are going to have figured out and geneticists are going to figure out a way to clone the woolly mammoths."
"Fear not, progress in gene editing for an eternity of sensual ecstasy awaits all humans who protect or aid in the creation of our facilitated evolution."
"They're going to be able to reverse aging in our lifetimes."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is upsetting the Apple card all of a sudden we realize that we may have to rewrite all the textbooks about the beginning of the universe." - Professor Michio Kaku
"It will be the most significant discovery since Copernicus."
"A science that tells us nature is alive is a major step forward."
"We've saved humanity from the tyranny of the nurax worm."
"We can figure out if there's a God in a few hundred years or if there isn't one because we'll advance so much."
"Physics really started galloping along after Galileo and Newton."
"To Elon and to SpaceX for doing the impossible and helping science and humanity move forward."
"Recent research has moved past the psychoanalytic Paradigm."
"Because of how recently they went extinct, scientists recovered enough genetic material to create living embryos."
"Galaxies existed long before what we previously thought."
"Our study of evolution has given us the ability to predict flu strains and develop vaccines to fight them in advance."
"This is the first moment in human history when we have explored in the other world for life."
"Advances in science and technology have given humans tremendous power to make the world better or worse."
"We tapped into the multiverse. We have a lot of plans for the future with it."
"Creating new elements and merging neutron stars used to be purely theoretical, but in recent years we've actually witnessed these collisions and felt their gravitational aftershocks."
"The revolutionary theory of plate tectonics finally unified all the branches of geology into one logical earth-scale system."
"The possibility of using electricity for lighting was first suggested in 1810 by Humphrey Davy."
"You got to have the same expectations in this fight."
"There has been some really intriguing findings especially on the nature of dark matter and the nature of dark energy."
"What do you think are going to be the big things that change our understanding of cosmology in the next 10 years?"
"These test shots are putting Hubble's best images, most groundbreaking mind-blowing images, to shame."
"Over the last 400 years, science has pushed back the limits of what we know, from the largest spiral galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles."
"In just the last few weeks, the progress has been incredible."
"No, they say the bio labs have been upgraded."
"The discovery raises hopes of someday cloning the species and bringing it back to life."
"Having this new science and technology is a good thing for True Crime."
"The James Webb Telescope could change astronomy forever."
"Recent advances in dendrochronology have enabled archaeologists to track the growing seasons of trees along the forest step."
"The book revolutionized science during the Victorian era."
"I think we really are on a cutting edge with archaeology."
"Sign me up, I can give a dollar or two to see this science advanced."
"What I think is that we definitely need to identify and better characterize adult stem cells."
"Science has pushed past religion and philosophy in daring to tackle this most fundamental of questions."
"An increase in the Orion's longevity or lifespan by defying the hayflick limit and enabling cellular immortality."
"The most one of the most iconic west coast songs that's correct. I didn't know that."
"That's an interesting idea to explore that somehow some of these ideas were captured a long long time before the science existed."
"Scientists are developing new techniques to find these extra solar planets all the time."
"Celluloid created a revolution that led to advancements in science and technology."
"Eureka! Extra-dimensional insight modifier added for 240 months, giving the following effect: 15% to research speed."
"Despite how much mankind has advanced in the field of science, there's still a lot of things we haven't uncovered in this world. There are a lot of questions about the past and the future that are still unanswered."