
Malevolence Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Facing the potential for malevolence within you and in the world, and voluntarily accepting the burden of suffering, is perhaps the truest form of responsibility one can undertake."
"Some spirits are much bigger and more present than others, some were absolutely benevolent and peaceful, and some are greedy, selfish, and evil."
"I would argue even the majority of malevolence in the world is usually people acting selfishly."
"The flesh that hates suggests a dark and ominous concept...where the malevolent force exhibits a profound aversion to organic life."
"They seek to kill and steal and destroy human beings."
"America has never stood for this form of malevolence and our nation must now confront it even more vigorously."
"The malicious evil of these FBI agents, we're talking about malevolence that most people do not want to believe exists."
"The ultimate aim of those jinn is to get as many people into the Hellfire as possible."
"That's scary, that's evil, that's conniving, that's bad."
"SCP-001 is a sapient entity capable of initiating and exerting control over anomalous phenomena, motivated by a desire to cause profound distress and suffering to humanity."
"His true intentions are death, destruction, and control."
"Abalam is a king who serves under payment. The thing about Abalam is that he preys on the flesh of the innocent."
"There is something dark, there is something malevolent, something evil is here 100 percent."
"There is something dark, malevolent here and it clearly was here in the time Zachary was here as well."
"Something dark and malevolent is here with us."
"It's organized, it's well funded, it's pure evil."
"There's just an evil there that is hard to contemplate."
"If there's such an evil malevolent force in the world, why are they still bothering?"
"Pure evil does exist. It can be openly and aggressively malevolent, but above all, it proves the existence of the Divine."
"The face of that creature, if you could call it a face, was Pure Evil."
"Johan was indeed a monster, a demon with ethereal claws who could squeeze the very soul out of any person he encountered."
"He's a horrific human being who's gone out of his way to be a human predator and done it very effectively."
"In the lives of evil men, there are often telling details from their early years that show the monsters they will become."
"Demons don't dart about dark holes in the forest, they're subtle, sneaky, and hateful creatures."
"Her dark eyes are windows upon an ancient and wicked soul."
"Satan pursues and attacks the weakest of us all. The devil is a sadistic creature, and he'll destroy anyone and everyone that he can."
"The devil wants to get even. How else to hurt the heart of God to the greatest possible extent but to harm the Beloved of his creation?"
"These people are evil and they want to control the world and they do."
"There are some really bad people out there who want to just watch the world burn."
"He is demonic, there's no question about that."
"He's great for dog whistles and hints of very civilized but evil underneath."
"Somebody will rather see you dead than to see you successful."
"False prophets work together, there's unity among the wicked."
"To be evil, one must be profoundly immoral and wicked."
"Movies like this are very necessary...because it's so easy for us to just forget what has happened...and the capacity for malevolence...that every human being right now watching...we both of us have a capacity for malevolence everybody does."
"Manson had a streak of pure evil."
"But Manson had a streak of pure evil."
"While much of the terror of Judge Doom can be found in his appearance and mannerisms, it's these traits compounded by a cynicism and self-serving ways that truly drive home how horrendous he is."
"That one word to describe it would be evil."
"The park seemed to have a life of its own now, a malevolent force that reveled in our fear."
"Sukuna's malevolent Shrine depicts themes of suffering and pain."
"The N now found a perverse joy in the torment and consumption of sentient beings, deriving twisted nourishment from their agony and despair."
"It's worse than suffering; it's suffering contaminated with malevolence. It's bad enough to have something bad happen to you, but it's even worse for you to do it to yourself and to know that you did it."
"Maleficent is the forces of evil personified."
"He's evil. He's just killing people."
"Hell is alive. It breathes. It thinks."
"standing more like hovering about ten feet away from me was a humanoid shaped black mass I froze instead at it I felt nothing but pure malevolence from this thing I felt like it wanted to hurt me"
"Sitting on the chair was the silhouette of a man he was a dark shadowy figure that just stared at me I couldn't see any facial features I couldn't see any clothes he was wearing I felt like he was malevolent and he wanted to hurt me."
"The devil doesn't have any interest in your well-being. His interest is only to steal, kill, and destroy."
"There's something old and terrifying there, something that seems driven to kill."
"Incompetence is often more destructive than outright malevolence."
"More terrible than a demon is the spite of a god."
"With each conflict, the torment of his existence intensifies, fueling a growing well of Spite and malevolence within him."
"Most people's understanding of the Gnostic idea is that something went wrong in the universe, and that we are actually trapped inside of something that is not just, that is actually malevolent."
"The chaos gods dwell within the endless and infinitely mutable Realm of the warp, ancient entities of unimaginable power and infinite malice."
"There's always somebody out there that wants to hurt someone."
"The evil is the house itself, I think. It has enchained and destroyed its people and their lives."
"The Hall of Broken Dreams is the dwelling place of a peculiar sect of malevolent beings."
"I never attribute to malevolence what I can attribute to stupidity."
"More often than not, a lot of the times these malicious entities, demons, etc., will come to you pretending to be a child in order to trick you."
"This thing was beyond evil, it projected this level of being emotionally distraught and just completely terrified."
"Something else seemed to pervade, it wasn't a sound, but a sense. It felt malignant, vile, evil."
"The figure wasn't a ghost or a demon, but just something that was Pure Evil and wanted her fearful."
"Evil is often understood as the intentional or malevolent act or mindset that seeks to harm, oppress, or cause suffering to others."
"A sinister smile turned up the corners of his mouth."
"A strange subtle vindictiveness became also apparent in him. Omnipotence ripened every fault and swelled it into crime."
"There are some truly bad people out there and they don't care if they ruin lives in their wake."
"It's as if all of the evil in all of the universe has consolidated into one singular point."
"Such plagues aboard ships are not uncommon, and Nuro laughs gleefully at such works."
"Wraiths are manifestations of true evil, the souls of exceptionally malevolent individuals. They torment the living not out of any particular desire or rampant emotion but in the indulgence and sadistic enjoyment of malice for malice's sake."
"What a carnival of torment I shall unleash on this world"
"It was almost evil, like just something so powerfully uninviting."
"Horror films have always had a central figure whether it was Dracula or the mummy or something like that some kind of mysterious or and malevolent kind of entity you know this film has it on a very naturalistic basis."
"You stand for evil, stirring up hate, spreading fear, none happiness, all for your own ends."
"It's gonna be a most malignant person ever lived, the worst person ever, worse than Judas."
"The air grew thick with a sense of malevolence, and I could feel the creature's presence suffocating me."
"Every bit of that thing screamed evil."
"This is evil, bro, this is crazy, this is evil."
"This malevolent metal possesses the capability to corrupt all it comes into contact with."
"Rakshasas are known for their strength, cunningness, and supernatural powers. In mythology, Rakshasas are depicted as enemies of gods and humans, causing harm, torment, and disruption."
"These undead freaks are known as SCP-2419-A, and though they were made from human bodies, the consciousness that dwells within each instance is nothing short of pure evil."
"I wish all of you would just die and go to hell like the soul-sucking monsters you are."
"The toughest motive of all, because it's the easiest hidden: hate. The kind of hate the devil wouldn't hold."
"Humanitarian crises aren't natural disasters; they're acts of political malevolence."
"Narcissistic to the fullest, preying on the innocent, demon in a suit, devil in a dress."
"Black dragons are cruel for cruelty's sake and make sport of their victims."
"Life is suffering, this is true, and it's worse than that because it's suffering contaminated by malevolence."
"We can constrain the malevolence at least in our own hearts and perhaps have a positive effect on those around us as a consequence."
"May the hounds of Hell eat your rotting soul."
"This evil, it's like a virus. Each time it returns, it comes back stronger, smarter, deadlier."
"Everything about him speaks of his malicious intent."
"From the evil of an envier when he envies."
"The evil is the house itself, I think. It is a place of contained ill will."
"The Wendigo roughly translates to the evil spirit that devours mankind."
"It's like the blades are part of his fingers; it's an extension of Freddy's evil."
"The devil will look upon it and its rubble, smiling."
"Skin Walkers are essentially malevolent witches who possess the supernatural ability to transform into, possess, or disguise themselves as animals."
"Any opportunity that that Sinister imp has to implicate harm on other people and pain, she's going to take it."
"Scariest are the ghosts who kill, for whatever reason it seems to be some spirits more malevolent than others."
"I'm glad you escaped" with this evil grin on his face.
"These are malevolent things, cloaked in atmosphere, drifting in darkness, haunting the world just above us."
"Larry was an evil man because not only did he commit evil crimes, he would contact the family to taunt and terrorize them."
"It is believed that his evil essence seeped into the soil, corrupting the very earth that would support the future Gotham City."
"I could feel the hatred and malevolence that radiated from it; it was a deep, ominous feeling that hovered over our heads."
"I felt like it hated me and wanted me dead, almost like it wanted to scare me or even push me off the cliff."
"He intended harm and suffering; he was ruthless and cunning, and patient and powerful."
"Demons can do that, something malignant enough to hold a grudge."
"The war's evil tentacles are spreading further and further across the globe."
"Revenge is the starting point of all evil."
"He is the Japanese god of Chaos, evil, and an aspect of the cosmic being Oblivion."
"Ambition makes Lady Macbeth malevolent."
"Ash's echo has intertwined with another of the presences, one carrying a large and staggering amount of malicious intent."
"The Malevolence is seriously massive."
"He had the powers of a God but the hatred of the devil."
"The cultists believed the cave itself was malevolent, that the dead could never escape."
"It's not the normal decay of matter or energy we are dealing with, Jeff. This is an entity, a being of great power and an implacably malign will."
"The house on Red Apple Road was a bad place."
"They always felt there was some kind of malevolent presence in here."
"This demon wants to use her abilities for its malevolent agendas."
"I sense it out there, a gigantic mind behind the control, with a plan beyond insidious and evil."
"A tomb from out of time which pulsated with malignant energy."
"This man is diabolical. This is diabolical."
"He has only the one purpose: do bad things to good people."
"He was smart, evil, and willing to do anything to accomplish his goal."
"Tombstone is just an evil dude who has no loyalty to anyone but himself."