
Future Creation Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The opportunity of this moment is to unlock the power that's inside you to create a better future for yourself, for your family, for your body, for your mind, for your spirit, for this country, for this world, for your community."
"You do have the power to create an amazing future."
"You are the master of your own destiny and have the power to create your own future."
"When you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion, you literally begin to move the brain and body out of the past into a new future."
"The difference in us and them is that the future still lies ahead of us to create. Let's prove that you can learn something from history."
"Every thought I think is creating my future. The universe totally supports every thought I choose to think and believe."
"Every thought you have, every feeling you have is creating your future."
"Walk fearlessly into your future, creating the reality that you want."
"You can create the future, folks. You can be or do whatever you want in this life. Don't give up dreaming."
"The future is not just happening; the future is made by you here in this room."
"Stepping into your power to create a beautiful future."
"Our job is future making, and the first step in future making is dreaming your fucking ass off."
"Use your precious energy to create a magnificent future."
"Changing your future is about creating the life you want to live."
"Action is the ultimate form of prayer. Granting ourselves permission is not merely about envisioning a better future, it's about actively participating in the creation of that future."
"Remember that you're living now, you're writing this moment in time and you're creating your future."
"We can create the future we want... together."
"Obedience to God can create a greater tomorrow. Let us follow God wherever he leads us so that we can be reborn as the people of God."
"It's the stories that we tell ourselves that create the futures we're going to have."
"Your future kind of doesn't exist yet, you're creating it right now."
"Law of attraction: let go of the past to create a new future."
"By right thinking and right doing now, we not only ameliorate conditions in this life but we also create a future that will be more harmonious and freer than anything we have experienced hitherto."
"How are you going to forgive? I think the way to forgive is create the future."
"Each of us in every moment is creating the future."
"The future is built by the people who are in that room."
"You need to change; you need to remember who you were. Part of your past will help you create your future."
"I believe that the future is not set, it's actually up for us to create."
"The future's not set, the future is not certain, the future is for us to create."
"The mind is the most powerful thing that we have. You create your future with your mind."
"Recognize the value of recycling the past to create a more potent future."
"The script is not pre-written, you and I have the complete power to write the upcoming and unfolding Narrative of Our Lives."
"Trust is a currency you cannot buy and it takes decades to build up."
"It's you and I that have the power to change the way we create our future."
"Dreams are not telling us about our future, they're creating it."
"Every single day you are creating your future."
"Creating the future through your intuition and your ability to express yourself."
"Literally creating my future, like becoming a different person, becoming the person I want to be, acting like the person I want to become."
"You are the master of your own destiny and you have the power to create your own future."
"All you need to do to create your future is to be present in this moment, have a vision on who you want to become, and take the steps to get there."
"Your focus on a daily basis creates the future that is important for you and the world."
"There's that great quote that the only way to predict the future is to create it."
"Am I a victim of my past or a co-creator of my future?"
"You are creating your future; you are living life on your own terms."
"Having hope, believing, and creating a better future."
"You're creating the future in this next chapter, something that you will be remembered for."
"The artists are the ones that rule the future, because they create the future."
"There isn't a normal going forward from here, we are creating what's next."
"Don't extrapolate the past; invent the future you want."
"Because today creates my future. Today creates our future now and forevermore. Because where we are, remember, is the totality of possibilities. Only we have to know it."
"The past is not dead; it is living in us and will be alive in the future which we are now helping to make."
"If you don't create a beautiful future, your brain will do one for you, and it's usually not good because it's based on survival and a reflection of past hurt."
"We will create ultimately what we want to see."
"For by your inner conversations you create your future; the worlds were framed by the word of God, which is your inner talking."
"When we practice this, it's not only because we think we should... it's actually creating our future."
"Why would you wait for the future when you could create the future."
"If the project goes swimmingly and according to plan, maybe I'll make some more."
"You create your future by envisioning it."
"Unlike the tarot dictating your future, the animals of Animal Apothecary are sharing guidance for you to create the future that feels most fulfilling for you."
"We need to create the world of the future together."
"We create our own future and we go pro in everything."
"Predict the future or create the future? Definitely create the future."
"You seized your futures and dates hands, you created this opportunity."
"You're putting all these things together... understanding the past, applying what you learned to the present moment, and therefore creating your future."
"Rather than try to write about the future, I would just try to invent it; that's a lot easier."
"Your thoughts create your future."
"Our present circumstances, our actions, our thoughts, our words are actually creating our future."
"Create the future that you want to exist, manifest it, don't get just angry, use that anger to recognize opportunity."
"We're all about staying present here and using our free will to create the best future possible."