
Generational Wisdom Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"We're able to take accumulated experiences of thousands of previous generations, dilute it, distill it, and pass it on."
"Every single generation is going to learn from the mistakes of the past and hopefully improve."
"We as the human race keep moving forward, away from these mistakes so that the future generations don't repeat these same problems."
"Whispers of truth that have been buried in this generation that are so profound it would change the way we understand everything."
"The wisdom of the older generations is often discarded and so is lost forever when they die. This is such a waste."
"The best thing that could be said is what I tell my parents. It's what I was told by my parents. It's what I tell my kids. If a police officer makes a command to you, do it."
"History is not just about the fascinating human past, it's about what we are going to do now and how we can learn from the past to avoid past mistakes and perhaps do better than previous generations."
"Knowledge of self never ends, supporting our community should be something that we should pass down as a generational treasure."
"You pass it on to my grandchildren and you make sure that your grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, still know how good that Jesus is."
"Talk openly to people who are older and wiser about relationships."
"If you don't listen to your elders and or you, what are you doing with your life? True. You must not be very open. Yeah, I'm gonna guilt you into clicking those buttons every time."
"Ezra, like his father before him, finds the balance."
"It brings a truth that allows the next generation to have both."
"I just know some of the gentlemen from there and how they are."
"The only thing we can do is kind of grab the lessons that I've learned and pass them down."
"Your mama didn't teach your grandmama, then big mom and them the kind of men you talk about you want..."
"Respect seniors... it's the combination of both... finding the balance."
"Old money has wisdom, so if you can match up that hunger, that drive that pushes you forward but then have the wisdom and always learn from old money, then that will be your secret."
"Your grandparents have a lot to teach you from their life experience."
"That's wisdom that our parents brought to us."
"The best advice I give people is the same thing my grandfather told my brother and I: 'Never mistake habit for hard work.'"
"You're handing back the talking stick to that Elder who has stories to tell."
"I live by it because I consider it as generational knowledge."
"Listen to the children and listen to the adults right who said I used to be that child."
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make soft men."
"There's not enough passing on knowledge from generation to generation."
"Listen to your parents and you'll go a lot further than you ever thought you could." - Lee
"Cherish every moment you have together and take in what they pass down to you so you can impart it onto your own kids or random strangers for future generations."
"I think something for the generations is there to be learned. I really mean it."
"There are anointings, mantles, revelations, and mysteries that have lain unclaimed literally where they were left because the generation that walked in them never passed them on."
"A conservative doesn't believe that the people who have gone before them were lesser, but our culture now seems to think that those who went before us have nothing to teach us."
"My grandfather used to say that my grandmother opened a lot of doors for him."
"Our grandmas just seem to inherently know was how absolutely essential moisturized skin is."
"Each generation tell his children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power."
"Approach somebody who is older than you and describe to someone what you're trying to find."
"We can always reach into generational wells and draw up living hope."
"What we are passing down is the power of choice."
"And Luke, finally, a final piece of life advice to share with you."
"I'm at a stage in my life, you know I'm 72 years old, and the most important thing I could do is pass along whatever I have that's of value."
"There's experience being passed down, wisdom that's all lost today."
"The principles of God's law passed down from generation to generation bring peace and prosperity to our lives."
"If you're merely sane and accept reality and make decisions based in those realities, you're going to be a lot better off than the past three generations before you."
"Land is not really your inheritance. Land is your blessing."
"If it was not for the elders correcting the mistakes of the young, there would be no state."
"If the target at hand is below the level of achievement of your parents, follow what they have to say."
"Always honor your mother and your father, no matter what they've done."
"Part of what you pass down in life is your wisdom."
"We've totally lost the spiritual implications and the grace involved in multi-generational relationships."
"If you talk to your grandparents and the older folks they understand what bad times are."
"They use your brain. Don't pass that same term to your children."
"Just cuz I've experienced some hard times doesn't mean this generation can't teach us a thing or two."
"Being able to continue to share that ike, knowledge from our kupuna to the next generation and all the many generations to come."
"Old granny knows a young girl's heart. Now, take the Apple, dear, and make a wish."
"Prayers of the moms and the grandmothers and the grandparents."
"We are the epitome of their legacy, curating lessons forward into the next generation."
"...having an OG around means the New Kids on the Pot have a much better chance of survival."
"I went through something; I tried to make sure my next generation didn't go through that. Yeah, I tried to be the old man to build that bridge right where the one that comes behind me has a way to cross."
"I think the younger generation should respect some of the morals that our ancestors had."
"We have problems in our community that we need to solve. Don't you think that by listening to our parents and different things that we can change some of those things?"
"Your work will be passed down to Future Generations. Harvest the gifts of your ancestors."
"...what our grandparents were saying was true, what our great-grandparents were saying it was true."
"Turmeric water at night is like a secret potion for glowing skin that has been passed down through generations."
"This is a story of choices and roads taken, and how knowledge and values are passed from one generation to the next, indelibly connected by strings of history and affection."
"One thing I've noticed over the years, these older generations, we need to listen to a lot of what they say."
"May Allah make us a people of clear thought and more importantly may Allah help us raise a generation that is thoughtful, that thinks about this Deen clearly."
"The best of people are my generation, and then the one that comes after, and the one that comes after."
"You have a lot to teach your son because you are blessed to still have your dad to still teach you."
"Truth must be transcendent and must endure for generations."
"Every generation learns from the last."
"I want to share things with my children, but I teach them work ethic, respect, and faith."
"God expects each generation to get up on its own feet and face its own problems."
"Cherishing this path is the only way we may ensure our children will not repeat the suffering our forefathers endured."
"The secret things belong to God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever."
"I'm so glad you're going to be like that because I really really want to pass on to our children the morals I was given from my parents."
"The grandma sea panda makes sure that her dreams keep getting passed down to the next generation."
"Teach humility to our kids. Not only is this beneficial for the Next Generation, it is a good reminder to ourselves as well."
"It's a very hard working area and I can see that from my grandparents, their generation, they're very focused on everything that they do."
"Love one another. Your generation has a great opportunity to start something that a lot of guys in my generation are having to relearn."
"That they may arise and declare them to their children, that they may set their hope in God."
"For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."
"We need to learn from the wisdom of the elders, otherwise we would be reinventing the wheel, and that will be a disaster."
"I think it's really important that the younger generation identify and self-reflect on where we come from and reconnect back to the land."
"You will learn from the mistakes your mother and I make, just like we learn from the mistakes our parents made."
"The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth."
"Never see next generation through the lenses of your history and your experience, but through the lenses of God."
"These great men, they have great mind in their generation."
"Education, education, education. Teach your children well."
"Young people have energy, old people have experience."
"My generation, it's very important that we embrace and show the younger artists and younger people what the maturity can be."
"It's genius that it's you and your dad doing it together because whatever life you haven't lived yet, he's lived a hundred times for you."
"Grandpa makes it look easy because he's put the time in, built the routine, and basically trained them."
"From the young to the old, we live by the code. Do what you love in life."