
Global Crisis Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"The world gave us a gigantic experiment where we got to practice and get to continue to practice the most important skill on the planet, which is emotional resilience."
"It's a global crisis that requires a global response."
"We are living and working in a global pandemic, a once in a century pandemic."
"The united action to prevent a nuclear power plant disaster will go down in history as proof of the capacity of international cooperation in the face of global crisis."
"This is in my lifetime humanity's darkest hour, a big threat to the whole world, and it requires from us to stand tall, be united, and protect the most vulnerable of our fellow citizens on this planet." - Kristalina Georgieva
"This results in a truly global multi-resource crisis with widespread socio-economic impacts...including famine and water scarcity."
"As one collapses, the other falls as well; a global depression now will forever change your world, and the warning signs are there."
"There is a globally synchronized housing crash occurring right before our eyes."
"The punishment this time is going to be horrific because the same thing is going on all over the world."
"The idea that in the middle of a pandemic the worst thing since the great flu back in the turn of the century, with so many people died worldwide, is that, you know, people are figuring out that we're all in this together."
"Massive famines... we're heading into the most epic famines that have ever happened in human history."
"The global health crisis has laid bare the unsustainability of the old system."
"Time is running out for the environment and for civilization."
"The main purpose behind the show, it's all about the global financial collapse."
"The entire world is shut down. Nobody's ever seen anything like this."
"Climate change is one of the biggest existential threats to humanity."
"I think one of the greatest crimes that's ever been perpetrated on Humanity unfolded under his watch."
"Starvation is on the horizon and it's not looking good."
"The fact that our planet is dying is evident, clear, unavoidable, and objectively correct."
"Global hunger: the worldwide addition. People may be almost 265 million people by the end of this year could be facing acute hunger."
"We could see a global financial crisis of proportions not seen for many generations."
"The economic damage alone would reshape the face of the Earth."
"I hope that I survive. I hope you survive. And I hope all of your viewers survive."
"Love, she asked, how can there be love when the entire world is ruined?"
"I hope that the epidemic abroad can get under control, which will allow wedding dress studios to reopen."
"This is the new normal of possibly the greatest pandemic the world has ever seen."
"The current global crisis has disrupted every aspect of our lives but has also presented us with an extraordinary opportunity."
"We are in really an existential moment where we have to decide not only what kind of world we will have but whether we will have a world or not."
"At the very least, I hope you're informed about what may be coming because across the board we are receiving warnings of a global food crisis."
"The world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis, and we all want answers."
"The world is in crisis, and only a moral and spiritual revolution can save it."
"Everyday citizens from all over the world are dealing with increased food, gas, and energy bills."
"This is the biggest crime of the century so far. Xin Ping, the Chinese Communist Party, just shut down the world."
"This world is on a collision course and there is only one hope: the hope of the coming of Jesus."
"I pray for everybody across the world who has contracted the coronavirus."
"The world is on fire and about to end, and we must take dramatic action."
"Europe and the whole world in general is about to have a large political, social, and economic crisis."
"If you would have told me that we would have a virus the likes of which this world has not seen since 1917...and that we'd have a stock market that's not far below its all-time high, I would have told you that's got to be impossible."
"It is not an economic or financial or philosophical or social crisis. It is an evolutionary crisis."
"This is a global crisis we're heading to a global depression here."
"The bigger problem... it's really the disaster that's happening in Syria where are these people going to go I mean they're literally getting on boats so many boats so many people and showing up in Italy in Greece."
"Without hyperbole, if Resaca is not stopped, mankind's extinction is imminent."
"King approaches monsters, and the monsters, out of sheer terror seeing the legendary hero King, they're so scared of him, he will stare them to submission. One of the biggest flexes of all time."
"It is a great setback for the world and humanity."
"Without immediate radical action, we could be witnessing the most profound collapse of humanity into extreme poverty and suffering in memory." - Oxfam International
"A pandemic like this whole year is just... it's crazy."
"If COP26 fails, the Earth will see chaos, terrorism, and war."
"In times like this, we need God's blessing, the whole world does."
"Fear is so huge right now on the planet with this global pandemic. So much is happening, a lot of people are afraid."
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."
"If you had the ability now to say to the aliens to give them a message, what would you want to say? 'Save us, save us all because I think we're all in a lot of trouble.'"
"China is to blame. Let's be real. They lied, they downplayed this, they withheld evidence, and it got really, really bad for everybody."
"Solving the global mental health crisis - it's a first-order problem."
"Fury tells Iron Man and the Avengers that two-thirds of the world has been overrun by Kang's robots."
"The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused the whole of the globe to go into crisis."
"The world is going dark and going dark quickly."
"We have to, as humanity, come together and work alongside one another to defeat this crisis."
"Either we're going to choose to make a shift... or we're going to be looking at a terminal situation on the planet."
"Bombs and bullets cannot defend against Covid-19. We need a collective act of science and political will."
"If we are on the precipice of a third world war, that would be a time for our space brothers to show up."
"A global pandemic has shown us in no uncertain terms how important supply chain is..."
"Preserving what is yet left of the planet's life-support systems... We won't be here much longer, any of us, and we will likely take the entire web of life down with us."
"The reality is everybody's loud to protest but we're facing biblical famines warns the UN."
"The knock-on impacts could overwhelm economies and populations across the globe."
"You have things unraveling because of these sanctions, this conflict... it's an absolute nightmare for the world."
"Humanity in general on a planetary level hangs by a thread with genocide of levels we have never seen right on their doorstep."
"The idea of famine wreaking havoc on the entirety of the world isn't something that's necessarily out of the realm of possibility."
"The pandemic has been a huge challenge for all of us."
"The crisis that we see over Ukraine seems to me is only the overture or the rehearsal if you prefer of the far greater crisis that is coming."
"A perfect storm of a global pandemic, economic turmoil, and social unrest."
"The world changed in 2009 that existential risk of the collapse of the global banking system in developed countries does not exist."
"It's like watching the human species fall off the edge of the cliff in real time."
"If chaos takes a grip, this could be a very dangerous time for world history."
"Our world is careening as fast as they can toward death."
"Act quickly. The world feels like it is gonna go off the cliff any day now." - Host
"Death is being engineered in the earth right now."
"If we're to have any chance of averting near-term planetary omnicide... we must plan intelligently to mobilize a substantial portion of the human population."
"The extraordinary thing about this crisis is... it is almost biblical... it is truly a global challenge."
"Humor is like medicine that helps with this horrible virus that we're going through."
"The world was saved from the brink of catastrophe."
"Everybody is sleepwalking when it comes to the potential for a nuclear crisis of apocalyptic proportions."
"This is serious business...probably not since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis have we been under this kind of a threat."
"This is what you call a massive famine that is going to be killing people."
"The invasion of Ukraine threatens the world's wheat supply."
"During this period, the Earth is descending into its final nose dive... God is going to extraordinary lengths to warn people and mankind."
"We're on the verge of a global transformation... all we need is the right major crisis." - David Rockefeller
"Coronavirus is just the pin that is popping these massive bubbles."
"Deathstroke's army attacks heroes and then warp teleports them out before you can catch them. It's happening across the world." - Wonder Girl
"It really is Iraq wmd level and let's not forget it's not just about what we do this thing you know a million Americans died of covid by some estimate uh it cost trillions of dollars in economic damage."
"I just love them because they have everything you want every designer and they also support local boutiques all around the world which especially at a time like this I think is really really important."
"Everyone should be praying for Russia right now. I was just over there, and I'm in utter shock that this is happening."
"We're all of us on a runaway train of near-term self-annihilation."
"We are dying globally because we're killing the Earth that actually inhabits everybody."
"There's going to be a global food crisis. There's going to be food shortages and this is an emergency."
"This is a traumatic time for the entire globe, people are going through every dimension of suffering."
"This isn't a political issue, this is a global health crisis the likes of which we haven't seen for a hundred years."
"15 million people died, we haven't done a thing about it, nobody seems to care."
"Wash your hands and put on a face mask, because we are the world's last, best hope to stop a pandemic."
"The world is economically collapsing and spleen too never seen this before ever."
"We are at a Tipping Point in more ways than one in terms of our Global civilization and indeed our entire species we damn well better figure this out fast."
"If Putin sets off a nuke, the whole world will react."
"Purple power, the whole world changed, world economies are crashing today, what's going on?"
"Stock up on foods, experts urge people to prepare for global famine."
"The good thing about this is we're all in this together; it's a global pandemic."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine is making the global food crisis much, much worse."
"We cannot deny we are in a very difficult crisis from a Global Perspective."
"Keep safe during this mad time in the world."
"I think the warning of China and Russia attacking us is pretty much World War III, if not Armageddon."
"We're looking at the suffering and death of billions of human beings."
"We're all living through unprecedented times."
"We are in a global emergency writ large, but most people are not awake to that yet."
"The world is shutting down at a rate we haven't seen since the Spanish flu."
"God can use this to get our attention as the world not just a nation but the world to look to him and to put our faith and trust in Him."
"The world's crazy right now, the world's in chaos... there's probably only one power in the world that could save us: the power of song."
"We're in the middle of a global pandemic and it just felt really so strong in that moment."
"This is a huge suffering that's taking place globally and suffering of this magnitude clearly requires some kind of introspection."
"This is a human crisis of biblical proportion."
"Governments around the world are now facing their biggest crisis since the pandemic."
"I don't know how that should be a sign enough for people to realize that the world is... I mean, think about remember when they said two weeks and now it's going on two years and there's no sign of this going away."
"The danger of a worldwide credit collapse, a collapse of human emotion around the world, is huge."
"It's not Russia-Ukraine crisis, it's a world crisis... sanctions have to be imposed as soon as possible."
"The West is yet to face the worst... we are not even close to the culmination of the crisis."
"Love and prayers and all that to everyone affected, both American and Iranian and Kenyan, you know."
"For everyone's sake, we need this conflict in Ukraine to be over and for the economic crisis that has inflicted the whole world, but particularly Africa at the moment, to come to an end."
"We've just had a global heart attack. It's a wake-up call to end this addiction, not just to fossil fuels, but to separateness."
"The impact of this virus will be as bad as 9/11 or World War two."
"It's a terrible day, not just for Ukraine, but for the world."
"We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962."
"Just because we have a global economic depression it doesn't necessarily mean the prices of the stuff you buy on a daily basis goes down."
"It's quite extraordinary what's happening. We have to appreciate the benefit that's coming from this time that we are being forced into lockdown."
"These changes that have come in on the back of the virus, however challenging they are economically, they really are challenging. But the environment is being given a chance to just breathe, don't we?"
"This is a global threat and it calls for Global Response."
"It's terrifying this pandemic which is spreading all over the world." - Jeffrey Sachs
"Humanity clearly was not ready for this at all, no, no."
"Unity will get humanity through this time of great panic."
"I've been sober for nine days. I just found out about everything - the war, the bombs. It's really happening."
"The fact of the matter is, we're facing mass starvation in the next ten years, social collapse and the possible extinction of the human race. It couldn't be worse."
"We're in the middle of a pandemic and an economic collapse."
"What if it is not a pandemic that may eventually pass, but a fatal threat to our security, freedom, and way of life?"
"It could easily spark the next global financial crisis."
"What's happening right now is there's a collapse happening across the planet."
"They want you in quarantine for the next 18 months deep divers this video will leave you speechless oh my gosh so in this download I got that they want you in quarantine for the next 18 months they want an earth lockdown for the next 18 months."
"We are in the lethal crosshairs of genocide."
"People don't think clearly in bad times. I mean, have you seen the world right now with COVID-19?"
"And so we are facing a human tragedy of incredible proportions."
"The coronavirus crisis has dragged one issue to the center of the table."
"We are currently living through a dual pandemic with COVID-19 and the systemic and structural racism occurring worldwide."
"The climate emergency is the biggest crisis in the history of the human race."
"You're gonna see collapses around the world that are going to be beyond belief you're gonna see the military cracking down the people fighting back you're gonna see government's overthrown."
"A great shaking is coming, and the entire Earth is going to shake. This is a Biblical time period."
"The world is on fire, that's what the Bible said it's going to happen."
"Not only has the coronavirus inflicted an unprecedented shock on the global economy."
"The whole world is crumbling, we've got lunatics in charge of the government, we've got murder hornets, we've got pandemics."
"Every stream, every river is like a vein of the earth, and when we cut the water off from that vein, we kill that part of the earth, it's happening all over the world."
"The whole world is being attacked at once."
"It's a holocaust in a sense, and no one seems to give a damn."
"What we are experiencing is the beginning of a global dark night of the soul."
"...the entire world is going through this together and that almost makes me more freaked out but also like a little bit more comforted."
"All I can say is try to prepare for a war. This war will require all of the nations. Not one nation can win. The Akatsuki altogether, they are a world threat."
"For nearly two years, a pandemic of biblical proportion has enveloped our planet."
"Nobody could have predicted that in March a global pandemic would send the country into lockdown almost overnight."
"We're at a moment in time that if we don't take a step forward, the entire financial system of the globe will collapse."
"There are still 31 million people living in some form of human trafficking."
"It's a strange time on planet earth with the pandemic, and so many of you have written that you've recently lost your job."
"People were really worried that the whole world was going to collapse, you know? So you guys, that's really incredible."
"It's happening everywhere, it's a global pandemic."
"If everyone did that, it would actually result in addressing the meta crisis in all of its complexity."
"Illiteracy is not just a lower-income country problem; it's a global crisis with over 1.2 billion people illiterate worldwide."
"Our whole society, our whole world, our whole planet is sort of on fire."
"Less of a program of disinfecting and more of a libation to appease whatever gods have seemingly cursed the whole world."
"It was a time when the entire planet seemingly stopped and came together to do whatever was needed."
"The United Nations was created precisely for moments like these; moments of maximum danger and minimum agreements."
"Here's to all the hard-working people dealing with the global situation that we have."
"We are very conscious of it and in fact we have offered to support whatever we can do to address the food crisis that is taking place in the world."
"It is morally unacceptable and politically impractical to let the poorest countries deal with the crisis alone."
"Confronting the global climate crisis is the greatest human health opportunity of our lifetime."
"Let's get our meatsack minds around the microscopic pathogen currently turning our whole world upside down."
"The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the entire world in a way we've never seen before; no region or country has been spared."
"It was 2020, and the world would come to a halt after a flu-like disease seemed to be spreading the Earth."
"A pandemic to occur within the next 100 years that will infect more than 1 billion people, cause more than 165 million deaths, and destroy the global economy."
"The clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been."
"Please stay inside for the sake of everyone, for the world right now."
"This is a wake-up call. It is what God is doing. This is probably not the end, but what I do know is He's given us a chance because so many of us are fast asleep."
"The fate of the whole world is involved."
"There's a whole pandemic out there."
"Let's face it, it's getting weird out there; we're entering the poly crisis phase of the grand human experiment."
"The world has been engulfed by a global epidemic which has posed enormous strain on our capacity to implement the 2030 agenda and has even raised the possibility of reversing development gains."
"This is the crisis of the world. We of the colored race have no ordinary interest in the outcome."
"We're in a global pandemic, and there's things that are happening that have not really happened in most of our lifetimes."
"We're in the midst of a global pandemic... many of us, in fact probably most of the world at this point, is in lockdown in order to stop this virus from spreading."
"When we first started filming the show, the world was, and still is, dealing with a global pandemic."
"Humanity is experiencing a crisis. It is a human crisis that we can see in symptoms in different levels."
"In what's our incredibly difficult times across the globe, my love and thoughts go out to all of you and your families."
"The world was at peace until black holes started to appear around the world."
"We're at a critical choice point on the planet and we're seeing so much turbulence, so much reactivity, so much fear."
"My heart goes out to those of you who have suffered loss and tragedy during this global pandemic."
"I'm sending so much love to you during this crazy time all over the world."
"This feeling of being overwhelmed by this colossal global tragedy."