
Disaster Response Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"In this disaster, I at least see a silver lining of some hope."
"This has been a massive response from Baltimore and all the surrounding counties sending their own fire, rescue, and marine personnel."
"Normally in these situations, when you have a natural disaster, everybody sort of comes together, no matter your political persuasion."
"The whole point of the government is to protect its constituents, to respond to these kinds of emergencies and disasters."
"It was the fire that appears to have caused the largest number of fatalities, not the shooting."
"As soon as there's a disaster, people go for the toilet paper."
"People like the Red Cross are the first responders... rescuing people, animals, everything, and just doing whatever they can to try and get people to safety."
"Seven parts propaganda, two parts profiteering, one part disaster relief—that's the Chinese Communist Party."
"The lights had gone out, there were no adequate emergency exit signs, no sprinklers, no smoke control equipment."
"Right now, everyone in this world's focus should be about these souls and those families who are wondering if these people are going to walk back in the door after they walked out to work last night."
"We are unified from the federal to the state to the County government."
"I just want to thank the county, the police department, the fire department, and everyone else that has been pitching in to help this effort out because it is horrific, and my heart goes out to all of the people that have suffered way greater than anyone else."
"After any disaster, the community is the first thing to fall apart and it is the first thing to hold together."
"Our first forest fire here ladies and gentlemen, we are burning up."
"Disaster capitalism means using disasters to push through even more capitalist politics."
"They saw the damage firsthand. Water was flooding in, the iceberg had scraped the sides of the ship, and the watertight doors were immediately closed."
"They saved everyone almost, they did the best that they could."
"Every time someone is coaxed to safety and guided down the piles of broken concrete which were once their homes, it inspires The Rescuers to keep on going."
"It lives on in all the Americans who've dropped everything to go someplace they've never been and pull people they've never known from the rubble, prompting chants of 'U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A!' when another life was saved."
"Sometimes disasters teach us to reflect on God's goodness."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Hawaii. Not just our prayers, every asset they need will be there for them."
"You have been hit hard by a big one. Please follow the directions of the highly trained professionals who are there to help you. Your federal government will spare no expense. God bless you all." - President
"Kentucky is absolutely united. We're united with our people. We are united to find and rescue as many as possible."
"The international response to the disaster was one of the largest humanitarian efforts in history."
"We were here for people. We were shelter, we were taking people as soon as the flood waters receded." - Joel Osteen responding to criticism during Hurricane Harvey.
"There will be unprecedented resources that will be sent and available."
"We are just getting started. We have done 36 disaster deployments in the last four years."
"Our national response was to go to war, 3,000 Americans died in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, where is our response?"
"FEMA has teams in Kentucky supporting search and rescue efforts, along with disaster survivor assistance teams."
"Three Mile Island was normal in that it was unexpected, incomprehensible, uncontrollable, and unavoidable."
"People are going to be looking for News New York gets knocked out Chicago La gets knocked out all the cities."
"Disasters reveal the best and worst of mankind."
"People come together when natural disasters wipe them out."
"The devastation is truly shocking, but what makes it worse is that we shouldn't be shocked. We've ignored warning after warning."
"It reminds us of the bravery of those who went to help after the disaster." - Narrator
"Officials in Surfside, Florida update reporters 10 days after that deadly building collapse."
"Liquidators: the heroes who marched into the jaws of death."
"To have a major disaster hit a big city without one single person dying, it's just not going to cut it anymore."
"Simply having an analysis of the disaster befalling America isn't going to edify your faith, but if you can see what God is up to, I think you're going to find yourself encouraged rather than perplexed."
"The more people that heed evacuation, the less likely that you're going to see fatalities."
"Start evacuating if you've been asked to evacuate."
"Assessing, understanding, and knowing these patterns can both keep you safe after disaster and illuminate your best course of action."
"Challenger was a big deal, NASA learned a lot from it."
"It seems like someone took advantage of the natural disaster to provoke a man-made catastrophe."
"Space assets are quite vital to the Department of Homeland Security's ability to respond to disasters and address the threat that climate change poses to the nation."
"You're going to be just fine if you just listen to what I say and what we say here at WFLA."
"When disaster strikes, they become the killers of ordinary people."
"Sometimes a disaster is so overwhelming that it shocks people out of their political corners and brings really big problems into focus."
"I don't think that pouring sort of water like we do to fight forest fires would stop this situation there's just too many new fissures opening up and too hot that it would produce a lot of steam but it wouldn't stop the volcanic eruptions."
"As long as all I have, my prayer has always been, it's just God I'm available."
"Your heart goes out to everyone affected, doesn't it?"
"Prepare people and have them have the right moral and economic and philosophical and rational framework in place so that when these disasters do hit they're not surprised they're not freaking out."
"These hurricanes are really dangerous and it really does require focused, competent leadership."
"It's a really, really difficult time right now. You wake up in the morning hoping that more and more people were pulled out." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"The world came; had the fire happened overnight, the outcome would have been very different."
"I hope that all the people that were affected by this are okay."
"This is like sort of disaster authoritarianism." - Matt
"The disaster that was a result of man-made acts was presented as a natural disaster."
"Disasters don't dissolve pre-existing inequalities."
"Unprecedented response to Iceland's lava flow."
"Despite the destruction, no one was reported missing or injured, phew!"
"The death toll does make someone look bad because it could have been easily avoided... it was because there was much more attention paid to those states as opposed to Puerto Rico."
"Millions of people in your country are seeing something that nature did, and you don't want them to collaborate and come together."
"Communities tend to display altruism and self-organization in times of catastrophe."
"The Shock Doctrine cycle of vultures, corporations exploiting national disasters to take over the public infrastructure, is actually their ongoing game plan."
"The governmental structure of the Philippines, the lack of severe storms impacting Visayas, government distrust, and widespread poverty created a perfect example of complete and total failure in disaster preparation."
"There's no real evidence of organized recovery or relief. It is a very desperate situation, among the most desperate I've seen in covering disasters."
"Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist."
"People affected by this kind of disaster still fight back. We unite together and help each other."
"None of this is a bad thing. It makes people proud of their community that they can come together and it should elicit that response."
"Make no mistake about it, this FEMA team... is leaning into this effort leaving no stone unturned."
"In the midst of the rubble, the church is showing up."
"It takes a disaster to help get the will to move forward."
"The disaster prompted major changes at a federal level."
"Collectively the changes made since the Hillsborough disaster... aimed to ensure the terrible police failures... can never happen again."
"It's a fight against time to find survivors before it's too late."
"Yes, I am a Muslim and I'm Palestinian. Get over it. Focus on the human impact of this disaster." #
"It's capable of doing in a natural disaster if the terrestrial network is taken down, that's impressive."
"It's very significant that in our lifetimes governments have got worse at dealing with disasters not better, despite the accumulation of scientific knowledge."
"Recovery in Maui is going to take many years."
"The rescue effort stalled; the first sign that Cisco had that Guillain made it out alive was the sound of a drill above him."
"Perhaps this was the epicenter of some disaster which forced their collective hand."
"Ultimately, no matter how much of a disaster Whatnot was, the bravery of the soldiers shines through."
"Did you hear any alarms? Did you get any kind of warning? No alarms, no warning, nothing."
"Super Mario 3D Land aimed to bring happiness after Japan's 2011 earthquake."
"The disaster caught the residents by surprise, apocalyptic scenes saw them leave their houses running through smoke and flames."
"The explosion raised an all-out alarm, around 150 firefighters were dispatched to the scene."
"The whole point of being a country is to pick each other up for natural disasters."
"Homes, businesses, in the historic town of Lahaina destroyed, power and communications on the island crippled, residents and visitors urgently evacuated."
"US colonies are ignored far too often by American citizens and clearly the government... after Maria, nearly half of all Americans polled said they didn't know Puerto Ricans were American citizens."
"Trump's praise for the low death count in Puerto Rico is relatively unobjectionable."
"In the wake of the tragedy, two agencies came together to launch the International Volcano Disaster Assistance Program, VDAP."
"They are threatening people with three months in prison for breaking quarantine... they're taking this insanely seriously."
"Let's focus on the location that the earthquake actually hit. Was that China Lake? It's ten miles from the main gate, I mean, it's literally... I can give you the coordinates if you want."
"We're blessed that we have probably one of the best USAR teams in the nation or in the world. They're actually working on that have been working since the call went out at 1:48 this morning."
"We are a strong people. We don't agree all the time but when disaster comes knocking on our door we work together."
"If I miss the evacuation, we are never getting away from this island."
"Disasters are merely learning experiences, challenges to work through."
"It was amazing, you know, even though they burned down the whole city and all that."
"The evacuation of the neighbors saved lives."
"One of the biggest differences... is I didn't help create the disaster we're all fleeing."
"I don't know what's happened in the control room, it's like it looks like an earthquake hit." - Luke Thomas
"I missed the first 10 years of his life. And how do I know how he's gonna react in this earthquake and this whole thing."
"Those people that recognized the signs and moved immediately away, they were saved."
"It is now inevitable deadliest creatures... safe evacuation routes have been established."
"Capella's space-based radar will provide insights and data that can be used across multiple industries like agriculture and security, as well as disaster response and recovery."
"Joplin tornado highlighted flaws in the EF scale."
"Thankful that so many believers stood and spoke to the wind and commanded to redirect and to turn in on the fire."
"But Puerto Rico was a very difficult situation. I only hope they don't get hit again, because they were hit by two, right in a row, and, really, the likes of which we have never seen before."
"It's so disheartening to think there wasn't more we could do." - Ronald O'Brien
"The Air Florida disaster was a wake-up call for better flight safety in winter conditions."
"It's catastrophic." - Nick Hunter, Mayor of Lake Charles
"Babu, the intuitive dog, sensed a tsunami and led her owner to safety."
"There is an absolute disaster and they are completely completely overwhelmed right now."
"This was definitely a borderline apocalyptic scenario."
"China raised its flood response alert on Sunday to the second-highest level."
"This is like a series of disasters for the household, and people need to look at things like how does this affect the entire family."
"God loves you very much and I hope you don't wait for any natural disaster to call upon Jesus and to trust in him."
"We're doing a great job. Everybody said it's amazing the job that we've done in Puerto Rico."
"Name plates on houses in Japan originated from a desire to trace missing family members after disasters, helping ensure mail delivery and community safety."
"The amount of brands that reached out, wanting to help, and the community's support—it's incredible."
"The people that live there may not be able to get back into those buildings for weeks for longer we don't know they may have to find alternative housing."
"In a disaster, what does your money even matter?"
"That's what disaster is so you have to be able to make rapid decision making in real-time."
"I think it was something that brought a lot of us together."
"Prayers to those of you affected by the earthquake in Taiwan. Continued prayers for those of you affected by the bridge collapse in Baltimore."
"The disaster that has befallen our world is not the end but the beginning of something much greater."
"Forget killer viruses, murder hornets, and climate change, poor old Michigan can also tick massive dam failure off its 2020 apocalypse bingo card."
"The tragedy prompted numerous reforms in maritime safety including mandatory lifeboats, better training and drills, and 24-hour radio watch all of which saved countless lives."
"We cannot do this necessary work to protect ourselves and each other without help abandoning Florida is not how we help ourselves and each other."
"We are justified to be skeptical of the disaster response."
"We're one country when we help out someone who's been ravaged by hurricane."
"The tragedy is a natural disaster that saddens me and saddens us all."
"Everybody was interviewed and ready to turn up, and then the building collapsed."
"Less than 48 hours from the storm leaving our state, these pods are opened, handing out food and water."
"The hurricane example: stimulus and recovery."
"FEMA has already deployed 700 Personnel to Florida and the governor has activated 5 000 State National Guard with another 2 000 guards coming from other states."
"It's happening now like in New Zealand they had the earthquake and these buildings actually survive earthquakes better than the newer ones yet they use it as an excuse to close down the buildings and they demolish them."
"We're still in a very active response stage, we're going to go into the stabilization, but we've already started planning for what the recovery is going to be."
"Pay attention to what's going on. If they tell you to evacuate, you probably should."
"We're also hearing some of the harrowing stories of survival including how a family of 12 huddled together to make it out alive."
"Unimaginable, incredible... Our prayers are with the residents, families, and community."
"Get these people underground! Get out of here!"
"Introducing the new Walkman, the robot designed to save lives in disasters."
"Complacency is the wrong way to approach a disaster."
"Being positive about disaster is definitely more fun than being negative about it."
"Rescuers found more survivors in the rubble including a pregnant woman and two children in the disaster that has killed over 33,000 people."
"When disasters happen, some people aren't prepared."
"We've received calls from hotels offering free rooms for the displaced families."
"Nearly 400,000 people in the city were affected."
"Turkey and Syria are still reeling from the devastating earthquakes... getting at least 50,000 people in southern Turkey... over 7,000 died in Northwest Syria."
"Disasters like these are occasions for mourning, but mourning is not enough."
"The momentary relative peace after the disaster may be to get to your location and hunker down."
"As soon as the earthquake ends, the workers immediately begin working."
"The movie is first and foremost a scathing indictment of the Japanese government and their response to the triple disaster event of 2011."
"What we need is a lot of people with good sturdy equipment that can really react to these different scenarios of disaster."
"We want to be socially responsible in all issues. We want our company to be a platform, in a careful way, for instance when the disaster happened in Japan we want to react on that."
"Yeah, they have hurricanes, we give them money. All of a sudden the Hollywood Hills catch on fire, they don't know our number anymore."
"You're able to use AI to automatically identify damage on a building by building level and a change in that damage in every area and use that to coordinate humanitarian response."
"The market trying to solve everything, including massive man-made natural disasters, is one of countless errors in the system."
"All disasters are experienced locally, and the first responders are always local."
"The Liquidators played a very vital role in preventing further harm from the Chernobyl disaster."
"Natural disasters bring out the best in human beings."
"Because they walk with danger, are brave men, courage, and kindness are thou mark... in all times of disaster and stress."
"We were there for every other major disaster, you name it, from Hurricane Sandy to September 11th to the blackout."
"It's still unsettling to think that the best way to clean up a nuclear disaster site like Chernobyl is not to clean it up at all, but just drop a giant pile of concrete and steel over the top of it."
"We've already secured a thousand rooms; 500 rooms will go to families that have been displaced because of the terrible fire."
"Every time there's a disaster, people fall back on natural law."
"The Waffle House index has three levels based on the extent of operations and services at the restaurant."
"We're seeing it right now on the Jersey coast and in New York. People are still going through a really tough time; the response hasn't been perfect; but it's been aggressive and strong and fast and robust, and a lot of people have been helped because of it."
"What I care about right now is the containment of this disaster and the health and safety and livelihoods of our neighbors in the Gulf Coast."
"Other countries sent aid in the form of food, fresh water, and medical supplies."
"Communication after disaster really involves a few key things: first, we need to be able to receive information about what's happening in your area and outside of your area."
"Hurricanes are firing up and we are far from being done, so we need a lot more help."
"These people had all gone to a football match like we had, to watch their team lift a trophy, but many reacted in that sudden hell to save lives; they were the heroes of the Bradford fire."
"When disaster strikes, you must learn to survive if you want to survive."
"We've done very well - North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico - so many places."
"If we can come through these type events with no serious injuries and no loss of life, that's a win for us."
"As the icy waters continue to surge, Emergency Services work to mitigate what appears to be a looming disaster."
"This effort through FEMA will be locally executed, state managed, and federally supported."
"Disasters lead to changes that make things safer, that make people safer."
"All of these disasters have led to very quick and immediate outrage and action to change practices."
"The main thing they had to do was to pull houses down to create gaps to stop the fire from spreading."
"Normalcy bias... explains why when the volcano Vesuvius erupted, the residents of Pompeii watched for hours without evacuating."
"People come together after a natural disaster... it's like an earthquake or a fire or an Eddie Murphy movie, people are nicer to each other the day after."
"Imagine there's been a natural disaster... the infrastructure has been taken down... you as a conscientious ham radio operator, you've got your radio and microphone and you can set up a station somewhere and talk to someone else on the outside of the region and communicate."
"They were sending me pictures directly from the disaster... and I was posting it on my Twitter feed and it went viral."
"Psychological first aid is a means of providing psychosocial support to individuals and families immediately after a disaster."
"Social support and social connectedness enhances opportunities to find out information essential to disaster response."
"In a way, when disaster strikes, it's foot down the accelerator and get to the finishing line quicker."
"We've had the honor of assisting first responders react to various natural disasters."
"It's like I say, when faced with disaster, just move a little faster."
"Disaster doesn't always lead to reflection. Sometimes it leads simply to rage, and the absence of reflection."
"We learn from disasters, and things have been learned."
"People have to help themselves in an earthquake situation, also help each other."
"A disaster is a widespread event that disrupts functions and resources of the community and threatens lives and property."
"The responses to a volcanic event can be short-term and long-term."
"Second citizenship can also be a real option if you don't really like how your own country is handling disasters or crises."
"The Navy sent thousands of men ashore to help survivors, including some of California's crew."