
Transformative Experience Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"When we asked people about their fear of death, people no longer feared death in the same way that we typically do."
"I recently started going to the secret place, and it's been life-changing."
"And suddenly I was immersed with an open vision. I was immersed with a joy that was so powerful that I thought, my first thought was I need a new body."
"That scene blew my mind. It changed my life."
"Every piece of clothing in the exhibit was like being drawn into a different world, making it a transformative experience."
"The Reptarium truly was life-changing on so many different levels."
"This is your moment to have a life-changing encounter with the Fire of God and be launched into your destiny, unlike anyone else."
"I indeed baptize you with water; but He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire."
"This series is not a game changer, but rather it is a life changer."
"Buckle your seat belt, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye."
"I threw it in the river and I felt deliverance."
"That was the worst night of my life, but it was also the night that gave me the reality check that I needed."
"When God's presence comes, it shakes what's not of Him."
"I pray that you're not the same for the better after watching this."
"I felt a peace of calm I've never experienced in my life and overwhelming feeling that I could relax."
"This is a hero's quest you can pick it up and become part of the most amazing transformation in human history."
"The unique power of psychedelics is that for almost everyone, something is guaranteed to happen."
"Stage four is you start to fall in love with yourself—it is the coolest experience."
"A greater opportunity for the dimension that is so sweet and so powerful and so transforming in sadhana and that is guru seva, Service to the Guru."
"If you take a journey, it doesn't change what you are doing, it changes you."
"It's like a blessing... it's going to be an absolutely mind-blowing progress... it's relevant to your growth, to your hard work."
"The medicine showed me who I was, who I had become. It showed me how beautiful I am."
"The Sims 4 pastel pop kit changed my entire outlook on life."
"Once you've kind of grasped the basic rules of transforming into your wild shape, it can be a really transformative experience."
"It was gobsmackingly beautiful. It was so pristine, the color of the light. I sound really like whacked, but it was like nothing else I'd ever seen."
"The water is going to have a really spiritual, mind-blowing impact and effect on you."
"The feeling of transforming someone's life is next level."
"There's something so painful and heartbreaking but yet so hopeful like feeling the song kick in and get warmer the colors come back the magic returning."
"I felt their emotions very much intertwined with mine. There was a sort of power in this that I'd never seen before, and I knew that I had to pursue voice from that moment."
"I went into a gym when I was 16 years old and it sounds so dumb but it's true, I did one like bicep dumbbell curl, my brain just went, 'Yeah, we'll do this for a while,' and that was it."
"I've learned more in these last few minutes than I think I've learned from the three years I've been here."
"May the remaining part of this year look like heaven in your life."
"I pray that you would have a revelatory encounter with that love right now in the name of Jesus."
"Could it be you're in a suddenly moment with God? That you're one prayer away, you're one word away, you're one encounter, one moment, one second, one breath away from God flipping it all around in a moment?"
"This was a game-changing session for them, in three LD5s."
"Being the best version of yourself and embracing your personal power."
"This may be coincidental but what I find interesting is that the entire day was this day filled with light."
"The ending will wreck you and you will never be the same."
"I feel like this huge wave of recognition, awakening, healing, purging, it's a really beautiful moment."
"The combination of those two is when I said holy [ __ ] I'm going to be a fan of this forever."
"Only the true master works in his devices or her devices to help you discover that and come closer and closer to that experience until you suddenly you are aware that you are also a Buddha you are also Christ conscious."
"The only thing that really saved my life was the fact that I taught this guy to read and write."
"There is going to be the moment, there is going to be situation that is going to really blow your mind."
"One of the beautiful benefits... this course was literally life-changing for her."
"Every couple years it's nice to have a revolutionary gaming experience that changes things."
"There's a spiritual awakening that's going to be taking place for this person."
"There's going to be healing taking place on such a deep level."
"It changed everything... everything just opened up."
"It absolutely changed my life... got me to the point that I am today."
"Scuba diving in Utila: A life-changing experience."
"Sometimes in life, someone can take you to a place within yourself where you can never go by yourself."
"Tragedy can sometimes lead to discovering your true gift."
"This is the show that's pulling you out of the matrix."
"A significant moment that will change everything."
"Once you've seen a movie that has opened you up to somebody else or a different perspective, you can't unsee it."
"It changed my life, it was probably one of the best pieces of audience feedback I'd ever received."
"If you do take the bootcamp, it is going to be one of like a life-changing experience for you guys."
"The moment that something comes to me that I can't stop, that's the catalyst for everything else."
"It's legitimately life-changing, why never had that before."
"Facing yourself is part of the process. It's like an initiation, literally going through hell and the underworld."
"That was life-changing. This pizza just elevated pizza, man."
"Once I experienced His presence, it pretty much ruined me for anything else."
"When you become conscious of the fact that you are god having a human experience, your whole world gonna change."
"I truly would not be able to preach if it wasn't for what Jesus did in my life."
"I remember listening to this album for the first time and it was absolutely a game changer."
"Whatever it was that made you broken and open, I can actually use to make you open to me and open to others."
"I've had patients come in crying, saying this changed my life, do not take it away from me."
"I thought it was gonna benefit me but I had no idea it was going to radically shift my life and knock me back into alignment like I've never been in before."
"It changed my life. I mean, every day I would wake up and see my face, I was just disappearing."
"When you pray, we've all had this... every time I encounter God in prayer, the first thought is, 'Why don't I do this more?'"
"You are about to enter a portal that is about to change your life."
"I'm telling you right now, 'In and of Itself' was life-changing."
"We always say, 'Power changed our lives,' but it really did."
"Prison was the best thing that ever happened to me. It changed me."
"Strike them down and you'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine."
"I would tell them that there's shows and then there's avatar it's like it's a journeyman it's like it's like spiritual it's a category but yeah it's like it's more than a show like definitely it's an experience yeah it's life-changing."
"The accident that almost killed him saved him."
"Do your research, find your representatives, they've helped transform my experience."
"It made me feel the same way I can imagine people feeling when they first heard a Bob Dylan record in the 60s."
"Tariq is ghost on earth, learning and changing before our very eyes."
"If I used it, I would definitely ascend directly." - Recognizing the transformative power of purification.
"Hope begins in the dark... it's a whole new house in there."
"It is apocalyptic, it's a life-changing experience that these people have been through."
"You're going through a big awakening right now."
"It was basically a religious experience for me."
"When the choice becomes an experience that you never forget, that's the moment the past biologically no longer exists in you."
"When I left comics gate, it was like taking off a heavy dirty coat that wolves were trying to rip off a mate."
"The lessons learned from living in a space like this are truly life-changing."
"And then we get the final track and this is the track that had me cry because i don't think i ever listened to music in that way."
"This is your moment. Jesus walks in this room and touches you. You are healed, and the fire of God is upon you."
"When you meet Jesus, you will never be the same."
"Overall know that this is going to be a transformative week that shows us more of our own choices and possibilities."
"It's been a little bit of a whirlwind but it's as everybody says the most amazing life-changing thing that has ever happened to me."
"Everyone in the UNSC knows about the Spartans, and when they see one, it's like a life-changing event for these soldiers."
"Genuinely lifechanging to feel so confident."
"This journey is a real life changer. I'm a better and happier person since becoming army."
"Father, do something in this place today that changes us."
"November 2022 is going to be an absolutely mind-blowing time for you, everything that was happening in your life so far was preparing you for this moment."
"You will come out of this Transit a much sturdier person."
"The real reason that he's been so miserable and so horrible to be around all these years is because he hasn't had food like that he does love food."
"Your vision has to be big for you to achieve a lot honestly you know I want them to take these experiences back and it's given me nothing but complete warmth in my heart."
"This tower situation, though scary at first, is going to be the best thing that could happen to you. It's going to shake things up, open your eyes, and lead you to something beautiful."
"I met the greatest love on Earth, the greatest power, the greatest force that has forever changed me."
"I stand before you as living proof that Jesus Christ can do anything." - Roger Stone
"Having kids puts life into perspective super fast."
"I mean, it's oh, it was a magical time, and it just changed my life forever."
"Use your lucid dream state for your spiritual practice and really your life can change."
"It's a powerful revolutionary new moon that's going to set you off on a very life-changing experience."
"If that's you you up ago you'll begin to feel the presence of God like you never felt before in all your life."
"It was life transforming to be part of a social movement, a righteous social movement where you were fighting for something that was bigger than yourself."
"This is big for you guys, okay? Major revelation, major breakthrough for you stepping through the portal."
"The couple kissed and the shop vanished in seconds."
"Dude, you gotta go to the Grand Canyon, man. Dude, it changed my life, man."
"This marriage changes your perception completely on love."
"Changes are real, you change my whole direction."
"Seeing it was just like incredible for me and life-changing."
"Somebody's world got rocked because they met an angel."
"Paul becomes really connected with his prescient abilities after he undergoes the spice agony."
"This has just been an eye-opening experience."
"One ceremony was all of a sudden like 50 years of psychology."
"That day in my eyes, gift was like an angel."
"The lizard man... was a lesson, a turning point in my life."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"It's beautiful and I just don't think, I don't know, man. This movie right here just went to a different place that I never thought it would have gone."
"I honestly already feel like it's changed my life."
"I took it and it was incredible. I felt like Superman the next morning."
"This portal is the game changer, and you're coming out of the darkness into the light."
"Near-death experiences are transformative journeys."
"That felt like being hit by a lightning bolt. There's no going back."
"Expect spiritual ascension and union with this person. It's happening."
"May your study of the King James Bible be a transformative experience leading to a closer relationship with God."
"Once you ride one you will just, it's a revelation."
"I woke up from an eight year fever dream like all at once."
"This is like a major transformation... a lot of luck coming in for you."
"Gohan did survive and that encounter, that near-death experience acted as his catalyst for Ultra Instinct..."
"Being happy and light-hearted leads to miracles."
"That workshop you guys provided was just one of the most powerful experiences for everybody."
"One of the most profound gifts of the eclipse is its ability to shine a light on our shadow selves, ultimately reclaiming lost parts of ourselves and stepping into our wholeness."
"We're gonna watch a movie about a kid a lot like you who you know what you think you think your life sucks you know what she does too and she gets whisked away to this land there is brightness there's music there's joy."
"You have to try psychedelics to discover this."
"The moment you completely release and walk away, this person is going to come in and step up."
"By the time I'd reached the summit, I'd entirely forgotten the petty circumstances and the annoyances of existence."
"Wow, this is probably the most peaceful area I've ever been to because remember Trunks was coming from a period where conflict was rife so this moment of peace and contentment this is brand new."
"Tonight is literally going to change the trajectory of someone's life."
"Tony's transformation in the cave reflects Plato's allegory of the cave."
"The shift was so radical and so dramatic that it was extremely exciting."
"The thing that genuinely saved me was a video game called 'The Witness'."
"This game completely and totally transforms you."
"Life-changing. It was one of those things where you knew I knew it was a game changer but I didn't realize on what level."
"The end of November is going to bring you an absolutely mind-blowing enlightenment."
"It is not about the award, it's about who you become in the process."
"My cracked jaw was the feedback needed to knock a hole in my world view."
"Because when I got into this album at the age of about 13 it just completely opened my mind to what music could sound like."
"I came for the music, but I got the message."
"I never used these because I thought they looked a little too dramatic for my style of makeup, but I kid you not, when both Angel and I saw how these lashes looked on her, she got on her phone and she ordered them."
"Jesus wants to save you. Give your life to Christ. By faith in God's grace, I am saved, saved, saved, saved, healed, delivered, set free, born again, saved in Jesus' precious name."
"The difference that I felt in my body after that was like actually next level crazy."
"In order for newness to come forth, we have to experience the breaking of what was once held or created."
"Your life will never be the same... if you can walk through that portal."
"Sudden change, shocking transformation, endings, wake-up call... awakening into your true self."
"There's nothing like disorienting yourself so much that you need to basically like learn who you are and then like rebuild yourself from there."
"This is going to be a beautiful enlightening moment in time."
"That was next-level amazing, literally life-changing."
"What you thought was my destruction ended up being my blessing."
"It changed my life... it changed the rest of my life."
"Consider love in the deepest sense. Love so powerful that you will never be the same."
"You guys literally changed my life and I will always be grateful for that."
"Embrace your transformation now; it definitely feels like you'll look back on this moment in months or years to come and think, 'That's why that had to happen because look where I am now.'"
"This just feels like a breakthrough time for you."
"Seeing your daughter die did something to you."
"Revealing your truth and embracing transformation."
"There's a beautiful awakening happening here."
"That's insane, let's become it. That is so lit."
"I felt that there were some moments that felt like a miracle... and I really felt so much love for this project." - Yuh-jung Youn
"But soon enough, it would be music that changed his life."
"He went underground and when he goes back up, things are not going to be the same."
"This retrograde is about shedding old versions of yourself, diving deep into your midnight garden."
"You can't encounter Jesus and leave the same way you came."
"This Darkness they're experiencing is actually pushing them into radical change and profound Soul expansion."
"Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, because Jesus came in it, suddenly."
"I'm amazed at what this whole process has done and how it's changed my mentality."
"Pain does something to you that just wakes you up."
"This live chat taught me a lot and helped me to rethink and reframe the struggles I was facing and turn my life around."
"When something changes your life, you are passionate about it."
"I came today to be in your house but I'm leaving today with a kingdom, with an anointing."
"Once you start to feel these effects...you have the possibility of actually changing all of reality."
"The solar flash isn't just light, it is an experience."
"You're about to walk through a powerful, sacred door."
"It's been a complete whirlwind and it's been awesome literally it's been life-changing truly."
"Val for me was like an experience but more than that was a change of mind."
"Don't you've got to get your kids to this; this is a life-changing altering experience in the presence of God."
"It changes your outlook on life, it really does."
"Endings bring new beginnings, it's like the phoenix rising from the ashes."
"Something powerful happened between week two and three."
"It has given me such a hunger for the word of God that I cannot imagine going home and being the same person that I actually came here as."
"In all honesty, I see your comments and I see your messages. That is because I experienced ego death and everything was put into perspective."
"Your entire worldview is transformed, as is your life."
"Time moves so fast when I think last week this time I was preaching in the Bahamas, baptized about 33 in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Let it be according to your word, allow it to be, and the moment that it becomes in your heart and in your mind, the healing is there, the breakthrough is there, the clarity is there, the open door is there."
"When Jesus Christ comes in, he turns on the lights."