
Resistance To Change Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Our brain usually doesn’t like change very much. So when you say we’re going to radically change your brain, your brain is thinking well wait a minute, things are going pretty okay so far."
"I think what's happening now is people are pushing against change because change is scary."
"Enough experience in the world to know that people didn’t like to be reformed; they liked to be informed and taught, but they didn’t like to be reformed."
"The internet demands progress, but the internet hates change."
"Either you absolutely hate every single change or you love everything."
"The history of America is a history of changing, and America badly does not want to be changed."
"Refusing to change is not going to stop progress."
"Our actual competition is old habits, traditions, things are being done the way they were done before."
"Toyota's desperate need to cling on to what they've always been doing, no change, it's going to be their ultimate downfall."
"Shifting to a new identity? It ain't happening."
"Our stalwart refusal to acknowledge that there may be a better way might prevent us from finding it."
"Most people don't want to change. Serious. It's as simple as that."
"If there's no intellectually robust undergirding of who you are, well then you're simply going to be opposed to every change whatsoever."
"They really are resistant to this ending, they do not want it to end."
"Transit in North America is often sub-optimal alongside resistance to change."
"Cognitive dissonance is often experienced by those resisting change."
"When we refuse to change, we commit to fail."
"You gotta be careful about not embracing what's new, you'll become your own worst enemy."
"Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change."
"The Semmelweiss reflex is a phrase that labels a person's tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms or beliefs."
"We have a fear of change... our routines, our convenience, our cultures, and traditions."
"It's all they know. It's all they've known for years and they can't leave it."
"Once the public gets used to something that really is in the public's interest, it's very hard to get rid of it."
"Our values unify us, and people don't want a new direction. That's their plan, and guess what? More of the same."
"Change is hard for a lot of people...I just always wanted to have a different life."
"Most people don't like to evolve and change."
"People do not want to give up their cherished beliefs, especially cherished beliefs that they find comforting."
"People kind of get mad at the idea of something changing and being like, 'Oh, you're pushing this feminist agenda.' It's like, 'Duh, yeah, of course I'm pushing the feminist agenda.'"
"Change is tough, change is always difficult, we take it fighting and screaming but eventually nothing stays static forever."
"Don't change horses midstream... I want something different."
"Why change something that's not broken? It's smooth, everything that you need is there."
"They're unwilling to accept slightly different options from what the dogma tells them is necessary."
"If you try to avoid change and you try to push it away, it's just going to have its way with you. It's just going to take over and it'll start to control you instead of you controlling it."
"People are more likely to retreat to the known, comfortable, they understood even if it's patterns that they themselves were fighting against before."
"A universal truth throughout the ages is that people hate change, no matter if clearly superior."
"All change freaks people out whether they believe that they like change or not."
"I want my town to stay the same... if you love something, you don't want it to be dramatically transformed into something entirely different."
"The weakest thing a man could ever do is change."
"Change, grow, evolve. The problem with science can be that it fights change."
"Many people didn't like that good news because they loved their evil ways."
"Some will not embrace this change not yet anyway and there is loss here to heal from but the potential is the healing."
"As long as you stay the way you are, you're not going to deserve any type of change."
"Magnifico represents the great problem of something being stuck in the past and refusing to change."
"Bitcoin is oxygen, and it's new. There are some people that are very comfortable in their existence and they think it's okay to ignore it because they're rich and they're comfortable and they're happy."
"Popular misconceptions: We have to constantly fight them, even though people hate being told they're wrong."
"He's too close-minded, he's too stubborn, and he never wants to change."
"I will never buy an EV and I will hate everything that happens to EVs because I'm a purist."
"People sitting at the top of the tree very rarely decide to suddenly wake up one day and say, 'I've seen the light.'"
"People don't like change, but something needs to change."
"People don't come back to irreversible old-fashioned stuff."
"An angel has made us intolerant to change, but fortunately, we have the capacity to change."
"Most people they don't want to change that's another Point too bro... Might want to start now."
"You haven't changed at all. Yes, congratulations, you are the last person to get that I'm not gonna change."
"We cannot simply sweep this under the rug and try to go back to our nice comfortable Paradigm."
"Humans aren't meant to have their entire existence blown up. No one wants to have their entire worldview, which they've built a life upon, crumble before their very eyes."
"Why can't stuff be easy? Why can't stuff... What I really want is for nothing to change so I don't have to learn anything new."
"There is something undeniable about how this refuses to change with the times."
"I ain't changing for a buck, I ain't changing for a fan, I ain't changing nothing up, this is who I am."
"I like Lara Croft as she is. We don't need to change her."
"You already know what to do... there's just resistance in the change."
"If things change, it can change, but unfortunately, it does not change."
"Changing, you know, you don't want to change. Well, the fact of the matter is..."
"Everything old is wonderful. It's a shame anything had to change. I sure do dislike change." - Cecil Palmer
"Just because someone is new and does things differently doesn't mean you have to embrace them."
"Just allow this to happen. Allow it. It's almost like the more you think, the more you're thinking, the more you're resisting the breakthrough."
"Change is hard for people. We become habituated, and that's our comfort level."
"How big can it go, right? But they would rather stay in that cycle than try to fix it, and that's what makes it a crisis and not just one more."
"Why sneer at it? Why seek to bring it down? Why mock it?"
"There's definitely a crisis that the Republican party has right now and once again are they going to fix it properly no of course not they're not going to they never do they don't want to listen they don't learn."
"Change is a threat... they just change as soon as they think they can implement something that's better."
"The purists are always going to fight against growth and things like change like that."
"Change is a part of nature, it's a part of life and the more we resist change, especially the change we are in right now, the more difficult we do it."
"Nothing ever changes. We just remain constantly the same people. And we're perfect."
"They find unity in their hatred for correction, be prepared for that."
"It's easier to say change is bad than to explain why change is good."
"Craigslist has become so set in its ways, so determined to remain unchanging that they don't offer the safety other sites can."
"Why won't people accept change at a pace that's comfortable for me?"
"We don't handle change well; we tend to react when it's in our face or impacts us directly."
"Just believe whatever you wanna believe and stop trying to lecture me."
"They resisted change, resisting the evolution process, resisting death, not transformation."
"A belief system becomes a set of blinders which keeps us from letting any new signals."
"The Catholic church was very concerned about people Rocking the Boat."
"I want my normal America back. We don't accept a new normal."
"We shouldn't be okay with not accepting a new normal."
"We will never change or be upgraded in any way."
"Anger is change energy. It builds up when you don't want something to change."
"You don't change stuff. People, the economy will adapt even to inefficiencies but once it's adapted you don't want to mess with it."
"It's breeding depression, it's like someone needs to make some changes but they refuse to."
"According to American suffragist Carrie Chapman cat the enemy to suffrage was not men but resistance to change I mean it was also men they didn't help matters."
"Once you start moving toward it, your old life is going to say no."
"Every time there's a change, people dislike the change."
"People don't like change. They like what's familiar."
"Now you have people literally holding on to the old guard by any means necessary, whether that means violence, whether that means going and trying to tear down the capital."
"I refuse to accept that this is the new normal."
"Announce what you do. Just announce it. I have a tendency to defend myself. So if in this conversation you find me defending myself, please let me know."
"Everything is worse when it changes. Don't believe me? Just ask anybody on the internet."
"Somebody could be resisting specific changes but it's creating delays."
"People are so set in their ways about certain opinions and unwavering in certain situations whether they'd rather avoid it then confront it."
"I think part of the stuff that's been written into the DNA is a resistance to certain ideas."
"Change at this point would not be a good thing."
"Sometimes I feel like if I stay a child forever, nothing bad will happen, everyone will understand, and nothing changes."
"Some things aren't meant to be changed."
"They want that interaction to remain, they want to continue to be in your own energy, they don't want things to change too much."
"The pushback on seat belts in the early days is similar to the situation we're in now with programming languages."
"People almost don't even want you to change, people almost want you to stay how you are."
"I never wanted to like change that or you know let somebody change that part of me."
"Nothing will change in regards to her health because Foodie won't change."
"People will demand you stay as you are, not as you're becoming."
"Status quo bias is a preference to keep things as they are."
"Racism, the reason why we love it is because we're not threatened by change."
"It's a tragedy that the people in charge still can't understand that."
"For some reason, users don't like change."
"They prefer what's familiar, pushing away positive growth and opportunities."
"I hate change so it's gonna stay the empties bag forever."
"People generally, I think, in WV, are nervous about change."
"There's two things Tom does not like: change and the way things are."
"The brain searches for two things: safety and comfort. That is it. That's its only job, to find safety and to find comfort. That's why a lot of us don't like change, a lot of us don't like to feel uncomfortable, a lot of us don't like new."
"I love when older people are on the Bake Off because they will not move, they will not change their flavors, they don't change their techniques."
"I am 100 convinced that nothing will change."
"Change is bad. You get something right, stick with it."
"New knowledge that is knowledge contrary to a comfortable way of thinking can be threatening to people and they sometimes react violently to it."
"We just didn't have a reason to change."
"Pac will be the last to embrace the change."
"A change imposed is a change opposed."
"But have you noticed how we don't want to change when things change?"
"But the thing about human beings is that they rarely change."
"Why are you changing it? It works."
"The only thing people dislike more than change is being changed."
"One of life's most painful lessons is that not everyone wants to change."
"Anything invented after you're 35 is against the natural order of things."
"Most people don't want to give up their way of life and comfort to make subtle changes."
"It's just human nature to resist anything new, especially if it conflicts with something old, something comfortable."
"Whenever something new comes along that's completely out of the ordinary, most people will instantly reject it."
"...the biggest issue with the people that didn't want to leave, they didn't want to leave home. That's what it was, that was home."
"By nature, humans don't like change; we like conformity and safety."
"People demand progress, but people hate change."
"I can see now that instead of being like Sniff and Scurry, we were like Hem; we stayed where we were and didn't change."
"We have so many powerful vested interests that don't want to see that change happen."
"Change doesn't feel good to us; we don't love to change the things in our lives."
"They say if a person don't want to change, you can't make them, no matter how hard you try."
"People resist change because it takes us out of our comfort zone."
"People naturally don't like change."
"My fingers know exactly where every key is and that's why I don't want to switch."
"Please don't change because I love you."
"Change is something that sport struggles with, and people are just happy with the sport the way it's always been."
"The status quo bias is when you prefer what's known over the unknown, even when the alternative options are objectively better."
"People are not as open to change as you would think."
"Conservatism bias: People favor prior evidence over new evidence or information that has emerged."