
Universal Alignment Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"True success comes from recognizing your own divine nature and aligning your personal will with the will of the universe."
"The moment I embrace my peace within and surrender the outcome is the moment that the universe can truly get to work."
"Be true to yourself, and the universe will reward you."
"Recognize the purpose, universe orchestrating around us."
"Surrender to the will of the universe and start manifesting the impossible."
"When you take care of yourself and get your shit together, the universe will deliver the perfect person to you."
"When the universe stops some sort of flow or energy or interaction, it's for your greater good."
"The more you know what you want, the more the universe can supply. You have to see it first."
"Take care of you, do you, and the universe will shape itself around you."
"The universe is preparing very healthy, very good, very prosperous either relationship or partnership or stable financial life."
"When the universe is like 'okay, now you're ready.'"
"It's easy, it comes to you easy. Anything that's coming to you with such flow and ease from the universe is happening for a reason."
"The universe is agreeing on the path that you've chosen."
"When you're in service, you automatically shift your frequency and the universe starts to deliver."
"Getting out of your own way, universe has so much better in store for you."
"Even though there might have been disappointment, the world is working in your favor. Be patient."
"Somebody somewhere in the universe is making a huge effort to unite you with the one person who has always been meant to be your soulmate."
"Whatever comes your way today, that's the universe sending it to you and you eat it up."
"You never know how things are going to work out, so if you truly believe you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, the universe will passionately rearrange itself to show you what to do next."
"The universe is definitely working and aligning in your favor."
"The universe is making everything happen for you now."
"Definitely supported - the universe has your back."
"Give some the universe some help to help these things align with you."
"When you start to take action in that direction, the universe will begin to conspire to bless you."
"The universe is conspiring in your favor, shifts are happening to align with your desires."
"Accept what is. Trust that this situation is the universe's way of assisting you when it comes to getting you on the right path."
"When you let the universe know what you want, you create space for the universe to deliver it to you."
"Start seeing the universe flowing in your favor."
"It's also that affirmation from the universe that of course there's a Divine Journey involved of course there's Divine timing involved."
"The universe is conspiring to create dramatic change."
"Taking risks tells the universe that you're ready to step into that next level."
"The universe wants to give you what you actually want, it's how it happens."
"Embrace the authentic energy of yourself, manifest what you want, and align with the forces of the universe."
"Know your worth. The universe can only bring you what you know you deserve."
"Proof that hope still lives, that dreams are sometimes answered, that sometimes the arc of this universe I can't believe it or explain it but it bends toward my happiness."
"The universe is about to deliver you a soulmate energy."
"If you become it in that essence, you can create anything or do anything in your life, achieve anything you want without even lifting a finger. It's all about being alignment with the universe."
"The universe always delivers, it's not in our timeline, it's not always how we expect it or when we need it but the universe always delivers."
"The universe's way of letting you know that you are lining up with your power and in a position of amazing opportunity to co-create the life of your dreams."
"You got to work with the energy of the universe instead of swimming against it."
"Once we let go of attachment, the universe conspires on our behalf."
"Clarity on what you want... Crystal Clear Clarity... universe starts to work its magic."
"Connecting with nature rejuvenates their energy and enhances their connection with the universe."
"Trust that everything is always working out for your highest good and the highest good of all."
"You can't deny when you ask for something, sometimes it just pops up right in front of you. Is it coincidental? Is it the universe? Is it God? Is it Buddha?"
"The moment I embrace the peace within and surrender to the outcome is the moment that the universe can truly get to work."
"For your highest good, for the highest good of all, or something even better."
"Trust in miracles because even though things may seem impossible, the universe is always moving things to bring you together."
"You're destined for greatness; the universe is turning in your favor."
"The universe is absolutely working in Divine timing..."
"Dream big, because that's what the universe wants."
"Kind of like you're on the right path here you know almost like a thumbs up from the universe."
"We have a shot at this, and the universe wants us to do this."
"The universe is sending you somebody who reciprocates."
"The universe is conspiring behind the scenes to bring you what you truly desire."
"Direct experiences of God, feeling at one with the intent of the universe."
"What if the entire universe was conspiring in your favor? What if?"
"The universe brings you something you have been long working on manifesting."
"The whole then conspires to help you."
"I let the universe catch up with my dreams."
"Keep doing what you're doing, keep bringing that light with you wherever you go, and I guarantee you the universe will reveal to you the next action."
"Raise your energy, align with your highest self, and watch as the universe conspires to bring your deepest desires into reality."
"The universe has a way of working for you if you do whatever you're supposed to do."
"In the service to others path, we kind of want to come into harmony with the Creator with the universe."
"If the Universe really wants it to work, it will work."
"It's not necessary for you to take action to make things happen because universal forces are lining things up."
"Universal forces always work for you when you live right, period."
"In every moment, the universe is conspiring to bring you toward right-minded thinking and the energy of love."
"The universe is calling in a soul contract."
"Your free will is aligned with universal order."
"Keep your thoughts positive and patient as everything is working out for your highest good."