
Active Faith Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Faith is not a passive state; it is an active force that propels you toward your goals."
"Faith without works is dead broke, faith without works is dead it's big a dog you could wish all this to happen in your life who could just wish me this yeah but if you ain't putting dinner work."
"Jesus doesn't want passive followers; he wants us to passionately pursue him to the ends of the Earth."
"It would take work, it didn't just take what you believe, you have to act on faith, and do something that requires faith to have more faith."
"It's better to wear out than to rust out for the Lord."
"Faith is not a passive stance but an active engagement with the world."
"Let's get busy glorifying the Lord, obeying the Lord, not denying the Lord."
"I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds."
"Faith is radical. It's not quiet, passive, or indifferent."
"The more energy and intention I bring to my faith, the more fearless and free I am."
"The strength of the Holy Spirit is active in my life."
"Being a Christian is not just a matter of words but of actions."
"Christianity was not created nor does it thrive in a vacuum. It's got to be let loose."
"The one who built his house on the rock was the one who not only heard the Word, but was a doer of the Word."
"His word is alive and active, constantly moving and breathing."
"We can make a difference. God wants you to be part of what he wants to create in this hour."
"Union with God requires the fullness of active life."
"We didn't come here tonight just to hear a great sermon or somebody preach... we're here to hear what God is saying and do it."
"I have given you the land to possess it. You gotta possess it. You're not just gonna shout about it, you're not just gonna sing about it, you're going to possess it."
"Our faith is focused on right character which also translates into action."
"A true move of the Spirit will bring in souls in Mass... This is not the time to back down."
"Prayer is less about God you do it and more about God do it through me."
"Yahweh isn't just a name from an ancient book, it's about a God who is alive and active today."
"He didn't just say I'm praying; he said I'm going to give something of myself so that God can use me to help answer the very thing I am praying for."
"If your faith is only in your speech, it won't live. If it's in your feet, it will become alive."
"Casting our burdens on God is an active trust in His ability to carry us through."
"It was nice to see him call out other bishops who have largely been silent on this catastrophe in Rome."
"The lord is saying you true in the name of jesus be empowered as you do so."
"There's more to life than being a spectator in the Kingdom."
"Let only be a hearer of the word but be a doer of the word."
"Bless us, Father God, not only to be hearers but bless us to be doers of thine word also, Father God."
"Waiting on the Lord is doing whatever you can to seek first God's kingdom and righteousness right now."
"Faith is the name given to the action that you take, not just the confession that you make."
"Being a Christian is not a monument it is a movement."
"Let us not love in word or talk but indeed and in truth."
"Our beliefs are practiced through the flesh, there's no way to signal what's important to you without putting your body on the line."
"Be blessed, everyone. Remember, don't just be a fan, but be a follower."
"Sometimes you and I may be praying for something and we may expect God to answer us with a word when God's like now I'm not going to answer with a word I'm gonna answer with an action."
"We have a living faith. You can have a living faith if you read the word and obey it."
"Your eyes will see what the Father is doing and your ears will hear what the Father is saying."
"Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving our own selves." - James 1:22
"Be doers of the word and not hearers only." - James 1:22
"It's time to no longer be spectator Christianity, it's time to be a participant."
"The gifts of the spirit are still alive and active in the body today."
"The righteousness of Christ is manifested in works of love."
"If I need anything, it's right in front of you. Let's go, let's do this, let's build a church!"
"We do not worship dead gods, we worship the living God, his name is Yahweh, and when you worship the living God, anything is possible."
"Life with Christ is not a spectator sport. He expects us to go all in with him."
"Join us as we go on the offensive and the spiritual war after all we weren't just given a shield what do you think the sword is for realize your power."
"The Christian faith needs to be alive and active; you can't just have a passive Faith."
"Christian manhood is not being passive; it's lifting up holy hands in prayer."
"This living hope is active in the present."
"It is neither a passive resignation nor a fatalistic acquiescence to whatever comes."
"It is rather a consistent posture of actively turning our whole being to God so that God's presence, purpose, and power can be released through our lives into all situations."
"Start living for Jesus now, start serving Jesus now, start living on purpose now."
"Faith doesn't sit back, faith is a work."
"The religion of Jesus is a religion of doing."
"When you believe in the Lord, it's not by just resting, but you have to work, you have to show your faith by working towards them."
"Faith has works that goes with it."
"You've got to have a faith that works and a faith that waits."
"The best way to glorify God is not to bow down in church all day long, but it's to recognize the talents that God blesses you with, and then get out there and use them."
"Violent faith will always secure His attention for intervention."
"The blessing is in the doing of the word."
"I want to be right in the middle of what the Father is doing right now."
"Our faith is more than just intellectual knowledge; faith is something you do, it's active, it's not passive."
"I declare that I am a doer of the word."
"Paul didn't just live a good life in Athens and hope people saw something different, he spoke out."
"Christianity is not just sitting in a church seat. It's caring for the uncared for, looking for the lost, preaching to the unreached."
"We're Children of the most high God and he's in us and he's active in us."
"Love as an activity... requires constant practice, dedication, and faith."
"Prosperity is yours now; just take it and take your authority and begin to cooperate with the things of God."
"We need more action, without which we find that faith without works is dead."
"If our life and example will inspire you to do something in the realm that God has you in, then do it."
"The word of God living really is living and breathing and active."
"Faith is not passive, faith lays hold."
"The real point of the gospel is to live it, not merely to say it."
"If you want to be a real Christian, if you want to have a revival, then start being one who says, 'Lord, speak; your servant listens. I'm going to do what I know you want me to do.'"
"Destroy the beams in our eyes, hypocrisy from us, that we're not hearers but doers of Your word."
"If you are able to pray, if you are able to spend time in the presence of God, if you are able to worship God sincerely from your heart, that means the Holy Spirit is active in you."
"Waiting on the Lord is filled with hope and filled with faith in action."
"Pray the Holy Spirit will transform us and empower us to be doers of the word."
"The word is anointed, the word is powerful, the word's alive and active."
"Embracing this divine shift isn't about passive waiting; it's an active endeavor."