
Survivorship Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I've had the privilege of working in sexual abuse for many, many years with victims who become survivors."
"I am not scared, I am sad...this is how it works, this is what pretty much every survivor that tries to expose someone in a position of power goes through, and this is the part of the retaliation that keeps us quiet."
"So many survivors suffer with guilt and shame, and it's horrific."
"It's a blessing and every lesson, and the blessing in that is hey, man, I'm still here to talk to y'all."
"She is a survivor and that's so important. We can be victims but in the end if we seek justice if we work hard if we recognize that we deserve more and we can become true survivors."
"You are a fighter, you're not a victim, you are a survivor."
"Survivors of abuse are most afraid of emotional pain, terror, and shame."
"The worst thing of survivor's guilt is you don't have an answer to why you're the one that lived."
"There's a devastating effect on survivors, that's what real survivors think."
"As a survivor, I'm glad that you're there on that path, feeling more of a survivor than as a victim."
"Whenever survivors are dividing and bringing each other down, it's the worst."
"As a domestic violence survivor, it's nice to see justice prevail."
"Survivors are actually extremely strong. They don't become strong; they are strong while going through this."
"I feel like a lot of people feel like this is something that you have to deal with on your own and you can't, there's a community of survivors that will walk alongside you."
"Her bravery and strength in the face of life and death danger places a different lens on survivorship and reminds us of the undeniable gift of our own intuition."
"We never read the biographies of the businessmen who just failed because they don't read those. It's called survivor bias."
"You're a Survivor, you always were."
"Now I know I can stand up even in the face of all this. Now I know it wasn't my fault and that I can be a Survivor."
"You can't stay silent when you feel like you have the key that might give people the real insight to what's going on with them. And I've been there, I've survived this, but I also know how deeply damaging it is from experience."
"Most of the time what triggers me is how we talk about victims, how we talk about, 'Why didn't they report sooner?' That's the kind of stuff that always has triggered me, because I get really angry that we put so much on victims when they're just trying to survive."
"We survivors can continue to try and smooth out the wrinkles in our lives and as my fellow survivor Trish quoted recently, try to make the rest of our lives the best of our lives."
"I don't have survivor's guilt, but I do have survivor's obligation."
"Ultimately, survivorship, if you're beyond active management of your cancer, again, we can individualize this as well."
"Being a cancer survivor, you learn to just deal with whatever comes at you and say okay, there's one more thing, but you deal with it."
"With my survivorship comes a profound sense of responsibility to do something, to make a difference."
"It's such a good thing that Chris Hansen and RepZilla and Pastel Bell and everybody on YouTube are doing an amazing job of really bringing to light this situation and giving the survivors of his abuse a platform to speak from."
"It's empowering to involve survivors in the safety planning process, respecting their autonomy and agency."
"The goal of a safety plan is seeing what the survivor wants for themselves and their children."
"Introducing Sidney, the victim. Sidney, the survivor. Sidney, the star."
"A survivor is someone who gets up each day and lives their life, and can choose happiness, can choose to smile."
"Thank you, Rob, you, Uncle, Emily, and JD gave me the strength to consider myself a CSA survivor instead of a victim and speak out and tell my CSA story. Maddie."
"People telling me I need to stop playing the victim and become a survivor, and I know I still have a lot to grow, but I am a survivor."
"Survivorship bias refers to stocks that have survived."
"Survivors seem to do really well this year. Again, Wellborn had brought a couple that got crazy money. Survivors, you know, they're only original once."
"I am a thriver, not a cancer survivor."
"There is life after the narcissist. Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about. There is life after the narcissist."
"She didn't feel a constant sense of Terror; the Survivor had given her a life where the one she loved didn't beat her."
"I've seen the pain they've gone through... for those who have survived gun violence and have injuries, there is tremendous impact on them."
"The truth is there is no one that is a stronger advocate for cancer like those that are survivors of cancer."
"I represent the survivor. I represent the fighter that's in all of us."
"We survivors have gained our power. We survivors are using our voices in record numbers."
"You take the good with the bad, and I took a lot of bad. But I played Survivor, and I'm talking to you. You know, it's... I wouldn't trade anything. I do things differently, but... what would you do differently?"
"It's important for other victims and survivors to tell their stories."
"She's always a survivor, she's always going to move forward."
"If this person does continue to be in relationship with the folks who cause harm, that could also then cause that survivor to need to have some boundaries with them."
"Victims who go on to become survivors of an abusive relationship progress through a process of five stages before they finally break free from the restraints of their toxic relationship."
"Survivorship now is about improving your quality of life."
"We want insurance reforms that make sure that a cancer survivor can still get health insurance."
"...survivors have come to define resilience coming back from what they saw from what they experienced..."
"I wanted to put myself out there and see myself finally as a survivor."
"We are not victims; we are a network of broken survivors."
"Abusers, your time is up. The survivors are here, standing tall, and we are not going anywhere."
"When the first spouse passes away, the survivor has it all, and then when the survivor passes away, then the assets will be distributed down to your beneficiaries."
"We're looking for better, more exciting treatments that provide cure, quality of life, and we're looking for survivorship."
"I stand before you not only as a Survivor but as someone who believes in the power of truth, justice, and the Collective Strength of survivors everywhere."
"I want survivors to know that they are not alone and that their voice matters."
"People don't realize what survivors go through, even when they're trying to get justice."
"Survivor bias is the error of concentrating on the people that survived some process and overlooking those that did not."
"You're a cancer survivor and deserve privacy about losing your breast."
"The definition of cancer survivorship is thinking about how to take the best care of the patient before, during, and after their diagnosis."
"At the end of the day, I'm a physician and I'm also a cancer survivor."
"Shame is one of the biggest hurdles that survivors come up against, and it's what keeps them quiet often."
"The true hero is the victim or the survivor in this case, who was brave enough to tell his story."
"Survivorship is this amazing legal tool that owners can use to save themselves a ton of headache and heartache when their partner, their fellow owner, dies."
"You're not a victim for sharing your story, you're a survivor."
"Tendency by the entireties is a tenancy between husband and wife and the right of survivorship must exist."
"I just passed seven months cancer-free, so yay!"
"You're a survivor. You always will be."
"I'm glad that they included survivors in this; it feels important."
"The door will remain ever open to survivors of CSE, and we will work at a pace that reflects their needs."
"You are somebody who may have been victimized, but you refuse to be labeled as a victim."
"Well, I think there's holes in her testimony. It's important to remember that survivors can have feelings, even love, towards the good times they had."
"Every time I'm able to speak up about my experience, it makes me feel less like a victim and more like a survivor."
"You are survivors. Your scars are healing. Your voice is no longer silent."
"Your words resound here with your sister survivors and in the world."
"A super survivor is somebody who has survived cancer as a result of a new generation of drugs called immunotherapy."
"We want to get more research on Survivor effects... after talking to her, you know, I feel a little less strange and a lot less alone."
"We're looking at the pattern of survivorship of a population."
"You are a champion, you are a survivor."
"We're survivors, and this survivor never stopped believing."
"Your scars is a testament that you are a survivor."