
Collective Memory Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Americans are not going to soon forget what they saw happen in New York City."
"He was a part of something bigger, of something that was a moment in our nation's history that will never be forgotten."
"Art brings to light fundamental parts of who we are, an awareness of the collective memory."
"Even if she wasn't really family, everyone here in the United Kingdom still felt that because she was ever present, she was a part of everyone's family and everyone's grandmother."
"He still writes his dream of a peaceful world without war by collecting hero weapons from various parts of the world in a book."
"Hancock believes that these flood memories might be a collection of catastrophic events that led to the demise of an ancient civilization."
"He wasn't the only one to remember it either, a few of his other friends having memories of the second floor."
"A Mandela effect is a phenomenon where a large group of people remember something differently than it is now."
"Join me in awakening from a long amnesia species with amnesia our forgotten history."
"We're not going to forget what happened here. The fear that we have, the anxiety that we have, that's not going to just go away."
"It's very very much obsessed with this question of forgetting and what we remember we don't in fact a jet kinda argues that it's good this society's forget."
"Even if it's something we'd rather forget, it's good we can always look back on what's happened and what has been made."
"We're going to continue to say his name along with so many other names until we don't have to say any more names."
"We need to come out of this with the commitment, with almost the mantra of never again for this. We're not doing this again."
"This is one of those memories that everyone's going to have for years and years and years."
"Collective memory is what we need for social cohesion... now more important than ever."
"The Beatles are the through line, the tide that binds so many of us and our fondest memories together."
"We the people will never forget the injustice."
"This will be the year that the separation that has been in place will be lifted."
"The only history that Americans want is a history that we share."
"Unless we all forget and then the terrorists do strike then we'll all remember again but we don't want that in our country we we of course not we we"
"Everyone remembers a very specific scene that just never ever existed."
"This Mandela effect has blown away everyone, and I mean everyone."
"I want to hear your thoughts on this because so many people remember this differently."
"It's easy to forget that the past told secrets too, worth remembering."
"This is one of those things that people will always remember where they were."
"Even though we're separated by three or four hundred years, you know, this was still a large amount of innocent people who were murdered."
"The Black Death of the 14th century has been ingrained into the collective imagination of global society."
"History often repeats itself, and usually because people forget what happened."
"I want somebody to pick it up and go, 'Yeah, that's the one.'"
"We're all going to remember this historic day."
"It's a historic day... a day that we're all going to remember."
"It's a very surreal feeling to know that you're a part of something that will be spoken about for years and studied for years because of what Den has created."
"The catastrophe is described in ancient sources where traumatic experience is common to all mankind, purged from conscious memory."
"So Nelson Mandela, who this Mandela effect was named for, he died in 2013 and when he died a large amount of people were like hold up, what? No, because they remembered him dying in prison in the 80s."
"Whether fact or fantasy Giants have occupied our collective consciousness for as long as we can remember."
"We are all film fans together...let's make sure we remember that as we move forward."
"The fact that I feel so many people remember something wrong, it's just weird, like why?"
"Whatever it is that the Mandela effect is, we know it's real."
"A Mandela effect is what happens when a group of people have a clear collective memory of something that apparently never happened."
"The Mandela effect is a really weird phenomenon and it has confused and puzzled people for years."
"That's what makes this specific Mandela effect so interesting. We have a list of everyone that did one of these ads, and Avril Lavigne isn't one of them."
"Is it possible that everyone is wrong and this is just a mistake that keeps being repeated, or is this another example of the Mandela effect?"
"Everybody has experienced the Mandela effect... something is tweaking the simulation."
"There is something called the Mandela effect that is a term that was invented to describe a situation where a large group of people remember a situation different than how it is."
"Put simply, a Mandela effect is an unsettling phenomenon where a large group of people remember something differently than it is now."
"Let's make sure our friends didn't die for nothing."
"We have to realize that our ancestors experienced these events and the trauma of these events is embedded in our very Consciousness."
"It's hard to believe that it's 19 years, and for any of you guys that were alive and of age when you can make memories, I have no doubt that you remember the day, just as I do, whether you were in New York City like I was or wherever you were..."
"It's important for us to remember that this is a historical moment."
"As we gather to bear witness to the events that are unfolding before us, we will remember that this is where we came from and it is where we shall one day return."
"This has been an unforgettable experience, something that we will talk about for years to come."
"To every veteran I want you to know that you have an entire nation of more than 300 million people behind you, you will never ever be forgotten."
"So here's my question for you is this a Mandela effect as in this line has somehow for some reason changed or is this the case of a lot of people misremembering."
"There is a very large proportion of the global population that remembers something entirely different and it all stems from the death or not the death of Nelson Mandela hence the name of the Mandela effect."
"The Dust Bowl is not the story of any one individual but the story of the masses, the forgotten thousands were the storytellers for the future."
"Whoever controls the record of history determines what people remember."
"Every person, regardless of upbringing or background, has those specific collective memories, shared experiences, that are powerful enough to define a whole generation."
"The zeitgeist is determined by a collective memory, a collective set of facts that we operate on."
"...the only way around this is to listen to the people who might otherwise be ignored... and that's actually a key to how Collective memory can be improved."
"The Mandela effect: a phenomenon where a large group of people sometimes Millions remember an event or fact differently from the actual reality."
"Once the people have learned something through struggle, never can they forget it."
"Mandela Effect! People thought he died in prison in the 1980s, but actually, he died in 2013."
"One thing everybody that was an adult at that time, you know, of 9/11, they remember that day and they remember exactly what they were doing."
"Everybody's history's forgotten that too."
"The symbols can't save you, but what those representative types can do is remind us of what we have done collectively."
"The Mandela Effect is a real-world phenomenon, where collective groups of people remember a thing that didn't actually happen."
"After 9/11... it's burnt into the public conscious."
"The core idea is that something in the world is collectively remembered to be one thing and then is discovered later on in life to be a different thing."
"Mythic narratives reconnect the audience with the cosmic world and collective memory."
"The world changed forever that day and all of us at least of my generation remember where we were when it happened and when we saw it on television."
"The Mandela effect is a phenomenon in which people believe that their realities have kind of been altered."
"History belongs to all of us because all of our ancestors lived it then and we live with it now."
"Our hope is that by the time a lot of people watch this, it'll just all be a horrible memory."
"This museum built on the site of rubble and ruins is now filled with the faces, the stories, and the memories of our common grief and our common hope."
"How can they all collectively be made up by people for all these generations?"
"But how can many people have the same false memory at the same time?"
"Language is saturated with history, culture, and memory."
"Mandela effect is when a lot of people remember something one way, turns out to be different."
"There are hundreds of thousands of characters people once wrote with that are now faded from our collective memory."
"The Mandela effect... a term that was invented to describe a situation where a large group of people remember a situation differently than how it is."
"We have a collective memory of our history; we don't forget, and we also have a marvelous destiny."
"This is history, this is now history for all of us."
"December 1st, 2001 is a day that has been seared into the collective memory of the Argentine people."
"This day is special for us; we're remembering that day in our history."
"Sharing the story with friends or family who are familiar with the events can help you adjust based on their recollection of events."
"The building name became synonymous with a date, events, and an entire group of people that were affected by it."
"The Mandela effect ultimately isn't about the future; it's about the past."
"...the Mandela effect... a huge gap between reality could very well be because some people... had somehow managed to Splinter off and shift between parallel Dimensions."
"...the barenstein Bears phenomena... a sign that we possibly jumped into another reality."
"Let's give everybody the history and the memories."
"National trauma on the scale of what the United States felt after 9/11."
"The Mandela effect is when a great number of people remember something in a completely different way to how it actually was."
"It's something that everybody alive at that time remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing."
"We all have places that we hold sacred, either as an individual or as a people itself."
"They want to move forward and live together, they're starting to forget, I think that's a really good thing."
"Here all becomes one as we are bound together by what Abraham Lincoln called the mystic chords of memory."
"History isn't just about kings and queens and wars and rich people; it's the little everyday moments experienced by ordinary workers and farmers and craftsfolk."
"We all remember September 11th, albeit the younger cohort as children and the older cohort as teenagers."
"This is a moment in history that will be talked about for generations, and we will all be asked what we did at this moment."
"One of those moments everybody will remember where they were."
"It's one of those things that gets burned into the collective psyche of humanity."
"Just as we cannot forget them, we ask that the citizens of this country also not forget them."