
Spiritual Metaphor Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."
"You are the salt of the earth...you are the light of the world."
"You are just taking an incarnated day trip, shall we say."
"The body is like the garage where the soul is parked."
"Jesus says in the New Testament, 'He that believes in me, out of his being shall flow the river of living water.'"
"Sexuality is used as an image for the union of the soul with God."
"You are a branch. You are going to bear fruit, you are going to do it."
"If God's not in your arms, you're in the arms of something else."
"She's Heaven's Angel, so strong even in struggle. When life comes like a storm from every angle, she rises above it all."
"Sometimes we pray for growth and he answers with rain, sometimes we pray for oak trees and he answers with an acorn."
"We give you our graves and you give us a garden."
"The wind blows wherever it pleases you hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going so it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
"We are called to be the light and salt of the world..."
"Your connection is like heaven on earth for them."
"When you pray for bread, God sends you with seed."
"The Holy Ghost is Earth Wind and Fire, and he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"Everything is coming together. This must be what God felt like."
"He's separating the water from the land. He's making you solid."
"Love is illogical. Forgiveness is solely based on love, in my opinion."
"Every seed planted in your heart is destined to flourish fully."
"I'm gonna activate my third eye. This one's mine, you can't have it!"
"You are salt and you are light, and the question is: Are you willing, for Him, to be as salty as you can be, as bright as you can be, that the circle of your impact will go beyond your fondest dreams and imagination?"
"When the drop of water falls in the ocean, it becomes the ocean."
"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord."
"Unless the seed falls to the ground and dies, nothing grows. We need to be broken before you."
"It's the wind, yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. That's what a kite does. It just finally gives up, it just yields and allows the wind to catch it and bring it up and take it wherever the wind listeth, wherever it chooses."
"The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God abides forever."
"The light can expel the darkness and rekindle the spirit."
"The shoes of peace give us the ability to keep walking through rough things or sharp situations."
"We release tonight light. We release light to doors, and those doors are starting to crack, those doors are crumbling by the light."
"Greed, the third weed in the garden of devotion."
"He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water."
"Sometimes God breaks the boat to break your chains."
"The birth of Jesus represents a sunrise in human darkness."
"You are the light of the world, you are the salt of the earth."
"God puts people around you as heavenly sandpaper."
"Stay under the spout where the glory comes out."
"Audacity is not the same thing as pride. I am not talking about ego. I'm talking about the type of audacity that allows you to step out on water like Peter did."
"You call my name and I ran out of that grave."
"No one can live without a foundation. You cannot hold spiritual things with carnal hands. It won't work."
"We have to find the light in the darkness because we are the light."
"He didn't promise smooth sailing, but a safe arrival."
"We are designed to bear fruit in a rightful connection."
"It's like standing on God's rock at this time regardless of the storm that's coming your way."
"Living in the darkness will be drawn to the light."
"God's saying look, you need to be prophetic frackers or prophetic hammers or prophetic fires you need to be mirroring me."
"When he spoke to the woman at the well, uh they were talking about physical water and the water that I have that he spoke about the living water you won't thirst again."
"The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet."
"Not only did he fix what was broken, he just came to your dilapidated house and repaired it. You got a new house, amen."
"At some point, it gets so strong inside that it acts like a vacuum cleaner, pulling you up into it."
"Just as the sun breaks through Darkness with its own light shining light with its Presence by simply being so too does your inner son your soul."
"Wealth in a kingdom is not measured by accumulation but by access."
"He mends you back up and He plays the most beautiful music you could ever imagine out of the most broken reed."
"Deliver me in thy righteousness and cause me to escape. Escape what? The plantation, because that's what we on, brothers and sisters."
"Redemption comes... from us picking up our own stone but just being."
"The heart, like that gas tank, was created to be filled with a specific thing and when you fill that heart with other than what it was created to be filled with, it breaks."
"My grace is rushing like a stream. Just let it rush over you, let it consume you."
"Your body is fine, it's your soul going on adventures."
"Seed is a metaphor for a number of different things in the Bible like your decisions are seed, the word of God is seed, your actions are seed, and your giving is seed also."
"You are like a shield that encircles me every day."
"It's time now for the water that you've been carrying on the inside let it flow."
"Persistent obstacles much like a Relentless wind that seeks to blow out a candle's flame are not meant to extinguish our light but to make it burn brighter and stronger."
"The quickest way to heaven is to take the stairway."
"God never cracks the Red Sea so that you can return. He only cracks the sea so that you can advance."
"You walk on what other people drown in, you are a water Walker."
"Your upgrade fee has been paid, that was paid on a cross."
"God will reclaim your device, restore your device, and make it better than new."
"Out of your belly flows Rivers of Living Water."
"There's a new sheriff in town, his name is Jesus."
"The only cross on which Christ was ever crucified is the human form."
"When a lesson says why does any Muslim murder the devil... whenever you go save a black man and woman in that same act you have murdered the devil you have murdered them in the mind."
"We're to be the light that's not to be kept under the bushel basket."
"What they were engaging in is basically putting the world into the debt of basically a in a nutshell a spirit."
"The resurrection is like the receipt in your inner store."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"If you judge which parts of me the divine wants to use, I have cast myself out of the garden of Eden."
"Christ is the Good Shepherd, we're the Sheep, he has a plan to protect us from the wolves."
"The garden of Eden is your heart, it's literally your heart."
"I will set a Plumb line in the midst of My People Israel."
"He is the Lord of the vineyard, and we are His servants."
"Accelerated healing is bringing God's yesterday into your today."
"You were darkness, now you are light. Like, you were darkness. Now you are light."
"Prove me... throw me a seed and I'll throw you back a harvest."
"Their angels were surfing on the river of life."
"The United States will die but this is the evil... the United States will die, but why? It's baptism, death to life, life. God says there's gonna be a rebirth of this nation."
"It's sort of like going to heaven without the inconvenience of having to die first."
"Apart, we are Broken. But united, we are God."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and sold everything he had and purchased the field."
"I trust God, who needs legs when we're all working for wings."
"The fire will not destroy you, it will only destroy the bondage, the ties, and the chains."
"It's almost like you're an undercover agent of God or something."
"Love is like the cyber optics of the spiritual world, and your heart is the receiver."
"You must come in at the door, otherwise you're a thief and a robber."
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it." - Jesus
"It felt like I was being exercised, like there was an exorcism going on."
"You can't gain the world and lose your soul."
"That cave cannot hold you... there's an empty cave in Jerusalem."
"Salvation is like inviting Jesus into your house. Jesus is a gentleman, he's not gonna go snooping around in every closet of your house unless you open it for him."
"Gratitude is the sunrise of the soul, dispelling darkness and despair."
"We owe it to the world to be so on fire so that we can be a walking, burning bush encounter."
"The spiritual armor is right. Armor protects."
"You are the infinite ocean. You are the universe itself, not just one person, not just one life."
"Planting seeds in people's lives... the next person he meets could be the water."
"If what you have isn't enough, that's not your harvest, that's your seed."
"Stevie G... he's the way, the truth, and the light."
"Faith is like a bridge... Jesus came down, picked you up, and walked you over."
"Thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not."
"Sometimes he has to pull us back before he shoots us forward."
"The Lord is our source of light and salvation. Just as the sun dispels the darkness of night, so does the Lord bring light to the darkest corners of our lives."
"It's like chains are falling off, your chest just opens."
"I think that's just the best way to go. We're gonna get some new content. Spiritually, the twisted bow series is over."
"Religions are like rivers that flow into the same ocean."
"Memories are like diamonds and the treasure chest of your spirit."
"Change isn't a full stop; it's more like a turnstile between lifetimes."
"Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on, get drunk."
"The Lord takes us as this lump of clay. He's the potter and he says, 'I can do something with this.'"
"If you're blocking the door to the kingdom, how many people have you heard say, 'I just gave up on all that'?"
"You're here to be salt seasoning that brings out the God flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage." - Matthew 5:13
"The cross was an offering; the grave couldn't hold it."
"If you want to approach the kingdom, do it like a little child."
"They have eyes, but they see not... they have ears, but they hear not."
"You're gonna grab that bull by its horn... a really nice spiritual flip-flop moment."
"The gates of Hades cannot stop the growth of this rock."
"Life is not all beauty and it's not all beasts but it is the mixture of the two that unlocks the treasures of heaven."
"God has a way of using your bed to turn into billboards."
"The seed is good and the soul is good, but the thorns that sprang up and choked the Word of God."
"Except the grain of a wheat fall into the ground and die it remains alone but if it dies."
"Storms are inevitable, our anchor is immovable."
"Light destroys Darkness, so let's go back to that again for a second."
"Take a candle go to the darkest place in your home and you will see what I'm talking about there's no amount of Darkness that will stop this candle from creating light in the room"
"Jesus shouldn't just be a cherry on the top of your Sunday; he should be the primary ingredient."
"If the contest is between the fast-food and this infinite feast of life and love, who wins? The feast, every time."
"God gave us erotic desire to be like the fuel of a rocket that has the power to launch us to the Stars."
"You see, watchmen have a lot of responsibilities and duties. We all have to have some sort of a watchman position, do you agree?"
"Your salvation ain't wrapped up in a fishtail."
"Sometimes the kingdom of heaven is like a pearl of great price and you do whatever it takes together jesus said to you."
"Just like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved."
"Your cup runneth over because this is the High Priestess of everything related to currency flow."
"The Holy Spirit seeks a resting place for his feet."
"You're still an earth angel, you never lost your wings."
"Being a Christian is like being a beggar telling others where to find bread."
"You're an instrument of God, you are an ice maker, you can't be a microwave."
"Jesus Christ is like a triple seven, he is your ticket to heaven."
"This is what happens when we let things go. They turn into light, and they go everywhere."
"Jesus is like a Manifesto of the kingdom of heaven right here on Earth."
"Your soul is being cooked by another spirit."
"The blood of Jesus Christ takes care of the spiderweb. It washes our sins."
"If you knew who was asking you for water, you would ask him for water and he'll give you Waters that you will not thirst again."
"We are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one an aroma from death to death and the other an aroma from life to life."
"We become the aroma and fragrance of Christ to God and to those who are perishing from life to life."
"Quick march, soldiers of Christ, go forward!"
"We're burning with that light which is God; we are not consumed."
"I stand at the door and knock. If anybody would let me in."
"The day represents Jesus Christ, and the day is only Him, because the day is the light and the light is the life of mankind."
"God prepared a garden for his people in the wilderness now hear me what I'm trying to get you to hear is say we may be living in a fallen world but we're living in a garden if we're believers."
"Every time Peter talks about the rock or the cornerstone, it's not referring to him, it's referring to the person of Christ."
"What's the kingdom of God really like? It starts small and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses?"
"You can't live without your heart; it pumps the blood through your body. So, in a spiritual sense, you have to have heart to live spiritually."
"If I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."
"If your body is a temple, let that kingdom come."
"The kingdom of heaven is like a tree that when planted in the ground becomes the greatest tree, and all the birds of the air come to lodge in its branches."
"A sermon without Christ is like an ocean without water."
"God is like the sun, and each of us is like one particle of light."
"The kingdom is like leaven, which starts small and unseen but permeates and expands."
"God's plan is like a beautiful tapestry."
"I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love which flowed over the ocean of darkness."
"Except a grain of corn go into the ground and die, it can't bear fruit."
"God is preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies."
"The spherical earth gets a new skin; better still, it finds its soul."
"Butted on Earth to bloom in heaven."
"The violent wind of God that is shaking all the institutions of humanity."
"If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light."
"The living water is a body; it is necessary for us to put on the living human."
"Jesus is that water; He's that rock that followed them."
"A little becomes much when you put it in the Master's hands."
"Suffering is the mud, and you need the mud to grow the lotus flower."
"A person in the flesh is a grenade with a pin pulled; a person in the spirit is a grenade with a pin in."
"Our savior, our Salvation, has been our garden."
"You are the salt of the earth, just as you are."
"We are the salt of the earth, a city set on a hill."
"The salt that stays close to the rock never loses its savor."
"I'm a daily crosswalker, only re and I got stick on me, this a Bible baby."
"It's like removing the light from the room; you receive darkness. Once you have light, there's no darkness."
"He's jealous for me, loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy."
"The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine."
"There is a river... let us irrigate the dry places of the world."
"This is the very thin bridge that some mystical schools talk about."
"He's still bread when we're hungry, he's still water when we're thirsty."
"I've calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child is my soul within me."
"Grace is the silver thread that stitches up the shreds of mangled souls."
"This divine love within the heart is almost like liquid gold; it is our divine nature."
"Our Yeshua compares Himself to the bread of life."
"The kingdom was like leaven, that began small but had great visible influence."
"It's better to be pruned to grow than to be cut up to be burned."
"Rivers of living water will flow out, meaning these rivers they carry life, whatever these rivers touch they can bring life."
"O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? Saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand."
"No more cup of fury; Christ drank it all himself, down to the dregs."
"He shall be like a tree planted by the waters."
"He loves us like a groom loves a bride; He is in love with us, He desires us."