
Startup Quotes

There are 857 quotes

"Absolutely, I started Paul with $500 in my pocket. That's what you have and some hopes and dreams."
"The wonderful thing about our company is that we're not just doing this for fun or because we want to look cool as startup founders, we really care about our users."
"He managed to get a loan of $700 to start John Paul Mitchell Systems with co-founder Paul Mitchell."
"Running a startup company... that's going to be fulfilling contracts and also developing your own products that will hopefully go super viable or viral and earn you millions and millions of dollars."
"This is a story about one of the most valuable tech startups to ever exist, worth about nine billion at its highest, and how it all collapsed to be now worth zero today."
"Social messaging startup IRL is shutting down after a board investigation found 95 percent of its claimed 20 million users were actually fake."
"I'm going to be bringing this week in startups to the Middle East."
"Justin and his co-founders rejecting offers to preserve Twitch's culture."
"We're gonna fire it up for the first time with the new oil pump."
"FTX raises 420 million in funding round with backing from 69 investors including Tiger Global, Ribbit Capital."
"Our first year in the business, we'll do like 1.3 billion in sales."
"The first thing we need to do is start a trial on Shopify."
"In 1939 with just $538 in capital, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded Hewlett-Packard in a small garage in Palo Alto, California."
"In 2008, the world saw the emergence of a disruptive startup named Airbnb founded by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk."
"Organic growth can lead to success. Microsoft and Apple started small."
"I started my own company from my basement apartment in the Bronx, New York."
"Listing my first products for sale on Etsy was one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"We started Reliable Robotics to create a new type of airline."
"Typically the only way to know for sure if your startup idea is good is to Just Launch it and find out."
"Starting a startup is a very emotional thing... a lot of mental strength, the ability to adapt and be efficient."
"Your first thing doesn't have to be this massive success you can just start something and it can generate income hopefully and it can start to do something helpful for you."
"Chile's Startup Chile provides up to $78,000 in equity-free funding."
"Everyone starts from zero, not everyone wakes up with a validated product."
"Don't tie your identity up with your startup."
"It is our mission to help every start and grow their own business."
"I've raised $7 million, I've sold maybe $50 million worth of product, and it all started in my Brooklyn Kitchen."
"We started this whole dream off with like four dudes, a thousand dollars in the bank, and we're here now pumping out some sick content."
"The total to get started on Amazon is right here."
"First boot up guys everything's on look how clean it looks."
"Launch does not mean the polished thing, it means something you can put in front of users."
"Among Us and developing that was exciting and felt right from the get-go." - InnerSloth
"We are at the final stages... hopefully we move in there and start production."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a startup bankruptcy like sometimes it's okay to take that L get to sustainable."
"It's surpassed all of our expectations already and we're just getting started."
"Building a prototype is the way to start making games."
"Fred approached one of Fred raiders former interns who was interested in internet video and asked him to build a website to feature animated videos."
"Happy's Humble Burger Farm: It's a disrepair, but don't worry, after a few shifts we'll all be up and running."
"Luxo Flux was founded in Santa Monica in 1997 named after random words on a chalkboard."
"You know, I started at 20 years old out of my bedroom with $4,000 in my bank account."
"Lucid has delivered like 100 cars yet it's up more than Starbucks."
"We're starting boys this Series A funding heist let's do it right now"
"I saved some of the unemployment money and used it to get my own little fabrication shop going."
"Thank you so much to all of the investors who have gotten behind DigiBuild."
"We've made more in revenue than we've raised. We're almost at nine million revenue, we raised 8.1. Nice."
"A great idea is not sufficient. You need to ensure that you have access to enough capital to get you through those first few months."
"Poe was leaving its beta phase, ready for its official launch."
"Start today, point blank period, like a commercial ad."
"The world's biggest computer company started off with no money."
"Best thing? You can start right now for free."
"It started with two brothers just having a dream that's a fact."
"Bootstrapping means doing as much as you can with what you have."
"Building your brand and business from the ground up."
"Building your branded business from the ground up."
"This is my startup money for my website, let's go."
"Now I'm going to press the power button, whoa everything's lighting up I think everything is working."
"It's insane to think about the company that made this thing and is now a multi-million dollar multi-million user company was birthed via public funding raising around 2.5 million dollars from 10 000 total contributors."
"Betting on the person much more than the idea."
"I started co-creating Emerald Scales in late-2017."
"Huge shout out to the team at Uni Steak, they've got a wonderful, wonderful team."
"Originally I didn't actually set out to start a studio or an experienced team. We followed our passion."
"Kris has got a good start well our intro white row the game might be working we'll find out here in a sec"
"We managed to set up our first shop, and I'm really happy with how it turned out."
"Glint is #goldfi. Gold financial system that's what they're building."
"Embrace procrastination at the start, you have time before the launch."
"Online businesses are low risk and low or no cost to start."
"I had no idea how to start a company... I just started..."
"It's the perfect moment for someone to start an alternative media organization."
"If you guys are honestly really interested in starting a business, go right ahead and start it off."
"MVP is a concept of lean startup which stresses upon the impact of learning while performing product development."
"Boots up right away, first try, without issue, straight into Windows."
"It's time to start building. If you have an idea or maybe you don't even have an idea yet but you're like you know that this is what you want to be doing."
"You just go on your State's website, see what the requirements are, and file your business with your state."
"Print on demand is a risk-free way of starting out in business."
"The hardest part of starting a business is the first one to two years when it's basically all struggle."
"We're pretty much ready to boot this thing up, see if it works, and install Windows."
"If you're a startup, what you should do about open source is take advantage of it."
"Holy crap, that thing started right up."
"You've decided you want to start a small business, now you've got to figure out how to get it going."
"If you don't succeed with your first startup, it shouldn't be a catastrophic career-ending thing."
"Raising money is the second hardest part of starting a startup after making something people want."
"If you can save up a hundred dollars, you can absolutely start any business."
"That's the PC complete; we're now ready to flip the power switch and see if we get a boot screen."
"It's such a familiar sight, that startup, on such a tiny little monitor inside of a 5 1/4 inch drive bay."
"What do the most successful startup employees know that everyone else doesn't?"
"You also need to assess the quality of the core problem that the startup is trying to solve."
"...it allows me to be a part of a company from the very beginning and help grow it."
"One challenging troubleshooting task is when you power on your computer it seems to start up normally and then suddenly restarts the entire system and begins from the beginning again and this happens over and over and over in a cycle."
"I'm going to share with you three massive fails I've seen underpinning this typical bookkeeping startup."
"What do you do if you want to start a non-profit but you don't have any startup money to get it launched?"
"The CEO is the growth person until you have solid growth that you understand."
"If you're in a start-up, you have one of the unique opportunities in life to build the culture you want to have."
"When you first start up your Linux system, it'll start System D and System D will go into these directories looking for unit files."
"if you can sell ten thousand books that's a big a big success and I always think of it like a Siege stage startup where it's like even if you do everything right you're probably going to fail doing it"
"So once you've installed your General Motors V8 engine... you're still going to need all the electronics so that when you hit the key the thing starts and runs. That's where the rebel LS comes into it."
"In terms of the startup world and all the tech that you hear about, Portugal is becoming the center."
"I'm gonna crank this thing over and see if we can build up some oil pressure."
"Oh my gosh, this thing started right up and check out that oil pressure gauge."
"Meanwhile in 2024, Tokyo decided to become the world's most startup friendly City."
"So here, is the ultimate advice for young would-be startup founders reduced to two words, just learn."
"The way to learn how to start a startup is to try and start it."
"Tarpit ideas are consistently bad startup ideas that people continue to try to start."
"A bad startup idea is like... something where you just can't get any positive feedback on."
"Even when you get a yes, you're not actually done with sales. You have to finish the last mile to get the thing implemented."
"A hundred billion valuation for a startup is insane it's such a massive win for the founders the employees the early employees the investors who invest in the company huge win."
"Founder should be doing the job of value and viability before hiring a product manager."
"Relationist Laboratories is a fast-growing startup in the human relationship market."
"I had already paid back the build out, training, machines, equipment, all the startup and setup."
"We didn't call it finding product Market fit, we didn't call it bootstrapping."
"Prepare your mind for a lot of rough times so that you don't fall into this trap of actually getting discouraged and giving up on your really promising startup just because you got a bunch of investors that were not enthusiastic."
"I'm going to save you a bunch of time and money by giving you the best ones to launch your next startup idea."
"You can start your business with $300 $400 maybe even cheaper."
"What's the problem with being a startup? The problem is you are a risk as an alternative because you're an unknown."
"...I think about a startup as sort of the search for an alignment of these three. How can we find the right three of these that fit together and make sense? A lot of times, this is referred to as product-market fit."
"Find an establish product out there. Honestly for first project it's easier if you start like a b2c app something you are using on a daily basis."
"I am properly impressed with this EV, especially as a first model from a startup."
"Founders are like, 'We're gonna do PLG, we're gonna be self-serve freemium, we don't need sales.'"
"I've raised three rounds, $1,000,000 angel round, and then two subsequent institutional rounds."
"Accountability reduces chaos and increases transparency within a startup."
"One brand for both your company and product simplifies your startup journey."
"Yeah just another one we're looking to start online and nail our routine."
"It's arguably never been a better time to be a startup than now."
"So when I joined we were about, you know, 10-ish folks. About eight engineers. In three months, we built a competitor to MX. Six months after that, we built a competitor to Expensify. You know, both publicly traded companies."
"A startup ultimately lives or dies by this maximum: everyone wants to be a part of a rocket ship."
"Building a startup is, in large part, a process of self-discovery."
"I actually believe that building a startup is, in large part, a process of self-discovery."
"Startup time is much faster on Native image compared to running on the JVM."
"... you can't start a startup I think with a growth team mindset because that is just scalable things all the time and really where you need to go back to is doing things that don't scale and unscale your your way of thinking about customers."
"This is a good time for new business or startup, especially if you're in that age group."
"...the best part is that you can start this business from basically anywhere in the world with $20 and a little bit of time."
"You don't really need a ton of money to get started."
"They've really made it nice for us to start our own little small business and get going."
"Ultimately as a startup founder you want to get to product Market fit as quickly as possible."
"This one promises to launch a startup in seconds with AI."
"If you're non-technical and you simply can't iterate that quickly yourself, you must refocus from building a product to gaining traction."
"Code is for automation. Code is for scaling. But if you iterate and every startup iterates in the beginning, writing code is actually the most expensive way to iterate."
"My goal today is to guide you through the framework of SaaS creation process, highlighting the pitfalls to avoid and offering those 'cheat codes' that can propel you to success and quick exit."
"This experience underscores the importance of creating an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and making data-driven decisions."
"Advertising is something that's necessary but does not need to be complex or difficult if you're just starting out."
"A no code startup that is a Marketplace called Comet was able to generate $700,000 a month leveraging no code tools."
"The value of YC is a bit intangible, but I've never met a successful founder who didn't absolutely love their YC experience and credit their early growth to the program."
"The hardest thing and the most important thing for a startup is to find the product-market fit."
"The only thing you need to put your effort into is finding product market fit."
"If you're not making something people want, you usually need to change your idea or your startup will fail."
"Each successful startup had to pivot to find product-market fit. This is the process, whether you're just getting started or still thinking about launching a startup."
"The startup was offering $80, so that's a 30k jump."
"We're a legitimate startup. We're not just a couple of guys that have this server running in the cloud somewhere."
"It was really clever for a small startup company to focus on something with a small scope that was more easily achievable."
"Why should people be excited about Figma? Where is it going? Why is that exciting and aligning everyone around it Because in a startup you just don't have that many resources, and so you need everyone prioritized on the right focus on the right things."
"You do not need to create anything else, you do not need to create a fancy pdf, you do not need a whole bunch of fancy pdfs or a membership site or anything like that. There's a time and place for that, but not when you're starting out."
"Momentum is everything in a start-up."
"You might see some initial charges, some smaller charges when you first start with google ads because your payment thresholds are smaller when you first get started."
"You are all absolutely ready to take your idea and turn it into a startup it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a fully fledged business but you've got an idea and it can become something."
"I think startups today have a lot of leverage doing data science and AI as long as they have access to that data."
"Startups in their early days are searching for a business model."
"Are the leaders of the startup professionals or are they friends? I put up a big red flag every time I see a startup that's three college roommates and get together because they want to start a company."
"Is the financing solid for at least a year? Because you don't want to be coming into something unless there's at least a year of runway there before the company needs to raise money."
"...the major benefit of doing it this way is that you can kick start your business in a snap."
"When you're building an early stage company, it's too easy to focus on the numbers that don't matter."
"Almost everyone who gets in the startup game quits because it's so hard."
"In the early days just don't even worry about that stuff just worry about creating a great product."
"How do you build a SAS? Well first you need a good idea."
"I think that if you are working on diversity in the startup ecosystem, that should be your primary focus."
"Silicon Valley is the biggest, and I tend to think you can start an idea anywhere because now the costs of starting something have come down so much, but Silicon Valley is the easiest and best place to scale a company."
"When you're in the startup business, you should always be looking for a performance edge."
"The Mom Test explains how to properly talk with people to gather honest and useful feedback."
"Zero to One is about how to turn a startup idea into a valuable business."
"It was my first time doing a deep Tech startup and we spent two years as a team looking at every possible modality that we could use to interface with the brain."
"You don't need any money to start, literally."
"Me and Brun, we F to start US Clothing BR."
"...this film gave us a first glimpse into a startup World The Social Network Mark Zuckerberg has turned his social networking website Facebook into what it could be to become a tech entrepreneur or so it seems every three minutes."
"Success now is working in a start-up, or better yet, if you can make it work, creating a start-up."
"They raised $21 million series A led by Founders Fund."
"People just starting out are like, dude I know I need an llc, I know I need all this stuff but budget is a very important thing for me."
"It takes the right person or in this case the right group of people and the right timing to get any sort of success with a startup in the automotive world."
"The great news is that you can actually start building your business right away with a sole proprietorship."
"Startup out of his basement or garage."
"What you're about to see is not a one-off. I believe it's happening around twenty to forty percent of the time that startup first-time inventors like you go to patent attorneys, pay a huge amount of money, and this issue starts to come up."
"You can start a spring-based application that used to take 5 or 10 seconds in a totally sub-second time, right in 0.5 seconds, very much even less than that."
"One of these problems actually many take a web scale startup start facing. You start process or hyper growing of their organizations."
"If you're starting up and your way of handling it is to start a business, that's the right way."
"...there will be things in the early days of a start-up that make sense in the early days that don't scale later on."
"Every single founder needs advice that's catered to their startup, to them, to where they're at."
"And actually, this may well be the central reason why a startup can succeed."
"Running a startup that is not working is not fun. Running something that's working, where you're getting customers and every day you see your Stripe account inching up, where you're making thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, is awesome."
"So I switched jobs because I wanted to work with a startup and guess what? Now I do."
"...actually how do you build a team of people who are complementary to sort of span the set of things that that particular startup idea actually needs?"
"Getting into YC can feel like winning the golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, at least that's how it felt for me. It is the Silicon Valley golden ticket."
"...the only thing does not change about startup companies is the fact that they're always changing."
"The best way to learn how to start a start-up is just to try and start it."
"They'll only suck and suck away all your energy and say, 'Oh we're a startup so you gotta put in extra hours so we all grow together.' Shut the f up."
"What option do you have that doesn't have a high cost, that lets you get started without all of the rules and complexities?"
"What I have found as a great strategy to be able to elevate quickly is to work in a startup type of environment."
"Building a startup is a slog. There's a lot of things that go wrong, a lot of experiments that you try in the product where it's just like, okay, we're going to go off on a tangent a little bit and see if something works."
"My philosophy behind a lot of things that I teach startups is the best way to sort of get to a billion dollars is to focus on the values that help you get that first dollar, to acquire that first user."
"Maybe they don't have insurance yet. In fact, just recently we had an amazing startup they didn't have D&O insurance."
"The Sprint gives you a chance in a week to collect data quickly and we found that that was a really valuable technique for our startups they could try riskier ideas and try them a lot faster."
"So let's go ahead and start this guy back up okay let it do its thing here for a second go ahead and turn on the controller."
"Buying a bad truck is going to put you out of business before you even start."
"The one thing that I've found that is the most important thing in start-up leadership is caring."
"This is just a brilliant way to start off in business without putting that upfront cost into manufacturing."