
Profit Margin Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I started Paul with $500 in my pocket. The tip margin is over 50%. Actually, wow, yeah. On average, we do about 30 cars a week."
"It's really easy to get started in and the flexibility of where and when you can do the work is unbeatable."
"We reached the highest operating margin in the industry at over 14%."
"Jordan Peterson is a hero; he saved more lives than BLM ever will."
"She gives people advice on how to scout locations, what your margin should be, how much product to order."
"We're hoping to sell it between 150 and 175 so it'll give us a nice little profit for really not too much work."
"I believe Tesla's vehicle margin will go up to 31, that means the expense margin would be a convenient 69 percent."
"Build a brand creating your own product is going to give you the best margins."
"Tesla will be dictating terms in the automotive industry as far as pricing goes."
"Their dream scenario is to sell electric vehicles with razor thin profit margins."
"I always shoot for 50% after overhead after fuel labor everything 50% margin."
"We're gonna sell this on trendy, similar fits are selling for 185. I'm gonna sell it for 200 just so I make a little bit of a profit."
"The profit margin was about 14.5 and this is a little bit lower because I scaled so quickly."
"Movie theaters earn about 85% of their profits from concessions."
"I usually pick these up anywhere between $15 to $40 and they sell anywhere between $80 to $150 plus shipping."
"I really love that you can just set your profit margin percentage up there."
"That's a great profit margin for a business to make."
"I think if we price them for like 75 each, we'll get maybe 300 bucks out of that whole set, kind of double our money, you know? So that's pretty typical though."
"You have to keep in mind out of that margin comes your fees, your time, your shipping materials, your gas and mileage to go and find this stuff."
"I always try to be in, like, the 70% profit margin."
"Your profit margin went from 10 to 19.6 percent, effectively doubling your profit margin."
"...the profit margin is huge for what we pay for the items compared to what we sell them for..."
"Your profit margin should be the result of careful budgeting and expense management. It should not fluctuate too much and certainly never surprise you."
"Best profit margin from the haul."
"Sweatshirts have a higher profit margin than t-shirts."
"There is less profit margin on the PD1661, but the truth is it is excellent quality and excellent value."
"We're not a company who's looking to make the most margin."
"It's being sold for $40 and it's being sourced for just $2.79, leaving you with a potential profit over $35."
"When you're developing in this market, it's imperative that you have a 20 percent profit margin built in."
"The percentage profit 17,200 on 63,700 in revenue is 27.1% profit which is a pretty awesome profit margin."
"Focus on margin... if you don't look after your margin you can't look after your customers."
"AliExpress complies with eBay's Drop Shipping policy and they have a huge variety of products and a great profit margin."
"This means that if it's going to be $100, I will try and make $15 on that listing."
"I'm becoming more aware of my profit margin than I am gross revenue."
"Saving cost means more margins for you, more margins means more profit."
"We usually operate at about a fifty percent profit margin."
"With orders like these, you can run an entire business that just focuses on low volume but highly customized orders because of the profit margin alone."
"Farming is for educated people because if you do your research, you do your proper analysis, you would realize the profit margins that you're supposed to make."
"You can only sell that product at about a slight margin above the cost of manufacturing."
"Your profits should be at least ten percent of your revenue."
"Every dollar going back into your pocket helps to improve your profit margin."
"Upselling is great if you can offer a product that is perhaps more luxurious, more expensive, and can make you more profit per sale."
"You want to spend about a third of your sales price on the product itself."
"Would you rather have 10 $10,000 jobs with a 10% markup or would you rather have one $100,000 job with a 10% markup?"
"To achieve a 10% margin, you must use an 11.1% markup."
"It's more important than what you're doing creatively; if it doesn't make sense in terms of margins, in terms of profit, then it's like you don't have a business."
"The further we enter the market away from the turn in prices, risk is going up, reward or profit margin is going down."
"They keep their margins low for their long-term success."
"If you feel like you can sell it for $14.99, pick it up for a buck or less, then you're looking at ten to eleven dollar profits, so it's definitely worth picking up."
"If you're making 1% profit, you're doing better than 99% of the other traders in the world."
"If you raise prices even 10 to 15 percent, you are going to be able to make enough margin."
"I kind of go after the smaller markets, I sell in smaller quantities with higher profit margins."
"If we sell it for $27.99... we are going to make a $13.38 profit per unit."
"Organizations that have well implemented and utilize the ERP gain competitive advantage in their markets and increase profit margin."
"This Drop Shipping product made us two million dollars in revenue with a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar profit margin in just one year."
"You keep 85 percent of that markup."
"Teenage Engineering has one of the highest gross margins in the world for hardware."
"If you're retailing, your profit margin is much greater, but you're working a lot harder to make that amount of profit."
"Minions: The Rise of Gru's worldwide gross is 11.3 times its 80 million dollar budget."
"They were bringing in 10 million dollars a month gross... the net was like two million dollars."
"Everything good that happens in your business comes from margin."
"Having less employees that you can pay better and more profit margin is what you take home and that's what you have peace of mind with."
"Adding value is the difference between the price of the finished product or service and the cost of the inputs involved in making it."
"We want to create something with a little more margin and also much more value."
"I want to make sure I'm selling this for the price that I want so I get the profit I want."
"This is going to increase their gross margin."
"Profit margin is the engine that drives all of the financial independence movement."
"Sales were five hundred thousand pounds and the business earns a consistent margin of twenty percent."
"I'm aiming for a $22 average sales price in my store, and that gives me the profit margin that I am looking for."