
Reader Engagement Quotes

There are 494 quotes

"While readers may feel some sense of ownership over his work due to how they related to the material, at the end of the day, it's his story, and he can do what he wants with it."
"I like to write the books to reward rereading. You may pick up things on a second reading or even a third reading that you missed the first time."
"It's kind of like in a romance novel, you kind of have to know who you're rooting for."
"I really like when the war is in different perspectives... it breaks up the action and makes it more entertaining for readers."
"It's just a book. I just filled some gaps in my life with dramatic plots in order for you to have a more suspenseful experience."
"Books that play with time...are things that will keep you very engaged."
"Very rarely do you run into trouble when you're doing a plot twist, when you give the reader more than they expected."
"When readers pick up a piece of fiction, they're picking it up because they want to effect a change in their brain."
"Not all emails are selling emails. Providing genuine value that will help your readers is the key to getting them to open future emails as well as build the know, like, and trust factor with you."
"It's amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop."
"There is no canon here. It belongs to you. How do you like that?"
"Pacing is about hitting the perfect happy medium for the speed at which your story moves."
"You never want your reader to go, 'Why? Like I don't understand why they did that.'"
"Eight of 10 people will read your headline, but only two out of 10 people will click through."
"Plot holes will always exist; good writers just make it that you don't give a [ __ ] about them."
"You leave blank those are for the reader to fill on their own when you fill those blanks with what you originally thought or what you think now you ruined the experience for someone somewhere."
"But I'm not sure if anyone else feels like that about this book you'll have to let me know in the comments."
"I'm so grateful my audience bullied me into reading One Piece."
"The marineford period was one of the most exciting times to be reading the series."
"It brings the reader into this story, like you're part of it."
"It's just so gorgeous. I'll just read you... I cry every time I read this."
"Piece very, very well. These over-the-top and outlandish designs fit the hilarious over-the-top and outlandish world of One."
"You want the reader of questions but you don't want them to be confused."
"You write with such vivid language that I could imagine myself there."
"Sometimes I feel like the anticipation and discussion about what might happen is part of the joy of the books themselves."
"If you take one recommendation from this video, read this."
"I loved this... it is so wonderfully done in my opinion... it is just all over the place, it makes my skin crawl."
"You can't keep the ones that you like, but I'm gonna give it away. That's the whole point of this exercise."
"This was an amazing recommendation and all of you who have not only been telling me this to read this in that video but have been telling me to read it for a year or two like thank you you're right it was great."
"I wanted to give tools, I wanted that not only did I want to open the dialog and have a conversation but I also wanted that when you read this book to leave what takeaways and have tools to deal with as example stress and anxiety."
"For how long are we going to punish the reader for not saying what you're wanting to hear?"
"In the end, it's about enriching the lives of those who will read your work and enriching your own life as well."
"I'm deliberately writing words that force people to look at the pictures because if I write a story that makes sense just if you read the words then why would anyone look at the pictures?"
"Your goal as a writer should be to make sure your audience keeps reading, and that means doing less not more."
"Tricking readers into believing they're seeing a serious rendering... and then allowing them to laugh at their own gullibility."
"If there is a good in-world reason for this to happen, readers accept it and even like it a lot more."
"Choose your own adventure set themselves apart from regular books by giving you an active role in determining the outcome of the narrative."
"This book honestly sounds enchanting. I'm particularly drawn to the magic itself."
"Each book has really escalated on itself in ways I could never even imagine."
"Having characters you enjoy spending time with can go a long way toward helping you push through the nightmare."
"I hope that I covered some of the tropes that you've been looking for, that you love."
"I feel like if you pick it up you will love it."
"Sunlin is such an engaging main character, easy to root for."
"Every chapter you're like, 'Okay, now I need to get to the other one.'"
"I want a groundbreaking story, I want something that kicks me in the feels."
"The imagery and just the bizarreness of this journey is perhaps not for everyone, but I did honestly really like it."
"I don't enjoy having a character die in front of me and I feel all the emotions, you know? I'm shocked, I'm upset, I'm mourning them. It hurts. And then I turn the page and know they're alive because of reasons."
"I feel like if you don't want to kill your characters, don't kill your characters. If you do want to kill your characters, kill your characters. But don't do it and then take it back. It frustrates me so much."
"This chapter was refreshing after the repetitive last chapter."
"Absolutely all right, everybody. I look forward to reading your comments."
"Fake dating... the sweet spot of the book..."
"Readers love this across the board. This is why the promises are so important. Readers love being able to say read the book and be like wow I bet Luke is going to get good at the force."
"Silently world build an aspect of your fiction and then actively world build that same aspect once the consumer craves an answer."
"This one's really, really good and there are two more in the series so you won't be satisfied with just this one."
"Pay attention. Your readers are going to be a hell of a lot more insightful."
"I love that there's such a big focus on like the academia of magic and the studying of magic."
"Readers are smart. Trust your readers to see what you're writing, read a scene and understand it."
"Bringing us closer to real emotion that we can see makes us more invested in the story and makes us feel closer to what's happening."
"I know everyone read this last year, I know everyone was in love with it last year."
"At its core, a comic needs the reader to relate to and care about the characters."
"The only thing that needs to matter to the reader is: is it cool?"
"Superheroes are figures that help readers process events in their own lives and the world at large."
"Among people who have actually sat down to read or watch it, it's almost universally beloved."
"Make the language playful, have fun with it. Let the reader have fun reading it."
"I want to grab hold of my readers and make them cry and make them grieve and make them laugh as well and experience joy."
"Poppy War... I actually enjoy it more than Forgotten Realms."
"The fact that a novel a character doesn't have to be likable... that you want to follow the story."
"It's different and it appeals to a lot of people."
"If you get to the end and you think it was a waste of time, send all the hate mail my way."
"An evil character freely exhibits those normally hidden desires and acts in a way the readers cannot, providing an outlet for those ugly feelings that we all share."
"The author is dead insofar as she's not the only person who gets to decide how her work still gets interpreted."
"Her writing reminds me of my favorite mystery author, you don't want to stop reading."
"The overall point... readers feel like they know you."
"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."
"I really am enjoying the way this writer communicates things."
"Once you've caught the reader's attention, you want the essay to follow a logical story."
"The twist was so unexpected, it really knocked me off my feet."
"I guess now I kind of want to hear from you guys what are your favorite or least favorite character tropes."
"Always think about the emotional reading experience."
"The Days of Future Past is a mainstay among the minds of people who rank popular comic books."
"Every day, reading your comments has to be the highlight of my day."
"The mystery of his identity captured the reader's imaginations."
"Every chapter needs to end in such a way that you need to read the next chapter because you don't know what's happening next."
"Becoming better readers and better writers in the process."
"This is absolutely perfect, I can't believe it."
"From the first sentence to the last sentence, I am hooked the entire time."
"Essays in particular, the structure creates a certain engagement."
"Felix Ever After is everything that you could possibly ask for. Highly recommend."
"I love reading comments. It does help. It is a big motivation to see interest and to see what you're thinking."
"Nobody wants to see a fake orgasm, and I most certainly don't want to read one."
"Describing puts more trust in the reader because you're allowing them to infer based on your descriptions."
"Aaron has been on this track for quite a bit of time we as readers have been experiencing his journey over so many years but finally we have seen the face of a person that is desperate."
"I really enjoyed this book; it had the perfect mix of fantasy, thriller, and heart."
"Honestly, I hadn't been able to guess any of the reveals so far."
"It's a good way to hook your readers and keep them drawn in throughout your entire story."
"I like getting to read something that doesn't feel like it was written for robots or puritans or idiots."
"Sometimes you want people frustrated with a character until that character is working on something they need to get over."
"That's a good frustration that you want the reader to have."
"If you can grasp a reader within five chapters, you've got it."
"Instantly you create a sense of worry within the reader."
"Each one has like distinct plot points and story lines and kristin cashore takes so much care to build these characters and you just grow to love them so much."
"I think it was such a well-crafted piece of literature and I think a lot of people will get a lot of enjoyment out of this book."
"Beyond satiating my own thirst for Warcraft lore of course it got me thinking about franchise novels in general."
"Readers are smart. They’re read a lot of stories."
"You'll give them a better sense that more of their readership is aware and annoyed."
"I finished the book and with the amount that I kind of struggled with a lot of it, I feel like I just can't give it more than three and a half."
"Have you ever found yourself thinking like this is my favorite author and if I could control what they wrote like this is the story I would want them to tell?"
"Everyone likes fiction for different reasons, but characters will always be the linchpin of a narrative, and that is why, when done right, good characters can create unforgettable moments that are impossible not to marvel at."
"Nice Try, Jane Sinner is seriously so so good."
"Definitely let me know in the comments below, what was your favorite book that you bought, received or even just read in the month of January, I would love to know."
"Matthew's the most read book of the New Testament... but most people have no clue really what Matthew's trying to emphasize."
"This book transcends genres and categories. It's part guidebook, part memoir, part poetry, and a pure delight."
"Enemies to lovers is a very popular trope that I know so many of you guys love."
"I highly highly recommend it I think a lot of you guys are really gonna like it."
"But I do think that some of you guys could end up actually really liking the book."
"I really liked this book, I want more books with Crona as our main character."
"Just a perfect two-book series that I highly recommend checking out."
"Positive support should be appreciated no matter if it's a lengthy gushing comment or someone giving a Kudos or whatever someone took time out to read your story and left some kind of positive feedback."
"I hate complete endings. I really dislike the feeling of reading a story and having nothing left to explore."
"I'm really amazed by the twists and turns of the story."
"Hello, besties, I finished The Lost Hero and I have a lot of things to say."
"The Inheritance Games... definitely did fall under that category."
"It feels good to be able to read that I'm helping people out."
"The best mystery stories are the ones where you as the reader, viewer, or player are given all the tools you need to crack the case."
"The fact that people were still interested in the story books even from the time when she first wrote them up until her later years, who wouldn't be flattered by that kind of attention?"
"If this is the Song of Achilles, I want to join the choir."
"I think what I've learned is that BookTok loves a little twist, a little sad ending, they want to cry.."
"From small town romance to mafia tales, a diverse array of stories awaits."
"Unexpected twists and turns keep readers hooked."
"Absolutely wonderful, highly recommend if you like Gothic stories."
"I love the unreliable narration in this, narration is one of my favorite aspects, like good cool interesting narration is one of the things that will really get me hooked on a book."
"It's such a fun journey novel and it really centers two characters you can't help but fall in love with."
"But yeah this is definitely one I would highly recommend."
"Guys, comment down below why you think that the book said 'dreams come to reality,' because this is actually the weirdest thing I've ever seen."
"It felt very cliche but then it's also the type of thing I would definitely read, like there's a love story, love triangle, she's in Paris, it was okay just not my favorite."
"The silent patient will absolutely have you screaming it is terrifying."
"I understand the reader perspective fairly well and you just want people to be happy."
"This book had me laughing out loud, gasping, and smiling."
"A suspenseful book... I needed to figure out who did it."
"The books give everyone their own favorite characters."
"I'm so incredibly excited for the book and I'm very excited for you."
"It creates conflicting emotions when your readership starts sympathy with the villains, and while some stories explore this relationship, One Piece typically does not."
"A zombie story done Sonic style, not just in terms of narrative but making the reader desperate to live out this story with a controller in hand."
"I'm still receiving so many messages. I just read an article written by Aubrey."
"This book, I just, I mean how could you not love it? Like it's really, really, really good."
"More than anything else, these books are starting to confirm things for us."
"Inexpensive things can look expensive when you pick them, especially if they're made of natural fabrics like wool, cotton, or linen."
"I'm already so in love with it. I mean, because this is the fifth book to a series, there's so much that's happened, the narrative just basically starts with a bang."
"There were all sorts of red herrings and things that could be misinterpreted in characters and events that it really kept me guessing all throughout."
"Wow, that was it for the first chapter so long so crazy so fun."
"The storytelling once you're into it is really engrossing."
"I highly recommend this one to most readers."
"I love reading your comments... it's so gratifying to see that I've influenced some of you to pick up a brush."
"I'm going to be reading his back catalog after this... I thought this was just amazing."
"We did yeah reading about that in masters of doing yes and I think the guy was thrilled."
"Grab my book 'The Unplugged Alpha,' it's available on Amazon, guys are loving it, there's lots of value in that."
"Romance requires us to suspend disbelief in the unrealistic nature of the plot and experience it on our own terms."
"I like that it's challenging my expectations of what the story is and where it's going."
"I finished this book and wow did it just absolutely take my breath away."
"Writing about the seemingly mundane and making it readable and exciting is about juxtaposition."
"They all have one thing in common and that is that they are absolute page-turners."
"The best kind of event comics are the ones that make you want to learn more about the characters."
"Trust your reader to pick up on subtle context clues, and of course, allow the reader to discover things as they're reading your story because it just makes for a better reading experience."
"I'm chasing that hit ever since, and if I can do that to a reader, then I've passed something on."
"Chainsaw man is the number one manga on Manga Plus."
"The stories are ever shifting and changing, even if there's something a reader absolutely hates."
"It's very fast-paced, and I feel like part two is gonna get interesting."
"Thank you for continuing to try to convert people to my books."
"What did you do to get sentenced?" asked the reader.
"I've unlocked a special poem. Would you like to read it?"
"A story should be enjoyable even if you know the end at the outset."
"Don't info dump all your world building in the beginning of your book and overwhelm us with information instead expand your world as your character explores it."
"There's still tons of surprises in the story to uncover for yourself."
"Characters are the lens in which we experience a story."
"This is some people's favorite favorite book by Colleen Hoover."
"My heart gets so kindly torn from my chest because of these amazing authors."
"I just absolutely need to continue on with book two..."
"Even if you find her annoying, I feel like if you can get to the end, you would be rooting for her in the end."
"Damn, such beautiful narrative, make me shed a tear."
"Unreliable narrators can be both fun and frustrating for readers, as they add another layer of tension and mystery to the story."
"And if you want to talk about the book as you read it that's great."
"So I think that at least for people who are who cool read it honestly, it's going to have the effect that we're hoping it's gonna have."
"Please check out some of those living down below some books you feel like aren't writing about a lot as I would love to know and add them to my TBR."
"If you've read More than Meets the Eye, you know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Truly an underappreciated book that like nobody has read and more people should read it because it's phenomenal wonderful please read it I want everyone to read this book."
"The most important thing about a book in my opinion is whether it's engaging and whether it's fun. You know, writing is an art, it's for enjoyment, it's for entertainment."
"Magic should be understandable enough that the reader can look at a problem and see how magic can be used to fix it."
"Not just ending at the climax and showing where everyone is and what kind of new problems are arising from this new thing that's happening is really, really valuable to the reader."
"I want people to get excited about it I do but I have no plans to wrap up the series anytime soon so you can relax and read it with ease next year..."
"I picked Patrick Süskind's 'Perfume: The Story of a Murderer' because so many of you have read this and loved it."
"Also, I wanted to pick something that I think fewer people have read, which is 'White is for Witching' by Helen Oyeyemi."
"Please read it, buy it, gift it, and go from there. I think this is a must-have book for everyone."
"It's amazing how a writer could so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination."
"Comment down below what you want to read in May."
"If you haven't read The Silent Patient yet, I don't know what but you need to read it."
"I read almost 900 pages... hope you guys enjoy this read-a-thon vlog."
"Love this book so much, we couldn't recommend this series more."
"Realistically if I like a world I want a book to be huge, I can keep being in that world."
"I love when the killer, kind of going back to the Agatha Christie murder mystery aspect of everything, when it's the person you least suspect."
"Everything about this chapter was so so good."