
Spiritual Community Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Holy company... the company of people who are meditators, who are genuinely devotional, spiritual, their company is invaluable."
"Christ's suffering and death continues in his mystical body and in each one of his members."
"Thank you for standing with us, you're a generous, loving, faithful people and I don't take that for granted."
"When they have repented and been forgiven and been brought into the family of God, then they can rejoice in that love which is as wide as the ocean and as high as the heavens."
"The salvation station, can you say amen? The salvation station."
"Can we acknowledge the incredible gift that is Pastor Torian, his 'yes,' and all that he's done to make us become better?"
"The kingdom of God will be radically inclusive."
"Our ministry is growing rapidly... there is expansion that we can't even begin to explain."
"Now we can stand up like men, stand up like women, and serve the true and living God!"
"By the undeserved kindness of our amazing God Jehovah, we have reached an all-time peak crossing the 21 million mark."
"The church is the secret and powerful Society of the redeemed."
"God hates loneliness, that's why He created a spiritual family."
"We belong to each other in the family of God."
"We are the family of God, a family of families, gathered or scattered, still united."
"Who are we? We're the redeemed. We're the light of the world."
"When you see God's people, it will not be characterized by lawlessness. Peace, patience, kindness, goodness."
"I think the church is a very positive thing that day."
"There's no hierarchy here. We're all just a part of this unified field, helping each other get home."
"Unity is crucial to the witness and mission of the church."
"The remnant church is really looking for answers right now, and for hope."
"Father, we bless you, we ought to praise you, and we actually sing in Jesus' name. Amen, amen, until next time."
"Thank you so much I'm praying for years you know it just took him to spend a couple weekends with some Catholic guys."
"We believe what the word says, and the Most High added to the assembly daily such as should be saved."
"God bless you, friends, and God bless you who are watching."
"Godly community is essential to reach purpose."
"Your godly community shouldn't be like, 'New nation I got that big ol house.' Your godly community says, 'Hey I got a room you can stay in at my house.'"
"I believe that God is looking for four groups of people... willing to give themselves to host the presence of the Lord."
"Hope I'm bringing some type of inspiration or inspiring the people of Yah."
"The judge will be Jesus Christ but he got a bunch with him he got a jury who's that that's you that's you you know."
"Only the Holy Trinity, through the unified intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the angels, the saints, and the souls in purgatory, can help you."
"A remnant who remain true to God will survive."
"Relationships would continue on into the spiritual world, so yes it's entirely possible that you will be in a spiritual community with people who were in your extended family in this world."
"Egghead marks the Straw Hats' freedom to do as they please, a stark contrast to their previous circumstances."
"And continue to pray and continue to march forth in this. It's His people who He wants to speak His truth and speak His word."
"Thank you guys for joining us. God bless you."
"Thank you for praying for me. I do not take it lightly."
"I believe in this, this is not a building for me... more people being healed, more people being delivered, more people being touched."
"This is one of the greatest times to be a part of what God is doing."
"An army of spiritual warriors, light warriors, that's what we're creating right now."
"You need to find people that you can seek God with, people that you can be in one accord with."
"144,000 boots banging, concrete crackling: These are men repented at heart."
"Everyone that lives here is a spirit medium."
"Saints, the Lord is on the throne, directing our path. I'm so blessed that we are part of the kingdom of God."
"I don't want our disagreement and execution to be something the enemy uses to divide us as Brothers and Sisters in Christ."
"I just love this community I love chatting about spiritual awakenings and what resonated with you."
"They're wearing their heart on their sleeve or they're wanting to wear their heart on their sleeve so over time it's like they're opening their heart more to you."
"It's about empowering the starseeds and the light workers, it's about telling them how they can go and do it for themselves."
"You're in the right place at the right time, joining the right church, serving the only God."
"He's coming back for people that walk in love toward one another, that treat each other with respect."
"Keep the faith because you're the first in the door in the kingdom my friends, I love you."
"We need to become a covenant keeping people."
"In the kingdom of God, we are all important to the body of Christ."
"Flashpoint Army, it's a blessing of the Lord."
"May God bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"It's so important to have godly people in your life."
"We now live in a new world, a new creation, and we have angelic community."
"I found a new therapist, met some new friends, and found a new church with loving people."
"If Heaven is the Hallelujah people, so Heaven is awesome."
"But if you were to include all these other factors that contribute to human flourishing including i think being tethered to a spiritual community or having a sense of the transcendence."
"...God never intended for us to suffer in isolation it's why he created spiritual Community it's why he created Harvest Christian Fellowship."
"Empaths will enter my spiritual home which offers uplifting conversations, lessons, meditations, exercises, and friendships, all of which will help members exercise their intuitive and empathic muscle."
"Congratulations on finishing your services and becoming a member of the lingu holy lands."
"May they all be one, may they be one in us."
"God is looking for a people today who will uphold the banner of God and His kingdom."
"While we can't have church traditionally, we can still be the church consistently."
"Show us your glory in every spirit-filled Church."
"Peace be to you all who are in Christ Jesus. Amen."
"If all of our members were right with God, what an awesome net this would be to bring souls to Jesus Christ."
"You have cultivated your soul tribe and your aura is yours."
"This church is such a breath of fresh air."
"Ever since I've been saved, I've just enjoyed being around God's people."
"The gospel... creates a people with an upside-down set of values, a whole alternate way of being human."
"Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God."
"The reconciliation, subordination, and reconstitution of the world of the whole community of spiritual beings."
"We are the real house of God, not the building, the people in the building."
"God has always had a people, men who can't be bought or sold, women who are beyond purchase."
"That which we have seen and declare unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."
"The best days of this church are yet to come."
"And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God."
"All believers are brethren and there is a fellowship of believers."
"For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you."
"Hello my soul tribe and welcome back to my channel."
"We honor you today for your example of leadership in the kingdom of God."
"Grace is made visible most often and most easily and most frequently via the generosity of the people of God."
"Behold, the Tabernacle of God is among the people, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be among them."
"What a joy it is to minister together, what a joy it is to work together here at 3ABN."
"The church is the gathering of true worshipers."
"The church is not for angels; it is for sick people, and Jesus is the doctor."
"We're Jewish, we're Gentile, we're from a variety of backgrounds, but you have done a miracle that have called us together and made us one body."
"This is a new day and a new season for my prophets and for prophetic people."
"We are one body, joining together in one voice."
"Live with other devotees, to be with people who are on the path, people who can help you in different ways by their example, lift you when you're feeling down."
"Your sovereignty is in this building, and we have been a people that have known Your Grace, your mercy, your provision."
"Join the company of the redeemed."
"To be in Sat Sangat, it is never in our own hands. It's only through Guru Sahib's Kirpa that we come into Sangat."
"In the last days, God is going to have a nation of people that will be surrendered to Him and filled with the spirit."