
Collective Progress Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It's time for us as a collective human race to rise into the light, into greater consciousness expansion."
"Even if I cease to exist... as long as everyone continues to move forward toward the future we created together, I will never disappear."
"This is a time where all of us are being pushed into the new."
"Every single one of us stands on the shoulders of giants."
"Thanks to collective learning, our potential is awesome."
"We are ascending. That's what's happening. We, the people, are ascending."
"Please, please, please, maybe not in my generation, you know, maybe long after I'm dead, but the only way we're going to do this is if we become more than the sum of our parts."
"We all want to move in the same direction towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren."
"Success will take care of itself when everyone is moving forward together."
"If enough of us can take that leap to a higher place, we help bring in the golden age for everybody."
"Social justice is not a competition... it's an opportunity for us to advance an agenda."
"America moves forward only when we do so together."
"Keep learning and growing and we'll all come to a fuller understanding together."
"We have a real problem with figuring out how do we collectively advance our people."
"Individual and Collective Awakening and a willingness to assess and address facts as they come in."
"We're supposed to help each other, we're supposed to push each other forward, we're supposed to evolve each other, we're supposed to stick together. We're supposed to, why don't we, Dame? Why don't people?"
"Everybody's getting better, and that's a win for all of us."
"All growth is always in the direction, whether personally or collectively, towards greater love and greater wisdom."
"Whatever is transpiring during this time is allowing us to grow both within our individual journey as well as within the collective."
"I honestly just think that we can all help each other move forward and have a really good year ahead."
"Be proud of who you are and realize that we're gonna get further together."
"It's time to move on together, let's support each other."
"We have to deal with ourselves first. In order to make collective progress, we have to deal with ourselves first."
"Humanity has had the opportunity to step into our ascension process in a more whole and complete way."
"America's best days are ahead, and yes, we're on our way forward boldly."
"We are all in this together and we're trying to push ourselves so that the person that does succeed can go farther."
"Every gesture of love, every moment of understanding, and every act of healing contribute significantly to the collective elevation of human consciousness."
"Humanity by the way is not about striving as individuals it's about us thriving as humanity."
"Together we rise. Ascension is not a solitary journey."
"We want progress to be shared, and we want all boats to continue to rise with each new tide."
"Reality will speed up, entering new territories collectively and individually."
"We have got such a brighter future ahead and I want to see everyone get there."
"As we move through an ascension process collectively, we move back into a new Lemuria."
"The way this country becomes great is hundreds of millions of people slightly bettering themselves and trending in the right direction."
"Collectively, we are leaping forward in our Evolution."
"All of us as people, what we're stepping into, is freedom for the people."
"We can build a brighter future for all of us."
"This is a huge pivot point for us collectively, a very auspicious time."
"By just focusing on one factor, you're not going to actually lift all the boats."
"As we strive to move forward collectively in these latter days, and try to gather Israel, I love the idea that from many, 'E Pluribus Unum', from many, we become one."
"Together, let us forge a legacy of light, love, and collective evolution, a legacy that continues long after our footsteps fade, echoing through the ages as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul."
"As it gets better for you, it will get better for others."
"Collective evolution is an organization with a very simple message: we inspire people to embrace change in their lives and in the way they see the world."
"With the benefit of history, we do not want to repeat, we'll learn from this past moment and come together in a way that we've never come together before."
"I appreciate that we as a fandom can come together like this and I am so proud of how far this fandom has come."
"We both wholeheartedly believe that we can all go further together."
"If through some miracle a single individual is able to transcend to new heights, the greater whole will also transform and be uplifted to that level."
"We've got things collectively unfolding in a really positive way."
"Can we see that how everything that we've been through has got us right here to this moment where we are able to do better, where we're able to transcend, we're able to continue evolving and help the collective evolve as well."
"Unique, unusual ideas... maybe even scientific breakthroughs of some sort coming through from a collective level."