
Reality Alteration Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"To change your personal reality, you literally have to become someone else."
"Imagine... you woke up and realized that you could warp reality."
"In a world where secrets have always been kept in the shadows, a momentous event is fast unfolding, sending shockwaves across the world and rewriting the very fabric of reality."
"The ability to literally rewrite reality is the singular most Godlike ability that there is."
"Dr. Manhattan can basically warp reality as he sees fit."
"The Flash was literally so powerful that he was able to alter the entirety of reality."
"Scarlet Witch has literally used her powers to change all of reality."
"Wanda Maximoff has the ability to completely rewrite reality."
"Wanda's ability to rewrite reality essentially could produce the same effect as the snap if she were to concentrate all of her power."
"The power in what's coming ahead of this can literally help you alter realities in the third dimension."
"Free runners have this ability to take the unimaginable and make it into reality."
"Matthew Malloy's power set was reality warping based."
"When you can warp reality itself, it lets you change the rules of the game."
"Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled alters the future in harmony with the assumption."
"Wanda has the ability to rewrite reality essentially, which could produce the same effect as the snap."
"The secret school is part of the process of revising reality."
"It was Wanda's chaos magic that allowed her to change reality on an omniversal scale."
"I think they're both at the level where they can just rewrite reality in whatever the hell they want."
"Monty's plan is explained: resolve the paradox, create a new reality free of Apothicons."
"Psychedelics kind of opened this imaginary door in your mind and once they blow this door wide open of what is possible in what is not possible they can change your very perception of what reality is."
"Old Mixie can rewrite matter and reality to suit his needs."
"I think we can handle a little destruction of reality."
"Such an impression is a clue... a variable was changed, reprogrammed as it were."
"You can go into the Matrix and you can change what you see around you by what you have going on inside."
"If you want to change reality you yourself have to change the way you think."
"Time is not real, shift into the state where you already have what you want."
"Welcome back to some more conspiracy theories and Unexplained Mysteries that's going to kind of alter your reality just a little bit."
"Reality isn't so real. You can Quantum jump into a brand new reality that has nothing to do with your reality now."
"Wanda is warping reality so that Vision is alive once more, but her reality warping appears to be contained within this small town."
"When you change the language, you change your reality."
"Spider-Man no way home rewrote reality inside of the MCU in a way that I'm not sure we're all fully appreciating yet."
"The overseers have altered the fabric of reality for the benefit of their own wicked desires."
"...if one were to tug on those threads, you might be able to alter reality."
"The quizat hatak represents a great and powerful weapon, a being that can alter reality."
"A grimoire is not simply a book of magic spells but a text containing occult knowledge to alter one's reality."
"Whenever one of the official Doctor Wondertainment cartridges is inserted into the console and activated, it results in a localized CK-class reality restructuring scenario, which rearranges reality in the immediate area to resemble the game's setting."
"Espers possess an involuntary movement or aimed a fusion field that manifests their power, letting them consciously alter reality with their mind."
"Naruto's ultimate goal is truly to cast again Jutsu so powerful that it can alter reality."
"'The Lathe of Heaven' is a masterful exploration of shaping reality through dreams, offering mind-blowing ideas and a compelling narrative."
"Magic is the power to change Reality by will."
"It was an internal force that changed the course of human development and in fact the course of all of reality."
"Using her chaos magic, Wanda has the very powerful ability to alter reality."
"The ether is the reality stone so can actually alter all of reality."
"In places like Varric's Lair, the fabric of reality can be different."
"Unknowingly able to change, manifest, and generally screw around with reality depending on her wishes, the often obnoxious yet eternally entertaining Haruhi becomes a focal point for every kind of sentient life in the universe."
"Kotodama magic allows its user to alter physical reality with just his words."
"Science is now proving that what you think can change your reality for good or for bad."
"The single most powerful reality bending and shifting technique ever."
"It is perfectly possible to move the assemblage point from its normal position and thereby to bring about a totally new view of the world."
"People who are incapable of intentionally shifting their assemblage point can shape reality and are lucid dreamers."
"Occasionally, though, a choice is made that does affect the river of realities. An Event occurs that diverts the flow, that changes the future for that particular sub-stream of realities. This is known as a Divergence."
"X-Man is a reality warping mutant and superhero."
"If you change the fantasy frame, not only will the subject change but reality itself will change."
"It unzipped the seams of my reality."
"Able to create and destroy life at will, change fundamental constants of the universe, and create entire realities."
"This suit also helps Captain America change the course of reality."