
Cosmic Entities Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The astral regulator... is Way Beyond the power of the Infinity Stones."
"The one above all basically tells Thanos to stop his actions, and Thanos says no."
"All these cosmic entities can gather and oppose the force of Thanos."
"The first thing this cosmic entity does is it looks around and says all these Celestials... they're all things that do not need to exist."
"Galactus senses the arrival of the Dreaming Celestial and he gets scared."
"Their power is so extreme, reality-warping, the ability to create life, different things like that, yet despite the power they have, their power is dwarfed by that of the Dreaming Celestial."
"Infinity stones want to be brought together because they all hail from a singular being that's constantly trying to reform itself."
"SCP-169 is a massive space-faring arthropod-like species that can serve as life pods or gods of creation within the universe."
"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate, Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate."
"Metron has basically seen the collapse and rebirth of universes, and he's seen all these events take place, and so he's essentially the keeper of all knowledge."
"Who's really in charge when I pray to the star-filled sky at night? That leads us to this week's big question: who is the more powerful force in the universe, the Watchers or the Celestials?"
"Prior to the creation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there were six singularities: space, mind, reality, power, time, and soul."
"Around this time, the elders of the universe, namely the collector... come into existence."
"The one reborn is sent back to the void from which it came."
"If the flood had managed to consume all biomass within a single galaxy, they'd basically be trans-dimensional beings."
"Marvel's Eternals: set around an immortal alien race created by the Celestials."
"Azathoth, the big guy himself, and the fact that it's taken us three videos to finally reach this guy is saying something."
"Move over Yogg-Saron, there's a new daddy in town."
"We are the protectors of humanity and its judges. When the shadows strike, we strike back. From the outer dark, we come, and into its depths we shall return. The black sea beyond the stars calls to us."
"Suddenly what seems like such a vile thing can be justified." The snap gives him a way to view life as a fickle part of the universe. Thanos changes Galactus's outlook and our star is born.
"For all we know, the theory could keep going." Perhaps all the stones were a combination of Galactus power. Destroying them all unleashed him back on the universe. It's certainly possible.
"Galactus is a cosmic force, so they might need a cosmic force to fight him, so hear me out: Marvel could try doing the Phoenix."
"What happens if Azathoth existed today? Well, life as we know it would be changed forever."
"The great darkness sits above it all alongside the presence and the empty hand is capable of destroying entire realities and even whole multiverses."
"Planemos are solitary wanderers, sentinels of the galaxy."
"Galactus may be one of the most terrifying cosmic entities in the history of marvel comics popular with book readers and moviegoers alike."
"So, you're telling me the black winter is the Galactus of universes."
"Lady Death is one of the most powerful entities in the entire universe."
"In the end, the devourer of Worlds will be the hero the Multiverse deserves."
"Yes, the Legion is a big threat, but there's more out there in the form of the Void Lords."
"Parasites are also galactic beings. They are multi-dimensional. They don't have to be 3D."
"For every universe that exists, there's an eternity. For that universe, an eternity refers to the one above all."
"Galactus is straight up an abstract being in the Marvel Universe on par with beings like eternity and mistress death."
"Beyonder's powers surpassed that of Eternity and the Living Tribunal."
"The tuning fork basically allows its wielder to channel all these different cosmic entities of a higher being into the fork itself and then control the very nature of reality to do virtually anything they want to."
"Celestial, the creators of the universe, yeah, you're not beating that."
"Now, as I was saying before I got interrupted, take me to this universe's God of Destruction."
"One of the most underrated elements of Hickman's cosmic X-Men is how the writer weaves in the Kree Supreme Intelligence."
"He's like a super nova, Nova prime."
"Galactus doesn't really interfere, right? Because Galactus is a force of nature."
"Another interesting fact that I read about Galactus is that he only looks human to humans."
"The phenomenon of fast radio bursts... suggest exotic astrophysical phenomena or possibly even interactions with unknown cosmic entities."
"Silver Surfer is considered to be the most powerful of all Galactus' Heralds."
"The universe harbors even grander entities, ultramassive black holes."