
Salesmanship Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"If you outwork everybody, if you try to be a little smarter than everybody, if you try to be a better salesperson than everybody, if you try to be better prepared than everybody, you got your best chance."
"Malignant narcissists are the best salespeople around; they will just keep you on the hook, dangle it, future faking, whatever it takes to keep you there until they get what they want from you, and then cut you off and leave you to suffer with no or little conscience."
"This door-to-door salesman has the perfect technique for sliding paper under the doors. That's so satisfying."
"Learn a listing presentation that will literally get the signature the first time you're at their house."
"The more sales calls you make, the more you deal with rejection. It's not even a big deal."
"If you believe in what you're selling, you have to ask yourself, 'Is my 30 seconds of rejection feeling more important to me than the pain I might be resolving for this person over the next few decades of their life?'"
"I'm about to see if I can sell to you real quick."
"He is a great salesman he can trick people into buying anything he is so extremely charismatic for a video game developer."
"Of all of the qualities a good salesperson must have, number one is integrity."
"This was according to the salesman's own pitch, a transformative effort to overhaul the nation's economy."
"It's an intrinsic quality of personality trait. I know you're not supposed to say that. Everybody's supposed to believe you could become a salesman."
"I love selling, but just don't be full of shit."
"I went around and I got 12 people to buy it."
"It is wildly okay to sell. Everything's okay. Just sell something you believe in."
"You can make millions on the phone. It's a phone that's gonna get you there, not more ad dollars."
"You don't have to be the greatest salesman in the world, you just have to be willing to hustle."
"I've been here for eight months nobody I've worked with cops I work with everybody do you sell cars with window tint nah i sell i sell cars at an interesting crisis so window tint well that's what's up so you sell cars that have window"
"That really is what I've noticed from MLMs. They're sort of the good salesmen. The people who succeed are masters at tapping into the hope, the, you shouldn't be satisfied, you can do better, and with us, you will do better."
"Selling is the greatest career you could have, because no one will ever take it away from you."
"The greatest salesman tend to believe their own pitches right, and Trump really believes that Mar-a-Lago is the greatest place in the world."
"An extraordinary salesman, he could sell ice to Eskimos."
"Collecting is as important as closing the sales."
"Master salesmen attain the status of Mastery by transmuting sex energy into sales enthusiasm."
"Are you gonna sell me other things? I got no problem with that if I'm making money."
"Hofheinz was known as a witty salesman with grandiose charisma and not an ounce less of pride."
"I'm not gonna try and sell you anything. I'm not going to pitch you anything to buy from me or pay me for something."
"He succeeded because he identified something real that was going on and was an effective salesman."
"Hello, have you found our selection of vegetables today? Oh hi, how's it going? Can I interest you in our fine selection of Bud Lights? No? Alright, I'll just see my way out then."
"You have to be completely sold on your product or service."
"Believe in what you sell, and remember, you're in control of if there's a problem."
"Tony Lewis and Barry BMW... unreal the amount of attention to detail that he puts into every single sale."
"You can sell anything if you have the right person behind it."
"Never disagree with the person you're trying to sell... listen more than you talk."
"You're not going in to do an interview. You're going in to sell yourself. You want to control that interview and make it a sales presentation."
"Guys, they'll hook you up. Just come down to Freedom, get you a motorcycle."
"I'm selling dreams and who buying them, man?"
"Honestly, this is a 10. That's a solid 10." - Robbie
"We are good at selling savior, we are not good at selling Lord."
"You know you're in very safe and capable hands when you're purchasing your emergency mobile telephone communication device."
"Over the years, I have learned when to walk away from a prospect if a sale is taking up too much of my time."
"He was just crafty with it, like you could tell when somebody, when they sell somebody naturally they got that [ __ ] naturally he he that's the gift that he had naturally."
"21 years of selling cars, I see the frustration levels when my customers... come from other dealers and they're like, 'This dealer just doesn't get it right. They have no idea what they're doing. They're playing games.'"
"I just think Joe Rogan single-handedly you sold this pay-per-view for anyone."
"Nobody in the world is ever going to buy anything from you until they buy you first."
"Turner hit the bricks in North and South Carolina, driving his Cadillac around to hustle potential Distributors."
"Bill Barr is like a used car salesman who drones on endlessly about the shiny wax job on the car he's trying to sell you."
"Mr. Customer, you told me performance is your number one priority. Let me remind you of all the performance features in this car."
"The fundamental job of a salesperson is to make sure the buyer understands how the product or service they offer can satisfy their needs."
"Sell it to them for the pure delight of problem-solving."
"When people feel like they're trying to be sold something, they usually back away."
"Celebrate greatness, man. This is a great dealership I got going on right now."
"Because you refuse to acknowledge that he also sells a single rake. No wonder the guy never leaves."
"He's a very, very flamboyant sales person he could sell anything to anybody."
"I'm buying whatever she's selling. And, she sold it. All of it." - Manila Luzon
"Somehow it's levitating, and I think it's Elon Musk. He's the greatest salesman in the world."
"He is the freaking king of grift. He knows how to sell it."
"My, you're quite the salesman. Where do I sign up?"
"He's a carnival barker, he's a salesman, but he's also like, 'We're also gonna sell this like we're also gonna sell like being a person.' Yeah, human."
"He probably was one of the most aggressive salesmen that ever existed and it worked out really well for him."
"I mean, I can buy and sell ice to an Eskimo, but I can't spell."
"Hank is not only a great salesman of propane but he cares about the experience of his customers as well as his fellow workers."
"Every watch has a story behind it. I just don't sell it and that's the most important part."
"I think one of the things about Brett that makes him really relatable is how good he was at selling."
"If you're not sold on it, if you don't believe in that, who will?"
"If there's ever was a Salesman, that guy's it."
"I'm striving to do is hopefully inform you help you out with questions decisions kind of give you a walk around before you go into the dealerships you might know what you like."
"Being a good salesperson is good; being a good copywriter is life-changing."
"If you know how to sell, you will never go broke in business."
"I will buy from a good salesperson even if I don't really want to buy it that bad."
"If you ever made it to Savannah, Georgia, you would sell at least two tickets."
"If you can sell to a toddler, you can sell to anyone."
"Once Rick shoots his gun, I won't have to say another word. The gun's going to sell itself."
"From the time I was nine, ten years old, I was hustling. I was one of those kids that was always selling something."
"I can sell reflection to a mirror."
"I can sell the off button to a remote."
"Your personality, your humor, your charisma, and your ability to sell and put on a show would be your celebrity."
"But who is going to grease the wheels of Commerce with their pitches and who is going to be Hawking nothing but flavored water?"
"I can sell [__] water to a whale, dude."
"People love to buy, they hate to be sold."
"Courage. Okay. So sell me something."
"He could sell anyone anything. I would witness it again and again firsthand in his office."
"This engine and blower should draw in the bidders."
"He basically annihilated Grant Cardone as a salesperson."
"You can sell anything to anybody."
"Richard Branson in the last probably 50 years has been as good a salesman as Britain's ever had."
"My selling technique is being Tom Hartley."
"pumpkin seed brim always sell the deal"
"You know the first thing he told me was you know uh gotta show your face when you're selling you know people come there they got to see your face and see what your reaction is so you know that was just one of the things."
"You got to be a salesperson, no matter what. That's the number one thing."
"I always look for someone who can sell, because if the leader of anything can sell, they usually can't build."
"Salesmanship is an art, an art knowing human nature."
"This game is to be sold, not told, nigga, go somewhere else."
"Never a doubt. Yeah, it's all good I've been selling myself all day."
"You know, if you sell like that, they will like."
"This is a car that I can sell good, bad, and indifferent any day of the week, all over the world."
"He sold more than Ric Flair sold for 95 percent of his opponents during his career."
"If you can sell, you can build anything."
"The key is Zig Ziglar said the best sale that a salesman can make is to sell themselves."
"Now, let's show you one more thing."
"Price is not a factor when you have a great product or service and you know how to sell."
"Selling is the Cornerstone of what gets things done."
"CIA officers are the world's best salesman. The only difference is you sell vacuums, we sell treason."
"The number one used Corvette salesman in the country."
"He's less interested in the specifics and the details and more about, yeah, does that work? And does it sell it in the moment?"
"They see you as a total leader, someone who can sell whatever they create."
"If you want to make 10 million dollars, you will buy this hotel."
"The best product does not always win; it's actually the best sales company that does."
"Something here about this person being a really good salesperson because of their Gift of Gab."
"He has already learned how to sell the call a little bit there as well with some acrobatics through the air."
"Asking and selling have very negative connotations, but if you find something people want and you've been practicing it on something silly, it actually makes the whole experience very fun and easy."
"You know how to sell things. Don't say you don't know how to sell, girl. You know how to sell. You're good at it."
"He was the kind of guy you want to buy something from."
"I sold you on them, didn't I? Talked them into it."
"...conviction is everything when you're sitting in front of a sales cycle or you're on the phone people can feel your enthusiasm your excitement and your belief in your product and if they don't feel it they will not buy."
"It's a sweet shop and he had a thing, he was selling to any and everybody."
"Learning salesmanship is about learning persuasion, it's about learning how to bond."
"Knowing what and why people buy is only the beginning. It's a good start, but it takes practice to put that knowledge to work. And that's up to you and to me and to every one of us who calls himself a salesman."
"Soon you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves. Red meat off the bone. He knows how to sell."
"Wow, I'm having so much fun. Whoever buys this car is going to be having the time of their life and you know what? Good for them."
"Salesman Charles Revson charmed customers by showing up with his nails painted in the newest Revlon colors."
"He continuously kept his cool, stayed professional, and stayed on target, which is to sell them a watch."
"A good salesman makes the difference between famine and plenty."
"Being yourself is the easiest sale."
"Wow, you're incredible. I wish my sales guys were like you. Like you just never ever stop following up."
"You can all have your jobs whatever your jobs are but just please be honest and ethical in the way that you sell things because people need to know what they're buying."
"My dad was a salesman or whatever that fake salesman. He sold stuff like he would have [__] from different jobs in the garage."
"Even a crackhead knows how to sell more than that."
"I feel that you can have the best product in the world but if you don't know how to sell it and if you don't have anybody who can sell it for you or tell the public it's a waste of time."
"We're looking at Logan Pisces, I'm able to sell the fantasy."
"Madam, don't look any further. This parrot here will do the job for you."
"We're all great salesmen. We sold ourselves to our wives, convincing them that this was a good product, knowing full well it was about half broken. But they bought it anyway."
"Business creating needs, now. Your job is to make your client believe that he's gotta have what you're selling, no matter what the price."
"It almost felt like you weren't selling to me, you were helping me make a decision."
"How powerful would it be when you launch a new listing that you have confidence that it will sell and it will sell well."
"People buy from those that they like."
"Another deal done, you see what Jersey he has on, he's seen one card in my case."
"Well, they can go in another auction, but in the meantime Mark I suggest take them home, get them out, have a play around with them and perhaps another day, another sale room and they will fly away. Better luck next time, Mark."
"You sell them a dream, you sell them the idea of like, okay, well, Christmas is coming up, you're going to have need to have the fishes, I got you covered on all these."
"Become the best salesperson in the world, period."
"The one you have to master most is the understanding that sales is really just a matter of relationships."
"The original infomercial might have been a little overeager in its salesmanship."
"Don't become a salesy esthetician."
"If you're making the right recommendation and you believe in the product or service that you're selling and creating, then a customer always wins."
"Something about the man’s words had him pretty convinced, and he had to recognize and even respect a fellow Salvador Dali of the salesman’s craft."
"So there's always something in you that was kind of a salesperson to some degree. But now the entrepreneurial spirit is really coming to full bloom."
"You're making it work. If someone's coming to your shop, they're gonna buy something. You just make sure that they buy something."
"I could really sell air to a human if I wanted to."
"Everyone is a sale. If you can be a sale on your daily basis, but sell for the right reasons."
"I think that's the real secret is you have to sell yourself before you go out and pitch someone else or else it just doesn't come across quite with the same conviction that you need to in that arena."
"All it is is a little salesperson sitting out there to meet somebody, connect with them, convince them that what you have, who you are, is valuable."
"A true Top Model has the ability to sell anything no matter what the product."
"You can't sell something that you're not passionate about."
"I could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves."
"When I was a salesman, they said I could sell coal to Eskimos."
"What do they do? They go out into the market and represent us with our potential buyers, and over those hundred years they evolved to become money hungry, sleazy Devils."
"You will sell on literally anything."
"I started life as a door-to-door salesman in Scotland, the kitchen store."
"Let's be honest, we always admire anyone who could sell something twice, don't we?"
"I'm the realest [__] I could sell houses dude."
"Selling is not adversarial, it's supposed to be collaborative."
"Remember that always, it's a quote from Zig Ziglar and it's that if you have a product that is way more worth it to people than their money and it truly solves the problem and it's of true value then you have a moral obligation to go out there and sell it."
"When you have that unique selling proposition, when you can say with authority and confidence why they should list with you versus anybody else, you got game."
"You know I had to walk the walk for 15 years to have the validity to get on this cam behind this camera to teach you guys the art of selling."
"Before you can get to the ask, which is about asking for the sale or a meeting or a job interview, whatever it is that you want to get out of a meeting, a lot of us are really reluctant to do that."
"You just gotta believe in yourself. See, I believed in me. But like I said, who are we gonna sell first? Myself."
"...he's a charismatic guy a lot of vision a lot of determination and obviously he can sell ice to an Eskimo it surprised me."
"I used to sell dreams for a living."
"You've got to stand behind your sales to continue to have good cash flow."
"You should want to get that house sold by any means necessary whether the agent came or not you was there giving out cookies and brochures anyway."
"Stop trying to sell me a bridge in Brooklyn bro, I'm not buying that."
"Everybody's selling something. Our whole lives we're selling. If you've ever been on a date, you have. If you've ever been to a job interview, you're selling yourself."
"Bang, sold at the right time, seems like you do that all the time."
"Such people can actually make great salesmen, Mercury-Jupiter people, because when they want to make a point, they would make it enthusiastically."
"One of the most effective techniques that we teach them is that they speak, because if a salesman mumbles, then he can't sell his product."
"One of them is from Cape Town, and she is one of the best salespeople I've ever met in my entire life."
"If someone says, 'I can make that,' I'll joke with them and say, 'But you're not going to. You should probably buy it right now.'"
"I love that salesman that was selling it to them."
"Good on them. They're not getting paid to give people good info, they're getting paid to sell more bikes."
"I was believing what he was selling, he was amazing."
"It's like I'm a salesperson trying to give it to you like buy these bars, yo, it's cursing."
"I may never be as good a salesman as you are, but I at least need the chance to do the job."
"All the selling is, is asking politely."
"Everyone is doing sales, no matter whatever you're doing, you're selling something."
"It's all about persuasion and finesse; you don't need to beat the customer to death or trick them or deceive them."
"If you've stayed in a five-star property and you've seen it firsthand, you can sell it better."
"I sell what I sell because it's the best."
"If the sales guy likes you and you're nice to him, you'll get that reciprocated."
"Salespeople are people too, as long as you treat them nice, hopefully, they'll treat you right."
"Mrs. Raisin is an excellent saleswoman," said Mrs. Bxby, "and uses her talents to help the village."
"Salesmanship is probably the most powerful single trait that one can have in business."
"Suppose one man learned how to influence people 100%. Why, in a year, he could sell us anything from freezers to political candidates."
"Before you can successfully sell a vehicle over the phone, you must win the customer over by making them believe you truly want to help them."
"Salesmen, the best ones, they're not born, they're made."
"Like it or not, we're all in sales."
"I'm not trying to sell you anything, I'm just trying to help you out."
"Your grosses will increase tenfold, your paychecks will be huge, and your customers will love you."
"Build the vertebrae of your story... remember everything you're doing as a founder is being a salesperson."
"There's four types of salesmen: order takers and tour guides, sales people, closers, and then there's master closers."
"We all sell things every single day."
"You're always selling. When are you never not convincing somebody to believe in what you want them to believe in?"