
Web3 Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Web3 offers democratization of opportunities and talent, creating an environment where there is no discrimination based on your background."
"The entire internet will be decentralized. Web 3 is coming. You can't fight it."
"Developers are using blockchain technologies as building blocks to create the next generation of decentralized internet technology, also known as Web3, which will give individual users more ownership over their data, transactions, and finances."
"Building the world's best and biggest web 3 community."
"The reality is they won't be doing full tokenized models for decades. This is why the true disruption always has been and always will come from within the web 3 Industry."
"Chainlink is insane... it's literally the Google of Web 3."
"The brave browser is the user first browser for the web3 internet with over 60 million monthly active users."
"Web 3 introduces ownership and participation, not just read and write."
"Web 3 will be marked by ownership and participation."
"It'll be incredible to see where this goes over the long run."
"The number of different opportunities that web3 is creating is extraordinary."
"Could Twitter be built on ICP for Web3.0? That's an interesting possibility." - Paul Barrow
"Blanco's block party, biggest story for web 3 gaming."
"This is the beauty of web3 that you have this ownership and you can do with it what you please."
"The world is trending towards a more open decentralized web 3 environment."
"Join the web 3 revolution. It's exciting, interesting, and brings so many opportunities."
"Web3 provides a cryptographic guarantee and allows you to create definitive truth."
"Web3 gaming... I think there's massive potential here."
"Web three is we'll put ownership back onto your hands put creatorship back into your hands and let you monetize off of it"
"You want web 3 to come into play because that means more power more money more monetization for you"
"Blockchain can completely change how this works and actually create a solution that's more in line with the web3 vision."
"Web 3 sees online privacy and owning your information as key."
"Claiming a crypto domain is a good first step towards web3 ownership."
"Web3 as a service... it's going to be that whole social media marketing age."
"I'm thrilled that we're going to get to make that a thing of the past: you know, take your phone, build web3 and Solana applications on something you take with you and find those use cases that don't exist today."
"Web 3 is about the shift from creating content to owning content."
"Web 3 is a protocol on which all of these things run... it allows people to own their own assets which is extremely important."
"Knowing about web 3 and being involved in web 3 at this point I think is a massive advantage going forward."
"Retail can understand sectors like Web 3 and blockchain, making them prime for investment."
"The utility and financial network effects are within the same framework in web3."
"Web3 can help rebuild and transform the middle class."
"The gaming community in web 3 has really stepped it up this cycle."
"Community is the biggest part of web 3, and everyone wants to help each other."
"The Japanese government made Web3 as a national strategy two years ago."
"I'm into web three which is like blockchain sort of thing."
"Web 3 is self-sovereignty; you own your identity, you own your assets."
"Web 3 has the potential to become a legitimate third political wing, combining progressive and libertarian ideals."
"we need more and more uh large household names to sort of understand and prove that web 3 can be mainstream adoption it's more likely that they'll do something very small to begin with and they're not going to probably lead the way"
"Nole is a decentralized network, a smartphone-powered network bringing web 3 into the physical world."
"Trust minimization is the uniqueness of web3 applications."
"The historic evolution that led to the web creating highly advanced applications is happening twice as fast in the web3 world."
"In web3, contributors own the platform instead of corporations owning the platform."
"Web3 allows you to align your interest with collective interest by allowing true fans to own digital property that you create."
"Every brand wants to have a digital presence on web3."
"Interoperability between multiple web3 platforms makes assets more valuable."
"I think that the key here and this is where I hand the bat on to everybody here of what web 3 what the blockchain can do for gaming and if you will gaming 3.0."
"...as you take my journey into the exciting New World of crypto and web3."
"These are the two biggest web 3 gaming pioneers, and now they are joining forces."
"Mantle, formerly known as BitOw, is the first DAO-led Web 3 ecosystem."
"Web 3 is about giving power to the community, right, the real basis of what three is even more disruptive and feels even more dangerous than what YouTube did for video."
"Every successful app in web3 today neatly falls into two simple buckets."
"They officially launched their $10 million grant program for web 3 adoption."
"I kind of saw that using web3 in video games was going to be the future."
"Web3 just goes [__] all of that, we're all humans, we're all ridiculously flawed, we're all trying to do groundbreaking stuff, have some fun, some of us succeed, some of us will fail, and I think that's amazing."
"Maybe we could bring all the communities together. You see web3 still scattered and we get together on discords and a bit on Twitter, but I thought Real Vision should play a role in doing this."
"NFTs present the Cambrian explosion of individual expression for web3."
"NFTs are the moment where we can take all of those feelings from an off-chain World... we now just have a technology that can arbitrarily carry out so that can carry around any arbitrary intangible on the internet."
"I think that's the way things are going to Trend and you know it's still early web 3ux is not the best right now but something like ccip will abstract away all those chain complexities."
"The promise of web 3 is stripping out the middlemen."
"If you guys like this kind of content and want to see more about blockchain, DeFi, Web3, and all that kind of good stuff, definitely encourage you to subscribe to the channel."
"So in this video we'll focus on the Solidity smart contract for the faucet, and then we'll build the faucet UI using Web3 in a future video."
"Lens isn't a social media app, it's a protocol to let a thousand web3 social apps bloom."
"Not your keys, not your crypto, and on Lens, we say not your keys, not your profile."
"Web3 is coming and you will need to return."
"Social tokens represent Web3, connecting creators and consumers without the unnecessary intermediaries."
"Web3 is safely in the anti-institutionalist camp."
"We wanted to make a club, we wanted to have a logo, we wanted to think about what a Web 3 lifestyle brand could look like."
"Ownership is really the key ingredient of Web3 and a huge sea change in how people think about the value proposition of different applications online."
"Snapshot, one of the most awesome Web3 tools for community voting."
"In Web3, you're actually building organization with the community, so it makes sense they should be recognized and rewarded in a more financial way."
"Let me break it down and talk about some of the most popular tools that Web3 community managers are using right now."
"Discord is definitely one of the most popular platforms for Web3 communities."
"Twitter, there is a ton of stuff going on within the Web3 space."
"Reddit, there's a lot of conversations that take place on Reddit for the Web3 space."
"The lucrative part for web3 and the link between gaming 2.0 and web3 would be the community."
"What is happening in web 3 world, man, this is so cool that you can do this stuff."
"We want to make this road to web3 as awesome as possible for you."
"Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and users, orchestrated with tokens."
"We're building a full stack privacy protocol to enable mainstream adoption of Web 3."
"Community is really important to us; it's one of the reasons that we do what we do inside of web 3."
"Every industry can be disrupted by Tech, and I think in the future every industry will be disrupted by web3."
"They're going to make something good happen for a lot of children out there to enjoy and experience Web3."
"Lens Protocol brings value to the world by comparing it to the problems with typical web 2 social media platforms."
"The data should be owned by the users; that's what web3 is about."
"Lens Protocol is a perfect example of what web3 accomplishes in general."
"What makes crypto and Web3 interesting and kind of cool is that it is a bit behind the curtain, it's a bit of an insider's game today."
"One of the things that I love the most about Web3 is this idea of public data, public infrastructure, and composability."
"To be the leading Web3, sing to earn an app that enables the Melody community to gain significant revenue and keep healthy and happy."
"We aim to deliver high impact moments to web3 founders... what we call hero moments."
"Crypto and web3 are step level function improvement over legacy systems."
"It's really important to the web3 space that there are different voices in the ecosystem."
"ICP is literally a working web 3 cloud; it can host anything front end, back end, the whole kitten kaboodle on chain."
"So now you not only understand how things work under the hood to send a transaction with web3 and Node.js, but you also know an easy method that you can use if you want to go faster."
"Alchemy is the de facto platform for Web3 development."
"Hardhat is one of the most important tools in a web3 developer's toolkit."
"This is a great portfolio project if you're trying to break into web3 or you're just trying to understand how all the pieces fit together."
"In a lot of ways in Web3, you end up owning the data."
"To get a job in web3, what tech stack should one be familiar with?"
"The Graph is a Web3 protocol that allows developers to build and deploy open APIs called subgraphs to a decentralized network for indexing and querying blockchain networks."
"All of this technology falls under Web 3, and it's growing faster than ever."
"What if you could actually understand what all of this new stuff was? What if you knew how it worked under the hood and behind the scenes?"
"There's a growing desire to learn what this world of Web3 offers, and everyone wants in."
"This bootcamp is designed to jump start your Web3 journey by showing you exactly what you need to do to get started."
"...it's basically a platform that's been designed to bridge the gap between a web 3 and the real world..."
"Digital ID will be everything... it's going to be very, very important in Web3 because your digital ID is more important now than I think it will ever be."
"Community consensus, which goes back to decentralization, is at the core of the idea of Web3."
"Third web is a powerful framework that allows you to build, launch, and manage web 3 or blockchain applications easily."
"Third Web has much more to offer."
"Off the Grid will assert itself as the number one triple-A game in web 3."
"Decentralized applications are the backbone of Web3."
"This could be a great project for any investor because it's really solving a hugely needed use case which is completing the Web3 ecosystem."
"Morales is actually one of the leading Web3 development platforms that helps developers create decentralized apps really quickly and easily."
"The technology, the reason we're here, Web3, has not failed."
"Web3 was supposed to make sure that the original artists got paid."
"That's where the Web3.js library comes into play."
"Welcome to the Web3 family, this is just the beginning of your journey."
"Are you a developer interested in Web3?"
"With web3, we introduce the idea of decentralization and distribution while keeping the core aspects of web2 that made it great."
"Data is essential for any of the major real-world use cases when it comes to Web 3."
"It's really all about emergent behaviors, and so we take this conversation to Alexis about what he sees in the early days of Reddit and the parallels that he's seeing now in Web3."
"Web 2 was read and write, and now we've moved to Web 3, which is read, write, and own."
"Web3.js connects our application to the blockchain."
"This is going to be in the future like this is the future, web 3 is the future."
"We're going to be diving into the web3 gaming landscape."
"Crypto gaming is a bonafide way for users to come into the ecosystem and use web 3 without even knowing that they're using web 3."
"Decentralized Finance, the growth of web3... it is very much a reality."
"Web3 gaming is taking an uptick... it's going to onboard users into web3 over the next couple of years."
"Army of Tactics, a web3 mobile game from the creators of Clash of Clans, this right here has massive potential."
"We're definitely in front of one of the biggest waves in all of web3 and I'm really excited for the developments."
"Render has the potential to actually become one of the biggest companies in web 3."
"This is going to be the fastest way to access Web 3."
"It's interesting to see how Web 3 is really going to affect the music business."
"This is the future of web3 gaming and I'm super excited to eventually get my hands on this product."