
Societal Growth Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit beneath."
"That's much worse when you're talking about men and women, which is the basis for all thriving society and all growth in society."
"I think that a society prospers when old men plant seeds for trees they will never sit in the shade of."
"Let everybody develop as they choose in the way they choose, developing their own societies, their own cultures, their own lifestyle choices as suits them."
"Let's be curious about things that are new to us, about things that we might not agree with right off the bat, and not judgmental because that's how we're going to become a society of better people."
"If we could only embrace all of those differences instead of judging them, we'd be far closer to graduation as a tribe."
"It's better to have a society that allows people to grow and change instead of continually punishing them for all eternity."
"We all could benefit from...reflecting on and learning from and be better about. It's not necessarily us versus them; it's like we all can be better."
"Our society grows great when old men plant trees."
"Young people tend to question the status quo even when it's great, they tend to grow out of that."
"We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity, and ultimately human fulfillment are created from the bottom up, not the government down."
"It's something that we're just gonna have to deal with, and we're gonna have to grow with as a society."
"We need to fix the declining birth rate. People having large families is good for society, it's good for people."
"Nothing has sped up the growth of humanity faster than the internet."
"Equality is overall growing, and with that comes again equality."
"I really want to make a story and I want to make it just say I can't wait for us as a culture to grow up and stop man like hating on our men."
"Let's build an economy from the bottom up, in the middle out."
"It's important to have children and to create the new generation."
"Imagine a world where energy was so clean and abundant that it was no longer a limiting factor in the growth of civilization."
"Without new blood without new babies what is a society what is a city?"
"Great civilizations are built on the back of good workers."
"If we're unwilling to invest in the children of immigrants just because they don't look like us, we will diminish the prospects of our own children."
"Not the jerk, it takes a community to raise a society."
"It's not clear why guilt is a useful emotion when crafting policies to make people flourish."
"Our youth, the number of our youth if harnessed well is going to make us great."
"Immigration is necessary for cultures to avoid isolation and stagnation."
"We did it, we legitimately built up the population!"
"Education is still the most important thing we can do."
"We can have a society with a modest level of immigration... all our communities can flourish."
"Whatever is transpiring during this time is allowing us to grow both within our individual journey as well as within the collective."
"Let's build a society where everyone can thrive."
"The advantages of cultivating large extensions of land and of grazing uncountable flocks and herds has allowed us to grow enormously."
"Literally every country has like garbage pasts and life is about acknowledging our bad things and then also striving for the good things."
"We should treasure these differences, these initiatives, and efforts and learn from each other."
"We need to build out our intellectual infrastructure."
"It inhibits the growth of a society when we don't value people solely on their level of work and ethics."
"We don't have the diverse conversations that we could have."
"It's time that we grow up as a species and stop living in fear and stop telling lies to ourselves."
"How can we grow, how can we evolve, how do we get this thing right for the little ones?"
"And, uh, you always tell people, you know, they have that technology they're just waiting for us to kind of grow up here and stop being so primitive."
"The real truth is, those people are idiots. Every time there's been social advancement, as we wake up, the American story, the human story, is one of constant social awakening and growth."
"What if we are expanding too rapidly ignorant to our own impending demise?"
"There's wealth enough for two civilizations, there's wealth enough for three civilizations."
"Our morals are as important as our prosperity."
"A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy."
"There are basically two things which grow in parallel as society evolves: the power of our technology and the wisdom of us humans for how to manage the technology."
"We're a young country and we have to now figure out how to grow up."
"If everybody agreed on any given issue you'd know that we were not getting smarter as a society."
"There's more and more of us now... there is a little bit of Hope for Australia yet."
"We should seize an opportunity to promote transparent government and more equitable inclusive growth that supports a vibrant middle class including through efforts to tackle wealth concentration, kleptocracy, and corruption."
"Humanity needs to grow up a little bit more." - Her Mind
"A lot of what we need is more entrepreneurs, an environment where strong families can flourish."
"It's like trimming away the weeds of ignorance so you can grow and blossom into something not only beautiful, but thoughtful, aware, and awake."
"The civilization of charity leads to a charitable impetus."
"I know the children cases are tough to watch but I just want to remind that it's important to learn and know the signs so we can continue to grow as a society and learn from the errors of the past."
"You actually generate a new flourishing."
"Growth matters powerfully for the ordinary citizen. When it wanes, the sick go untreated, the young go uneducated, and the hungry go unfed."
"Robbie's not so different from me. Robbie's not so different from America. You know what I mean? The show is about facing some hard truths in order to grow in the right direction, and I believe that's kind of where we're at, you know what I mean?"
"Freedom of speech and real education is a foundation upon which everything else can grow."
"Society has matured tremendously."
"We enter into this incredibly prosperous period."
"The development of home lawns has been intrinsically linked to prosperity and development."
"If we don't have Economic Development, we're going to continue in economic dependency."
"African value is supposed to be love, peace, prosperity, growth."
"Once we celebrate our differences, then we'll find a way to be richer."
"Those who partner with Israel boost their societies and boost our common relations to great heights."
"When the man acts like a man and the woman acts like a woman, family flourishes, society flourishes, children flourish, and therefore the umma will flourish."
"We have grown as a society and we can look back at history and go, 'That was profoundly immoral.'"
"We're continuing to grow as a society."
"We really can grow as a people, and it's not about black and white, or east or west, it's young and old."
"Yes, we must acknowledge the bad things we did in the past. We must also think to the future."
"We as a society have grown up... even the youth are more aware of social issues and more accepting of one another."
"For a real democracy to work, and for a society to thrive and continually improve, it requires that people continue to participate."
"Our society needs to grow beyond this; that's why I wanted to stop a little bit."
"As a culture, as a society, it's about time that we kind of grow up and recognize that people can have astonishing careers... and still have such terrible personal problems."
"Being that selfish artist, that selfish inventor, that selfish innovator inevitably led to something that was growth for all mankind and humanity."
"I think it's better when we try to create a society where everyone can flourish."
"I believe in a country where all may grow strong but none at the expense of each other."
"The saddest thing in life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
"It tells you that things grow in the kind of the same way wherever you are because people are still people."
"We are now hitting an all-time high powered by the beating heart of the superorganism and the energy dissipating structure that is the global society."
"We're outgrowing our brain as a species and to be able to understand that the science will attract people in."
"For meaningful and sustainable growth and prosperity, our use of power has to be about the interests of all."
"We need to grow up and get a grip; you cannot keep everyone out of the UK."
"The culture of rights that exists is one that is growing."
"Immigration is a net benefit to society because generally when the economy grows larger, everyone's wealthier."
"I believe that by allowing ourselves to broaden these boundaries of curiosity, society as a whole is going to benefit from that."
"I think like we're learning that as a society."
"It's really sad to me because I think everyone can agree as a society that growth is important."