
Collective Benefit Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We want society as a whole to be better because it benefits all of us."
"By taking action in your own life, you open the door to a better future for all of us."
"And we are all better off for their fight and for their victory."
"The core of our economic success is the fundamental truth that each American does better when all Americans do better."
"You have something very precious within you that the collective energy needs."
"Congratulations on not only winning a critical win but it's a win that matters for everybody."
"When your whole community has a beautiful relationship with money, a rising tide raises all ships."
"The riches that you will reap will be communal."
"If you could save yourself, you'd save us all."
"Focus on doing those things because... it's also the most fun, it just is, it's the most fulfilling."
"What will be happening is for everybody's highest good."
"When you genuinely help other human beings, you feel joy, and collectively those acts of service bring lasting joy into your life." - Roger Waters
"It's probably safe to say that if we each Embrace a little bit more of God... the upright qualities which God represents will all be a little better off or maybe a lot better off."
"What you do for yourself, you're also helping the collective consciousness."
"We're all better off when we work to make all of us better off."
"It'll help make us all better... certainly help make the world a better place."
"Sometimes for the greater good, let's get it!"
"Their deaths, each and every one of them, make us stronger."
"The power of a planned economy when you're not producing for profit, when you don't have to keep an elite section of society super rich, when you're not exploiting the workers but collectively using the wealth you produce to benefit everybody."
"Absolutely winning this will be for everyone."
"It's like everyone's gonna benefit when we're all kind of in it together."
"Socialism is a society in which the flourishing, the free development of each is the precondition for the free development of all."
"Their findings benefited the whole industry."
"Let's monolithically support one platform and watch the benefits of that."
"You aren't you embody your best self, your best life, your best relationship, you're a better person for everyone, for all, it's a collective benefit."
"As long as the whole industry is getting bigger, then that is good for us all."
"Healing oneself sets a foundation for the healing of others, even if indirectly."
"We do have shared economic interests... we can all come out ahead together on specific issues."
"Everyone wins when everyone wins. No one wins when no one wins."
"The success of one author is ultimately a success for all authors."
"The more people that get involved, the better."
"The more of us that are prepared, the better off we're all going to be."
"So what we have here is the sort of if you will the German trade union approach which is for everybody's good."
"Sharing is caring and a rising tide lifts all boats."
"If I get disclosure the world gets disclosure."
"I think first and foremost, sort of that Rising tide lifts All Ships right, you know you grow the economy everyone benefits from that."
"Let's come together and use those gifts for the collective good."
"Let's come together, check our egos at the door, let's do what's best for everyone."
"Adopt the philosophy that the rising tide floats all boats... It's good for everybody."
"Everything we experience, everything we share is for the good of the whole."
"The beauty of the loop strategy is linking everyone's outcomes together, instead of each prisoner walking in with their own 50-50 shot."
"Talent, skill, and experience will not be lost. It will be preserved for the benefit of accelerating evolution of all of humanity."
"As long as we're doing things that benefit the collective then we're going to be very successful. We're gonna make more money."
"We're talking about literally taking your mind and using it in a way to manifest something positive that helps everybody."
"Working together in the community brings abundance."
"Taking back control, making a decision that is best for everybody involved."
"When you become service to the collective, you become unlimited, because the universe supplies you, there's synchronicities, there's magic."
"Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all."
"What we do, we do for the benefit of all."
"What happens when men mend, we all win."
"When you have an organized cultural system you have the possibility of finding things that are useful or not useful at that point not just for one person but for a group."
"I create a better us by creating a better me."
"It's good for everybody, it strengthens your society."
"We'll do things if you can focus on a selfish benefit right, then we'll do things that have a huge collective benefit."
"It's a better bargain for us as a whole."
"We need to avoid those big violent breaks; we need to do it in a smooth way so that everybody comes off better."
"Ray had a dream, it became a reality, we all benefited from Ray's dream."
"It's definitely better for the industry as a whole."
"The invisible hand turns individual self-interest into collective gain."
"We can all gain and benefit from it."
"It's all about being number one for the greater good."
"Every time I work, every time I run, every time I move, it's always for us."
"We have a long and hard way to go but it's worth it as when we empower women, we empower the nation; we empower humanity."
"It's really a win-all for everybody."
"That Rising tide lifts all ships."
"Rising tides are good for everybody."
"We're all in this together, and each time one of us learns and implements even a little bit, everyone benefits."
"One person's success doesn't diminish their own chances for success; it enhances it."
"Think of it as a rising tide lifting all boats."
"We should try and develop artificial intelligence in ways that satisfy the collective claim to benefit from scientific discovery."
"This is a serious win for a lot of people."
"Engage with the material; it really matters to everyone."
"It's a blessing for all of us, everybody wins if that's how it works out."
"This is the tide that raises all the boats."
"It's only going to help everybody in the bigger picture at the end of the day."
"I'm just really excited for the future and what this means for everyone involved."
"Decisions are made by people with the best knowledge overall for the benefit of everyone."
"But that's all wrong! This is a quick trick by our own people for our own safety. For the benefit of all the world."
"It's amazing, and we're all benefiting from that."